The Bet


Saturday is supposed to be spent sleeping in, or recovering from a hangover but not Yoona and her bestfriend since birth Seohyun. The coming Monday are the girls first big university math test, the two weren’t really worried about it, it’s those two unnies who had wanted to do this group study.


And Yoona’s darken days only got darker at the sight of the dummy.

“Arent you too early to ruin anyone’s day?”

“Was I talking to you?!” Yuri snaps back, “I was talking to Seobaby… good morning my sunshine.”

“Ummm… good morning unnie.” Seohyun could only reply awkwardly.

“What is deadweight Yul doing here?”

“Is that your way to talk to your unnie?”

“Is that the way you talk to the one who save your life from a chi-“

“That DOG was possessed by the DEVIL!”

Yuri quickly cuts Yoona off before Yoona could reveal her embarrassing past.

Yoona snickers,“Ph… takes one to know one.”

“Alright… alright… break it up with you two…” If Sooyoung had a penny for everytime she says that about the two, well… she wouldn’t know how much she have, but it would be a whole lot of pennies. “Geez… enough of this lover’s quarrel.”

“Yes, can the two of you just talk like… ummm… normal people?” Seohyun squeaks in.

"That’s the problem… she isn’t normal.” Yoona says…


“Hey! Hey! Look… enough! Geez! You two are worse than… I don’t know… something worse… Wait… EUREKA!!! I HAVE AN IDEA”

“No thanks…” Yuri quickly answers before Soo could even say it…

"You haven’t even listen to it, why don’t we make a bet?” Sooyoung suggested…

“Soo, you’re my bestfriend and all but…”

“Just hear me out Yul… Its not like I’m doing this for myself… it’s for both of you so could you at least give me a bit of credit here?”

Yuri sighs exasperatingly, “Ok.”

"I realize that you two just couldn’t stand each other.”

“Whoah… great thinking captain obvious.” Im Yoona, never chooses who to hit with her sarcasm…

Sooyoung roll her eyes, “Anyways, commander sarcastic… the bet is, you two should start to be nice to each other and whoever picks a fight first, they’ll lose.”

“And so, what happen if we lose?”

“I don’t know… it’s your bet… What do you think should your price be?”

Yuri could think of a million things, until she figure out one thing that could make Yoona act like mother Teresa with her.

“Hmmm… If I win, Yoona is going to make out with me, with tongue and all that slobber for an hour with 20 second breaks in between.”

And Yuri thought that Yoona’s mouth was wide, but she never thought it was that big, until she saw Yoona’s jaw drop all the way to the ground.


“Then, you better not lose.” Yuri smiles playfully…

“Alright deal…”

“Hey! Hold on a second… I didn’t agree to that!” Yoona turns to the tall girl.

“You don’t need to, that’s what she wants…”

Yoona grits her teeth but Yoona doesn’t lose to anyone, especially to a dummy.

“How about you, Yoong?”

Think. Think. Think Yoona… is Yuri finally going to win this one?

“Ummm… Yuri is going to be my girlfriend.”

“Whoah… what now?” Sooyoung looks at her in confusion while Yuri’s eyes brighten up at the prize.

“Alright!!! Bet is over! Yoona wins… now let’s go baby and make out.”

Yuri puckers her lips but Yoona pushes her away.

“Ah.ah.ah… not so fast dumbyul, cause there is a catch.”

“I knew it…”

“You can not kiss or try anything physical with me and you are going to give me your IPHONE and I’m going to delete every. Single. Girl. Boy or Chihuahua you came into contact with.”

Yuri’s jaw was almost to the ground at the suggestion. “WHAT?! that list took me a year to compile!”

“And if I win that list is going buh-bye in a second. You will be faithful to me and do everything that I ask you to do.”

“That’s not a girlfriend, that’s a slave!”

“Oh? Did I say girlfriend? I meant slave…”

“She got you there, buddy.”

“FINE! I’m not going to lose… so pucker up princess, cause I’m going to be the best kiss of your sad life.”

“Not if I can help it, slave.”

Yoona winks and Yuri looks away to keep herself from smacking the other girl.


Sooyoung scratches her head as she tries to answer the exercise problems when she heard Yuri humming…

“I kissed a girl and I liked it…”

Yoona’s pencil broke at the song before she sings back…

“I’m a slave for you…”

Yuri grunts in frustration…

The two opens their mouth about to start a fight but quickly shut it after remembering the bet. Soo smiled proudly seeing that her plan for once worked… It was quiet for a few seconds…


“Can you stop stalking me?” Yoona hissed and Sooyoung could see her bestfriend’s face inches away from the pissed off girl.

“But you are so stalkable… ”

“Stalkable? That’s not even a word!”

“Baby… you’re so fine, the dictionary has to invent new words to describe you.”

Soo almost spit out her ice tea at the one liner. Yuri eyes beamed as Yoona was about to retaliate but she quickly clamp shut, before she ends up having together with the idiot.

Yuri chuckles triumphantly, finally this day came… She finally figured out a way to make the calm and collected Im Yoona squirm…


Everyone looks surprisingly as Yuri holds her hand in pain.

“Unnie? Are you ok?” Seohyun asks…

“Yeah, it’s Yoona’s fault… you are so hot, you just burn me.”

Yuri’s smile mischievously and the only thing Yoona could do is crumple the heck out of her paper.

YOONA: well, actually she has more points but let’s just give Yuri credit here.

While Soo and Yuri scratches their head out trying to answer a problem, Yoona was already done so she picked up her phone and the second she finish her text. Yuri’s phone vibrated.

“Kekeke… fans.” Yuri chuckles nervously

From: Babylove <3

From: Honeybun
What’s wrong my baby? 

Yuri gives out a low growl as she reads the message.

From:Babylove <3
This IDIOT keeps on bothering me… :realmad:

From: Honeybun
What? grrrr!!! what do you want me to do, babylove?

From: alligator mouth
I wish my honeybun is with me so you could kick her UGLY face.

“Yul… you done?”

“Hold on a sec, Soo… my sanity is at stake here.”

Yuri grips her phone tighter in irritation, what happen? She was winning a few minutes ago, now Yoona got under her skin again.

Now baby, be nice… be the bigger man and don’t go calling people names… I’m pretty sure that girl is hot…

From: stupid girl who doesn't realize that she's dating the ugly idiot
But… honey… she’s so mean…

From: Honeybun
Why do you think she’s mean?

From: %$#%#
IDK… she just likes to pick on me.

From: Honeybun
Why are you so bothered? Do you like her?

Yoona drops her phone on the table after reading her message.

“Yoong? You ok?”

Seohyun have never seen her bestfriend blushed and looked as nervous as much as right now… Yoona finally got back to reality and nods her head.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Suddenly the air around her suddenly got heavier, her heartbeat going into overdrive…… no… this can’t be…

Yoona stands up, worrying that if she stayed around the annoying girl for more than one second, she’ll find out something about herself that she doesn’t want to learn.

“Nothing… nothing… are we done?”


Yoona knows math was her forte but tonight she reads the question over and over again, but couldn’t figure out how to answer it. She was already in bed but keeps on tossing and turning that she decides to make her time useful and just study for the test.

She sighed as she sees Seohyun sleeping peacefully, it was close to 1 am and the girl always slept before 12. Yoona wished she had the same worry free life as the other girl, but nowadays a lot of things just bother her and keeps her awake at night. It was stupid to want someone who she doesn’t even know who, and it was even more stupid that a certain annoying someone is keeping her awake like this.

Yoona groans and bangs her head on the desk.

“God, make my stupid heart smart again.”


Yoona jumps of her seat at the sound of someone knocking on their door. Then, she hears someone running out her hallway. It was probably some prankster but she needed a break anyway and got up to open the door.

In her doorstep was a red rose, a thermos and cup noodles. She picks up the note…

Baby love,

Cup noodles to keep you full …

Hot choco to help you sleep…

And rose to let you know I’m always thinking of you…

I love you.

Your Honeybun

And that very second, it wasn’t a contest anymore… Yoona knows who she had fallen for…

“Good night, honey.”

Yoona whispers, maybe tonight she’ll finally have that sleep that she’s been needing and maybe if she’s lucky, she’ll dream of a certain somebody.


At the corner of the hallway, a certain raven haired girl heart skips a beat as she sees the way Yoona’s eyes beamed at her gesture.

“Good night, baby.”

Yuri smiles as she walks back to her room, but she doubt she could sleep not when her heart is keeping her awake.


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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!