Now It's My Turn




Yoona is one of those rare people that you can truly describe as someone who is so damn beautiful. She never needed the fancy clothes or the loud accessories to get notice. One look and one smile were enough for people to fall for her.

Yoona always wear a few key pieces daily; her diamond studded earrings, a white gold necklace with a heart pendant, a silver watch and a ring. But not one of those elegant jewelries is as important to her as the black hair tie in her wrist. She always has TWO hair ties on her wrist.

One she keeps in handy just in case she gets hot and need to tie her hair up.

And the second one might look like any ordinary hair tie, but it’s that one thing that Yoona will never trade for the world.

And to throw it across the sea would do nothing but kill her… So, she made sure that the one she threw was the other hair tie she has handy, unfortunately, Yuri doesn’t know this.



Sooyoung couldn’t just watch her bestfriend hurting like this anymore. Yuri finally stops and buries her face in her hands, crying her heart out. In the end, she loses her strength to stand anymore and finds herself kneeling on the sand.

Sooyoung kneels beside her and takes her bestfriend in her arms.

“There, there” Sooyoung pats Yuri in the back, letting her bestfriend cry in her shoulder because truth is, she knows no words can console Yuri anymore.

“Why am I such an idiot?” Yuri was crying so hard that her question came out with a croak.

“Love does that to people.”

“What am I going to do?”

“Right now just give Yoona some space, let her cool off a bit until she’s ready to talk again. But for now, if it makes you feel better, just cry.”


It was weird that even though the place was loud with her friend’s laughter. Yuri still felt so empty, Yoona went home without even saying goodbye. And even if the beach is the best place to be in, right now, all Yuri wanted was to be with Yoona again.

Then, the girls look in surprise as Yuri starts running back to the house.


Yuri’s POV

If this was some drama, I would have been down on my knees, crying in buckets, arm out trying to reach for something, screaming her name…

“ YOONA! YOONA! YOONA! WHY????!!!!!!”

She was the one I love. The only person I could love.

The person who I build my forever around.

This was the person who left and took everything I have with her.

My heart, my soul, my all.

If this was a Korean drama, it would cut into commercial, give you a preview of what is going to happen in the next episode.

But this isn’t a drama… it’s my life, there is no commercial break, no previews… it’s my God damn sad life…

And I’m going to do something about it…

I turned around and started shaking Shika…

“Give me your car keys! now!”

My friends stood there, stunned, confused of whether they should back off or pull me away from Jessica…


Jessica is probably going to kill me later but right now… I’m almost as good as dead…

“I SAID GIVE ----“


She muttered… I quickly grab the car keys and run to her white BMW. I sat there, hand in the ignition when a revelation occurred to me… I couldn’t do anything but slam my fist on the steering wheel…


I jumped out and pulled Jessica into the car…

“Drive to her house now.”

My friends started getting into the backseat… Jessica was quiet and I froze… the dragon is about to be unleash… but instead of fire coming out of , she says to me softly.

“I don’t think it will make any difference.”

She’s probably right, I probably should just stay here… I really wanted to go snorkeling, but I’m afraid I’m just going to end up drowning myself if I think of Yoona.

“I don’t care… I’m going to try…”

I could see my friends pitied look from the rearview mirror… Jessica bites her lower lip and drive…



It was an awkward two hour drive, being cramped into that small, yet very spiffy space in Jessica’s car. I was thinking how it would be so cool to get a car for Christmas, but I got to pass my driving test first. I couldn’t help but frown at those idiotic driving instructors. Who cares if it was the other car’s turn to go? The driver was being too slow! In my world, it’s you snooze, you lose, bish. Obviously my driving instructor didn’t believe in that.

My contemplations about how I could ask my parents for a car quickly vanish into thin air when a familiar melody strains from the radio.

Aha! Listen Boy… My First Love Story

I feel my lips trembling…

My Angel and My Girls

My eyes were starting to water…

My sunshine

That’s me and my Yoona’s song…

Oh! Oh! let's go!


MY friends jumps away as they see me bawling in the corner. I mean who does this? Cry when they hear Gee? But I’m in a fragile state of emo right now. Now that I think about it, this is so embarrassing.

“Alright! Alright! We will change the song, just… calm down.”

Press skip.

Oh! Oh! Oh! oppareul saranghae


Press skip.

geuraeyo nan neol saranghae. eonjena miduh ggumdo yeoljeongdo da jugo shipuh.
nan geudae sowoneul irwojugo shipeun (shipeun) haengoonui yeoshin.

“I only wish for Yoona…”

Press skip.

Girls generation make you feel the heat

“Yoona makes me feel the heat...”

Press skip.


“I’m sorry…”

“Hyo, take it easy on her.”

But Hyoyeon’s rantings was interrupted as we park in front of their house.

“Oh wow… is this where she lives?”

OMONA! To say her house is huge is an understatement. I feel like this is castle that those fairy tale books describe. But of course, none of those princesses has a 10 car garage, infinity pool and a security camera on the gates.

Man… now that I think of it, the hair tie is probably the cheapest thing that Yoona owns. My gosh I swear when we get back together, I’ll give her something, fit for a princess. My princess.

We couldn’t help but keep on gawking on Yoona’s house. It reminds me how small and unimportant we are, but I just couldn’t stand there and be intimidated. I have to try… I have to freaking try…


I doubt she could hear me, her house is a mile away from the front gates but that didn’t stop me…

“YOONAAAAAAA!” I screamed at the security camera. Oh great now I’m going to be in the stalker list and any second now a bunch of Men in black suits are going to jump me for causing such a ruckus.

But I wasn’t done yet, right now Yoona left me with no choice… I have to tap the Asian in me and start my ninja moves by climbing on the gates. When I heard the barking of around 50 dobermans, german shepherds or whatever breed that rich people have, I quickly scurried down like some squirrel… I was ready to die for her but not like that, I don’t want to be no doggie chow.

I just grip on the gates and started shaking it…

“Yoona… please baby… I’m so sorry…”

This was the part where I break down…

“Please come out and talk to me!”

I shook the gate in frustration, I didn’t even realize my tears was creating a puddle on the ground. Tiffany tries to pull me away but I shook her before she could even touch me. I will wait here, I don’t care how long…

“I love you...”

I whispered softly… maybe my screaming freak her out, maybe if I could just talk softly she’ll come out…

“I love you… I love you… I love you...”

“Let’s go home...”

“I don’t wanna..”

“You have to… she’s not going to come out...”

Tiffany and the girls look at me, it was pity, it was just a look but it was enough to comfort me…

“I promise we’ll come back...”


No matter how excited Yoona was to see her old high school friends, still a part of her was still stuck on the beach and even if it hurts like hell, her mind still kept on replaying those memories.

She ignored the restaurant door open but Seohyun looks at her knowingly, as if telling her to turn around.

It took every ounce of strength from Yoona not to run back into Yuri’s arms. They haven’t seen each other for just two days but Yoona miss her terribly already.

“Yoona… hi…”

Everyone in Yoona’s table look at the two in curiosity, wondering who was this person talking with their Goddess? Yoona never looks at anybody as intense as she is looking at this girl and their closeness and the way they talk to each other, it’s something to be suspicious about.

“Who’s the girl Seo?”

“Ummm… Yoona’s friend.”

“Oh… friend, huh?”

Yuri knows she shouldn’t just pop in out of nowhere but she missed Yoona too much and wanted to hold her again.

“You can’t just pop in like this…”

“I know but I miss you so much…” And Yuri wanted so bad to ask Yoona if she misses her too, as intense, nagging and as painful as she does… But she decided to wait… “Yoona please… I just need you to give me a chance to explain everything.”

“Not now Yul…”

“Maybe later then? after you’re done with lunch?”

“Ok…” Yoona turns away from Yuri. “Hey guys, who’s hungry?”

Everyone starts piping in, using their aegyo to make Yoona pay for their meals.

“Cool. Cause Yuri here is paying…”

“Whoah… what now?” There were around a dozen girls in there, Yuri would be stuck eating cup noodles if she pays for their meal. But the big idiot that Kwon Yuri is, just nods and agrees.“Sure, what would you guys want?”

She steps into the counter, carefully counting her cash.


Yuri quickly puts away her wallet as she sees Seo standing beside her.

“Don’t worry, I’ll pay half.”

“S-seo you don’t have to. I got it, just go have fun with your friends. It’s ok.”

“No. Yoona is not being a very nice person right now, just think of this as her way of making up for it.”

Yuri smiles thankfully, at least she knows Seo still has her back.

After Yuri was done taking orders, she pulls a chair from another table and looks for a space to squeeze in beside Yoona but before she could settle in her chair, Yoona stops her.

“There’s no space here Yul, can you just sit over there?”

Yoona was doing such a great job of making Yuri feel like sh!t, and Yuri still lets her if it means they’ll get back together.

Yuri should be focusing on the hamburger in front of her, but she felt she lost her appetite as she just stares at Yoona.

“So, Yoong who’s the girl?”

Yoona was aware that Yuri was listening in, so she made sure that Yuri will hear what she’s going to say. “No one… just one of my fans.”

And Yoona was right, Yuri heard every word of it but how she wished that she didn’t.

It was breaking Yuri’s heart knowing that while she was falling apart, Yoona looks like nothing ever happened. Yoona was laughing and joking with friends and ignoring her presence as if she didn’t need her at all while here she is desperately needing Yoona, like a drowning person needing air.

“Yoong… why didn’t you eat something?”

Yuri asks as she sees Yoona’s plate full. Here was Yuri paying for half of everyone’s meal and yet the only person that she gives a damn about, didn’t even took a single bite. “I wasn’t hungry.”

Love can beat you in the guts like that and Yuri was starting to feel like for once, she doesn’t have the strength to fight back.

Yuri always has the habit of carrying Yoona’s stuff (she’s just gentlemanly like that) but as she reaches out for Yoona’s purse, Yoona quickly swipes it away.

“I’m tired Yul, can we do this some other time?”

“Oh… okay… Can I take you home?”

“No, maybe some other time.”

And all Yuri could do is stare back as she sees Yoona walking away from her.


When it was just her and Yoona, Seohyun decided that it was the right time to give Yoona a piece of her mind.

“Why would you do that to Yuri unnie?”

“Well… she wants to try so I’m giving her a chance.”

Seohyun can’t believe how insensitive Yoona had gotten. “She wants to get back with you, Yoong, not be your slave.”

Yoona sneers “I thought you’re my bestfriend…”

“That’s why I’m saying this because I’m your bestfriend. Don’t treat Yuri unnie like this, she loves you a lot and I know you do too… She might not see how you are, but I do. I know the difference when you’re happy and when you’re pretending to be happy. And that moment during lunch, I know you were just stopping yourself to go and sit with unnie, but you go choose to pretend you’re happy just so you could hurt her.”

Damn you, Seo…

But Seo pressed on. “I know we hear or read it all the time that if someone loves you, they’ll fight for you no matter what but with what you’re doing, Yoona you’re going to push her to her limits.”

“Then, maybe she doesn’t love me enough.”

“Don’t be selfish.”

Seohyun is getting to the point where she’s hitting Yoona on all the wrong places and Yoona has had it. “I’m selfish?! You know what she did, right Seo? She lied to me this whole time that were together, just so she could get it on with me.”

No matter how irritated Yoona was, Seohyun still remained composed that it infuriated Yoona more. “You think it’s that? You think that’s her reason?”

“Why? What else could it be?”

“I don’t know maybe you have to talk to her to find out.”

“And she’ll keep lying to me, sometimes she just says things that I don’t know if I should even believe it. A letter…”

Seohyun looks at Yoona questionably “A letter?”

“Yes… she told me she gave me one. But I’m sure she’s just making it all up, because I swear I would have remember if I got one from her.”

Yoona was surprise when Seohyun didn’t have any comeback. It looks like Seo was thinking deeply.

“What’s going on, Seo?”



Yuri cried herself to sleep and have finally started to drift away when…


Yuri can’t hardly open her puffy eyes but someone, she’s betting it’s Sooyoung is now shaking her awake.


“Can I just go to sleep?” Yuri collapse back in bed, her eyes shutting down when Sooyoung starts shaking her again.

“NONSENSE! You’ll have plenty of time to sleep when you’re dead! This is the time to enjoy life and be with friends!”

“If I dream about you guys, does that counts?”


Hyoyeon shoves Sooyoung out of the way “No, it doesn’t! Yuri, we want you to know that you need to give each other space before you fight back for Yoona.”

Yuri starts getting teary eyed… “YOOOOONNNNNNNAAAAAAAA” Then cries on her pillow.

“Great Job, Hyo… I thought were going to give her a codename” Sunny snaps at Hyo…

“I forgot ok? I know you all think I am perfect but truth is, I’m not. I make mistakes too.”

“Don’t worry, Hyo… we never thought you were perfect.”


Taeyeon grits her teeth in anger as she hold onto the bars.

“Who’s great idea is it to go ice skating?”

“WAZZZZZUUUUPPPP????!!!” Sooyoung taunts Taeyeon with her rocker sign and zooms pass the already irritated girl. The tall girl pissed Taeyeon so much more as she shows off by skating backwards pass Taeyeon. “I’m so good…” Then, sooyoung points at Taeyeon then mouths to her “You .”

“You’re dead, CHOI!!!” Taeyeon wasn’t able to think clearly and realizes that she doesn’t know how to ice skate. She tries to maintain her balance, skipping, sliding but ultimately failed as she lands on her .

She hears someone swishes from behind her “You need help?” she looks up and sees Jessica offering her hand.

Oh great now she looks more pathetic in front of Jessica… “No thanks, I’m okay.” Taeyeon stands up and just stands there, since one small shuffle can lead to her falling on her .

“You’re not going to skate?”

“Nope. I’m just going to stand here and enjoy, just standing.”

Jessica glowers at her “You don’t know how to skate, don’t you?”

“What? PFFFTTTT… Of course I do.”

“Alright, then skate.”

“I told you… WHAT THE?!” Jessica shoves Taeyeon and the poor girl tries to maintain her balance, arms and limbs flying everywhere as she tries to stay upright.

Taeyeon growls as she falls down again…

“You know sometimes admitting you don’t know something is much better than lying and ending up on your .”

“Gee… thanks” Taeyeon says sarcastically. Jessica is so romantic…

Yuri was skating slowly when Sunny smacks her in the back.

“Stop crying, the salt in your tears are going to melt the ice.”

“GRRRRRR… And you look like Justin Bieber...” Yuri almost stumbled backward as someone crashes into her.

“Oh my God… I’m so sorry…”

If this was player Yul, she would already have hit on this pretty girl. But she isn’t anymore she’s PuppyYul, Yoona’s girl.

“it’s okay…” Yuri helps the girl up.

“I’m Nicole…”

“Ummm… Yuri…”

“Nice to meet you, Yuri.” Nicole smiles sweetly…

“You too. See you around.”

And Yuri skates away, if it was player Yul she would have stick and started flirting but she wasn’t, she’s because now she only belongs to Yoona.

Hara sighs heavily and crosses her arms at the girl standing right in front of her.

“You need to talk to Yoona...”

Hara scoffs, didn’t Seo knows what happened between her and Yoona? Sometimes Seo’s naivety is just bordering stupidity.

“Well… hello to you too, Seo...”

“Oh… yeah… hello…” Seohyun blush when she realize how rude she was.

Hara shakes her head, it’s so hard to get mad at someone this naïve… “I would want too, but I don’t think she wants to see my face right now or ever again.”

“Then man up and start fixing things, Hara.”

“Gosh Seo, aren’t you over it already?”

“It’s not about me, Hara it’s about Yoona… She and Yuri unnie are hurting right now and I think that this is the only way to fix things. You need to make things right.”

“What good will it do, huh Seo?”

“I don’t know but I can’t stand seeing Yoona hurt like this. If you don’t care much for her anymore as a friend then don’t, but at least have the decency as a human being to have a conscience and make things right.”

“As much as I want to, Seo, the letter…”

“Here…” Seo the neon red letter on Hara’s hand.

Holding the crumpled letter, felt like a nightmare haunting Hara awake. “You kept it?”

“Yup. I didn’t see the reason why I should give it when you’re the one who was supposed to give it to her in the first place." Hara never thought this day would come, where she would falter to Seohyun..."And this time, I’m going to make sure you give it.”



Seohyun couldn’t help but wonder how Hara does it, here she is carrying a stack of confession letters while Hara is just holding one.

“I told you, Seo, when those Yoonaddicts go to you, tell them you’re busy.”

“Well… I don’t want to lie.”

“It’s not a lie, you’re just exaggerating the truth.”

“Who is that from?”

Seohyun notice how Hara’s suddenly grew quiet… “From nobody” Hara balled up the letter and throws it in the trash.


Yoona’s pout was getting worse as she scans through every letter that Seo gave her.

“Are you looking for a specific one?”

“Wae? Oh no… I’m just…” What’s up with Seohyun’s friends just suddenly growing quiet? “Nothing… Here, just keep my letters.” Yoona hands Seohyun the letters before standing up.

“Aren’t you going to read them?”

“I” Truth was, Yoona couldn’t bear to read them. The only thing the letters does is hurt her. Yoona couldn’t help but wonder why this people who have no idea who she is could confess to her and that one person who she feels most comfortable with doesn’t feel the same thing about her. Does that mean that maybe she just wasn’t good enough of a person for Yuri to like her back? If she was a stranger and she and Yuri didn’t get stuck in detention, would Yuri notice her then? “I’ll just ask you for it.”

“Oh okay…”


Seohyun already has a box in her house filled with Yoona’s letters. She was actually thinking of buying a file cabinet so she could file each person alphabetically. Seohyun pats her pocket and remembers the letter she kept in there.

She pulls it out and straightens the crumpled neon red letter that Hara threw in the trash.

“I wonder who’s it from?”

But Seohyun never opens and reads any of Yoona’s letters. It just wasn’t right and her parents warn her that it was invasion of privacy and if she does that, she could go to jail.

Seohyun just shrugs and puts the letter in the box along with the others. For now it’ll just stay there until she gets that file cabinet.


After her talk with Yoona, Seohyun was running to her house. To hell with those cops arresting her for invasion of privacy, she was going to open those letters and see if Yuri unnie really gave Yoona one.

Her floor was scattered with a bunch of flowery, scented and cutesy letters until she finally got to the crumpled neon red letter.

“Damn you, Hara...”


Taeyeon’s face look like someone crumpled it as Jessica brought her to a specific place that she really has no plans going back to.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“So, you could practice how to skate...”

“I have no-“ But Taeyeon felt the words just stop coming out of as she have never appreciated the ice rink until now, when it’s shimmering right in front of her.

“I was guessing, you were embarrassed to try and learn, since there was a bunch of people there and you’re afraid to look like a dumb@ss. But now, it’s just you and me… You could be the big ultimate fail that you are and I will still like you...”

This was Jessica being sweet and Taeyeon was finally starting to fall for it, to fall for her.

“I ummm… ok… So, how did you get the skating rink to ourselves?”

Jessica lips curve into a devious smile “I’m rich, b!tch.”


Yoona’s family was hosting their annual Christmas party with a bunch of those stuck up, rich people who laughs like they own the world and eat those fish eggs they call caviar.

“Yoona- shii”

Yoona turns away from the crowd and looks at one of their servants.

“Your friend is here…”

“Thank you ahjussi...”


Yoona felt her heart skip a beat when she saw how beautiful Yuri look Yuri looks in her black dress.

“Hello Yoona...”

Yoona had invited Seohyun but Seohyun is obviously doing stuff to piss her off. “Wha-what are you doing here?”

Yuri grips the carnation tighter in her palm. “I ummm… wondering if I could be your date for your family party. I promise I’ll be good...” Yuri smiles weakly hoping Yoona would lighten up.

But with the way Yoona is gripping Yuri’s arm as she led her outside, it’s obvious that she didn’t.

“God! I know you were thick skinned but coming into my parents house? Seriously Yul.”

“I…I don’t know what else to do, you won’t answer my text and calls.”

“What do you want Yul?”

“Is this it? You just want to give up again?”

“Don’t you get tired of it?”

“I do, I’m fukcing exhausted Yoong... But if I have to choose to be tired my whole life but have you or live an easygoing like without you. It’s not really much of a choice, I still choose you.”

“Yoona… What are you doing outside? Mom is looking for you.”

OMO! Yuri thought she have just gone straight the moment she sees Yoona’s big brother. He has that dropper good looks and to think she already saw his picture a couple of times. In person, he looks like a freaking God.

“Jaejoong oppa...”

Yoona was immediately pushed aside by her big bro as his focus shifted on the gorgeous girl right there.

“Hi… I don’t believe we’ve met...”

“Ummm… Hi… I’m Yoona’s friend… Yuri…”

“I’m her big brother, Jaejoong...”

“Oh yes, she talks about you, I heard you’re in medical school...”

“Yup, third year…”

“Oh… I’m not going to be surprise if people would try to get sick, just so they could make an appointment with you.”

“WHAT THE HELL, YUL?!” Yoona almost shouted as Yuri just started flirting with her brother right in front of her.


Jaejoong’s laugh is as amusing as Yoona’s… “I like you, you’re funny.”

Yoona couldn’t help but groan at the fact that her brother has the same taste as she does.


Yoona was a master in breaking Yuri’s heart. Yoona definitely belong to the rich crowd and Yuri quickly felt that she doesn’t belong there. And the fact that Jaejoong was keeping her company most of the night, didn’t do nothing but get her in heat with most of the women in there.

But no matter how hot Jaejoong is, Yuri only wanted his little sister. But what was left of her pride was quickly disappearing as Yoona just set her aside once again, not even bothering to introduce Yuri to anyone.

Yuri excuses herself from Jaejoong and finally gathers up the strength to walk over to Yoona.

“Yoona, can we talk?”

“I’m busy Yul.” Yoona didn’t even turn at Yuri…

“Please… just a few minutes and that’s it.”

Yoona groans as if Yuri was nothing more but an inconvenience.


Yuri and Yoona went to the secluded part of Yoona’s vast gardens, and when Yuri was sure that they’re away from everyone. She finally broke down…

“All I ask from you is to just give me a chance to explain.”

“Not now, Yul.”

“Then when?” Yuri asks desperately…

“I don’t know…” Yoona said so coldly, like she truly doesn’t care.

And for Yuri, that was it, she had enough.

“Why does it always have to be me who’s trying to make things right?”

Yoona shrugs and Yuri couldn’t believe how Yoona could act so cold about this. “I don’t know maybe because it’s always your fault?”

“How about you not trying? That makes me feel like it’s your fault too.”

“Tell me why I should try?!” The angry look in Yoona’s face made Yuri fell a step back. “Tell me why every time that you break my heart, I should help you fix things? You make me feel like the most stupid person alive, even if you hurt me over and over. I still come back to you.”

“I made you feel stupid?! You make me feel stupid too… Even if you treat me like some sugar daddy or like I’m your b!tch, here I’am still begging for you to take me back.”



Yuri grips Yoona’s arm and looks straight into those doe eyes.



“I know I hurt you but it’s not about getting even or who hurt or love the most. This is about us Yoona, what were trying to do to make things right, and right now I feel like I’m the only one making an effort.”

“I’m not forcing you to, I mean why do you?”

There is that indifference again doing nothing but kill Yuri.

“Because I ALWAYS, ALWAYS feel like were worth fighting for, for once Yoong make me feel like I’m worth fighting for too…”

“Sorry Yul, but sometimes I don’t really see the point.”

And maybe Yoona was right, there was really no point to all of this. It’s just that Yuri was too much of an idiot to know that.

“It kills me Yoong that you act like it never matters to you if I’m in your life, when you’re the only one that matters in mine. If this is how you really feel, that I’m not the one who means something to you, then I won’t bother you anymore. I hope you find someone who you would love entirely because obviously it isn’t me.”

It’s funny, how Yoona could pretend to ignore every time Yuri begs for her to come back, but now that Yuri finally says it’s over, she could feel herself dying…

Now that she thinks about it, it wasn’t funny, it was quite sad actually…

So, this is how it feels everytime she walks away from Yuri. It hurts, in fact it hurts so much, Yoona felt like it’s going to kill her. Should she chase after Yuri? Does Yuri wanted to be chased? Or should she just let her go? No, she can't let go... she never could...

Yuri keeps on walking, begging her heart for once be the stronger one between her and Yoona and not look back. And for once, her heart followed.

But she couldn’t help but scoff as she knows one thing will forever remain unchanged.

Who am I kidding? I’ll always love her...



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!