



Yuri pouts thoughtfully to check the wide array of mouthwatering display of gourmet meal offered in front of her- ok, JK.JK. Just around 4 trays of crappy cafeteria food laid out for lunch in the cafeteria.

“Ummm… Are there still noodles available?” Yuri asks politely, “ACK!” She yelps as she sees the look of fury and the steam coming out of fluffy cafeteria lady’s nose and ears. The woman growls as if Yuri had just told her that she should join the show Biggest loser.

“There are children in Africa who have nothing to eat while you have 4 trays of food to choose from and you’re being picky and looking for noodles?!!!!”

Yuri was too stunned to react at the outburst. All she was just asking were noodles, Why did fluffy caf lady have to go apesh!t like that on her?

“I just want to know if there are noodles? “Yuri manages to squeak, trying to hold in her tears.


“N-nnno” Yuri trembles.


Weak hearted Kwon Yuri was hurt with the outburst… “WAAAAHHHH!!!! You hurt my feelings!” Yuri bawls shamelessly in the cafeteria during its busiest hour with a hundred students staring at her, but Kwon Yuri didn’t care, her feelings were hurt and she’s just an emotional wreck right now.

Then, someone wrap their arms around her waist and Yuri sniffles in her seobang’s shoulders. Fluffy caf lady eyes shot wide open like she saw a sign saying free all day buffet. But it was better than a buffet, it was the campus Goddess, Im Yoona…

“Hey… what’s wrong, baby?” Yoona making sure Caf lady with a homicidal rage heard the last word. As she comforted her toddler girlfriend.

“Fluffy unnie is mean…”

And just like that, Fluffy caf lady’s morose face suddenly turned happy. “Oh… HAHA. I didn’t know you know her, Yoona-shiii…”

“She’s mine.” Yoona says it like a boss.

“Oh..haha… well… If you could wait… They’re about to bring the noodles out.” She says grinning widely at Yoona.

Whoah! What now?! What about the starving kids in Africa?

“HYUK!!!! Bring out the noodles, Im Yoona’s girlfriend is waiting”

Wait a sec… Did she just refer to me as Im Yoona’s girlfriend?

“Thank you so much unnie…” Yoona winks, her deathly wink and Yuri could swear that she saw Caf Lady’s eyes turned into stars…

The cafeteria lady starts to pour all the noodles in Yuri’s plate that the noodles starts dripping off Yuri’s plate.

“Do you want some more, Yoona’s girlfriend?”

“I’m Yuri”

“Yeah… yeah… move along… just tell us if you want us to give your girlfriend more noodles, Yoona-shii”

“Thank you unnie… and oh yeah, unnie one more thing.”

“What is it Yoona-shii?”

“Don’t hurt my baby’s feelings again”


Seohyun looks down as her Sooyoung unnie manage to make a fool out of herself again as the chocolate starts dripping from her lip.

But while Seohyun just complains in her head, Tiffany has no problems airing her opinion out.



“I know you could eat everything and not get fat but you really need to start watching what you eat. It’s not healthy to just eat all this junk.”

“Oh… ok…” Sooyoung agrees and picks up her chicken drumstick staring at it with lust in her eyes before taking a savory bite. She repeated her action with her chips, then brownie and finally her carrot stick.

Sunny finally had enough of Soo’s antics and asked “Soo, what the hell are you doing?”

“I’m listening to Pany-yah advice, I’m watching what I eat”

Seohyun thuds her head in the lunch table while the rest just have their mouths hanging open, not sure how to react.

“She didn’t mean LITERALLY… idiot” Sunny groans before turning back to her DS

“Oh. I didn’t know that”

“Hey guys” Taeyeon joins her friends at the lunch table then searches for a spot, Seo, Yoong, Yuri, Soo, Hyo, Sunny, Tiffany, Shika… empty chair. Ah crap! But she takes a breath and puts her tray beside the stoic-i- don’t- even-care-if-she’s-sitting-by-me Shika who’s eating her salad. “Hi Shika.”

“Whatever” Shika answers her and nibbles her carrot stick.

“Oh, that’s Jeshika’s favorite food too” Taeyeon trying to break the ice and she couldn’t figure out why her friends are looking at her like she was about to be going to her death sentence. “She’s my hamster”

“Wait.” Shika turns and froze Taeyeon with her icy glare “your hamster has the same name as me?”

Uh oh…

Tiffany is shaking her head as she sees Taeyeon trembling in fear. Shika please go easy on her… Tiffany tried to send a mental PM to her bestfriend’s mind.

“I…I…I…I..I I name her after Jessica Alba? She’s ummm hot..”

“Oh yeah… She’s hot…” Yuri nods in agreement before “UMPH!” She clenches her rib as Yoona’s sharp elbows just ram themselves against it. “Did I say hot? I meant not”

Cough *whipped* cough* cough…

“Jessica Alba? I thought you name her after Jessica Jung here?”

Taeyeon growls at Sunny and gave her ex bestfriend a Am a kill you bish look.

“So, who wants some sweet potato fries?” Seohyun chirped anything to break this God awful tension.

The table got quiet except for Sooyoung’s chewing when Taeyeon broke the silence…

“Oh ummm… Pany”

“Yes Tae?”

“Ummm… I went to Soshi café earlier before class and I didn’t know they have it there…” Taeyeon talks while fidgeting inside her bag “So, ummm here…”

And Jessica felt her heart break as Taeyeon pushes the loaf of banana cake right across her…


“You ok, Hyo?”

“Yeah.. I just think I have a toothache from all this sweet stuff going on…”

That was it for Jessica. She grabs her tray then pushes her self out her chair.

“I have class.” She says coolly before walking away.

And Taeyeon didn’t know how to react, should she be relieved that Jessica left? Or disappointed that her method of getting closer didn’t work?


Yuri’s teeth are clench in anger, her fist balled and her forehead all furrowed from the intense emotion that she’s experiencing right now.

“Get that freaking pig!!!! ARGGGHHHH!!!” Yuri growls as she lost another game of angry birds again.

“I know I recognize that voice anywhere”

Yuri looks up and sees a hot collegiate girl smiling at her.

“Narsha unnie…hey… wazzup?”

Narsha smiles then joins the girl sitting by the steps. “Not much girl… how about you? What’s this crazy thing I heard bout you getting engaged?”

“I’M MARRYING IM YOONA!!!” Yuri says so excitedly

“Yeah, I hear a bunch of people talking about it and I saw the ring but you know, knowing you it just sounded impossible… but obviously it isn’t, you really got hook this time, huh?”

Yuri nods her head cutely. Narsha pats her younger friends back, this was definitely NOT the KWON YURI she knows. She knew player Yul, the outrageous flirt, who gathers phone number for fun, who laughs at your face if you ask her if she ever likes someone, but this was a very different Kwon Yuri. Im Yoona did something other girls have tried doing which is make Yul commit, and whatever Yoona did it worked.

“So, what you doing here? You got a class after?”

“Oh I’m here to pick up my girlfriend”

“Man… I didn’t know it was this serious” Narsha says in a mocking voice. “Like what happen to you, Yul?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean last year everyone knows you as player Yul, people would watch us G7 just to see you perform but now you’re Im Yoona’s chick”

“I don’t mind… I’m proud to be hers”

“But what about Yoona? I mean I heard Taec was chasing after her”

“Yoona likes my abs more.”

“I even heard the coach for the baseball team asking Yoona to do the pep talk for the players. ”

“That’s not true. It was the football team. ”

“And every oppars and a lot of these girls are fangirling over her. and she chose you. Don’t you think you should do something to at least make her say that’s my girl?”

“Oh… ummm…”

“I’m not saying this to make you worry Yul, what I’m just trying to say is you got to prove to this people too that you’re worthy of being Yoona’s girl.”

That got Yuri thinking (that doesn’t happen a lot) Narsha has a good point, a very good one. What did she ever do to make Yoona proud of her? Nothing really… but Yoona doesn’t seem to worry about it that’s why Yuri never had the chance to think of it, but now that Narsha explained it. Yuri now knows that she HAS to do something.

“Well, good thing I’m one of the chairs for the talent festival” Narsha broke Yuri’s thoughts “And Yoona back out so who would be a much better replacement than you?

“Well… ummm…”
“You don’t have to answer me now, you have my number just text me. Just think Yul, I think this school needs to see Kwon Seobang again.”

Kwon Seobang? Yuri haven’t heard that for awhile…

“Narsha unnie…”


“I’ll do it”


As much as Taeyeon wanted to walk away from where is standing at, she felt herself being glued right in front of the auditorium’s door.

“Shika is in there”


Taeyeon narrows her eyes at the sight of the two idiots. “What you doing here?”

“No… Kim Taeyeon… What are YOU doing here?”

“I go to this school. Of course I’m going to walk around”

“Ah. Uh.uh…” Sooyoung wags her Cheetos stained finger at Taeyeon “you think I’m stupid?”

Taeyeon roll her eyes at the tall girl. “Do you really want me to be honest, Soo?”

“Don’t answer that… My point is, this isn’t just a place it’s the school auditorium and inside is a certain girl who shares the same name as your hamster”


“What are you waiting for, Taeng… go inside and cheer for her”

“I won’t do that!”

Hyo and Soo turns to each other and Taeyeon didn’t like what that meant.


Taeyeon screams as Hyo and Soo carries her inside.


Taeyeon, Soo and Hyoyeon settled by the back chairs as they look at Jessica rehearsing with Yuri.

“Oh, See? Yuri is with her, I’m sure she won’t let Onew get his RingDingDong near Shika.”

“I don’t know what that means but it doesn’t sound right” Taeyeon mutters

“You and your erted mind Kim Taeyeon…”

“Hey you two…”

Seohyun and Yoona smiles happily, carrying their shopping bags as they sit with their unnies…

“How come the younger kids have more money to shop than we do, Soo?” Hyoyeon whines…

“Kids nowadays are so spoiled” Sooyoung says as they shake their heads. “wait… Im Yoona? I thought you are going to perform?”

“No… I have to back out, I was having a hard time trying to balance my classes. practices get tiring and I need to study harder”

“Wow… if I had the same tenacity as you with my studies… I might have been a dean’s lister right now”

“Keep dreaming, Hyo”

“Wait… I thought Yuri is going to be a back up why is she with Shika unnie?” There was almost a sound of worry in Yoona’s voice…

“They’re just probably practicing together. Yuri could be dumb but she’s a dancing genius, one look at a music video and she could already perform it. She’s probably the only one who knows how to dance to this song, other than Onew”

“Have you seen Yuri dance?”

“Well… just when she’s partying but not like when she’s performing…”

“Oh, then… prepare to be amaze Im Yoona… with your nice, pricey ring.” Hyoyeon says jealously as she sees Yoona’s ring.

Yuri looks up to the stage and instantly brightens up to sight of Yoona… her level of excitement was almost that of a puppy seeing her master… (hence the petname PuppyYul). Yuri then points to her eyes, then make a cupped heart with her hand before pointing to Yoona.

Sooyoung and Taeyeon pretends to puke with Kwon Yuri’s cheesiness. “So cheesy Kwon Yuri!”

“I LOVE YOU TOO!!!” Hyoyeon then points to her eyes, then make a cupped heart with her hands then points to Yuri and ending it by holding out two fingers.

“Dumb@ss!” Sooyoung smacks Hyoyeon at the back of the head “She’s talking to Yoona not you!”

“Why?! Can’t a friend tell her other friend that she loves her?” Hyoyeon then turns to Yoona “Not the way you two make love, I mean love each other just you know in a BFF way…”

“What’s up with you?” Jessica asks in her deadpan voice when she sees Yuri blowing kisses to the 5 girls (Ok, maybe just Yoona) watching.

“Look” Yuri wraps her arm around Jessica’s neck and points to the stage “Taeyeon is watching you… wave to her, Shika.” Yuri takes Shika’s arm and shakes it to make her wave to the girls.

Jessica shoves Yuri away and grunts… Turning her back from the people before her lips broke in a soft grin.

Yuri playfully points at Jessica then cup her hands on “Jessica loves Taeyeon… OFFFFF”

“Shut up” Jessica the dragon snarls at Yuri who’s clutching her stomach after Jessica punches her.

“Ok Yul! You had your fun, time to rehearse.”

The 5 girls starts hooting and cheering as the whistling starts, just the intro of the song troublemaker and it could make people hot and bothered, but when someone who could move as hot like Yuri is dancing to the song, it makes it more…OMFG nosebleed time.

Yoona swallows her lips and her eyes beaming proudly as she sees Yuri dance so crisp yet so sensual to the first seconds of the song.

But the moment Yuri’s hand glide to Jessica’s , Yoona and Taeyeon shot up from their seats. They don’t like this, not at all.

And it doesn’t get any better…

To everyone else, Jessica and Yuri’s almost ic performance was to the point of nosebleed overload. But to Yoona and Taeyeon it was the longest 5 minutes of their lives.

Hand gliding to body parts where they shouldn’t be, body grinding way too close to each other… and their looks, Oh those looks that practically scream “I want to eat you up” from start to finish.

In short it was a performance, Yulsic shippers are going to spaz about in the Yulsic thread.

How Yoona and Taeyeon manage to just stay calm and not rip Jessica or Yuri’s arm off each other, they didn’t know. They just might have some awesome self control.

Yoona and Taeyeon got back to reality as someone starts spazzing.

“That was so amazing” Seohyun eyes were almost like headlights with how bright they were “I can’t believe Yuri and Jessica unnie dance so well, they look so good toge- OFFFFF” Sooyoung covers Seo’s mouth before Taeyeon and Yoona jumps her.

“Relax you two” Sooyoung tries to calm the two as she wipes off the blood from her nose “It’s only a performance, right Hyo?”

“Ohhh wow…” Hyoyeon eyes and nose were widen in amazement “did you see the way they just look at each other? There’s definitely something there, it’s not just some normal look, but a different kind of look, like a “Just give me one night and a bottle of chocolate syrup and I’ll take you to places you never thought existed kind of look”

“Not helping, Hyo” Sooyoung snaps. “You know Yuri is just passionate when she dance, she put a lot of emotion to it”

“What emotion?" Taeyeon growls “?!”

Now that worried Yoona, did the look in Yuri’s eyes meant something?

“Wow… I have been dancing all my life and I could never do the hip as good as Kwon Yuri…” Hyoyeon turns jealously at Yoona “You must be so lucky”


Yuri and Jessica was about to walk out after rehearsals when Leeteuk and shindong stops their way.

“I want to talk to you girls about your performance"

“It’s just for practice Teukkie… I’m going to perform with Onew after he comes back from his chicken buffet”

“What?” Leetuek laughs nervously “Oh no… no… actually it’s something better”

Yuri and Jessica shared confuse looks.

“What do you mean?”

“We were thinking of having Jessica performed that song with Onew, but after we saw your performance we realize that it’s definitely much more hotter if two girls performed it…”

“And when your hand went to Jessica’s thigh… it was like…” Shindong was laughing almost maniacally at the image that Leeteuk has to elbow him to make him stop.

“Whoah… what now?” Yuri asks

“You two are just major s…”

“What? No!” Leeteuk shakes his head, well, maybe he and Shindong are but the girls don’t need to know it “I just think that’s what our university needs to be more open minded and accepting to these kinds of things”

“What do you mean by these kinds of things?”

“You know ummm… things that used to be taboo like ummm… same relationship?”

Both Jessica and Yuri leaned back on their chair quietly. How dare these two think that all there is to it, is just some hot girl on girl action? When both Yuri and Jessica are so madly in love with their Yoona and Taeyeon?

“Well, since were all going to be accepting of these kinds of things, why don’t the both of you kiss right now?” Jessica says, she’s not going to be ualized by these two s without getting revenge.


Leeteuk and Shindong cringe as they look at each other.

“Oh c’mon Teukkie, don’t tell me that whenever you see Shindong, you don’t think mmmm… I want to take a bite of you, you y Pillsbury dough boy” Jessica says seductively

Leeteuk shakes his head like crazy.

“And you Shindong, just look at Leeteuk, I’m sure you are like… oh yeah Teukkie, I’am naughty, naughty, come get a piece of me, Mr. Simple…” Yuri added…

“WHOAH! WHOAH! I don’t swing like that!” Shindong don’t even like the idea, maybe with Siwon and those chocolate abs then maybe yes, but with Leeteuk? Oh hell no!

“Swing like what?”

The two stammers to find a response.

“That’s what I thought… if you want to do that, make our school more “open minded” why don’t we start with the both of you? then we’ll take it from there.”

Yuri nods and follows Sica out.


Yoona was extra quiet… no, make that very quiet while the girls are eating dinner. Yuri has her chopsticks out for Yoona to take a bite of her chicken but the girl won’t budge.


“What the?” Yuri freaked out as she sees Sooyoung’s tonsils from where she is sitting.

“She won’t eat but I will”

Yuri groans and she didn’t even realize that Yoona already walk away…


“Yoona…” Yuri calls out as Yoona was walking back to the dorms… “Hey wait up…” Yuri finally caught up to the girl. “Are we fighting again?”

“Yes we are” Yoona says it so calmly.

“What about?”

“Duh Yul… your performance with Sica unnie!” that time Yoona couldn’t hide it.

“What? Yoona, you don’t have the right to be mad cause I’m not doing anything wrong.”

“When your hand goes to other people’s body parts other than mine, I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE MAD!”

“Seriously? You are making a big fuss about this? I thought you would understand since after you have Taec carry you off stage like a bride.”

“Oh… God… that was like so long ago, are you doing this to get back at me?"



"Of course not!" Yuri groans cause here they are again, arguing "I'm doing this for you..."


"Oh really? How come i feel like crap?" Yoona was in no mood to argue... "Look… Yul… I know we talk about me, walking away all the time. But right now, I just need you to give me some space. Could you do that?”

“Be my guest” Yuri growls then for once storms away.


Yuri was dragging herself all over the campus trying to calm down before trying to work things out with Yoona again when she sees a familiar person sleeping on the park bench.

“Hey…” Yuri says lifelessly as she sits beside the sleeping dragon.

“You and Yoona had a fight?”

“Of course… when do we not fight?” Yuri groans and slouches on the bench. “Do you know the feeling Shika? When you do everything to try and make her happy but somehow it always back fire in your face?”

Sica knows it all too well… “Like whatever you do for the person, she still don’t appreciate you?”


“I master that feeling, Yul.”

Yuri chuckles… “Yet here we still are, madly, crazy in love with them?”

“I master that one too…”

The two chuckles unknowingly to them, a short girl have misunderstood their conversations as she sees them from afar.


They see Taeyeon stomping those short legs while carrying a bouquet of flowers and balloons.

“Did somebody mention the upcoming hit single of 2en Kara FX T-ara Secret Brown Eyed Wonder After School Sistar 4 minute generation?”

The three girls were surprised as Hyo, Soo and Seo jumps out of the bushes.

“Eh, what did you just say?” Taeyeon asks…

“I thought our song is don’t touch my boy, unnie?”

“Do you see any boy right now? No… so well improvise for the moment…”

“Yul, I thought you’re my friend, why on Earth are you doing this?”

You’re my lady…


“You don’t mess with the girl that your bestfriend likes…” Taeyeon continues to rant…

You’re my lady…

“And you’re engaged for God’s sake and you do this?”

You’re my lady…with you…

“Could you guys stop singing?! I’m trying to talk here!” Taeyeon turns around and catches Hyoyeon and Sooyoung and the poor Seohyun performing their single.

“Taeng! You should feel honored dude, how many people say they got background music as they b!tch out?”

Taeyeon growls and in frustration ends up shoving Yuri…

“Taeyeon unnie!” Everyone turns and sees Yoona storming towards them. “You might be my unnie but don’t you dare lay your hands on Yuri again…”

Jessica steps in between Taeyeon and Yoona, poking Yoona on the chest. “Don’t you talk to midget like that…”

“Hey! Don’t push Yoona” Yuri pushes Jessica out.

“That’s it Yul! I had enough of you touching Shika!”

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung stares at each other then shrugs and instead of stopping the fight… The girls decided to finish their performance…

Hey yo, an doeneunge ttak hana isseo
mot chamneunge ttak hana isseo
neojanha aljanha tumyeonghan
nae yeoja son daeji ma

And as Yuri, Yoona, Taeyeon and Shika were involve in a heated screaming and shoving match. 2en Kara FX T-ara Secret Brown Eyed Wonder After School Sistar 4 minute generation continues singing and dancing to provide some background music to the girls fight.

(You’re my lady)
Tic Toc uriui siganeun meomchugo go go
(You’re my lady)
talk talk dan han madiman deo deo
(You’re my lady.. with you)


When she felt that the four walls of her dorm room was suffocating her, Yoona decided to get her stuff and go for a walk…

And of course where would it lead her but in the lakeside, and who was there but her puppy busy tinkering something…


“What?” Yuri then jumps on top of what she was making… “Yoong, don’t look…”

“Why? Are you reading out here in public?”

Yuri smirk proudly “I don’t need to. Because what you and me do Yoona, it’ll make the stars feel like s.”

“Ack Yul!” Yoona slaps the byunYul in her arms before Yuri tackles her and the two ended up kissing… Weird as it was, the two forgot what they were fighting about…

“Do I turn you on, Yul?”

“Yoong baby, you’re like a switch for me, you can and off.”

“Gosh… you are so cheesy…”

“Kekeke…” Yuri chuckles before kissing Yoona’s sweet lips again. “Why you ask that?”

“Well… I couldn’t help it… when I see you with Shika unnie, I felt like I…”

“Hey… hey” Yuri takes Yoona’s fingers and kisses Yoona’s engagement ring “This isn’t just a ring, Yoona. It means something.”

Yoona couldn’t help but smile “Really what?”

“That you’re the iest girl alive that’s why I want to marry you…keke”


Yoona slaps Yuri in the arm playfully, the two ended up playfully slapping each other as Yuri tries to calm down the always violent Im Yoona. Yuri felt like the only way to calm down Yoona was to kiss her. And Yuri’s plan worked as Yoona got distracted with their kisses, until Yuri pulls away and whispers.


“Don’t worry… you’ll find out…” She smiles as she nibbles Yoona’s lower lip… Yoona smiles back and presses her lips on Yuri’s. Until the two forgot the world around them again as they kiss…


“Coming” Sunny jumps out of bed as she answers the door and at the sight of Jessica fuming… Sunny knows it’s time for her to go. “I’m out… see yah!”

“You!” Jessica steps in front of the girl studying. “We need to talk”

Then, Jessica caught sight of the hamster with the pink ribbon in her head. She narrows her eyes at it and Jessica (them hamster) would not be beat and narrows her beady eyes back, but realizing that the girl wasn’t worth her time. Jessica (the hamster) went to sleep.

“You know what? It’s weird Taeyeon that you can express how you feel about me when you’re drunk or when you’re piss, but when I want to hear it from you, you act like you don’t feel anything.”

“Well… you already heard it” Taeyeon says going back to her notes.

And Jessica felt like she couldn’t deal with all this indifference. “You know what? I’m done. Taeyeon…”

Those words were enough to catch Taeyeon’s attention…“Wait… wait… Shika”

“That’s what I have been doing, midget! I have been waiting… Do I even have anything to wait for?”

“What do you want me to say Shika?”

Jessica growls frustratingly, how dense could Taeyeon be? “Don’t be such an idiot, Taeyeon… you perfectly know what I want to hear from you. I need to hear those three words if you want me to stay.”

“I…I… I… I like… I like big butts and I cannot lie” Taeyeon covers when she just confessed her dirty secret.

“What the?! That’s it!” Jessica raises her hands up in surrender “This is me, Taeyeon walking away… goodbye”

Taeyeon felt her heart crashing into pieces at every inch that Jessica was apart from her.

Then, Jessica felt someone yank their arms but before she could hurt that person, she felt someone crash their lips unto her…

“And this is me, Shika… trying to make you stay.”


Yoona don’t know how even if they have been dating for a long time, Yuri’s goodbye kisses still make her giddy.

Yoona giggles as she jumps on her bed when she heard paper crinkling, she checks her pocket and smile at the folded neon paper… how it got there? She thinks she has an idea who…


In twenty years it wouldn’t matter…

What my position in the company be…

How fancy the car that I drive…

How much money I have in the bank…

Or How large my crib might be….

The only thing that matters is that on that day…

You, Im Yoona choose to marry me… J

One of these days, my Yoong, I’ll make you proud of me just like the way I’m proud of you…

I love you…


Yoona smiles as she folds the paper…


“It’s always going to be you”



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!