My Techie Girlfriend



I jump on my bed and scream while pounding my poor pillow to the pulp. When I heard the sound of heels clickety clacking in the dorm hallway, I looked up, knowing that it only meant one thing.

She’s back…

“Oh good… you’re here,” Tiffany says happily as she walks in our shared dorm room together with her 4 wheel Louis Vuitton luggage. “Can you help me with my bag?”

“You already went through 4 flight of stairs!!! Can’t you push your bag just a few feet more?!” She answered me with a cute pout.

“Why can’t you just get a jansport bag like the rest of us?”

“Why so gwumpy?” Her talking like a 5 year old is not helping… While everyone (esp. Taeyeon) is helpless against Tiffany’s uber adorable eye smile and her overwhelming cutesy ways, I am perfectly immune to it. yeah at first, I was too but being roommates mean you get to see the side of the person that no one could ever see. I saw her snore, burp, fart, has snot on her nose, drunk, puking, all those things that she keeps as a secret to preserve her perfect image.

“Nothing,” I check on my Iphone maybe the girls felt guilty and decided to ask for my forgiveness.. I groan, no such luck.

“Well… I’m tired from my trip… I need to take a shower. Then, I want you to come with me to go grab something to eat.”

“Fine.” I could only answer in defeat.

“Good… that’s a good girl.” She flashes her eyesmile and headed out to the bathroom… just in time when my phone vibrated…

“hello hon… <3”

I smiled as I receive the message from my girlfriend… it’s a good thing, Fany was in the shower or else she would see this stupid smirk on my face. I was absolutely infatuated with my mystery girl… wait… you might ask… she’s my girlfriend and you don’t know who she is? Yup… she’s mine but I don’t know who she is…


Remember that computer game, LIFEQUEST? Where you form an army and keep on attacking until you conquer the whole country? No… anyone? no? ok… well… there were once a time, that game was the sheyt and I skip school for a week just so I could play.

I remember I was conquering left and right but there was one army. One group of army led by this AngelKY88. (what kind of name was that?) that I just couldn’t beat, This person was the sheyt I admit. He was a tactical genius, just when you thought you had him, he strikes at you… I was totally spazzing over this guy. He was the bomb. Finally I gather up my guts to personal message him.

“Hey… I hate to admit it but you just amaze me.”

“Thanks :P

I was surprise with his reply… I thought he would say something flirty not this cutesy “:P” high school thing…

“So, care to share me your secrets?” I wasn’t going to give up on this genius…

“Nope :P

I stared at my screen closely, another :P

“Pretty please… ”

“Fine… since you ask nicely.”

I totally forget the fact that I could be flirting with some addict in the dark corner of an internet café, but with the way he replies I thought he was smart, although he likes to message :P a lot…

Then, he admits one thing… He’s actually a girl…


“Awww man and I was starting to like you…”

“Oh, you hate me now cause I’m a girl?”

“No… but I don’t think you would go for me now.”

“What made you think that? You sound hot… :P

“Maybe because I’ am.”

*end of flashback*

And just like that… we decided to go for it…

We told ourselves, we won’t reveal our names or anything incriminating like that. We call each other by pet names, she calls me honey, I call her baby. We just kept our relationship like this, no prejudice, no judging just the real us. When we felt alone, or we need someone to about, we always had each other and somehow we made it work… and I have never been with anybody who I felt I could be so honest and real with…although I have no idea who she is… but I’m pretty sure she’s amazing.

From: Baby
“So, how’s my honey today?

From: Honey
“pissed… hmmp :verymad:"

From: Baby
“why? Who made my honey mad? :realmad:

From: Honey
“my friends… they keep teasing me with this jackass from my old high school.”

From: Baby
“ How dare they… tell me who they are and I’ll tell my aunt who’s a witch to get them… :realmad:

I laugh… she, whoever she is could make turn my fiery rage into a ball of sunshine… that’s how amazing she is… Then out of nowhere I feel jealous, incomplete that we were just tech gfs… I wonder who’s that lucky boy or girl who gets to see her everyday? Hear her laugh or talk? I growl at the thought of somebody else being able to kiss her and hug her… Until I decided to break our rule.

“let’s meet”

From:Baby <3
“what? why?”

From: Honey
“cause I wanted to get to know you more… I’m thinking this is not enough…

From: Baby
“what if I’m not what you expected?”

Oh my Gee… what if? What if she turned out to be ugly betty?

From: Honey
“you’re marvelous… whether were meant to be just friends or more than that, I will be contented but I think I will forever regret it if I never get the chance to see you.”

From: Baby


“Dude… you know the IPHONE is a touch screen, not really for keyboard smashing” Sooyoung says as she sees Yuri pounding her phone angrily.

“it’s my parents… I can’t believe them… they haven’t send me my allowance yet and they wouldn’t call me back.”

“It’s just the first day of school and you already run out of money?”

“Maybe if you didn’t bring to every restaurant in this city, I would still have money.”

Sooyoung pouts, “But you have fun with me, right?”

“Of course.”

Yuri stuffs her phone back in her bag…

Yuri’s POV

It was the first day of classes. Me and Soo are on our way to our algebra class… Ok… let’s get one thing straight… When God was giving out the gift of math, me and Sooyoung were probably hangover somewhere because this is the third semester that we are repeating this subject. Math is complicated enough with numbers, just imagine adding letters to it… but right now… I’m not going to worry about that, my mind is filled with the girl that I was going to see tonight.

As we walked in class, I heard Sooyoung gasps so loud, you thought she won a lottery or something.

“This is it buddy… We are going to pass.” She shakes me excitedly… I turn to look and there was her uptight cousin Seo looking like a elementary school student with her books. Sooyoung drags me over to them and BAM!!! I stop…

“I’ll sit in the back.”

I turned around but Sooyoung shoves me down on the seat beside Yoona.

“You want to pass? You have to sit with the right crowd. I heard Yoona was in the math decathlon and my cousin is like a freaking genius… this is it… buddy … our math curse have been broken.”

“Ayyy… you guys failed it?”

I shot her a warning glance and I could smack that triumphant smirk off her face.

“Relax… relax…” Sooyoung massages my shoulder.

Yoona chuckles triumphantly while I slump in defeat in the seat beside her. A bespectacled guy with thinning hair drags himself to the front of the class and starts to write his name in the board.

“Gosh… even the teacher don’t want to be in class.” I muttered to myself then turn to her, I wanted to turn away… I really did but I can’t… she look different… I feel like I’m looking at someone else, a very beautiful girl instead of that scrawny choding.

“Still can’t get enough?” she says in her deadpan sarcastic tone.

“Sorry, I just got distracted by the booger in your nose.”

Her face turned bright red and she quickly covered her nose. She pats Seohyun and whispers something while I giggle triumphantly. Seohyun looks at her then shakes her head. She turns back at me and grits her teeth angrily.

I quickly look away to focus on the board. You know that awkward feeling when you look at the first question and you don’t even have any idea what it means? Oh yeah… it’s happening to me right now…

“Ohhhh kay…” says our bored teacher “find a partner and solve the problems on the board.”

“Soo…” I turn to Sooyoung…

“Sorry dude, you know were just gonna end up with an F together. I’m partners with Seohyun, take Yoona…”

HMMMP… some bestfriend you are… “I’ll do it myself…”

Yoona just shrugs casually and starts doing the problem.

I felt tears coming out of my eyes. I red the question over and over again and it just don’t make sense. if A is going 250 miles to the… and B is going blah blah blah how long will it take them to go to point C? Who gives a damn where these letters go? If A and B are destined to see each other, it won’t matter how long it will take them!!! As long as they get there!!!

Because I naughty, naughty…

And everyone who doesn’t live in a cave knows what song is playing… Very slowly everyone turns to look at me, of all the time my parents called me, its on the time when I’m in the class I’m failing. I buried my face under my hair to try to stop the embarrassment.


I felt like I’m on my way to my lethal injection as he walks towards me.

“That better be Jesus Christ calling.” He growls at my face “PICK.IT.UP”

I haven’t tremble this much since… well, I haven’t tremble this much as I pick up my phone…

“H-hello? Jesus?”

Sooyoung facepalms herself for me for my epic fail.


I felt like a kid about to get a whooping, my whole body just trembling in fear. I screwed my eyes shut and brace myself to whatever my math professor with mid life crisis is going to do to me.

“Bwara Mr. Simple, Simple, geudaeneun geudaeneun geudaero meotjyeo...”

I didn't know what got into that head of hers, because Yoona just got up and starts singing and dancing to Mr. Simple.

“Oh c’mon… you guys know this song.. It’s not number one in the charts for nothing.”

Sooyoung is about to join when Seohyun pulls her down by her sleeve.

“Unnie, this isn’t glee, so don’t even think about it.” Seohyun whispers in a reprimanding tone.

gaja gaja eoseo gaja, mak hyeosseul ttaen dora gaja
golchi apa jukget damyeon, oneul haruman nolgo boja

Yoona continues dancing much to the amusement of everyone in class. I could see the blood pressure of our professor rise (not in a good way)


I felt the impact of the door as it slams on our faces. I turn to look at her and instead of looking worried the dork actually looked happy.

“Alright… free period.” She grins happily as she is ready to leave…

“Where are you going?”


gaja gaja eoseo gaja, mak hyeosseul ttaen dora gaja
golchi apa jukget damyeon, oneul haruman nolgo boja

She continues to sing and dance oblivious to the stares people are giving to her as she skipped away…

“Damn… now I owe her.”


That night, I brought my trusty sidekick Sooyoung to our meeting place. I’m so freaking nervous to meet her. The fact that she could be ugly or psycho, I just needed a back up plan and Soo was willing to do it as long as I bring her to an all you can eat buffet.

We came 15 minutes early to try to review our signals…

“Ok, if she’s ugly… what do you do?”

“I thought it’s the inside that counts?” Sooyoung scratches her head in confusion

“Soo…” I said in an exasperated tone…

“Fine… I’ll call you after you guys are done eating so you don’t seem evil.”

“Yup… what if she’s boring?”

“I’ll come over and tell you Taeyeon just got into a car accident and is in the hospital.”

“If she’s psycho?”

“I’ll scream fire…”


I smiled… We were close to the entrance when …


“What the ?”

My dream girl… how can that be? Why her? why?

“Hey it’s Yoona… hehe… wouldn’t it be so hilarious if she turned out to be your girlfriend?

The dummy started laughing unaware of what’s happening then she looks at me all shock.

"OMO! It’s her?!”

“Oh, you are such a genius.” I mutters sarcastically

Yoona for once looks nervous. Our code was all there, we were going to meet in the corner table near the counter at soshi cafe and she should have the book zombie survival guide which we both loved. I would have to approach her and say “baby” and she would say “honey”…

We are suppose to meet at 8, why is she here this early?

Damn it… why her? I need to do something fast…quick brain… think of something…

Then, a lightbulb shone in my head.

DING. (that’s a lightbulb)

This is it… I didn’t know that she was you know… and knowing how popular she is in high school, I bet nobody knows. This is her biggest secret and my ace against her, never will she bother me with that smug face of hers and deadpanned sarcastic voice. I win… bwahahaha…

“Well, well, well… prince charming running late?”

I smiled cockily at her and for once that confident, cocky self of hers look vulnerable.

“What?!” I gasp. “Is this? a book?” I picked up the book and run my fingers to it.

“Great observation, Sherlock!!!” She snatches the book away from me.

“I didn’t know you can read?”

“What are you doing here?” She hissed at me…

“Duh… to eat… right, Soo?”

“Yup, eat-just-eat- were-not-meeting-anyone-no-were-not-were-just-here-to-eat”, Sooyoung replies and I mentally facepalm for my friend’s epic fail.

“Do you mind if we join you?”

“Actually I do… so could you and robot girl here, take another seat?”

“You know what, babe?”

Her eyes widen when I drop that little hint…

“How about I stay here, until your date arrives?”

And for once it’s me who have a smug smile…


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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!