Reminiscing the "un-reminiscible"




Yuri’s POV

A few months ago…

“Kekekeke” I chuckled as I happily bantered with this hot chick on my phone…

“And who’s that?”, Sooyoung my bestfriend with a bottomless pit asks as she stuff with chips. We were on our way back to our dorm after a whole morning of enrolling for our first semester of sophomore in college.

“Ummm Tara?”

“WHA-?” was gaping open I could see the chips inside , not a pretty sight.

“Why? She’s hot”

“I know she is… but I never knew she swings that way”

“She doesn’t… we're just… you know… playing around”

“Playing around… hmmp…” Soo stayed quiet, the only noise are the constant crushing of chips in . “You know what? the justice league should base a superhero out of you.”

I raise my brow in confusion, sometimes the girl could come up with the most bizarre conversation starters.

“Turning the straightest girl gay… it’s super YUL!!!”

I roll my eyes… I don’t make people gay for me, I just make some girls curious. In college isn’t that like a thing you try to do? Like a bucket list or something? Have some hot girl on girl action? And in this university, I AM THAT HOT THING (it’s not bragging if it’s real).

“Ey! Taeyeon text, she wants us to go to soshi cafe for lunch.”

“Can’t… my cousin is here, I have to guide her and her bestfriend to the ways of college life…”

I raise my brow in surprise. “Wait… your mom actually trust you with her? Isn’t she like more responsible than you?”

“that’s before… we're in college now… my experience have turn me into this matu-. OMO!!! It’s the ice cream truck!”


Next thing I know Soo is shoving people to get up front for an ice cream. Yup… very mature…

“Hmmm… I’m confuse should I get the rocky road or ice cream sandwich? Oh what the hell! I’ll get both”

While I waited for Soo make a life changing decision on which ice cream to buy, I remember her saying something about her cousin and her bestfriend and automatically… I feel wrinkle appearing on my face. I always wonder why Seohyun (Soo’s cousin), innocent and kind as she is would hang around with an idiot like Im Yoona. I thought that maybe because they have been buddies since birth and know each other’s flaws, but Yoona is just a whole person of flaw.

I knew her from high school, I couldn’t believe someone as dumb as her could make it to college, but oh well… I guess they’re right… money talks and since her parents are super-duper loaded, they probably paid our university to accept her stupid .

You might ask… why I’m so hyped up at her? that I might be too cruel but I’m not… I have a good reason why I’m an anti Yoona…

I feel a flashback coming so bring on the lights and the music and…



I remember it like it was yesterday… ok, that was a lie… I didn’t remember it that well… heck… I don’t even remember what I did yesterday, how the heck should I remember something that happened 3 years ago?

But after 19 years of existence, it’s one of those memories that stuck on repeat in my mind. I didn’t remember who the other players in that game were, or how many goals I blocked, but I remembered her… and oh yeah… I remembered three things.

Ball. Face. Hurts.

I love intramurals in our high school, no classes, food is everywhere, and we get to play. We are on our way to our soccer match against the juniors. With Nelly’s dilemma playing in the background for like the 600 time that day (that was the hit song those days). There is a bitter rivalry between the juniors and the seniors. The juniors are starting to take over the school led by the pale, thin Im Yoona, but the seniors are not going to bow down without a fight. Every sport event between the two teams led to two things, hair pulling and face scratching… The juniors and senior team was already tied in the standings and the decision lies in this soccer game.

“Ey! They say watch out for that girl Yoona, she plays dirty.”

I could feel spit flying out as my bestfriend Soo speaks with stuff with chips. Even after all these years, her love affair with food has been going strong. I envy her for having a relationship with something for that long. But the fact that she doesn’t get fat from stuffing 24/7, is what made me envy her more…

I turned to the “Yoona” girl she was talking about. She was around 5’6 and scrawny, with long, jet black hair, she reminds me of Joker, batman’s nemesis because of how big gets when she laughs. I heard rumors about her… She’s cocky, stubborn and doesn’t give a crap about anyone. Yet the whole school body practically kisses the ground she walks on. I don’t care… I said to myself, she’s probably just one of those people who you run into once in your life and won’t really matter in the long run.

I was reigning MVP of the girls soccer division meet and I would not be beaten by someone who plays for the sake of her class.

I turn to our bench before the game starts, there was Taeyeon in her chicken mascot irritating the hell out of the juniors, Sunny cursing and pouting cutely as she play her DS and Soo screaming or cheering, I could not tell the difference.

The whistle blew and the game starts… I see Soo throwing a fit in the bench, screaming at our teammates everytime Yoona intercepted the ball. I was actually watching at awe as she plays, either she was really good or my team just that bad… She starts dribbling fast towards the goal and I kept my eye on the ball but it didn’t stay there for so long… I felt everything stop when she was coming over, I didn’t notice it before, but she looks like an Angel…


I could hear the gasps from the crowd as the ball swiftly curves around me… I… never saw someone do a curve goal before and here was this girl… But I reacted just in time for my fingertips to touch the ball enough to make it miss.

“SHOOT” She cursed…

I smile satisfyingly… this would be fun… Then, she turned around with a naughty smile or annoying, if you ask me… I froze as I heard her say…

“this would be fun”

For the whole game, I felt like it was just the two of us playing. None of my team could ever come close to the other goal without Yoona intercepting it. She tries to do every shot and I block her every chance. But that didn’t stop her from coming back at me… from the back I could see both our teams just staring back at the two of us as if were playing by ourselves.

“is that all you got?” I smirk confidently

She stood still for a second then look up at me, her lips twist into an evil grin, and in one swift kick…



I flew back from the impact and I swear to God, I saw stars and tweety bird chirping around my head…


I heard Soo’s slurred voice as I fell. I was unconscious for a second until I saw the ball ricochet from my face into the goal…

I get up groggily and saw that mischievous smile again. Yoona then pointed at me with her trigger fingers… then, bang bang… she shot me…

“GOAL”, she said it so calmly and deviously. I thought it was the devil talking…

“Yuri, your nose”

I look down and I could see blood trickling down my jersey… my nose, my naturally beautiful nose… I started to panic. I don’t care if I die from blood loss, but there is no hell in freaking way that I will lay down in my coffin with a nose that looked like a tomato. That bish… she’s gonna pay…

To add insult to injury they won that game and SHE... won intramurals MVP.

I knew her now and she knows me back but that doesn’t mean were friends, heck no!!! but of course going to the same high school, meant seeing each other every day and every day she won’t miss on calling me one name…

“Hey tomato…”

I glared at her skinny , I’m going to beat her, I’m going to beat her good…

*End of flashback*


I got back to reality when I felt my phone vibrate, nothing like a hot girl to get me back to reality… and that was my reality… I could have anyone I wanted…

“Why don’t you just come with me?”

“don’t wanna… I don’t feel like babysitting two freshmen”

“But that was in high school, haven’t you gotten over that already?”

“I did!!! But then I remember what she did and it all comes back to me”

“it’s time to make peace! Life is too short!!! OH!!!! Speaking!!! SEOBABY!!! YOONG!!!”

“geez Soo… scream louder I don’t think they heard you”

“SEO!!!!! YOONG!!!!!”

“What the-? I was being sarcastic”

I tried to straighten her out but she already happily skipped over the two tall gorgeous girls. Is that Seohyun? Wow… talk about growth spurt and she got so much prettier. She doesn’t look like sadako anymore now that she grew out her bangs… But the girl with her, no… no… GOD NO!!! I mentally facepalm myself for almost drooling at her, was she always this pretty?

“Take a picture it will last longer” the sound of her deadpan voice polluting this peaceful atmosphere...

“I wasn’t looking at you” I growled at her, but I was more pissed at myself for getting caught. She just scoffs and turns to Soo. The three of them looks like they are getting along well while I'm right here talking to myself.

“Is she coming?” I heard that deadpan voice once again..

“Yuh! Remember her, Yoong? My bestpal Yuri… we went to the same high school together”

She pouts thoughtfully then shakes her head. “Nope… I don’t… well, nice to meet you, Yuri”

“Whatever” I muttered under my breath and Sooyoung shoves me in the back hard…

“Be nice”

“Hi… nicetomeetyou” I said in one breath

“Well… let’s roll…” Soo put her arms around my shoulders… “Hehe… look at you all mad but she doesn’t even remember you.”

“Shut up”

The younger girls walk ahead. But the one thing that bothered me is when Yoona turns around, her lips curling into this devious smile, and my conclusions were right, she is the devil as she mouthed that one word to me.





thank you for reading, subscribe, vote and ofc for leaving a comment :)

this is also one of my fave stories too.


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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!