The Anti Yoona



“No, no, no Seo,” Sooyoung groans embarrassingly as her cousin has this wide eyed innocent look while clutching to her chest a keroro binder. “I have a rep to uphold and there is no way people is going to know me as the cousin of the nerd with a lizard binder.”


“Unnie… how could you? keroro is a frog!”

Sooyoung tries to pry the binder off, but the younger girl proves to be determined to have it.

"They're both green and they’re both amphibians.”

“Lizards are reptiles.” Seohyun said in a matter of factly, her hand still glued to the binder.

“And you’re a nerd… now let go…” Sooyoung pulled hard that Seohyun almost stumbled down.

Yuri just shakes her head in embarrassment as the two continues to have a tug of war over a binder. Over in the corner, Yoona has that determined look on her face as she keeps on trying on different pens.

“Hmmm...maybe Sooyoungie is right. Maybe I’m just being such a kid about it. She didn't mean to hit my face so... yeah... I need to be the bigger man and fix this.”

Yuri slowly walks over to Yoona and notices the people glancing around. She wonders what the fuss was about but didn’t bother about it. When she got to Yoona who is still scribbling on the note to find that perfect pen, she realizes what seems to have caught the eye of every person in there… It was the doe eyed girl beside her.

“So, you found your perfect pen?”

“Mmm... not yet.” Yoona didn’t even bother to look and kept on doodling.

Awkward silence…

“So...ummm… so, what are you majoring in?” Yuri tried to break the awkward silence.

“Business management.”



Awkward silence getting more awkward.

“How about you? what are you majoring in?”


“Oh cool." She said in a deadpan, i-don't-really-care tone, then she smiles brightly "Found it!” She raised the black fountain pen up in the air, imagine the lion king scene where that monkey shows off baby simba. She smiles knowingly at Yuri before walking over to the cousins who finally solve their argument, with Soo clutching the binder triumphantly and a teary eyed Seohyun. Yuri is about to join them when the writings on the paper that Yoona was busy scribbling on caught her eye. She turns and growls angrily at the things that toothpick was “scribbling”.

Yuri DORK!!!

Kwon Yul is a loser…

I’m a dork- Yuri.

Yuri angrily rips off the paper… Soo almost look petrified at the sight of her bestfriend storming towards them.

“Hey… why the ugly look?”

“Maybe I’m just ugly… now you!!” Yuri turns angrily at Yoona…

“Mmm” Yoona bats those pretty eyelashes and Yuri has to bite her lip to keep herself from puking.

“And here I’am trying to forgive and forget and you do this?!” She shakes the paper angrily at Yoona “people might get fooled by your pretty face, and your gorgeous smile and the way your eyes just twinkle but I’m not!”

But instead of Yoona feeling all rattled, the girl flashes a sweet smile.

“Awww… Yul… you think I have a pretty face, a gorgeous smile and my eyes twinkle?” She bats those doe eyes again...


“Hey… hey calm down… sorry guys, PMSing...” Sooyoung smiles awkwardly at the people watching the scene.

“I’m going back to the dorm.” Yuri turned around straight into the stack of CD racks.

CRASH!!!! And soon the floor was littered by colorful CDS.

“This is the worst day of my life,” Yuri groans as she tries to get up and smiles apologetically to the pissed looking manager. “It’s ok, nobody uses CDs nowadays anyway.” Her reassuring words only got her in deep.


I wanted so bad to go home but Soo threatens to tell the whole gang about my outburst in the bookstore. I was left with no choice but to go with them. I want nothing to do with the choding in here, sure, she got a new hairstyle and yeah she looks so freaking gorgeous, but a choding will always be a choding. Wait? Did I just say she was gorgeous?

Soshi Cafe’s is the coffee place to be. It got great food, great ambiance and above all people come to see the smile on super handsome manager/owner Siwon. Soshi is usually pack during lunch hours but we always have no trouble getting a spot, since Siwon and my roommate Pany-yah has a love connection. Of course, Tiffany biggest fan Taeyeon is in denial and believed that the two were just great friends. If that’s what you call, people holding hands, go out on dates and sleep in one bedroom doing God knows what then… they’re friends alright…

“So, what do you girls want?” says Kyuhyun the waiter with no sense of customer service.

“How about a better waiter?” Sunny retaliates, Kyu is not the only one who could be rude around here.

“Ok… a better waiter… do you want personality with that? Or just someone to drool over?” told you he was an a**.

“Hey!” we heard someone scolds…

We turned to the good looking Siwon manning the register. Despite the frown on his face, he still looks so lovely and you could practically hear the collective sighs from all the girls in there.

“Kyuhyun be nice.. I’m sorry bout that…”

Kyuhyun was not a bit unfazed with his boss and sticks his tongue at him. Siwon just shakes his head and went back to work.

“Seriously, what do you girls want?” After we place our orders and mr. employee of the month left, we started gushing over Siwon.

“Too bad he’s taken.”

“Really?” Taeyeon looks shock… geez… for someone with a 4.0 GPA she sure is lost when it comes to love. “who?”

“Duh! Tippany?”

“NO!” Taeyeon looks so ruffled like someone told her Castle is getting canceled… “They’re just bestfriends!”

“Oh… ok” When it comes to Tiffany, there is no point arguing with her.

“So, you are Im Yoona, right? isn’t she your crush in high school, Yul?” I almost spit out my ice tea at what Sunny just said. Everyone gave me this sneaky smile except for Yoona who looks shock and Seohyun who seems oblivious of what’s happening around her.


Lee Soon-kyu comes up with the most direct and fiery statements. Idk, maybe it’s the effect of hanging around too much with an inanimate object which is why she’s incapable of human emotions.

“Cause you know I remember back in high school you will constantly talk about her even if she’s not around, and when we see her in the hallways you just froze there.”

“Awwww...” The girls say in chorus like it’s the cutest thing they ever heard. The shock look on Yoona’s face quickly turns into this annoying, smug look that I would wanted to smack.

“You, Lee Soon-kyu is confusing crush with intense HATE!” I was having a fatal attraction moment and I could see Sunny, Ms. bunny girl boiling in a pot of freaking hot water. “I hate you before, I still hate you now, and I’ll hate you forever!” I got on Yoona’s face but the girl just blink those eyes at me.

“The more you hate, the more you love.” Taeyeon says so casually…

“Agree. Agree”, my friends nod their heads and I made a mental note: start to find new friends that don’t find me as a target.

I decided to remain quiet for the rest of the meal… here was my 3 bestfriends from high school, we failed calculus together, skip class to play counterstrike, shared our secret crushes with. Don’t those count? why are they taking the side of this evil girl rather than me?


“Are you still mad at me? Sooyoung pouts and Yuri turns away before she throws up at Sooyoung’s epic fail of an aegyo. After lunch, the two went with Soo’s roommate Hyo to go shopping. After hours walking around the mall, the two felt like a boyfriend tagging along to wherever shop their girlfriend decided to go. In other occasions, the two would have shop along. But after what happen during lunch, Yuri is in no mood to shop and Sooyoung is too busy trying to charm Yuri with her sad attempt at aegyo.

“Oh c’mon… don’t be so bothered by her.”

“I’m not! She’s the one who’s constantly bugging me.”

“Maybe she likes you.”

“Or maybe she’s just a sadist who enjoys seeing people in misery.”

“Give her a chance…”

After an eternity, Hyoyeon finally steps out of the dressing room armed with a bunch of dresses.

“Why didn’t you get the maroon one?”

“Nah…” Hyo shakes her head “It makes me look shapeless.”

Sooyoung scoffs, “Why are you blaming the dress?”

“Grrrr… I heard that you lamp post! Don’t hate cause you don’t have curves.”

“Round things have curves…”

“Why you?!”

A Word war exploded between Soo and Hyo. The two never really found any appropriate place to fight and Yuri was in no mood to play referee. Her mind drifted off to that Yoona girl again. What did she ever do, that this toothpick just finds her as her target? She was the one who got hit by the ball, she was the one who had to a tomato nose on the yearbook photo, she was the one being teased as tomato face. Doesn’t she have the right to make the girl’s life more miserable rather than the other way around?

Yuri finally stood up looking like she’s ready to start a revolution. Yoona is not the only one who could play pranks, Yoona is not the only one who could come up with stupid nicknames, and Yoona is not the only one who could annoy the crap out of anyone. It was time for Yoona to meet the ultimate choding… Yuri smiles triumphantly…

“This will be fun.”

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!