Christmas Night



 chapter forty-nine

Christmas Night



Lu Han, who was currently working at the coffee shop, glanced outside and noticed the snow falling from outside. December. It was already December and it was Christmas Eve. December 24th.

It already passed more than a month since Alice disappeared from their lives. Physically, but not emotionally because he still remembers her perfectly. Lu Han and the other five still have memories of her. But they noticed to be the only ones.

After the day Alice left, Lu Han received a visit from Xiumin and Chen. Both demons made sure Alice didn’t suffer any kind or harm physically before she … disappears. They had to make sure she was ok. They protected her from the begging and to the last moment of her existence. And they visited the mentioned boy because the demons wanted to assure he was ok, even though they knew he wasn’t, and to tell them Alice was ok. For the last seconds of her existence she was still smiling. She showed no remorse in her gaze and a content smile.

They visited Lu Han constantly because of what he told them.

Sulli left the same day as Alice and neither he nor the other boys had news about her. She left and didn’t come back, but Lu Han was sure she was searching for a solution together with The Guardians Heaven. He just needed to be patient.

Because if there wasn’t a solution, Sulli would have already came back with a broken and sad smile and gaze. Because Sulli loved Alice too and wants her back. As well as Lu Han. As well as the other five. As well as Xiumin and Chen. All of them want to see her back.

The two demons had assumptions about what Sulli and The Guardians were up to. And if they were correct, it was a powerful a unique spell it can only be used once in an angel’s life. They somehow assumed neither if the five angel had used such a spell before, because it was prohibited in Hell as well as Heaven. And they hoped their assumptions were correct. Because the only ones who possessed that strength are them: The Guardians Heaven.

Xiumin and Chen visited Lu Han constantly to ask about news. But during the last weeks there wasn’t any. There wasn’t a single clue. But still they had hopes. Patient. They need to be patient.

And days passed like that. Normally and boring. Every day was snowing as getting colder. Some people were happy and others were angry or sad. Kids were playing outside with the snow and running with happy and cheerful faces. Christmas was coming and most were excited.

December was the month in which the coffee shop was fuller than usual. More couples attended the place and also students and families together. Most of them were excited. Even if the weather was cold, people tried to smile as much as possible.

As well as Lu Han, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Tao, Kai and Sehun. They tried their best to continue smiling and being the same, but the absence of Sulli and Alice it made it a bit more difficult. There wasn’t that feminine touch in their lives anymore. And they missed it pretty badly.

That day Lu Han decided to visit his mother’s grave. He excused himself from work earlier and left the place. Which soon was going to close because it was Christmas Eve.

Kai and Sehun were cleaning the place, which they already hanged a closed sign in the door. Sehun, after reading Alice, letter tried to be more helpful in work. He knew Alice wasn’t meaning anything but sincerity. And he appreciates her honesty. Kai also noticed the sudden change in Sehun, who indeed was more cooperative than before, and got contented.

Suddenly they heard the door’s bell rang making both turned.

“I’m sorry, but we already c-“ Kai stopped as he noticed Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Tao in front, all of them with a visible and bright smile. Just like if something rejoicing had just happened.

“What are you doing here?” Sehun asked perplexed with their bright gazes.

“Long time no see,” a feminine voice said.

Sehun and Kai immediately recognized the radiant tone. It was Sulli’s voice. And she appears from behind the trio who just entered the place with a big smile on her face.

They knew it was good news. They had that hunch.

“Where’s Lu Han?” Tao asked as he noticed his absence.

“He left early,” Sehun answered, “He wanted to visit his mother’s grave”

Chanyeol and Baekhyun mouthed a visible “Ohh” and Sulli and Tao nodded.

“Sehun, Kai you need to follow me. There’s someone who is waiting to meet you,” Sulli smiled.

“Wait. What about Lu Han?” Kai asked. “We can go and search for him”

“Don’t worry. We can give him the surprise later,” Baekhyun added with a smirk on his lips.

And they knew who Sulli was referring to. They knew who they were going to meet.

They followed Sulli in silent. And in just a month they noticed her hair grew a bit and it’s color change into a darker one. Her aura also seemed different. More warmer and dazzling than before. Almost celestial.

Sulli was wearing a sweeter, jeans and sneakers and she wasn’t shivering because of the cold weather. In comparison with the five boys, who were wearing several clothes and still they were cold, Sulli looked completely fine. She wasn’t cold. She didn’t felt cold. Angels doesn’t feel or get cold.

“Guys, I’m officially an angel!” she cheered as they walked. And they congratulated her, but soon they were confused. If she was an angel now, why they can see her? Humans aren’t supposed to be able to see demons or angels, but there she was, in front of them. They can see her perfectly.

And that was when she explained herself. It was temporary. Just for today. She was able to present herself as a human just for a day. That was the spell about.

After that day, they won’t be able to see her anymore.

Before they could ask or complain further about it, Sulli stopped making the others stop too. She signaled someone who was sitting at a fountain not far from them. That person was wearing several clothes as them and a warm scarf that cover half of her face. She was looking at the empty and cry fountain when she felt someone was looking at her. She lifted her gaze and soon her eyes grew wider and happier.

She recognized Sulli, who told her to wait in that place, and the others next to her.

The boys recognized her immediately. And they ran towards her and hugged her. All of them full with bliss and content she was back. Alice was back.

“Alice! I’m glad you are back!” Kai cheered and started the hug.

“I missed you so much!” Chanyeol hugged her too.

“It’s good to see you again,” Sehun said as he patted her head.

 “Don’t ever do that again! We were really worried about you!”  Baekhyun complained but hug her too.

“Thanks for coming back,” Tao smiled and joined the hug.

And she smiled of content. She was getting emotional. Alice felt lighter and happier.

Alice broke the huge and warm hug they were giving her and talked. “Guys, you should thank Sulli and The Guardians, they were the ones who brought me back,” Alice smiled.

In that moment, the four boys hugged Sulli, Sehun just stood there with a big smile on his lips. He wasn’t the kind he showed his emotions easily by physical affection. But he was thankful towards Sulli too. All of them thanked her.

Alice voice made them broke the hug, “Where’s Lu Han?”

She didn’t notice him from the begging and tried to calm herself. Alice needed to ask about his whereabouts. She needed to make sure he was, at least, safe.

The boys smiled towards her worry over Lu Han and explained her where he was. And Alice smiled in happiness. She left lighter now that she knows he left work earlier to visit his mother. She was happy he took time to go and visit her.

“He’ll be really happy to see you again,” Baekhyun said.

“We should give them a surprise!” Chanyeol suggested with a wide smile and bright tone.

But the boy’s ideas were childish and funny. Baekhyun suggested, since it was Christmas, to hide Alice in a present and make Lu Han open it. Soon his idea was crashed thanks to Sulli, who complained about Alice not being an object they can freely put into a box, which was indeed true. Chanyeol wanted to hide her in the apartment and made Lu Han searched for her, but Alice didn’t feel comfortable with it.

Sehun, Kai and Tao shook their heads with their suggestions. Sulli pace palmed herself and Alice remained silent and uncomfortable.

 In the end, Alice suggested to wait Lu Han patiently in the apartment. He should be back at any moment. And she just wanted to wait for him. She wanted to see him again in silent.

And on their way back Alice and Sulli explained about the consequences of bringing the first back. Even if the spell was effective, it has its repercussions.

Alice came back with no injuries. She was healthy. But she won’t be able to see angels or demons anymore because she was turned into a human. Her demon part was erased. Her demon abilities, such as perceiving people’s, angel’s or demon’s auras as well as evoking spells were no longer effective. She lost those abilities. Alice was a normal girl now. Because her human part expelled her demon one, leaving the first one behind.

She won’t be able to see Sulli, The Guardians Heaven, Xiumin or Chen anymore. But she knew they’ll watch her. They’ll make sure she was ok. And she was ok with it. It was the repercussions of coming back and Alice had to comfort them. Even if it was sad news she won’t be able to see them again, Alice was content. At least, she was back.



Alice was waiting outside of the apartment door. She was sitting in the floor and her back against the door waiting patiently. The girl had been sitting there for almost an hour, waiting for Lu Han’s arrival. She suggested waiting outside as the others prepare a Christmas dinner. Because in just a few minutes it will be Christmas.

She was about to felt asleep in her sit, her eyes were closed and her head was bouncing up and down. Alice tried her best to not fall sleep, but the silent corridor didn’t help her at all. It was so silent and comfortable.

Suddenly she heard some footsteps not far from her. Alice turned her gaze with her eyes closed and rubbed them softly. And the moment she opened them, she was welcome with a surprised gaze from a boy. A boy who she remembers perfectly and loves.

Alice stood up and smiled. Lu Han’s eyes were still wider and confused, but somehow happy too. He didn’t know what to say. In that moment, he was out of words. But Alice’s voice made him woke up from his thoughts

“Welcome back”

Lu Han walked closer towards her and hugged her. It felt surreal. He felt like he was dreaming, but he wasn’t. Alice felt warm and real. Her scent was still the same he remembered. And she hasn’t change physically neither her personality did. Even with just two words, Lu Han was able to recognize her usual self. And her eyes still reflected the emotions he remembered from her: sincerity and kindness.

He hugged her tighter and Alice hugged him back, she smiled and buried her face into his shoulders. Both felt contented. They felt completed. The missing piece in their lives was now found. They just needed each other presence and love to be complete and happy again.

Lu Han smiled deeply as a tear felt from his eye; a tear from happiness.

“Welcome back too,” he whispered and kissed her lips softly.


Soon it will be Christmas. Just a few minutes left.

The eight of them were inside of the apartment. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Tao were looking through the window some artificial works, and at twelve there will more to see. Kai and Lu Han were sitting at the couch playing video games. And Sehun was helping Sulli and Alice accommodating the small dishes at the table, which most of them were cakes and variety of Christmas cookies.

“Sulli, I’ll miss the delicious plates you always prepared for us,” Tao said as he got near the table.

Sulli placed down the chocolate and strawberry cake and smiled. “I’ll miss you guys too. Don’t be lazy and eat properly. All of you. I don’t want to see you eating noodles every day. Also you know Alice isn’t good at cooking, so you should teach her”

Now that Sulli mentions it…Alice will be the only girl in the apartment. A girl sharing an apartment together with other six boys. Well, Alice didn’t trouble herself with it. Sulli passed through the same so there wasn’t anything to be troubled about. She could deal with them.

“Alice will be the only girl in the apartment. Mmmm,” Baekhyun’s tone was rather a bit suggestive for Alice’s and Sulli’s like. If Kai was the player, indeed Baekhyun was the erted one.

“Guys, just because I will be the only girl in the apartment it doesn’t mean you can try something funny with me,” Alice warned, “I still remember my fighting abilities”

All of them laugh a bit and felt a bit afraid of ending up with a broken arm or a purple eye. Never before they had seen Alice fighting, but they don’t want to figure it out. The only one who knew was Sulli, and she was sure Alice will be ok by herself. Alice can control them perfectly even with the angel’s absence.

“You know I won’t let them,” Lu Han supported her with a smirk on his lips.

“It goes for you too, Lu Han,” Alice grinned making all the group burst out laughing.

And before Lu Han could even complain, Tao yelled in excitement “Merry Christmas!”

All of them turned towards the clock, which marked twelve o’ clock. Indeed, it was already Christmas.

They wished each other Merry Christmas and happiness.

It was a perfect ending. After so much pain and sorrow, all of them deserved a bit of happiness in their lives. 

The day of Christmas Eve Alice came back. She came back from the shadows. After so much agony and tears, and with the help of the angels, Alice came back to the place she belong and where she felt comfortable and happier: Earth.

She was now human. Full-human. And she appreciates deeply the effort The Guardians Heaven and Sulli put into the spell they created. It took them a month to perfect it, but it was worth of it. Even if she lost her demon part, which she no longer felt identify with, Alice felt complete. Adding Lu Han’s love she felt more than completed and liver.


 author's note 

»  One chapter left TT.TT 

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Chapter 50: Great story authornim .. :D
Chapter 49: That's good! I'm really glad! ^.^
But.. she won't be able to see Xiumin.. Chen.. Kris.. Lay.. Suho.. D.O!
Noo.. ㅠㅠ
They are all so nice! ㅠAㅠ
Chapter 46: Omg.. I acted out all of Alice's (Ahri) speech..
And I cried a river! ㅠㅠ
Noo.. TTnTT
Chapter 31: Omg! I'm giggling all by myself like a mad person!
Chapter 26: Whooo! D.O!
Chapter 50: Wahhhhh! Great story author nim daebak!
Chapter 25: Is Luhan an angel???
so, seeing that this is long and seems well-written, i might read it
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 50: awwww, after reading for few days, i finally finish and so glad everything turned out good, and gosh both alice and luhan are just so cute and sweet :)jeeeeeee^^ thank you for sweeeet story, love it :D