Party Rockers




And Yoona wasn’t kidding when she said she wants to do it everyday. But the problem is, when you live in the dorms and sharing the room with somebody else, it’s hard to find the right time to have the room to yourself. And now that finals is drawing near, Seo and Tiffany aren’t going anywhere but their rooms.

So, since Yuri’s birthday the two haven’t get it on. Like zero, like never, nada, none at all.

And Yoona was getting frustrated… too frustrated that she just stares blankly at the books scattered on her bed and on the English research paper halfway done on her laptop. If she and Yul would just do it once, just once it’ll be enough for her to get back on track.

And as if Yoona’s mood telepathically went two floors below her as her phone starts vibrating.

From: PuppyYul
Baby… Pany is out for the night for a research project and I’m going to be by myself. Would you mind keeping me company tonight?

Seo looks up as the lethargic Yoona suddenly bounce off her bed, spraying, no, dousing herself with body spray while brushing her hair like crazy…

Yoona was checking if she has good underwear on when Seohyun pipes in.

“Are you going somewhere?”

Yoona’s sneakers squeaks to a stop as she turns towards the very surprised looking Seo.

“Oh ahhhh… I’m going to ummm… Yuri’s room, she needs ahhh… help with math so I’m going to help her out.”

“Oh okay.”

Seohyun never saw Yoona this excited over a study group before even during high school, and it’s a good thing Yoona is finally showing interest in school.

“And you know that Yuri’s a bit retarded, so, were probably going to stay up all night..uuummm studying, so don’t wait up… Good night Seo.”

“Don’t forget your books.”

“Oh yeah,” Yoona laughs nervously “Thanks” She said while grabbing her books. “Good night.”


And Seo could hear Yoona running out of their dorm hallway.


Yoona moans satisfyingly as she felt Yuri’s kisses going downwards… Finally it’s just her and her baby...


And somebody knocking on the door.

“Sh!t” Yuri curses.

“Ignore it Yul.”

Yoona doesn’t give a crap if that someone’s hand bleeds from knocking. She and Yuri are NOT getting out of this bed.

“Yoh Kwon! Open up! I know you’re in there.”

Yuri snarls and pushes herself off the bed, Putting her shirt on as she walk to the door.

ing must have run in their family because there was Sooyoung and Seo standing in the doorway.

“Good night.” Yuri slams the door on their faces.

The rapid knocks continued.

“What?!” Yuri got on Sooyoung’s face that it terrified the girl.

“What the hell dude? Are you like PMSing or something?”

“What are you doing here, Choi?”

“Well, Seo told me that you and Yoona were going to study for math and I was like whoah that’s a great idea maybe we should join them. You know what they say, two heads are better than one.”

“You won’t have a head when I’m done.” Yuri scratches her head in frustration

Good thing Seo caught Sooyoung before the girl land face flat on the floor. Seo bends down to pick up Yoona’s math books laying on the floor. “You two were studying on the floor? They say that’s a good idea, cause if you study in bed, it’ll make you sleepy.”

“You’ll sleep forever when I’m done with you.” Yoona mutters under her breath.

“Ow Yoong… your shirt is inside out.” Seohyun points out innocently…

Then it dawn on Sooyoung…

“Oh dude.” Sooyoung lock her arm around Yuri’s neck and drag her to the corner… “Were you and Yoona-”


“Ohhhhh… My bad, my bad… So, you want us to go?”

“What do you think?!”

“Alright! Alright! Calm down… I’ll tell Seo that we should go.”

“Good idea.”

Sooyoung’s twitches her brow up and down… “Alright… I’m going to let you and Yoona go forth and multiply… keke… get it? Multiply? Since you are suppose to be studying math… No?”

“NO” Yuri growls…

“Fine… geez such a horndog, but tell me about it, ok? in details.”

“Leave Now!”

“Geez chill” Sooyoung waves her hands in defense “Don’t get your all in a bunch, even if I’m sure it’s already is.”

But before Sooyoung could tell Seo to leave the two alone, someone decides to join in the party…

“And the party don’t start til I walk in…” Hyoyeon is standing by the doorway with snacks and some beer.

“There is no party!” But Hyoyeon already walk pass the frustrated Yuri.

Sooyoung pats the depress looking Yuri… “There, there… good things come to those who wait.”

“Party up in here!!!” And no party would be complete with the dandyu, Taeyeon and Sunny…

“It’s a study group unnie...” Seohyun squeaks…

“We know but we need a break, every 10 minutes…”

“30 minutes.”

“You have your way of studying I have mine…”


And Yuri couldn’t figure out why Yoona was casting evil glares at her, she didn’t get some too. Yuri just groans and decides to give Yoona some space before she could get the wrath of Yoona’s sarcasm.


One shot

“Yoh Taeng, what is like your relationship with Shika?”

“What relationship? There is no relationship.”

After two shots…

Yoh Taeng, What is like your relationship with Shika?”

“We're friends…”

After three shots…

“Yoh Taeng, What is like your relationship with Shika?”

“IDK… I think I like her but she scare the crap out of me.”

After four shots…

“Yoh Taeng-“

“I LOVE SHIKA!!!!” Taeyeon jumps off her chair, fist pumping in the air. “WE GONNA GET MARRIED AND MAKE LIL BLONDE SHIKAS!!!!”

“You know her hair is dyed, right?”

“What?!” Taeyeon looks so scared “Shika DIED!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! If she died I should die too.”

“You got this Hyo?”

“Oh yeah” Hyoyeon chuckles evilly as she videos Taeyeon’s crawling on the floor, mourning for Shika…

“Black mail time.”


Yuri crawls toward Yoona who’s sitting with a very pissed off look on her face.

“Stay away from me.” Yoona warns her Yulpup who starts nuzzling on her neck.

“But I want you.”

“I want you to go away.”

Yuri sits up looking like a kicked puppy “You are so mean to me, my love.”

Yoona ignores Yuri and instead focus on Yuri’s crew jumping up in the bed with their hands up.

Girls’ Generation make you feel the heat
And we’re doin’ it we can’t be beat
(B-Bring the boys out)
We’re born to win, Better tell all your friends!!!!

“You just didn’t tell your friends, you told the whole floor!!!” Yoona snaps at Yuri.

And some more knocking… Yuri stands up and her face turned sour when she sees her annoying neighbor with an equally sour face looking back at her.

“Excuse me, Yuri…” The girl said so rudely… “But I’m trying to study here so could you pl-“ But the girl’s eyes widened and froze there for a second when she caught sight of the Goddess “Oh EM GEE…” The girl shoves Yuri out of the way and quickly walks over to Yoona… “Hi Yoona… I didn’t know you know Kwon Yuri” The girl says Yuri’s name with such disdain.

“Yes, I do.”

“Oh, we're like close friends too, like when she’s hungry she asks for ramen from my room… We are like so close… Right Yul?”


“Anyways… I don’t know if you know me but I’m Soyeon and I think we're going to be great friends, right Yoona?”

“Right…” Yoona looks specifically at the annoyed Yuri.

“Hmmp… my Yoona.” Yuri pouts…

“What’s going on here?”


Jessica takes a step back before the midget could get her hands on her.

“When was I dead?”

“IDK… You alive.”

“Guys… What did you do to Taeyeon?”

“We did this for you, Shika. The alcohol gave her the guts to finally say everything she feels.”

“And what does she feel?”

“I lurv you…” Taeyeon bats her lashes at Shika.


“A drunken confession, great, let me go propose to you right now.” Shika replied sarcastically

“NO! I’ll propose.” Taeyeon got down on her knee, two knees until she ended up face flat on the floor.

“OMO! Taeyeon?”


“OMO! I think she passed out.”


“Seo! You’re the bouncer! Go check who’s at the door!”

Seohyun didn’t know what she got into. She decides that next time she’ll study on her own AWAY from everyone.


“Hi… Is Sunny there?”

And Sunny quickly got off her feet at the sound of the voice.


Sunny quickly shoves Hyomin to the dorm hallway.

“You said you were having a study group so I decided to bring you and your friends some hot choco.”

Sunny exhales shakily, could she really blame the other girl for being caring?

“Thanks Hyomin… Well, good night.”

“Who’s your friend, Sunny?!” Hyoyeon called out from the room…

“Nobody.” And Sunny closes the door behind her.

And as painful for Hyomin to be denied by Sunny in front of her friends, she decides to man up and nod.

“Ok… Well good night.”

Sunny already expected what Hyomin was about to do and pulled away before Hyomin could kiss her on the cheek. Hyomin got the idea right away…


The two girls see Eunjung fuming madly towards them…

“Hyomin! How dare you not tell me, your bestfriend/roommie that you’re going to party in my future wife’s room?”

“Future Wife? You mean Yuri?”

“Who else?! Let’s go get my girl!”

Eunjung pushes away Sunny and drags Hyomin inside the room.


Yuri couldn’t even get near Yoona now that her new fan is all over her. Until Yuri decided to play dirty and pushes the girl away and wraps her arms around Yoona.

“My Yoona” Yulpup barks at Sooyeon.


Yuri steps back as she sees Eunjung with eyes as red as Santa Claus suit.

“W-what the-?”

Eunjung steps closer and took a good look at the woman all over her future wife.

“OMO! You’re that same girl who was making out with Yuri in the library in high school? I could never forget your face!”

“And guess what? I’m still the same girl making out with Yuri.” Yoona snaps back…

“Oh -ho!!!! It’s on bish!!!!!” Eunjung says while pulling her sleeve ready to punch Yoona’s face off.

“FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” The girls start chanting…

Yoona motions Eunjung to come close. “Oh bring it…”

Sooyoung steps in between the girls.

“Ladies, ladies please is Kwon Yuri really worth all this?”


And like a bodyguard Soyeon got in between Eunjung and her Goddess.

“What the?!”

“Nobody calls Im Yoona the most perfect girl alive a bish and gets away with it!”

“This? This skinny flat girl? Perfect?!” Eunjung scoffs “Go get your eyes check cause no one! No one is more perfect than Kwon Yuri!!!”

“Im Yoona is PERFECTER!!!”


And the two fangirls starts pulling each other’s hair out both determine to fight for their bias.

“This is like the best group study ever!”


Tiffany sighs in relief, she spends almost her whole evening covering up the work of her useless groupmate. She was glad that she finish faster than expected and now she’s ready to plop on her bed and sleep her life away.

She could feel her heels bouncing from the loud music. Someone is throwing a party on their floor again. Gosh and it’s finals week too… Some people could be so insensitive.

Tiffany wasn’t ready for the horror that she witness when she opens her dorm room…



Jessica was never the helping type but she have no choice and drags the singing drunk Taeyeon to her room


“Shut up, Midget.”

“Why don’t you like Titanic?”

“I’m going to make you sink when you don’t shut up.” Shika snarls...

“Oh… we both know you love me… Why don’t you hold me while I stand? you can be Jack and I’ll be Rose.”

“I don’t want to be the one that freeze to death.”

“Ok fine, I’m Jack and you’re Rose, Now go get so I can paint you.”

OFFFFFFFF… Taeyeon Lands on her knees as Shika landed a blow on her erted self.



Yoona like a ninja was able to escape Tiffany’s wrath and stealthily went back to her room. She groans every 5 second as she forces herself to study. It was useless, not when her cravings for Yuri were distracting her.

She groans some more as she felt her phone vibrate.

From: Seobaby
Yoong… I’m going to spend the night at Sooyoung unnie’s room… Maybe you should asked Yuri unnie to keep you company tonight.

Good night…

And just like on cue, someone knocks on Yoona’s bedroom door.

“Hello… Is this the room of Im Yoona?”

Yoona smiles slyly at the cutest delivery girl in the doorway holding a box of pizza.


“I was wondering if you would like to join me for some pizza and soda?” Yuri smile teasingly as Yoona nods.

Yuri puts the pizza box on Yoona’s bed as the two look excitedly at their dinner.

“Damn you, Soo.”

Yuri curse as she sees 3 slices of the pizza gone.


Yoona tap her fingernails on Yuri’s waist… Did Yuri just fell asleep on her after eating 3 slices of pizza? Yoona lays her lips on Yuri’s back…


Yuri smile as she hears the tone in Yoona’s voice, maybe she’ll play hard to get a bit, just a wee bit “Mmmm…”

“Are you asleep?” Yoona sits up and leans over to check on Yuri, she squeals as Yuri pulls her on top of her.

“No… I’m just resting before I have dessert.”

Yoona leans close for a kiss before sitting back and taking her shirt off. Yuri runs her hand on Yoona’s body, admiring every curve and taking it to memory. She raises her arm and let her girl undress her, before Yoona leans over and starts pressing kisses on every inch of her Yuri.

And the two couldn’t help but melt in each other as they savored the sweetest thing.


Yoona groans satisfyingly but was quickly jolted awake when she found her bed empty. She smiles as she sees Yuri staring seriously at some notes while in front of her laptop.


“Yoona… sorry did I wake you up?”

“No…” Yoona smiles, she rest her head on her hand and admired her girl. Those tanned legs that seem to go on forever, those curves and of course, her face, her gorgeous face. Oh yes, Yoona could stare at Yuri forever. “What are you doing?”

“You were asleep so I just got up and type your paper.”

“Yul, you don’t have to, I was about to do it.”

“No, I want to. I’ll do anything to make your life easier.”

“Then come back to bed, Yuri unnie.”

Yuri’s ears pop at the name.

“What you call me?”

“Yuri unnie.” Yoona smile seductively and before she knows it, Yuri was back in her arms. As she was totally helpless to Yoona’s nickname and of course totally helpless to Yoona.


Seohyun sighs heavily as she walks in her room with Yoona's clothes scattered all around the floor. She loves her bestfriend but Yoona needs to start cleaning up. But the OC that Seohyun is, she just couldn't wait for Yoona to come back and starts picking up Yoona's clothes herself. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she picks up a Mickey mouse .

"Huh? since when did Yoona like Mickey mouse?"



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!