Yoona's First Love







Seohyun watches her two high school bestfriends hug and jump up and down in excitement.

“What you doing there? Seo? Don’t you miss me?” Hara pouts cutely.

Seohyun smiles and joins the two. They might be a sight to see in the airport. Three gorgeous girls laughing and chatting as if no one was watching. Seo and Yoona knew each other the longest. But even Seo have to admit that because Yoona and Hara have the same choding personalities, the two doe eyed girls just click more.

They were known as the three Goddesses in high school. Of course, Yoona was the most popular one and going to an all girls high school where everyone is addicted to drama, people constantly pitted them against each other. But they were thankful that they were a few of the lucky ones who found good, loyal people instead of conniving es as friends.

Yoona was quite upset at first that Hara chose to go to different university, but she learn to accept it. In a way her friendship with
Seo strengthen now that it was just the two of them.

“So, how long are you staying to visit?” Seohyun asks…

“Ummm… probably the weekend or maybe longer if I get lucky.”

“Lucky in what?”

“Don’t ask Seo, Hara stop polluting Seohyun’s mind.”

“What? I’m just saying… so, are there like a lot of cute guys here?”

Kwon Yuri. WTH?! Yoona immediately jump up as she didn’t know what made her even think of… of… of that girl...

“Whoah Yoong… you ok?” Hara asks worriedly as she sees her friend just froze all of a sudden.


“I don’t know you just suddenly like went… freeze.”

“I… ahhh… got cold… hehe.”

“So lame… If your fans could see how lame you are.”

Yoona roll her eyes at the statement. “Whatever… coming to visit to check out the guys.”

“Hey… I come here to see you two.” Hara pouts cutely once again.

“Yup. Keep telling us that… but we still love you. So how about we go grab something to eat?”

“Yoona… you smart girl… you…”


A tub of rocky road ice cream and her and her friends scarfing it down was the life for Yoona. Although she loves Seohyun practically like her own sister, she admits that it felt good to not be so uptight and just let loose with Hara.

Right now, under the tree the girls laugh their hearts out reminiscing about the stupid yet memorable things about high school.

“Remember Yoong… first day of high school you were late.”

“Well… my bike broke…”

“Yeah blame it on the bike, you were like stuck in detention for a week… like who was it with?”

Yoona could perfectly remember who she was stuck in detention with, that was the first day she saw Kwon Yuri… If she thinks about it, it’s like life has a funny way of bringing them together.

“I don’t remember.” Yoona lies…

“Oh my Gosh… I think it was Yuri unnie.” Seohyun says happily.

Blame Seohyun and her mood killing skills.

“Kwon Yuri? It was her?!” Hara wonders "She is like so hot now, if I know she was going to be this hot, I would have went to this university.”

It takes a lot to make Yoona stop chewing but the name Kwon Yuri seems to always do the trick.

“She wasn’t like that in high school, was she Yoong?” Hara asks.

Yoona wanted to say that Yuri was cute in high school, dorky and super cute that was why she had always liked her. She didn’t know why Yuri turned into this player who just seems to bump every pretty girl in sight. That bothered her especially since she knows that Yuri shouldn’t have an effect on her.

“I don’t remember her in high school.” Yoona lied.

Hara chuckles… “Of course, you’re Im Yoona… An unpopular girl like her is not worth your attention.” Little did Hara know that in high school, all of Yoona’s attention was on that unpopular girl. “So, are you guys close with her now?”

“Well, she and Sooyoung unnie are friends so we hangout with them sometime.”

“Ooohhh… lucky, is she really hot in real life? Cause she’s like gorgeous in her facebook photos.”

Yoona stop sipping her drink and looks at Hara “Wait… you two are facebook friends?”

“Yup… Arent you?”


“Why not?”

“Cause were not friends and you two aren’t either.”

“Gosh Yoong, didn’t you see that movie about facebook? That’s why that Mark guy invented facebook so everyone could be friends.”

Yoona roll her eyes “Sorry but I don’t befriend people I’m not friends with.” She replies sarcastically.

Hara lift up her brow giving Yoona a yeah-right look. “Oh really? So, you really know all the 5,000 friends you got?”

Hara got her there.

“No… I just feel bad if I don’t say yes to a friend request.”

“I’m facebook friends with unnie.”

“See? Even Seohyun is friends with her. You’re getting slow buddy.”

“So, Yuri invited you?” Yoona asks surprisingly…


So, why didn’t she invited me? It shouldn’t have bothered her, it shouldn't but here was her heart slowly aching again.

“So, did the two of you actually talk in facebook or your just there in her facebook friends?”

Hara laughs before giving Yoona a wicked smile, “Well… actually she post a happy birthday message on my wall on my birthday.”

And Yuri probably don’t even know when my birthday is…

“Well, since I’m here I was wondering if I could hangout with her.”

“WHAT?!” the word hangout means different things for Kwon Yuri. And seeing that her bestfriend looks like a doll, she would probably hangout in Kwon Yuri’s bedroom. “Why would you want to do that? Yuri is like flirtatious and cocky… You won’t have fun with her”.

Seohyun was surprise with Yoona’s outburst but Hara remains unfazed by it.

“Well, I’ll be the judge of that… We’re going out this afternoon. I ask her if she could show me around the campus and she was like so cool about it and was like yeah…”

It shouldn’t bother her anymore, it shouldn’t. But here was Yoona, her heart crushing in pieces per millisecond at the thought of somebody else with Yuri.

She thought she was over her, she really did… But now that she thinks of it, Im Yoona couldn't get over someone who still have all of her heart in the first place.




It was the year of K-pop invasion, the beginning of this weird thing called facebook and unfortunately for Yoona, the year they make crappy bikes… She growls angrily at her useless contraption, it was her first day of high school and she’s going to be late.

ARGH!!! She flings her foot out of frustration at the bike. “OW!!!” She winces clutching her foot.


Yoona turns to the sound of noise pollution. A raven haired girl rides her bike happily singing along to some Korean song. As Yoona turns back to try and fix her bike, she hears tires squeal behind her…


Yoona turns to see girl-singing-korean-song-she-probably-have-no-idea-what-it-meant walking towards her.

“What’s wrong?”

The girl walks over to Yoona’s bike and tries to inspect to see what was wrong with it. Yoona sees the girl’s yellow ribbon on her uniform. The girl went to the same high school as her and yellow means she’s a year older than her.

“Oh, your chain just got loose, if… HEEEEYYYY!!!!! MY BIKE!!!!!!” the girl screams as she saw the doe eyed girl speeding away with HER bike.


Yuri wishes the girl giving her obsessive love stares won’t give her nightmares this year… Ham Eunjung has been Yuri’s obsessive suitor since they were in pre school and although Yuri have politely decline Eunjung’s offer day after day after day. Eunjung still lived in this alternate universe that Yuri is secretly in love with her and is just scared to admit it.

Yuri cringes at Eunjung mouths “I love you” from across the table.

“Why don’t you just say yes to her?”

The sound of munching only means one thing… that Yuri’s bestfriend since diapers, Choi Sooyoung is close by. The tall shikshin was never the right person to go for advice. Whether it be love, studies, friendship or money but that doesn’t stop her from giving out anyways.

“Don’t wanna… she’s psycho.”

Sunny, fun sized (also known as short) friend with overwhelming cuteness sighs dreamily… “Aren’t we all Yuri when it comes to love?”

“How should I know? I have never been in love.” Yuri shrugs.

“Not yet” says the mischievous shorty Taeyeon.

“Well… anywho… why don’t we change our topic to something more important than love? How about we eat tempura in the food court after class?”

Yuri growls… “I can’t I have detention today.”

“What? First day of school and you got yourself in trouble already?”

“It wasn’t me… this girl got me in trouble.”

“That’s what the guilty ones say.” The three nods in agreement…

Yuri huffs a frustrated sigh. If this was another case, she would have argued with her three bestfriends, but after walking under a 100 degree weather heat and getting detention, she is just too tired to argue.


Yuri couldn’t recall the day much worse than this one. It was the first day of sophomore year and she became a victim of a heartless psychopath who took advantage of her kindness. Not only did the girl stole her bike, she had to walk under the scorching heat only to get yelled at and given detention. She could be somewhere right now, but nooo… she was in the library, walking to detention.

oh, and who do we have here? The BIKENAPPER!!! She doesn’t even look like she cared that she made someone’s day hellish. She was there napping in the corner. Yuri angrily stomps towards her

“Shhhhh” The librarian scolds her…

“Sorry” Yuri apologizes and starts tiptoeing (very angrily still of course) towards the sleeping girl. She pokes the girl’s wide forehead to wake her up. The girl flutters her lashes then frowns at her. “YOU” Yuri says in a low and threatening voice. “What kind of person steals someone else’s bike after they tried to help them?”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I’m in detention too.”

“No… it doesn’t.” it means Yuri is going to be stuck one whole afternoon with her.

The girl scratches her head as if Yuri’s presence bugs her… “Well… it’s your punishment for murdering the girl’s generation song.”


“It’s a catchy song.” Yuri reasons out

“Doesn’t mean you have to sing it.” Yoona answers back

“Then, don’t listen to it.”

“How could I not? If you’re screaming it?”

Yuri growls but the girl didn’t look the least bit affected on offending the tanned girl. She rolls those beautiful doe eyes before adding, “You probably don’t even know what you are singing about.”

Yuri slams her palms on the table and scowls at the still unresponsive girl. That did it! This girl, with her big doe eyes and pretty cute face is going to be in her hate list. How dare she try to mock Yuri and her love of K pop?

“You could have just said sorry but noooo…” Yuri hissed. The two got involved in an intense staring match, neither wanted to look away, neither really seem to want to look away.

“Huh?! What’s this?!” Yuri looks surprise at the load of cartolina and art crap put in front of them.

“It’s your punishment, both of you. You two have to make the bulletin board for the library.” said the stern librarian…

“What?!Just for being late?” Yuri turns to the bulletin board… that’s not even a bulletin board, she thought, it’s a freaking wall. “Ms. Boncho don’t you think this is too much? Could we just get a warning and get on with our lives?”

“Just get to work so we can get out of each other’s faces.” the girl adds as she quickly picks up the art materials.

Yuri growls again for the nth time. And Yuri wonders if the girl just makes her do that or she was just a lion in her past life, she wasn’t so sure.


If people can see her now, with the beads of sweat dripping from her forehead and the look of determination in her eyes, People would assume Yuri was trying to defuse a bomb that could obliterate the whole city. Yoona rolls her eyes at the hopeless retard who takes 10 minutes to cut out one letter from the paper.

“Are you sure you’re in high school? because I swore they teach cutting in kindergarten.” Yoona says in her deadpan voice.

“You are just a ball of sarcastic rage that I could just kick anytime.”

The girl shrugs then continues to cut… Yoona cringe at all the neon colors that Yuri was using.

“What are you planning to do? Blind the people with our bulletin board?” Yoona complains.

“What are you talking about?”

“All those neon colors, it can make a blind person see again.”

“Don’t you know? That’s the best way to get someone’s attention, a neon sign.” Yuri schooled the obnoxious freshmen.

Yoona roll her eyes and doesn’t want to argue no more. “Whatever. Let’s just agree to disagree.”

“Ahhh crap.” Yuri dives down on the floor with a loud thud. Yoona looks suspiciously at a girl who just walks in the library seemingly looking for someone.

“Are you hiding from her?”



“Just be quiet.”

Yoona raise her brow then “Pssst..” Yoona wave her hand to call out the girl

“What are you doing?!” Yuri jumps on the pale girl and tackles her to the floor. The two are unaware of the close distance between them as Yuri lays on top of her.

“Tell me why you’re hiding from her.”

“Well… she kinda likes me…”

Yoona scoffs “And I thought you’re stupid, but obviously someone is more stupid if she likes you.”

“Gee… thanks” Yuri says in a sarcastic tone.

“YURI?!” Eunjung finally saw her but her eyes immediately darken when she sees that her future lover is on top of someone else. “WHO ARE YOU?!”

“Me?” Yoona asks then quickly wraps her arm around Yuri’s shoulder, pulling her close “Maybe I should ask you what do you need with MY girlfriend?”

“What the-?” Yuri looks at the girl surprisingly.

Imagine telling a die hard SONE that girls generation is breaking up, let’s just say that’s how the crazy girl’s face looks like.

“Y-Yyyuri is… is this true?” the girl’s voice cracks… Yuri is about to say something when…

“shhhh” Yoona lays her finger on Yuri’s lips. “let our actions be her answer” Yoona then roll as she got on top of the other girl. Yoona have been in plenty of summer drama workshops to know how to fake kiss. When she heard the girl storming away, she lets go of Yuri in a loud thud.

“What did you do that for?!” Yuri tries to look angry but all Yoona could see is the deep red blush on the tanned girl’s face.

“Well, she won’t be bothering you… so I guess that makes us even for me borrowing your bike.”

“Whatever” Yuri scoffs and turns away, mumbling to herself…

“I’m Yoona.”




OW!!!! Yuri turns angrily at the tall girl with hand that could match Thor’s hammer.

“You owe me donuts.” The tall girl purse her lips angrily…

Yuri scoffs. That’s her bestfriend just finds random things to make an excuse to get herself free food.

“What for?”

“For not telling me, your bestfriend since kinder that you have a girlfriend.”

“What?!” Yuri turns to look at Sunny, gaping open and her eyes off her DS which could only mean one thing. This is serious…

“You like girls?”

“Oh, so that’s why you keep on looking at Sunny’s chest.” Taeyeon adds in a matter of fact

“SHUT UP! At least I don’t her!!!”

“WHAT?!” Taeyeon stands up to show that she meant business, not that it matters since she was practically a teenager trap in an elementary school girl's body. “It was an accident and it was just there, like airbags…”

“Kim Taeyeon!!! How dare you?! You think my ies are airbags.”

“No, more of pillows, so fluffy.” Taeyeon pouts thoughtfully, making lewd squeezing actions with her hand as she tries to remember the feeling. “yup… pillows.”

“Hold on a second!” Sooyoung steps in “Let’s go to a more important business… When are you going to buy me food?”

“Who’s this girl by the way?”

“I don’t have a girlfriend. Where did you even hear that?”

“from Eun jung, dude, we thought you died or something with the way she was bawling… turns out she saw you on top of your girlfriend in the library kissing.”

“And here we are feeling guilty cause you have to go to detention while we were eating tempura… hmmp… you were busy eating someone else.” Taeyeon says

“That just doesn’t sound right.”

“We're talking yesterday how people go crazy when it comes to love, then here you are, breaking boundaries and normalcy to be with the one you love.” Sunny adds

“What are you even talking about?”

“A girl and girl love. You must really love her to go beyond boundaries.”

“Or she just makes Yuri .” Taeyeon and her erted head.

“I’m not in love…”

“But you’re .”


“fine. Fine… We're just joking…then tell us, what happened?”

Yuri takes a deep breath and explain the worst day of her life to her three bestfriends.

“So, who’s the girl?”

“This freshmen name Yoona…”

The girls eyes widen…

“Who are you and what did you do to my bestfriend?!”

Yuri swats Sooyoung’s hand off her face.

“What’s the big deal?”

“Yuri, no offense girl… you’re cute and all but there is just no way you can land someone like Yoona.” Sunny tells her

“Don’t you know who Yoona is? She’s like so famous in middle school that people in high school already know about her.”

“She’s not my girlfriend! I can’t stand her… growls” Gosh the thought of Yoona makes me want to turn into the hulk.

“I think she’s very beautiful.” Sooyoung says “and I thought I was beautiful” The tall girl takes a deep sigh like her life story is so tragic “but after I saw her I didn’t want to look at the mirror anymore cause I’ll only feel sorry for myself.”

Yuri rolls her eyes “Gosh Soo…soap operas looks like a comedy compared to your tragic life.”

“I know, right?”


Yoona is already working on the bulletin board when Yuri arrives…

“Sorry… Girl scouts meeting just ended…” Yoona just nods and continues cutting… “For you.” Yoona’s lips slowly curve into a cute smile when she sees the chocolate. “It’s from this girl, boy, kinda in between… you know Amber Zhang, the prince? She told me to tell you hi.”

“Oh” Yoona instantly looks disappointed and pushes the chocolates back to Yuri. “Keep it.”


“I don’t like that brand.”

“Why what do you like?”

“Hersheys.” Yuri raise her brow, wondering if the girl is being funny or was telling the truth


Unlike yesterday the two work in complete silence today. Yoona couldn’t help but think that she prefer having the little banter with the girl than drown in this awful awkward silence.

“You want to play a game?” Yuri talks first


“I ask you a question and you get to ask me a question too?”

Yoona snorts “What made you think I want to know things about you?”

“Cause you will miss half of your life if you don’t.”

Yoona chuckles and rolls her eyes “fine… you go first.”

Yuri pouts thoughtfully “tell me about yourself.”

“What about me?”

“Like your family… stuff like that.”

“Well… ummm… my parents are both doctors, my dad is a cardiologist while my mom is an oncologist” she notice Yuri’s confuse look… “They specialize in cancer” I’m the youngest, I have an oppa and an unnie. They’re both in medical school. So, how about you?

“ahhh… I’m the eldest, then the one younger than me are twins. A boy and a girl. My whole family is in the States.”

“Oh, so you’re here by yourself?”

“No… my aunt lives with me, she’s single… so if your dad knows any eligible doctors, tell him to introduce her.” they laugh.

“That’s not interesting.”

“Well, you got to know me more.”

“Ok, why are you here and your whole family is in the States?” Yoona asks...

“Cause my first year there I was crying, I miss it back home and the kids there are quite mean… so, I came back.”


The girls continue working…

“Well… I’m glad you stay.”

Yuri smiles at her… awww… she could be sweet after all…

“Hopefully next time I get to do something it would be someone who’s not a retard.”



Yuri looks worried at the stack of chocolates beside Yoona as the girl bite.chew.cut.bite.chew.cut.

“You want some chocolates?” Yoona asks without even looking up.


“You have been eyeing my chocolates since we started.”

Yuri grips the chocolates on her hand tighter but then takes a deep breath and hands it to Yoona.

“For you,” Yoona looks at the hersheys. “It’s from me…” Yuri says nervously...

“Oh ok.” Yoona says indifferently. Yuri looks disappointed that Yoona put the chocolates in her bag rather than join the army of chocolates beside her.

Yuri sits down by Yoona when she turns to the girl, Yoona shoves a chocolate on .

“Thanks” Yuri mumbles…

Yoona then pops a chocolate into her big mouth, Yuri didn’t even realize that… how big Yoona’s mouth gets.

“Do I have something in my teeth?” Yoona asks then smiles, her teeth dark from the chocolates. Yuri chuckles then shakes her head.

“No… how bout me?” Yuri smiles and the chocolates are all over her teeth too…

Yoona lets out that big laugh and shakes her head. From the other corner, people can’t help to wonder who was this girl who gets to spend alone time with their Goddess.

“Ummm… Yoona?”


“Is it ok if I go ahead?”


“My bestfriend is auditioning for the theatre club today and I want to support her.”

“Theatre club? You going to audition too?”

“Me… no… I get stage fright but dancing now that’s a different thing.”

Yoona looks and sees a smile creeps into Yuri’s face.

“Cause when you dance you just let music take control of you… no lines, no anything…”

Yoona quickly looks away when she realizes she was staring…

“Ok… tell her good luck.”

Yuri smiles “I will.”


The seniors and the advisers raise their brow at the shaking girl in front of the stage… Sooyoung’s friends sighs heavily, feeling bad for their friend.

“Man… the moment she needs her thick skinned self, that’s when her nerves strikes her.”

Sooyoung is stammering and practically creates a puddle on the stage with how hard she was sweating. Yuri wish she could go down there and save her bestfriend. But then… THUD… Yuri, Taeyeon and Sunny stood up from their seats as Sooyoung collapse to the ground.



“Ooohhh kay… that was awkward.” The theatre club president mutters under her breath as Yuri and the girls assist Sooyoung out of there. “next… let’s have Im Yoona” and suddenly, Yuri hears the hush whispers all around the auditorium. Everyone’s eyes are on the Angel walking up the stage. Sooyoung suddenly shot up.

“What the hell is wrong with you?”

“I want to see your girlfriend act.”

“She’s not my…”

“Shhhh” almost the whole auditorium glares at the four

“Sorry” the four girls bows down in apology.Sooyoung pushes her friends away and sits at the back, Yuri and the girls just shrug and plop themselves by Sooyoung. One of the panelist gives Yoona her storyline. Yoona clears and just in a snap, the mischievous kid that Yuri knew for the past few days turned into this different character.

Yoona has been acting since she was five yet still she always get hit by the nerves when she’s up on the stage. But strangely she didn’t feel any nervousness as she looks up at the faces of the audience and out of everyone she sees a raven haired girl lifting a neon pink poster in the air.

Yoona puts her hand to try to calm her heart and softly she smiles. She doesn’t know what she was feeling but whatever it is, she likes it.

Yuri could hear the hearts breaking in the auditorium as they watch Yoona act. She became this fragile girl who you just want to save, and with every tear she was able to break every heart in that auditorium.

“God have mercy on the person who’s going to break her heart.” says one of the panels.


That audition cemented Yoona’s status in the school. The whole entire high school were divided into two, Yoona's fans or Anti Yoona.

Yuri has been strangely quiet and it’s like after they were done with the bulletin board, Yuri just magically poof away from her life and Yoona didn’t like it. Now all Yoona could do is watch Yuri from afar wishing that the girl would start to talk to her again.

It was valentines day and Yoona’s locker was filled with every kind of chocolate and valentines day cards. She was used to receiving countless confessions, sometimes she couldn’t help but feel bad, girls and boys pouring their hearts out, some even referring to some love songs just to win her heart.

Now that she was on the other side of the fence, her nerves were killing her, she spend the whole night making the neon pink valentines card for a certain raven haired girl.

“Neon? It’s the best way to get someone’s attention, right?”

Yoona whispers to herself, as she looks at the valentine card.

She sees Yuri walking with her rambunctious friends, Yoona takes a deep breath, ready to smile at the girl. But Yuri walk right pass her without giving her as much as a glance. Yuri walk right pass her as if she never exist.

And for the first time, Yoona knew what a heartbreak feels like.

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!