Startling News


 chapter thirty-nine

Startling news



In fact, Alice was a half-demon. Her blood was a mixture from both kind, human and demon. That’s why she aged normally like a human.

This was one of the main secrets she was carrying all the time.

She didn’t want to them to feel burden by her real nature, by her real self. Because her born was conceived from a dangerous taboo. She was the daughter from a human and a demon’s love. Yes, love.

The story behinds it … it’s a long and difficult one to explain.

But Alice was aware, she was sure, The Guardians Heaven didn’t know the details about it. They only knew about her present, not her past. And the girl was a bit glad about it.

“You are half-demon?”

Lu Han’s voice woke up Alice from her thoughts as she turned towards him. She noticed a preoccupied face that made her feel guilty for not telling him.

Well, this isn’t the very first fact she had hidden from him.

Sulli was also wearing a surprise and concern face from the moment Kris burst the news. Everything made sense now for her. The real reason why Alice needs her vital-energy to evoke spells was because she was human. The real reason why Alice’s wings are rather small and its color was brighter and charming was because it was a spell the demon created. Her wings were false. Her wings were nothing but an illusion made by one of her spells. The real reason for her calm and warm, but still dark aura was because she was human.

But neither Sulli nor Lu Han felt betrayed by Alice. It’d would be childish it they react like that. In fact, they felt much lighter and happy. They felt less guilty. Why? Because the bonds they created with Alice weren’t totally made with a born demon, but with a human too.

“What made you come with that conclusion, Kris?” Alice turned from Lu Han towards the angel. She was still wearing a calm, yet nervous gaze.

“Due to the facts Sulli told us about you. It wasn’t difficult to find out about your real nature. You waste your vital energy when you evoke spells when neither demons nor angels do it. Your wings are rather small and have a soft shade of grey when your kind it’s know by having the most dark color one. It was pretty obvious”

I see. Alice’s gaze left towards the floor.

She failed. She failed on hidden her real origins. It wasn’t like she was ashamed to be half-demon half-human. It wasn’t like that. She just felt like was risky telling other about it, because the girl was still unsure with telling other secrets about her. Alice felt unsecure about telling others about her problems and flaws, because she felt like burdening them. And the apprentice hates that feeling.

“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. Sulli and Lu Han were sure Alice was referring to them. “I’m sorry for hidden such an important fact from you, guys”

Lu Han smiled as he looked at Alice’s back frame. He was sure what she was thinking. He was sure she thought of it, the fact of her origin, being a burden for them, but Alice was wrong. That fact she just reveal to them was a fortunate one.

“Don’t be”

Alice’s eyes got wider and rounded. She realized Lu Han was hugging her from behind as he spoke, his forehead resting on the top of her head hiding his gaze and his long arms were around her neck and shoulders.

She felt warm. Alice felt warmer than usual and delighted. Sulli’s gaze reflected the same as Lu Han’s supportive words. The demon apprentice didn’t need to feel guilty or burden by her true-self because it was the real Alice afterwards. She being half-demon didn’t change the perspective they had from her, because where you came from doesn’t affect or change the way you behave.

After realizing that Alice heard Lu Han’s comforting and flustering whisper.

“Don’t feel burden by it. After all, you’re still the Alice we know. The one who is sweet, kind and sincere. The one who will always put everyone’s priorities first. You are still the one I felt in love with. You are still the Alice I love”

Those words made Alice’s heart melted. It was a feeling she never felt before. It was a mixture from happiness and a burning desire. It was a delighted emotion that only Lu Han can evoke from her. And she was glad she felt for someone like him. Someone as genuine as Lu Han.

“You’re aware that your relationship is prohibited, aren’t you?” Lay asked at the cute couple. He was, as well as the other three angels, contented, but still concerned.

The four angels noticed the truthful feelings Lu Han and Alice’s auras evoke. A rather blissful and openhearted one that can melt everyone’s heart just by looking at it, because of the honesty.

“Of course we are,” Lu Han stated as he lifted his gaze and rested his chin on Alice’s head wearing a smirk on his lips, “But I’m not letting her go just because it not allowed. It made be risky, but she’s worth of it”

And those last words made Alice turn into a shade of a light red. The five angels saw her reaction and thought it was a rather cute one.

“Good then,” Suho smiled.

“Don’t worry. We support you. We mean your relationship,” D.O added as he walked a bit near.

“Really?” Sulli was the one who spoke first, “I mean…You’re ok with it?”

D.O, Lay and Suho nodded confidently while Kris had just a supporting gaze with a small smile. They weren’t against it and it made Sulli, Alice and Lu Han less heavy.

After the talk, The Guardians Heaven left the apartment. Their soft, calming and supportive aura flew away when they step in the balcony, set free their big and pure white wings and left the place.

Three of them already disappeared, but one remained for a few seconds more.

Kris turned causing some of his feathers left on the balcony. He felt Sulli’s presence behind him.

“You knew it at along,” Sulli started, “You knew I will meet her and feel attracted by her sincerity. That’s why you told me to disguise myself as an apprentice”

Kris smiled. He was the one who sent Sulli down to Earth to meet again Lu Han after the encounter they had when he was little and he was the only one angel who was aware of Sulli’s ability. Neither of the other three or other angel or apprentice from this kind knew about Sulli’s power, only she, Alice, the five human boys and Kris.

Kris thought of the possibility that Sulli could help them, Alice and Lu Han, find their happiness with her power. And it was turning just the way he thought it would be.

“Just continue helping them. They also deserve happiness”

And with that Kris flew away back to Heaven.

Sulli smiled and when she turned the angel was welcome by a cute sight. Lu Han was joking with Alice as he was tickling her. He was making her smile more than usual, not only her, but also Lu Han looked more vividly than ever.

The angel was sure that with Alice help Lu Han felt less heavy about his mother’s death. She was sure about that because his smile reflected that way.


 author's note 

» If you remember from the chapter #2 I mentioned someone besides the guys knowing about Sulli’s power. And that someone turned to be Kris ^^ (feel free to re-read that chapter to fresh your memory)

Also I’ll be explaining on the next chapter more about Alice’s origins.

Back to the fic…. LUHAN TOLD ALICE HE LOVES HER FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME <3! OMG! (give me a moment to come to my senses once again T^T) don’t you find it cute? Because I do. Well, Luhan just said it, but Alice didn’t -not yet- ;) hihihihi. 

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Chapter 50: Great story authornim .. :D
Chapter 49: That's good! I'm really glad! ^.^
But.. she won't be able to see Xiumin.. Chen.. Kris.. Lay.. Suho.. D.O!
Noo.. ㅠㅠ
They are all so nice! ㅠAㅠ
Chapter 46: Omg.. I acted out all of Alice's (Ahri) speech..
And I cried a river! ㅠㅠ
Noo.. TTnTT
Chapter 31: Omg! I'm giggling all by myself like a mad person!
Chapter 26: Whooo! D.O!
Chapter 50: Wahhhhh! Great story author nim daebak!
Chapter 25: Is Luhan an angel???
so, seeing that this is long and seems well-written, i might read it
rudelysweetk21 #9
Chapter 50: awwww, after reading for few days, i finally finish and so glad everything turned out good, and gosh both alice and luhan are just so cute and sweet :)jeeeeeee^^ thank you for sweeeet story, love it :D