Double Date With The Epic Fails



Yoona’s eyes quickly darted along the magazines lined up in the shelves while at the same time glancing around making sure that nobody spots her.

“Let’s see Seventeen, Good Housekeeping, GQ… ahhh…” Yoona quickly grab the magazine with the hot girl with all her cleavage hanging out in the cover. “Hmmm… 69 ways to please your lover? Huh? Why is it always 69?” Yoona decided to wonder about it later and bounce out of there before anyone sees her.


Too late.

“UGH! Crap.crap.crap.crap.crap.” Yoona hurriedly gathered a bunch of magazines to cover up the cosmopolitan that she bought before the Hyoyoung duo got to her.

“Awwww… Yoona, my love… we're sad.” Yoona looks puzzled when the two pouts.

“W- Why unnie?”

“Do you only get excited to see us when Yuri girl is around?”

“No… no,” Yoona shakes her head fervently, She loves the two even though they have the habit of popping up whenever she and Yuri are getting…ummm… intimate… “I ummm just didn’t expect to see you guys here.”

“I know, right? How could two steaming hot girls be in a nerdy place like a bookstore?”

“I know” Yoona laughs nervously.

“So, what do you need all that magazines for?”

“I ummm… well… For a project…”

“Oh is the project name, how to please your girl in 69 ways?”

Yoona was left stammering, struggling to find an answer.


Yuri sits on the park bench with Tiffany.

“Pany… help me.”

“You fought with Yoona again?”

“Ummm no… Its just that I want to take Yoona out on a date and ahhhh… for once I want everything to go right.”

Tiffany looks at Yuri who looks worried. “Well… why don’t you take her to a normal date?”

“Huh? I don’t get you.”

“Just you know… instead of going all out just take her to dinner and movies. Ah! I got an idea…” Tiffany takes out her phone and starts texting… “Yul, how about this? Why don’t you and Yoona have a double date with Jess and Taeyeon?”

“Oh, ahhh Taeyeon?” Yuri didn’t think it was a good idea if she was the captain of epic fails, Taeyeon was like her co captain and the two of them together would be disastrous.

“Yes. The two are extremely awkward with each other having you and Yoona there maybe it will help them relax.”

“Do they even like each other?”

“They do, Jessica already knows it but Taeyeon is still confuse, she needs this.”


Jessica didn’t know why she agreed with Tiffany about this. Tiffany let the two stay over at her aunt’s place so they could cook something for Taeyeon and Yuri. Jessica felt so lost around the kitchen while Yoona tries to make something from the ingredients she have. Yoona was flipping over the cooking magazine when a line from an article caught her attention.

You know the way to know if someone really loves you is if they eat what you cook no matter how horrible it is…

“Yoona… What are you doing?” Jessica asks worriedly as she sees Yoona dousing everything that her hands could get on inside the pot.

“I just want to test a theory Sica unnie.”


“Credit cards and cash.”


“Allergy meds.”


“Two hot girls.”

Yuri and Taeyeon smile seductively at each other.

“Double check.”

“So, Taeng… Do you really like Jessica?” Yuri asks as she sees Taeyeon gathering up her stuff before they step out of the dorm.

“I don’t know… This is all Pany’s idea and I’m just going along with it.”

“Look dude, if you’re not sure then…”

“I’m not sure… cause… I don’t know if it’s fear or maybe something else that I feel with Shika. Maybe this date will help clear things out.”

Yuri cups Taeyeon shoulder and looks at the girl’s eye.

“Don’t worry dude, whatever you decide, I’ll back you up a hundred percent.” The two takes a deep breath “This is it Taeng, let’s go pick up our girls and blow their minds away…”

Taeyeon giggles cutely, “Kekeke… you said blow.”

Yuri giggles along, “Keke… blow.”


“Remember Taeng, let’s play a little hard to get, make those two want us.”

But as soon as the door swings open and Yuri saw the gorgeous girl standing there, she was hooked.

“OH GOD!!! I’M SO LUCKY, MY YOONA IS SO BEAUTIFUL!” Yulpup starts nuzzling herself on Yoona while spazzing like a fan girl.

“Gosh Yul, calm down.”

“How could I?! This is for you, my love.” Yuri hands Yoona the bouquet of flowers. And Taeyeon watches as her bestfriend left her hanging high and dry to defend herself over the Shika.

“H-hi Shika… This is for you.” Taeyeon extends her arms to hand out the bouquet and Shika grabs it and walks ahead of the girl.


“Taetae… aren’t we so lucky?”

Yuri’s word of the day: Lucky

Taeyeon swears she could see hearts on Yuri’s eyes like one of those cartoon people when they’re in love.

“Our girls…” Shika glares at Yuri and Yuri quickly recoiled before Shika could harm her “I meant my girl and Shika here made us… WHAT THE FU-?!”

Yuri and Taeyeon had the look on horror on their faces when they saw what was laden in the table for them. Yuri tries to remain calm as Yoona sits her down.

“I hope you like it babe, I made it just for you.” Yoona winks…

It was the wink of death.

While Yoona and Shika went back to the kitchen, Taeyeon leans over to the deathly pale Yuri. Who gulps as she looks at the slimy, puke green with a hint of yellowish blob on the plate.

“It looks like sh*t,” Yuri finally admitted.

Not feeling so lucky now, huh Kwon Yul?

“It probably taste like one too… Here… let’s put it in your bag and just tell them we ate it.” Taeyeon takes out the plate but before she could put it on Yuri’s bag.

“Oh hell no!” Yuri yanks her bag away “This is a coach purse, baby… I’m not going to put that piece of crap inside here.”

“Your girlfriend made that piece of crap.”

“You know what Taeng? You are under estimating our relationship. Our relationship is build on trust and honesty. So, I’m going to tell her straight up… There’s no freaking way I’m going to touch this.”

Taeyeon roll her eyes “Yeah right, you say no to Yoona?”

“Just you watch Taeng, watch how I will handle this situation.”

“Hello…” The two girls join the two in the table. “Sorry we took long…”

“Yul, I made this all for you, it’s full of my love. The whole time I was cooking it, I was thinking Oh… I wish my Yuri would love this.” Yoona sighs dreamily...

Taeyeon snickers as she sees Yuri’s face fell in defeat. Then, she froze when she sees Shika looking at her.


Taeyeon and Yuri took a deep breath and started shaking as they look at the slime pour out from the spoon. They haven’t even ate it yet but they felt like puking already. Yuri’s phone vibrates.

From: ByunTaeng
Maybe if we eat it fast, we would hardly taste it.

Yuri nods in agreement, then exhales deeply.


This thing -whatever it is- should be in Fear factor.

“Yummy” Yuri lies. Gosh. Where was Sooyoung and Hyo when you need them?

Yuri starts shoving the food inside , while trying to wipe away her tears. She looks up, ready to puke when she sees Taeyeon’s plate still full.


Taeyeon “accidentally” slides the plate to the floor along with all the crap that was in there.

“OMO!” Taeyeon said in fake regret “Gosh how clumsy of me?” Yuri was shaking her head, her bestfriend since preschool has forsaken her. “And I was really looking forward to eating that” Yuri wouldn’t want to do nothing but smack the face of the traitor.

You’ll pay for this you traitor…

And Yuri spoke too soon cause out of nowhere the Hyoyoung couple pop in, ready for another performance. Taeyeon almost spits out her drink. This doesn’t look good, not good at all.

Sooyoung clears “After Yoona heard the bad romance, Hyoyoung version, she fell head over heels with Yuri and because you’re our friend Taeng, we want to play cupids for you and Shika too.”

“So, get ready to get your mind blown Shika, this song is from Taeng to you.”

“Oh no no no no no… NOOOOOO!!!!!” Taeyeon lands her face in the table and she could hear Yuri’s laugh mocking her misery.

I’m in love with Shika… Shiii-ka

I’m in love with Shika

Shika! Shika-a-a Shika! Shika-a-a
Shika! Shika-a-a Shika! GAGA

While Yoonyul were laughing so hard, Shika was just sitting there frozen.

“C’Mon Taeng…” Hyoyeon pulls the unresponsive Taeyeon up in the stage. “Sing Taeng… I’m in love- with-“ Taeyeon wouldn’t sing it “Whatevs Losah!” Hyoyeon pushes Taeyeon to the side.

I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby Shika’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Shika, baby
I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby Shika’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Shika, baby

I’m in love with Shika

I’m in love with Shika

Shika! Shika-a-a- Shika! Shika-a-a
Shika! Shika-a-a Shika! GAGA

Sooyoung closes her eyes prepare to blow their minds away and Taeyeon couldn’t wait to blow Soo and Hyo’s brains out.

I wanna love you,
But something’s pulling me away from you
Tiffany is my virtue,
Shika is the demon I cling to
I cling to!!!!


Soon, Yoona and Yuri pulls Shika up on stage and joins Hyoyoung up in stage and joins in the finale.

I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby Shika’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Shika, baby
I’m just a Holy Fool, oh baby Shika’s so cruel
But I’m still in love with Shika, baby

I’m in love with Shika

I’m in love with Shika

Shika! Shika-a-a- Shika! Shika-a-a
Shika! Shika-a-a Shika! GAGA


“REALLLY?! OH REALLY?! You “serenade” Shika with a Lady gaga song?!”

“And Why not? It worked with Yoona and Yuri.”

“We were suppose to sing Alejandro but it doesn’t rhyme with Shika so we used Judas.”

“See? See Taengoo?” Sooyoung looks at Taeyeon “The efforts that we put through just so you can get your girl.”

Taeyeon stomps her foot and turns around.

“So, where are we going next?” Sooyoung asks excitedly.

“You’re not going with us!” Taeyeon snarls at her.

“Why not?!”

“Is that even a question?!”

“Let them go, Taeng.”

And Taeng snarls in defeat… She’s just defenseless against Shika.

Hyoyeon puts her arm around Taeyeon and pulls the girl away to the corner.

“Take this as an opportunity, Tae… Yoonyul there is like puking rainbow sweet, and if me and Soo acts all sweet too, I’m sure it will rub off in Shika and soon you two will be all lovey-dovey and stuff.”

Sweet? Taeyeon wasn’t sure if Shika is capable of that. “I’m not sure about that.”

“Trust me… When did we ever fail you?- Ummm… Don’t answer that!”


Taeyeon couldn’t help but feel a slight pang of jealousy as she watches Yuri and Yoona with their hands twined as they walk ahead, while even Hyo and Soo are skipping happily as if they’re in the field of grass shooting a CF.

She turns to the dragon lady beside her… wondering if she should try and hold her claws- she meant hands. Taeyeon slowly reaches out when...

“WHAT THE FU---“ Taeyeon clutching her hands in pain and growls at Shika.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I wouldn’t dare if I were you.”


Yuri scratches her head as she look at the movie selection… Should she watch the vampire movie? Nope… Yoona might spazz over the werewolfs abs… How about something gory? Yoona would be all over her or kill her for choosing such a bad film so nope…

“Choose the love story, Yul.”

Yuri turns and sees Hyoyeon smiling knowingly at her.

“I don’t know, Hyo I’m not really into love stories.”

“Oh.ho-ho buddy…” Hyoyeon puts her arm around Yuri’s shoulders. “This isn’t just a type of love story, I heard rave reviews about this, a little tragic but there are some really cool scenes that might help you and Yoona finally get there.” Hyoyeon twitches her brows up and down…

“Oh no no no… I’m not going there again, I don’t want Yoona to get mad at me.”

“That’s the thing, dude. You are not doing anything, it’s like a subtle hint that will push Yoona to go there with you. Or what Yul? You don’t want to do it with Yoona anymore?”

“Oh yes” Yuri nodded her head incessantly “I still want to do it with Yoona but I’m willing to wait.”

“Then, choose this… Then, maybe you don’t have to wait no more.”


“Wow Sooyoung unnie thanks for grabbing everyone’s snacks.”

“What?” Sooyoung has two tubs of popcorn, a box of chocolate and a large slurpee. “Oh this is just mine, you girls buy your own.”

“I got the tickets.” Yuri walks over to them and Yuri’s hand magnetically links with Yoona as they lined up to enter the theatre.


Yuri follows Yoona to their seat and before Sooyoung could follow them, Hyoyeon pulls the tall girl away.

“Me and Soo will seat up here… so we don’t bother you guys…”

Yuri presses her forehead against Yoona, making Yoona giggle cutely. Yuri puckers her lips jokingly to kiss Yoona.

“Yuri and Yoona sitting in the movies, K-I-S-S”

Yuri turns angrily at the two, “SHUT UP!” One light squeeze in the arm by Yoona and Yuri’s angers poof away.

Taeyeon tries not to look worried that Shika is busy texting.

How’s the date going?

From: Jessi
UGH. I think horrible… I’m just nervous… Taeyeon makes me nervous.

From: Tiffany
Jess you are thinking way too much… Taengoo is pretty cool, just talk to her like you would talk to others and you’ll realize you have nothing to be nervous about.

From: Jessi
Easy for you to say…

From: tiffany
Where are you guys now?

From: Jessi
In the movies…

From: Tiffany
Well, share your popcorn, it’s the little things that will ease you up.

Ok… I can do this

From: Tiffany
Of course you can…

Taeyeon quickly froze on her seat when Jessica turns and glares at her. Jessica tilts her popcorn towards her.


Taeyeon grabs a handful and stuffs it in . Taeyeon felt her phone vibrate

Be sweet… feed her popcorn…

You nuts?!

You got to push the limits, girl.

Taeyeon takes a deep breath…

“Ok here goes… Shika?” Shika turns around and Taeyeon almost shove the popcorn up Shika’s nose. Despite of the dark theatre, Taeyeon could see Shika’s eyes glowing a dark red. And if looks can kill, Taeyeon would be with Shisus Christ now…

Yuri wraps her arm around Yoona’s shoulder and Yoona snuggles closely, leaning her head on Yuri’s shoulders.

Tiffany, you’re right again… other than that horrible meal, this date is probably the best that me and Yoona have been in.

Yuri kisses Yoona’s hair but just when she thought everything would go perfect, something just have to go wrong cause there in the first scene of the tragic love story or the two main characters tragically doing each other.

Yoona quickly stiffens up in her seat and pulls away from Yuri. And just when she thought she was almost ready to be with Yuri, she sees this. And it frightened her immensely and at the same time, made her insanely jealous. Yuri have done this, this… this “scene” with other girls. She felt that no matter how much they love each other, she will always still be one of the girls that Yuri did it with while Yuri is the only one for her.

Yoona tilts her head, squinting her eyes as she looks at the scene…

Oh… that’s what they call 69…


Yuri looks worriedly as Yoona suddenly don’t want nothing to do with her after the movie.

“Hyo, this is all your fault.”

“What? What did I do?!”

“Yoona won’t talk to me because of the movie.”

“Yul” Hyo pats Yuri’s shoulder “She’s just a little nervous now, she’s probably like whoah… I’m going to do that with this girl who keeps on having major epic fails?”

“Not helping.”

“You unconsciously made her think of it without doing anything. See? I’m a genius…”


Yuri puffs her cheek, watching as Yoona and Shika are looking at the clothes in the boutique.

“I want to go home.”

Yuri almost jump back, there sitting underneath the clothes rack was a tired looking Taeyeon.

“This isn’t going well, Yul.”

“I know Taeng, but you can’t give up.”

“What am I even fighting for? me and Shika… we just don’t click…”

“You two are just nervous… I was nervous too, I mean I still am…” Yuri smiles happily then sits up with “Doesn’t it flatter you that there is someone out there who thinks the world of you that it makes them nervous to be around you?”

Taeyeon looks over and sees Shika staring at her, Shika growls then quickly looks back at the clothes. Taeyeon smiles…

“I guess you got a point, Kwon.”


“You ok?” Jessica asks Yoona who’s flipping clothes after clothes after clothes.

“Yeah, why?” Yoona answers while still flipping.

“Nothing, it’s like you were different after you saw that movie, did it kinda scare you?”

Yoona finally stop… “Yuri has done those things with other people, while she’s going to be my first. I just feel like… It won’t be as special to her as it would be for me.” Yoona mutters softly.

“You know Yoona… I knew Yuri during freshmen when she would go out and let’s just say “hangout” with those different girls.” Yoona closes her eyes, she doesn’t even want to imagine Yuri with those others “But I never ever heard her talk about any of them, even about Gyuri and Gyuri’s suppose to be Yuri’s first and all that. But then you came along and everything that comes out of nowadays is Yoona…” Jessica pats Yoona on the shoulder before continuing… “Yuri didn’t know the meaning of the word special until you came along.”


Awkward tension in the air.

Yoona is far from Yuri.

Taeyeon is so far away from Jessica.

And Hyoyeon and Sooyoung are tagging along on a date.

“Ah! You guys go ahead.” Yuri says “I forgot something…”

“You want us-“

“No…” Yuri shakes her head and started running back.

“What’s up with her?”

The girls shrug while Yoona just look until Yuri disappeared on the next corner.


Jessica alarms the whole town center with her dolphin shriek as a man runs away with her bag.

“Go Taeyeon, go be SHika’s hero! GO!!!”

Taeyeon was all pumped up and starts chasing the guy but after speeding up, she started to lose steam and was huffing and puffing when Shika zooms past her.


Hyo, Soo and Yoona finally caught up with Taeyeon.

“What happen?”

“Somebody took Jessica’s Balenshi- Barensha-ARGH!!! Her bag that starts with a letter B”

“Isnt that dangerous unnie? What if the guy has a weapon?!”

“NO SHIKA!!!” And soon Taeyeon was chasing after them… And Hyo and Soo pouts cutely…

“Awww… Taengoo likes her.”


Yuri runs over to the counter…

“Ummm excuse me, miss?”


“Remember that very tall , so beautiful girl that was here earlier?”

“Oh yes… she’s like an actress.”

“Well, anyways. Do you remember what she wanted to buy?”

“She was looking at this.” The girl showed Yuri a white gold diamond heart bracelet.

“Oh ok… I’ll take it.”

“It’s 500,000 won.”

“WHOAH! Srysly?”

The girl rolls her eyes “The price is on the tag.”

Yuri looks closely “Seriously? I thought that was the barcode.”

“Are you going to take it or not?”


After the mall cop cleared up the chaos between Jessica beating up the guy who is denying that he stole her bag. The gang decided to head on home.

Other than Jessica screaming at every pedestrian on the road, the car ride was quiet…

“Shika, that was an orange…”

“It means speed up in my dictionary, Taengoo!” HOOOONNNNNKKKK!!!! “The line is there for a reason you idiot!!! Stick in your freaking lane!!!!” HOOOOONNNNNKKKK!!!!

“Shika… she’s a grandma.”

“Then, she shouldn’t even be driving!”

Yuri quickly covers … No, not here, especially not in Shika’s car.

“Baby, you ok?”

Yuri shakes her head… She felt all the slime that she ate crawling back up .





“She lost a lot of fluids, so we have to keep her overnight but she’ll be okay. Do any of you know what she ate?”

Yoona felt all eyes on her. “Food?”

“Oh, ok… I’m seeing Kwon Yuri here more often. Just make her rest for now, she’ll be ok.”

Yoona groans in regret and covers her eyes, she couldn’t believe the thing that she put her girl into.

“Hey Yoong… if you’re tired you can go home, I’ll watch over Yul.”

“Oh don’t worry about it, Sooyoung unnie… I’ll do it.”


It was somehow comforting to see Yuri sleeping with her tongue sticking out. Yoona moves closer to Yuri’s bed and runs her fingers on Yuri’s hair. Yuri smiles happily…


“Mmm Yul?”

“When we get married, I’ll do the cooking, okay?”

Yoona was thankful that other than the city lights from outside, the room is fairly dark cause if it wasn’t Yuri could probably see how hard she was blushing.


“Yoona…” but before Yoona could answer her, Yuri had capture Yoona’s lips in a sweet, loving kiss. As they pull away reluctantly, they remain close as their foreheads are press together. “Marry me?”

Yoona opens her eyes and looks surprisingly at Yuri. “Yul?”

“I know its all so sudden and you are probably wishing it to be more romantic than me being in a hospital but don’t worry… From now on until the rest of our lives, I’ll make our everyday a valentines day.”

And knowing Yuri, she would probably will…


Yuri lays her lips on Yoona’s forehead “I know there are so many buts and what ifs but all I need is you to believe in me and I’ll prove all those things wrong.”

Yoona smiles happily and nods “Yes Yuri… I’m forever yours…”

“Really? You know if you say yes you can’t take it back.”

Yoona smiles and kisses Yuri on her forehead


A kiss on her nose


And Yoona playfully lingers over Yuri’s lips “Yes” And Yuri playfully pulls Yoona on top of her. The two sealed their promise with a kiss. Yuri pulls away and takes off her black hair tie putting it around Yoona’s wrist.

“I want you to keep this until I could get you that engagement ring.”

Yuri could have given Yoona her ring, bracelet or even her necklace, so why did she give her just her hair tie? But Yoona never wondered, nor that she cared and she crawled into the bed with her fiancé and they kiss good night.

High School Library

Yuri is getting distracted with her hair falling all over her face as she tries to color the poster, when a scrawny arm hands her a black hair tie.

“Here fix your hair.”

“Thanks…” Yuri ties her hair “I’ll give it back to you tomorrow.”

“Keep it.”

End of flashback

And Yuri smiles as she looks at the same girl with those scrawny arms, sleeping in her embrace.

“I love you.”

Yuri kisses Yoona on the forehead before drifting to sleep.



The two girls walk despondently after their first failed date.

“Ummm good night.”

“You too… night.”

Taeyeon stands there.

“Sorry if it was a horrible date.” It was barely audible but Taeyeon heard every word of it.

“No, part of it was my fault too.”

Jessica nods and as about to step into her room.


“Umm… Yeah… let’s keep trying until we get it right.”

“But what if we never get it right, Taeng?” Jessica was scared to ask that question but she has to know where she stands.

“Then, we’ll just have to get used to being wrong.”

Jessica smiles knowing that deep inside Taeyeon have become her favorite mistake.



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!