My ByunYul Girlfriend




“Alright… Tae… you ready to go?” Sunny was about to step out when she sees her roommate Taeyeon running around the room. For years that Sunny knew Taeyeon, she knew the girl wasn’t like this. Taeyeon was organized and punctual. But something serious might have happened cause Taeyeon have been all rattled and nuts since last week.

Taeyeon puts on her glasses but before she was about to follow Sunny out their shared dorm room, she screeched to a stop…

“Ummm… Sunny you go ahead I forgot my glasses.”

“It’s in your face you dork.”

“Oh… is it?” Taeyeon laughs awkwardly, she’s running out of excuses why she can’t go with Sunny “DERP…keke… Well, I forgot something else so you go ahead and I’ll catch up to you.”

“Something is going on with you.” Sunny stares intently at Taeyeon’s face that Taeyeon couldn’t help but back away “And I’m going to find out what it is.”

“There is nothing, so go eat a carrot or something you bunny girl!”

“Whatever, I’m out, but remember what I said.”

“Later Hater!” Taeyeon practically pushes Sunny out of there room. She waited a couple of minutes before she checks the dorm hallway, so far the coast is clear but just so she could be sure, she chooses an exit point that she was sure the other girl won’t even think of.

Her dorm window.


It took Taeyeon a couple more minutes and a bunch of scratches before she finally got out of the dorm. And just when she thinks it was safe, an icy cold aura fills the air.

“Are you avoiding me?”


Taeyeon felt like she swallowed all of her spit as the other girl steps closer.

“What? Of course not… It just so happen that everytime we see each other, I’m going in a totally different direction.”

“Yeah right… Like where? Up the tree?”

Taeyeon let go of the tree that she was about to climb “What? Keke… no… no… I’m just a tree hugger. OMO, it’s a huge cucumber!”

Jessica’s face turned into complete horror… “WHERE?!”

But when Jessica realizes that Taeyeon was making it up, Taeyeon had already scurried away…


Their furrowed eyebrows.

The serious look on their faces.

And the look of their mouth gaping open.

It could only mean one thing…

Hyoyoung roomates are watching an "Art film" again…

The two look at each other in both shock and disbelief…

“Is that even physically possible?” Sooyoung asked in awe.



The two didn’t have the brain capacity of turning off the laptop. Instead they hid the laptop behind their backs to shield Seohyun from the harsh reality of how babies are made.

“Mom send me some snacks from home so… oh, what are you two watching?” Seohyun tries to take a peek but Sooyoung jumps up before she could see anything.

“Ummm… ahhh… a horror movie.”

“A slasher flick yup that’s right…” Sooyoung laughs nervously.


Sooyoung and Hyoyeon laugh awkwardly…

“They must be running away from the psycho killer.”

“Oh, it sounds like a good film, is it like a zombie movie cause there is like a lot of ?”

“Yes… keke… that’s it… it’s a zombie movie.”

“A psycho zombie… that’s right.”


Sooyoung and Hyo head fell in embarrassment…

“That was the zombie, he’s coming after them.”

“Oh, sounds like a good movie… Can I borrow it after? Me and Yoona like to watch zombie movies too.”

“Sure.” Sooyoung says lifelessly.


Yuri sees Seohyun stepping out of the girls room.

“Hey Seo! Sooyoung there?”

“Yup. She and Hyoyeon unnie are watching .”

Yuri laughs, Seohyun is almost as sly as sunny if she could convince people that she’s as innocent as they thought she is.

“Ok… Seo… tell your roommate I said hi.”

“Will do, unnie.”


Sooyoung all the bubbles in her bubble tea in one huge slurp.

“I don’t want to traumatize that poor girl… She still believes that kissing gets people pregnant.”

“Seo’s in college now, Soo. It’s better if she learned that from you other than that Yonghwa guy. You know it’s always the naïve ones who get pregnant. You don’t want Seo to be like WHOOPSIE, I guess kissing really makes you pregnant.”

“WAAAAHHHH… My cousin got more lovelife than me.”

“But oh yeah, the movie is like a 11 out of 10, Yul… so, you want to borrow it?”

Yuri scoffs and leans back on the chair like a boss. “Hyo… I don’t need to watch , I make .”

“The star can’t even get to second base with her girlfriend.” Sunny mutters under her breath earning a snicker from HyoSoo and a growl from Yuri.


“Yeah Player Yul can get any girl except her own girlfriend.”

“Yoona isn’t any girl! She’s my future wife and the mother of my four kids.”


“2 boys and 2 girls. - What?! I could see the way you girls eyes roll! You’re mocking me!”

“Cause we are, you horndog… you want us to believe that you NEVER EVER think of Yoona that way?”

Yuri shrinks in her seat to avoid the girls’ accusing eyes.

“Nooo…” YES!

A few more condescending stares from the girls and Kwon Yuri broke.

“ALRIGHT! I do…” Yuri confesses embarrassingly “But how do you even tell someone that you want to go to the next level?”

GASPS were heard around the table.

“OMO!” Sunny has a fake look of shock on her face “Did Player Yul just asked the s for advice about ?”

“I’m not asking you girls how to do it. I’m asking you what could make you give yourself to someone?”



“IF HE’S HOT...”

The three girls says in unison, then stares back at Sooyoung’s answer.

“What? If there is a really hot guy who’s into you of course you’re going to do it, right?”

“Yeah right Soo, does this hot guy starts with a Yun and ends with a ho?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sooyoung ignore the condescending looks of her friends by wolfing down her hamburger.

“You do it with dim lights and some RnB music… If she doesn’t get the hint, it’s either your dumbness is rubbing on her or she just have no plans on going there with you.”

“Yeah, Yul… my big brother has this playlists for his ummm… “Activities...”

“I have one too.” Yuri sighs dreamily when she remembers how almost every night she plays that playlist with her different friends. Sighs… Those were the days.

“Look at you, got all of this planned out. You’re not even sure if Yoona wants to do it with you.”

Yuri was instantly transported back to reality at Sunny’s words, “Why? Why wouldn’t she?”

“We're in college Yul and think that your Yoona’s first girlfriend. Don’t you think that maybe in the future Yoona still wished to end up with a guy?”

Sooyoung sighs heavily when she quickly saw the worried look on Yuri’s eyes. “Look buddy… What they’re trying to say is just slow down… Take it one day at a time. Just like what Taeyang said… Baby, let’s take it slow.”

“Oh, I like that song…” Nothing could distract Yuri but the thought of Taeyang.

“Yeah did you see his live performance in youtube?”

And just like that the girls quickly diverted their conversation from doing it to Taeyang.

"OMO!!! That bounce, bounce, bounce part!!!”

The girls died a little just thinking of Taeyang doing his bounce.

“I know, right… I want to bounce, bounce. BOUNCE!” Yuri shrieks and did bounce at the sight of her girlfriend growling at her. “Yoongbaby…”

“Who do you want to bounce with?”

Was that a trick question? If Yuri says Taeyang, Yoona will kill her if she says Yoona, Yoona will still kill her.

Slam… The girls jump in surprise as Taeyeon lifelessly slams her lunch tray.

“What’s up with you, you zombie midget?” Sunny asks as if she’s tall.

“Someone likes me.” Taeyeon sounded like it was a negative thing…

Sooyoung pouts… “Well, I like you.”

“No, not that kind of like… like… like like… like really like..”

“Wow… That’s a lot of likes.”

“Well actually I think it’s more than like, she said she loves me.”

The girl coos somebody taking an interest in their Taengoo. This was a facebook worthy moment.

“So, who’s this girl?”

Taeyeon takes a deep breath, The girls have been her bestfriends since they were kids, eventually they’ll find out about this sooner or later, so why not tell them now? “It’s ummm… Shika.”

“WHOAH” Hyo’s eyes widen.

Sooyoung’s fork was halfway through , Sunny look up from her DS and Yuri look away from Yoona, only Seo seems oblivious of what was happening.

“Shika? You mean Jessica Jung?”


“Ok guys on three, 1,2…”


“Seo, laugh… cause it’s funny.”

And like a robot, Seo starts laughing on command.


“Dude! Jessica Jung? The ice princess? one of the most popular girls in campus falling in love with a erted midget like you?”

“Hey! If someone like the face of this campus can fall for dorkYul here.”

“HEY!!!!” Yuri snarls at them before cuddling closer to her girl “Yoona-yah…” She whines cutely “They’re so mean to me.”

But Yoona only pushes her face away “Grow a pair, babe.”

“Pair of what?”

“Enough… back to player Taeng here… Like whoah dude… Didn’t know you could charm people like that?”

“That or Shika just have a bad taste.”

The girls start agreeing.

“Oh shut up!” Taeyeon glares at her friends “What kind of friends are you?”

“Ok… sorry dude, but what do you want us to do?”

“I don’t know?” Taeyeon growls while laying her head on the table “Cause I don’t know what to do either.”

“Did you try to talk to her?”

Everyone was surprise to hear the sound coming out of uptight Seohyun’s mouth.

“Cause I think unnie is confuse on how she feels. I think Jessica unnie deserves to know how you truly felt and not keep her waiting in vain.”

“Wow… Finally I know someone who has some sense in this group.”

“How did you know these things, Seo?” Sooyoung asks suspiciously.

“I watch a lot of Korean dramas.”

PFFFTTT… And they say you can’t learn anything from watching too much TV…



“Whoah… what now? Did Jessica growling tiger, sleeping dragon just told me she’s in love with me? But wait… I thought she hates me then how could she- But before Taeyeon could fully grasp what has happened, Jessica interrupted her thoughts.

“You don’t have to say anything now, midget.” 

“I thought you love me? Why do you still call me midget?”

GROWLS “Don’t push it…” Jessica snarls

And like a scared puppy Taeyeon whimpers away “not pushing” She squeaks…

The two sits there quietly…

“Are you sure about this?” Taeyeon finally speaks out.

“About what?”

“What you feel? Cause I know this friend you know, she’s like so in love with this girl and then when they kiss, it’s li-“

Jessica lays her lips on Taeyeon and did Yuri say it was like a New Year’s fireworks display? Cause it felt more like a meteor shower…

And as Jessica pulls away, she whispers “Yup Taeyeon… I still love you.”

Taeyeon was still lost in the kiss and only manage a “Huh?”

Smooth move there, player Taeng…


And before Jessica could say something, she sees Taeyeon zoomed away.

End of flashback


Kwon Yuri is a master of working under pressure. So when she check her watch and saw that she got 10 minutes to finish copying Sooyoung’s math homework, her hand works it wonder and blaze through her notebook.

“Are you sure about your answers?”

“Hey” Sooyoung frowns at her friend’s ingratitude “You’re the one who’s copying my homework and you’re doubting my intelligence?”

Yuri pursed her lips to keep herself from smiling. “What intelligence?”

“GIVE ME BACK MY NOTEBOOK!” Sooyoung snarls grabbing the notebook out of Yuri’s desk.

“I’m kidding Soo… please… I’ll feed you anything you want.” Yuri says in panic and tries to appease the tall girl even if it means spending her whole week allowance.

Soo let go at the thought of free food. “So, ummm… your girlfriend is like a math genius why didn’t you copy from her?”

“Soo… don’t you know anything about love? Sometimes you need to be independent from each other.”

“That or you just don’t want to show her that you’re a dumb@ss.”

“I don’t need to show her!”

“Oh yeah, I forgot... she knows already.”

Yuri snarls if she wasn’t copying Sooyoung’s homework, she would have smack the girl a few minutes ago.

“And oh yeah, Soo… please promise me you won’t tell Yoona about this.”

“About what?”

“That I’m copying homework. She told me that she wanted to do homework together and I said I did it already.”

Sooyoung gasps at the revelation, lately, Yuri sticks to Yoona like a bubblegum to a shoe. So the thought that something was able to distract Yuri from spending time with Yoona means whatever it is… It’s damn serious.

“Whoah! Something more important than hanging out with your girl?! Wait… you’re not cheating on her, are you?

“What?!” The thought of being with another girl or another person other than Yoona is beyond imagination in Yuri’s world. “No… it’s just that… ummm…” Yuri pause before she could finish, she wonders whether it was a good idea to tell Soo about her problems or not. “Well… ummm… Yoona won’t even let me ummm… you know… So, I have been kinda deprived.”

“Omo… Yul, are you boinking other girls on the side to-“

“Who on Earth even say the word boink? And no… it’s nothing too crazy like that but well… me and Tiffany…”

GASPS!!!! “Dude, how could you? Taeyeon is obsessed with that girl, she’ll kill you if she finds out that.”

“Could you just let me finish?! Well, so… yeah me, Tiffany and Jessica were-“

“OMO…” Sooyoung covers in shock, this was worse than she thought “A with Taeyeon’s girls?”

“No! No… Just listen to me you idiot… We watch ummm… you know…”

“I don’t know… what?”

Yuri groans and leans over to whisper.


“Jesus Chr- just announce it the world why don’t you?”


“Shut up! I was being sarcastic.”

“Geez, Yul, Why would you do such a thing? It’s like ewww…”

Yuri laughs mockingly “Oh no you didn’t… Ms. I was watching an art film.”

“It was an art film! The scenes were totally necessary for the plot.”

Yuri deduced that there was no point in arguing with the girl, Sooyoung could be quite stubborn too. “Fine… let’s call a truce, let’s watch it together and decide if it’s an art film or not. Deal?”


“Do you still have the film?”

“Yup, it’s in Hyo’s make me so folder.”

“Ok, we’ll watch it tonight.”

“It’s a date.”



Tiffany turns away from her laptop and sees Yoona peeking her cute head inside their shared room.

“Is Yuri around?”

“No… I think she went to Sooyoung’s room… Why?”

Tiffany hardly sees Yoona fidgety about anything so she couldn’t help but worry when see the anxious look on Yoona’s face.

Yoona was playing with the hem of her shirt when she finally had the guts to ask what has been bugging her for a week now. “Is…ummm… Is she seeing anybody else?”

Tiffany didn’t know what to make out of that question, doesn’t Yoona know how crazy Yuri is about her? “What? Of course not. Why would you think that?”

“It’s just that she seems to be busy everytime I want to hangout and I red in some magazine that’s like the early detection of a cheating partner.”

Yoona as smart as the girl is, is still naïve when it comes to relationships and Tiffany just couldn’t help but chuckle at how Yoona’s view on relationship can be easily influenced by teen magazine articles.


“No, of course not. I think Yuri is just… going through something.”

Yoona’s face was the mix of confusion, hurt and anger “Really? Then, why she didn’t tell me about it?”

Now Tiffany is stuck in a bind, does she even try to work things out between the poor kids or just let them figure it out by themselves?

“Why don’t you ask her?”



Jessica opens an eye and sees Taeyeon handing her a Styrofoam coffee cup.

“It’s hot choco…” Taeyeon sits down by Jessica in their- could she even call it that now? Their bench?


“Nice night…”

“Yeah” And Jessica couldn’t agree more having Taeyeon sitting beside her could make even the cruel nights bearable.

“Sorry if I was acting like ummm…”

“An idiot?”

“What?” Geez… And I thought she likes me? just imagine if I was her enemy? “Fine an idiot… but truth is… It’s just that it’s my first time knowing that someone likes me and I don’t know how to react about it. that’s why I end up avoiding you because I don’t know what to say or do and I’m sorry about that”

Jessica’s lips curve into a soft smile “You have nothing to be worry about.”

“What do you like about me anyway?”

“You know when you like someone, you always say I like him cause he’s cute, or funny or has a hot car. But with you it’s different, I actually asked myself that question a bunch of times but I couldn’t figure it out. That’s when I realize that this is more than just a stupid crush cause I didn’t need a reason to like you, I just do.”

Taeyeon tries to look away to hide her smile, it awed her that she was actually capable of making someone like her that much… maybe she wasn’t that bad after all.

“Look Taeyeon, I told you… You don’t have to give me the answer now or tomorrow. I could wait but just promise me… that you tell me the truth, whether it’s going to break my heart or not, I need to know.”

“I will…” Taeyeon smiles back and the two look back in the sky at the same time. “Thanks Shika”

“For what?”

“For liking me”

“You’re pretty cool midget”

“You too… dragon…”

“What you call me?” Jessica snarls…

“Jessica?” Taeyeon whimpers

“Oh… ok…”

Taeyeon sighs in relief… The girl might like her but Taeyeon still has fear issues with the girl.


Yuri didn’t know whether it was the quiet atmosphere, the moon glimmering in the lake’s water or the stars filled sky, all she knew was she wished that she could just stare longer, even if all Yoona was doing was just sitting there by the lakeside for Yuri it was enough to take her breath away.

“Yoona, my love…”

The grin in Yuri’s face didn’t make Yoona’s anger disappear and instead the doe eyed girl just huffed angrily and turned her eyes back at the lake.

Yuri steps out of the red bike and plops beside Yoona. Yoona was tougher than she imagine, the girl won’t even look at her.

“For you” Yuri held out a flower only to be ignored “I stole it.” Yoona finally turns and look at Yuri “From the park and the police were after me like crazy but I beat them all up. I’m willing to go to jail for you Yoong.”

Yoona roll her eyes. “You’re nuts.”

“Nuts about you.”

“Oh yeah? Why can’t you tell me if something is bothering you?”

“Bothering me?”

“Yeah…” Yoona frowns and Yuri couldn’t help but think how cute she looks “How come you don’t want to hangout with me anymore?”

“I do… it’s just that” Yuri turns away from Yoona and looks at the lake “Where do you see us Yoong?”

Yoona couldn’t help but worry whenever Yuri suddenly turns serious “Like what do you mean?”

“Like in the end, do you still wish to be with a guy?”

“Yul… where is that coming from?”

“It’s just that I like you, no, I love you so much and I already see my future with you, but I’m not sure if you even want it with me.”

Every word coming out of Yuri’s mouth didn’t do nothing but flare up Yoona’s anger “Why the hell would you think that? Is it because I didn’t sleep with you?”


“Because I’m not like one of your “close friends” that would go to bed with you in just a snap?”

“I never said that!”

“But you were thinking it, right?!” And all of Yoona’s anger suddenly disseminate into hurt, the thought of Yuri being with those other girls made her jealous and insecure.


“Didn’t you even think that maybe I’m just not ready? that it scares me?”


Yoona lets out a mocking laugh, she didn’t even know why maybe it’s her way to stop her tears “I thought you knew how I feel already? I can’t believe you still doubt how I feel about you…” Yoona didn’t even look up, scared that if she looks at Yuri that she would just break down in tears.

"Yoona" Yuri heart and mind instantly panic as she sees Yoona cry but just as she was about to ask the girl for forgiveness, Yoona jerks her arm off and storms away...

And Yuri could have run after Yoona but she's at a lost... What would she even say?



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!