V-day Special



I post two chapters at once because idk when I can post the next one... sorry for that ><



Ahhhh the prom…

A night when you feel you’re at your most beautiful, fancy dresses that you will only get to wear once in your life, good drink, cheesy music that you couldn’t help but squeal to, and of course memories of what could be first of many firsts that hopefully won’t turn into regret after 9 months.

Though the private all boys school was there to add more oomph to the night, truth is, nobody really thought it was necessary. Having the boys there just added more competition to the heart of one alligator mouth, doe eyed princess.

Ahhh… Im Yoona making optometrists rich by blinding the population with her drool worthy beauty.

But four girls remain glued to the wall while their prom looks more like an audition for America’s got talent as they try to impress their princess.

Yuri and the dandyu duo didn’t know if it’s the large bow on Sooyoung’s head or her dance move that look like she’s about to have a seizure that was scaring potential love connections.

“Ummm… Yuri?”


“Someone wants you to have this…”

Gasps were heard among the four and the girls’ eyes almost pop out of their sockets at the sight of a long steam red rose.

“S-someone likes Yuri?” Taeyeon stutters in disbelief.

“Thanks” Yuri says while glaring evilly at her friends. “But who gave this?”

The person shrugs then walks away… When all coast was clear, Sunny and Taeyeon hurl themselves at Yuri, trying to see the mystery note.

“Who? who? Who?”

“Could you guys calm down?!” Yuri exclaim while shaking her friends off her arm“I feel like you’re more excited than me” That probably wasn’t the case, nobody is probably more excited than Yuri. Her heart is beating fast and her palms all sweaty, this moment almost felt like the one when she was about to give her letter to Yoona. But maybe in this one it wouldn’t be so damn heartbreaking…

Dear Yuri,

Someday, I wish I could dance with you…

The note tremble in Yuri’s hand, she looks around wondering who it could have be and no matter who it was… It didn’t seem to matter, just the feel of someone liking you can keep you up all night. Its almost like insomnia, but it was a good kind of insomnia.

End of flashback…


Kwon Yuri had waited for this day since the moment that she and Yoona started dating…

This is the day where cheesy love songs fill the air…

The day where roses are red, violets are blue and flowers and chocolates are pricier than they used to…

This is the day that people like Sooyoung and Hyo dreaded

Yet for Kwon Yuri this is the day that she could express along with other sickeningly sweet couple the most overused word in the planet…


Yuri zooms happily to that room in the fourth floor carrying 13 balloons each balloon with one letter.


She didn’t care if everyone grumbled for having all her balloons take up all the space in the metrorail, or that kids are chasing her so they could get one…

This is just the start of the Kwon Yuri and Im Yoona’s first valentines day… The first of their million valentines day and Yuri want to make sure that Yoona will remember it forever.

Her hand is halfway through the door when she hears her baby talking with sweet potato inside their room.


So, what are you and unnie planning to do on valentines?”

Yoona turns away from her notes and sighs heavily “I don’t know… and truth is I don’t think I even want to know…”

And another thing that Yoona doesn’t know is that there is someone behind the door who’s heart is breaking right now…

“I mean don’t get me wrong… I’m crazy about Yuri but there are just sometimes that I wish she would just… how do I even put it? Act normal…”

Yuri’s face scrunches up in a look of confusion… She presses her ear closer to the door, hoping to get a hint of what Yoona is trying to say.

“Like you know we have been together for almost a year now but she never buy me a bouquet of red roses”

“She gave you a flower pot” Seohyun defended her favorite unnie…

“Yeah… she did, but other than that one… The only flowers she gives to me are the ones she steals in the park.

Yuri’s lip quiver as she listens to her baby girl not liking her effort… It wasn’t easy getting chased by the park cops riding their scooters…

And we never even had like a normal dinner date.” Yoona pouts at the thought “I wish that she would just take me to a restaurant for a nice candlelight dinner… “

Seo don’t really blame that on Yuri, her Hyoyoung unnies are partly at fault for that. While Yuri frowns got deeper she was planning a valentines picnic underneath the stars and Yoona wanted a candlelight dinner?

“I guess Yuri unnie just has her own way of showing you her love…”

“Sometimes I wish she don’t show it at all…”



Yoona and Seo screams as they heard exploding sounds…


The two quickly put their knowledge to good use… The two drop, stop and roll straight underneath Yoona’s desk.


Yoona was about to crawl out when Seo clings to her.

“No… it could be the shooter…”

But Yoona was a badass, ready to smack the shooter with her baseball bat. But who does she see when she opens the door, but a scared Kwon covering her beautiful face before Yoona make a homerun using her head as a ball.



Yoona steps out of the room…

“A-are you going to hit me?” Yuri asks shakily…

“No it was…” Yoona stops when she sees Yuri holding a bunch of pop out balloons and a pen. “So, you were making all that noise… that popping noise.”

“Oh that… ahhh… it was an accident… keke… So, yeah ummm… for valentines… ummm… I wonder if maybe we should go ummm... to a restaurant for like a candlelight dinner.”

“Candlelight dinner in a restaurant? “ Wow… it’s like Yuri read her mind. “Oh I would love that baby…”

“Good cause I ummm… been wanting to take you there…”

Yoona jumps excitedly into her baby’s arm. And while Yoona is finally happy to have her ideal date, Yuri’s heart sank at the thought of having her ideal valentines date just thought of it as annoying by her baby.


Sooyoung frowns at the sight of the sweaty bodies, she wrinkles her nose to the mix scents, and of the people working their butts out whether for health purposes or just so they could look hot.

“I don’t really feel like working out right now, Hyo…”

“Sooyoung my friend…” Hyoyeon pats her wing girl Sooyoung as they step into the gym. “The gym is a lovenest…”

Sooyoung just looks confusedly while Hyo is determined to school her in the ways of love.

“And you and me Choi Sooyoung are going to lay our eggs in it.”

“That didn’t sound right?”

But Hyoyeon ignores Sooyoung’s statement when her hot guy radar spots a guy’s y back running on the treadmill.

“OMO! Watch this as I make someone fall for me that it’ll make cupid shoot himself with his own arrow.”

“But wait…” Sooyoung clutches Hyo’s arm before she makes her love connection. “Are you sure? You didn’t even get to his face…”

“Soo, what kind of world are we living in if we base our standards in how handsome he is? It’s not only how handsome he is that matters…”

Sooyoung nods…

“His chocolate abs matter too… and right now, he got a really shexy back…keke…”

“But Hyo…”

“Soo… this is it, Soo… this should be the last valentines that were going to spend by ourselves. We got to put ourselves out there Soo… We need to scream out. TAKE ME WORLD, I’M READY!”

Hyoyeon walks over to the empty treadmill next to shexy back, and the moment she laid eyes on him, she couldn’t help but fall…

Like literally…


Good thing Hyo was a stealthy ninja and was able to hold on to the treadmill before she got catapulted off it.

“Is that really your face?”

Mr. Shexy back has the face that look which biologists are going to go gaga for. Because there is no way that he could have fully develop from a Neanderthal to a homo sapien.

“Nice workout” hopefully your hot body will distract girls from your face” Hyoyeon mumbles underneath her breath.

“What did you say?” Mr. caveman asks.

“I meant… Your face is disgusting me… I meant distracting me… keke… excuse me…” Hyo quickly jumps off the treadmill…

“So, how was it?” Soo wonder…

“He’s like mr. Flintstone”

“Oh he could make your bed rock?”

“No… he looks like a caveman… Maybe another year of being single won’t hurt.”


The mall was extra pack that day with people trying to buy as much or the most expensive gifts for their lovers. And Yul and Taengoo were no different, they have been in the mall for hours, trying to find the perfect gift for their perfect girlfriend.

“So, you would think she would like this?” Taeyeon asks as she raised up the pillows, sheet and eyemask that she bought for Shika. “I was like thinking that she likes to sleep a lot so I thought of buying her a practical gift…” Taeyeon stops when she notice that Yuri has been quiet for almost the whole mall trip. “How bout you? What are you going to buy Yoona?”

Yuri could only sigh heavily…“I don’t know anymore”

“What?” Taeyeon gasps in disbelief “The Yulmantic has no ideas for vday?”

“Well I did… I have like a perfect vday plan for Yoong, but it turns out that well… my idea of perfect is Yoona’s idea of annoying. And I kinda heard her talk to Seo that the only thing she wants is something normal”

“Normal? Like what?”

“You know the bouquet of roses, candlelight dinner.” Yuri lips quiver and she felt a tear roll down her puppy eye “B-but I just can’t help it! Everytime I think about being with her, I always keep on asking myself. OMO Kwon Yuri is this for real?! Are you really the girl that Im Yoona choose? And I get excited… I love her…” Yuri pouts of the thought of her hurt heart.

“Well… then… that’s good, you don’t have to think a lot about what to do for valentines then…”

“But that’s the thing though… everyone of her admirers are going to do that, if I do that too.. then…” Yuri wonders “What made me so special?”

Taeyeon scratches her head, wondering what the answer to that too…

“Until now Taeng, I could never figure out why Yoona likes me and that’s like my greatest fear… other than Soshi breaking up, that she’ll figure it out and realize what the hell am I doing with this idiot?”

“Oh… so, you know you’re an idiot?”

“HEY! I thought we were friends?!”

“We are… that’s why I’m honest…” Taeyeon watches Yuri walks ahead of her blankly… “Yul…” Taeyeon runs after her. “I asks myself that question too… Like what make me so special that Jessica pick me”

“Do you ever get the answer?”

“I guess…” Taeyeon nodded thoughtfully. “There is no better answer really, Yul. It’s just that me and you, were just really lucky. And sometimes it’s a hell much better if we don’t figure things out.”

“What if someday they’re just going to figure it out?”

“Were dating smart girls Yul, if they wanted to figure it out, they could’ve already. But what we have isn’t something needed to keep figuring out… figuring it out will only lead to fights and we both have physically abusive girlfriends… There’s nothing wrong with being lucky and instead of trying to worry why we are, let’s just enjoy it. Enjoy being with the one that make us feel like we won the lottery. ”

Yuri smiled at the thought of Yoona. Yoona was way better than any lottery…


“SHISUS CHRIST!!!!” Sooyoung screeches as she walks in Yoonhyun’s room filled with flowers “Who died?”

“Oh no… unnie, those are the flowers that Yoona got from her admirers.”

Sooyoung sneers at the irony of it all. “Sheesh… I didn’t even get a leaf and she got a freaking flower shop…”

Then ding. Kim Hyoyeon brain move into action.

“Speaking of flower shop, Soo, why don’t we help Yoona get rid of all of these flowers? I mean they’re still pretty so we could sell them for half the price.”

“I know… rather than having them all waste and die why not make some cash out of it? So, what you think Yoong?”

“That’s brilliant Hyo! Sometimes I couldn’t help but slow clap because you just amaze me…” Sooyoung starts clapping slowly…

“I know Soo… I amaze me too… so, what you think Yoong?”

“Ummm… I guess…” Yoona shrugs. “But I feel bad for the people that gave them…”

“But what about my bestfriend? Don’t you feel bad for her too?”

“Yul?” Yoona asks surprisingly…

“Yeah… I mean she’s planning so hard to plan the perfect valentines day for you so just imagine when she sees this, it’ll break her heart, Yoong…”

That idea couldn’t help but made Yoona feel heartbroken, she hates hurting Yuri’s feeling.

“That’s why she tries so hard, because she wants you to feel that you made the right choice by being with her.”

“But with me, she doesn’t need to try…” Yoona says reassuringly.

“Well, you might know that, but does she?”


“Why are we here in the middle of the night looking like ninjas Taeng?” Sunny asks in disbelief

“I want to give Shika the best valentines gift and after I talk with Yuri…”

“Talk with Yuri?” Sunny asks in disbelief “I don’t think Yuri is the best person to asks for love advice”

“You are being too cruel, I think Yuri is the best person to talk to when it comes to love.”


“Did you ever met someone who loves as recklessly and sincerely as her? I don’t think I have ever known who really made the word love make sense. People say Yuri is the lucky dawg for getting an ideal girl like Yoona, but I don’t think Yoona will ever met someone who wouldlove her as much as Yul.”


“What the hell?” Sunny gasps as she sees the teenage mutant ninja turtles.

“HYO!” Taeyeon growls “What the heck are you three wearing?!”

The sobbing Seohyun/Donatello pointed at her unnies. “They made me do it.”

“Hey I thought you want us to look like ninjas?” Says Hyoyeon/Leonardo

“Ninjas? Like all black and mysterious ! not look like frogs with brown backpacks!”

GASPS from Hyo and Soo was heard when Taeyeon just insulted the coolest reptiles in the world.

“How dare you insult the teenage mutant ninja turtles?! Saturday mornings are not complete without them.”

“You know how you three look so ridiculous right now?”

“Taeng” Sooyoung/Michaelangelo pats Taengoo in the back “Look, we might look ridiculous but just imagine how more ridiculous that person who’s going to report us to the campus police. The teenage mutant ninja turtles were the one who stole it.”

“Wait…” Seohyun interrupted them “Nobody told me anything about stealing, and were the ninja turtles we are suppose to fight crimes not do it!” Seohyun blurted out.

“Seo… please… you’re the only normal one here” Sunny begs “Please don’t let your unnies get you in their plans again.”

“A little too late for that, huh Seo?”


Yoona runs back to the mirror to check herself one last time before she answers the door.

“H-“ Yoona always thought Yuri was gorgeous but tonight, Yoona couldn’t believe that this girl in her hot black dress was hers.

“Happy valentines day.” Yuri presses her lips on Yoona’s. “For you, my love” Yuri hands Yoona a gorgeous bouquet of red roses. And Yuri thought the flowershop was being too cruel for selling those roses for 200 dollars. But when she saw the smile playing in Yoona’s lips, she knew it wouldn’t even matter if she’s in debt for the rest of her life, some things are just worth it.

“Shall we?”


“Are you sure you don’t have my name in reservation?”

This was the worst night of Yuri’s life… Well… probably not, but it definitely made the list of worst dates ever. Yuri have been standing there arguing with the biyatchy usher who was so damn convince that Yuri didn’t have any reservation.

“Can you please just check again?” Yuri asks frantically, checking behind her at Yoona waiting patiently…

“Nope. Not there”

“But you barely even look.”

“It’s not there before, it won’t be there now…”

“But how can that be? I called for a reservation like a week ago.”

“Baby? Is everything ok?”

“Yes, Yoong… don’t worry…” Yuri chuckles nervously. Before turning back to the usher, she clasps her hands together and almost kneeled down “Please… I beg you… can you spare me just two chairs for like an hour? I promise you I will send you gifts every Christmas and birthday”

“Don’t you know what day is it?” The nasal guy talks in his nasal voice. “It’s valentines day, every restaurant in town is booked, why don’t you go to mcdonalds I’m sure there would be a lot of extra space there?”

“But this is the best restaurant in town and she…” Yuri turns back at Yoona “She deserves the best, could you please just make her night with me for once, worth remembering?”

“Let me think… ummm no…”

Yuri was almost in the brink of tears, how could she just embarrass herself in front of Yoona again? Not when she tried so hard… But she’s not going to give up.


Tiffany was trying to occupy her time by counting how many noodles she has, anything to keep her distracted from her boring date. It’s a good thing her phone started ringing.

“I’m sorry I have to take this.” Tiffany flashes her eyesmile before taking the call “Yuwree?”


“What’s wrong?”

“They messed up my reservations and now me and Yoona look like hookers standing here in the entrance…” Yuri sobs…

“So, what would you like me to do?”

“Could you like talk to this meanie and scare her with your English?”

“Yuwree… I’m sorry sis, but I can’t do that. It wouldn’t make your situation any better”

“But what am I to do? I’m like failing Yoona again…”

“Yuwree, don’t you believe in you and Yoona?”

“I do…”

“Then, you have nothing to be scared about. She’ll no doubt love you…”


“Yuwree… there is going to be a million chance for you to prove how you feel, don’t let this pull you down.”


Yoona chuckles as she looks at her burger, fries and drink…

“Mcdonalds for valentines, that’s something new”

Yuri looks back at Yoona in regret “I’m so sorry… If you want we could take everything back in the dorm.”

“What for? I like this… and look”

Yuri didn’t know what Yoona wants her to look at, the place is practically deserted.

“it feels like you have the whole place reserve for us.” Yoona smiles and somehow it made Yuri felt a bit relieved. “And Mcdonalds have the best fries in the world…” Yoona takes a piece of her fry and feeds it to Yuri.

“Well, how about I buy you another large fries?” Yuri jokes while cocking her brow up and down.

“Oh Yul, you spoil me too much…”

“Only for my princess…”

Somehow Yuri stopped worrying as she sees Yoona happily devouring her food. Yoona was about to stick another fry in , when Yuri’s cheesiness strikes again.

Yoona chuckles as she sees the fries that Yuri have used to spell those three words.


And Yoona looks up at her cheesy girlfriend, and Yoona could never figure out how she does it. How Yuri could make mcdonalds into the most romantic place on Earth?

Yoona smiles at Yuri before squeezing her hand lightly.

“I love you too…”


“What the hell?!”

Jessica says in panic as she sees her favorite napping spot gone from it’s usual spot.

“Where on Earth is my… bench?” Jessica shrieks that could able to activate dolphin nation. “Wait… what’s this?” Jessica sees a heart shape on the ground… she follows it cautiously until it led her to a bench. But it wasn’t her confession park bench, it was something else and she sees Taeyeon sitting there with a bouquet of flowers beside her. “Midget? What’s going on?”

“Well… ummm… that confession bench has pretty much every confession from every person in this campus, so I sorta move it somewhere and ummm… from now on, you don’t have to share your confession bench. This bench is just for you.”

Jessica steps closer and instead of seeing scribbles from hundreds of lovesick people, there was only one confession written.

Princess JJ,

We have the kind of love story you only read in fairytales.
And I’ll love you until ever after…

Happy vday 2012

Knight in shining armor, KT

“For you” Taeyeon gives Jessica the bouquet of flowers.

“You really outdid yourself, Midget”

“You’re worth pushing the boundaries.” Taeyeon confessed.

And the two shared a sweet smile before closing the gap between them.




Yoona’s hand grip tighter around Yuri’s as they walk back home…

“I’m not used to you being so quiet…”

“Nothing… I’m just… well… aren’t you disappointed with what happen today?”

“Hmmm… a bit… but then, I remember who I’m with and I realize I’m the luckiest girl in the world. So, how can I be disappointed when I should be thankful?”

Yoona kisses Yuri’s nose.

“Yoong… it’s just that I try so hard to be this amazing person for you but no matter what I do…” Yuri looks down at the ground, shuffling her shoes on the grass. “No matter what I do, I always end up failing…”

But Yoona wipe away every fear and doubt in Yuri as she kisses Yuri fervently, sweetly on the lips. A kiss only meant for Yuri…

“All you need to do is stand there, Yul and my heart already goes crazy…” Yoona shyly confesses “What I mean to say is you don’t need to try so hard, because you’re still the only one that stole my heart away.”

Yoona then takes Yuri’s hand…

“This time, Yul, let me be the one who’ll sweep you off your feet.”


Yuri walks into the hotel room and her eyes widen as she sees the room filled with gifts wrapped with the prettiest wrappers, gifts from small, medium to large in almost every corner of the room.

Yuri started counting it but stop eventually…

“Ummm… Yoong?”

“Open it… they’re all yours…”

“B-but… they’re too many… where do I even start?”

Yoona smiles cheekily… it doesn’t matter which gift Yuri opens first, Yoona was saving the best gift for last.

Yuri, the excited choding quickly runs to the largest gift first, tearing the gift open and her small eyes widen in amazement as she sees a Mickey mouse stuffed animal half her size…

“YOONG!!!!” Yuri says excitedly clutching the stuff animal tightly…

“Don’t just stop there… open the rest…” Yoona presses on…

Yuri opens another one and got a water tumbler.

“Because you drink too much water when you work out so… yeah…”

Yuri smiles and looks at it and her smile grew bigger when in the water bottle Yoona have scribbled I love u gorgeous :P

Every gift that Yuri opens never failed to bring a smile to her face, but it’s those little notes is what she loves the most.

She got scented candles
Because u light up my life :P

An Iphone cover
Just cause you’re cool like that…

To keep you warm…

An eider jacket because Yuri thinks that girl who models it looks like Yoona…

A victoria’s secret body spray
Because you never fail to smell so addicting

Multi Vitamins
cause the thought of my baby being sick just makes me L

A gift card to get her nails done
Because I want to spoil the hands that are always locked in mine…

Because I’m so bright, you’re blinded, blinded…

An alarm clock
So, you’ll get up on time…

It almost looks like Christmas morning after Yuri unwrapped all her gifts…

Then, Yuri pause at the thought.

“What’s wrong baby, you didn’t like it?” Yoona asks worriedly.

“No… I love it… it’s just that… I didn’t get you anything that amazing… I uhhh… I got you this”

Yuri hands Yoona a big jar filled to the brim with little paper all rolled up. And at the front of the jar was a label.

Happy valentines day year, my love.

“What is it?”

“Ummm… it’s like you know how many people spoil their girlfriends or boyfriends on valentines day but then the next day it’s like all over? Well… I won’t stop doing that, I’ll spoil you for the rest of my life… So, ummm… those little papers have little tasks in there, everday you get to pick one and I’ll do something for you… like go ahead, pick one”

Yoona digs inside and unrolls the piece of paper.

Give Yoona a massage.

Yuri quickly got behind Yoona and starts massaging Yoona’s shoulders. Yoona sighs dreamily as Yuri massage her.

“Someday Yuri, I’ll pay you back…” Yoona promised.

“Let’s dance Yoong…”

Yuri pulls Yoona off her feet, pulling her arms making it wrap around her shoulders while she wrap her arms around Yoona’s waist.

“But there’s no music”

“Well… I could sing…”

Sometimes Yoona wonder why she even asked, she should know her girlfriend is a frustrated KPOP trainee who would sing whenever given a chance, it was a good thing she loves Yuri too much…

“Fine…” Yoona rolls her eyes… “Since it’s valentines…”

Yuri clears before she serenades Yoona with their song…

Aha. Listen Boy. My first love story…

Yoona presses Yuri’s nose as if it was a skip button…


Can you feel my-

Yoona presses Yuri’s nose again.


Tell me… tell me-

Yoona presses Yuri’s skip button nose again…

Then, Yuri finally flashes that smirk that could automatically put Yoona to her knees, she pulls Yoona closer to her, pressing a kiss on Yoona’s hair before she sings…

Iyureul mollasseo, wae naega byeonhaenneunji
Hancham saenggakhaesseo, neowa na mannan ihuro
Na byeonhan geot gata, aju manhi mariya
I norae deullini oh~

Yoona cradles her head in Yuri’s shoulders, cherishing being wrapped in Yuri’s embrace. She smiles as she listens to Yuri serenading her, this time without any gimmicks, or any abs showing or any fail. Yoona looks up and Yuri gazes at her, laying their foreheads together…

Niga neomu gomapjanha Oh baby
Niga neomu yeppeujanha Oh~
Nuneul ttel suga eobseo, nae nunen neoman boyeo
Neoman gyesok baro bogo sipjanha nan oh jeongmal
Oh~ baby

Yuri didn’t get to finish her song when Yoona already presses a kiss on Yuri’s lips. Yoona takes Yuri’s hand and led her to bed, sitting down while tugging Yuri to sit on her lap. The two chuckles like two people giddy in love who’s kissing for the first time, and they might as well have been first time lovers, the giddiness of the first kiss was still there, the crazy palpitations of both hearts and the addicting sweetness of each other’s lips. It was still there if not, much stronger than it ever was…

Yoona pulls off Yuri’s shirt before Yuri does with her and they smiled through their kisses again…

“Happy valentines my baby…” Yoona says softly

“You too, my baby…”

Yuri press kisses until they fell back in bed, as they linger in each other sweetly, lovingly and gently. And between their gasps and moans, they breathlessly whispers countless I love yous and I love you toos... these words they will say from now on until always.

“I love you”

“I love you too…”



The whole gym was about to collapse with the loud squeals of every girl as the first notes of 4men’s baby baby, (the ultimate I-wish-my-crush-ask-me-to dance- to- this-song song) fill the air.

Yoona like a ninja hid from everyone knowing that she would get asks for a dance. But from where she was hidden, she got a good view of her crush standing with her friends.

And like always, Yuri don’t need to do anything, and Yoona’s heart was already beating like crazy. And Yoona was a girl after all, listening to the song, she wished what every girl would have wished that her crush would asks her to dance.

“Someday Yuri, I wish you’ll dance with me…”


Yoona smiles as she remembers that memory while brushing the hair off her longtime crush’s face. She drew closer, wrapping her arms around the sleeping girl’s slim waist, before softly pressing their foreheads together. She then took Yuri’s hand and plays with her finger.

Yoona smiles and pulls away from Yuri to get something from the bedside drawer. She went back to Yuri and kisses Yuri on the lips to wake her up.

“Yoong?” Yuri asks sleepily.

“I have one more gift.”

“What? but you gave me a whole department store already…”

“No… keke… this one… this one is something I want you to keep forever.”

They sat up in bed and Yoona waited in anticipation as Yuri opens the gift.

And Yuri let out a gulp as she sees what’s inside the blue velvety box

“D-do you like it?”

Yuri answers Yoona with a kiss on the lips, and Yoona takes the platinum ring and slips it on Yuri’s finger.

“Someday Yuri…” Yoona presses a kiss on Yuri’s lip, before leaning on Yuri for support. “Someday…”

Yoona was afraid to finish what she was about to say, scared that Yuri might get scared too. And she was right, Yuri was scared beyond her wits, but Yuri will keep on pushing and fighting back because nothing in this world could scare Yuri more than the thought of losing Yoona.

Whenever I hear the word someday Yoona, I think of you…” Yuri was staring intently in Yoona’s eyes, that Yoona couldn’t help but blush and look away. “ I think that someday, I’ll marry you, someday we’ll have a little Yoona that will bully little Yuri…”

Yoona couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought. They weren’t even married yet but Yoona is already thinking of little Yoona chasing, kicking and screaming at little Yuri around their home.

“And no matter how mean and violent little Yoona is, I would love her more because she’s my little you”

Yuri rubs her nose on Yoona’s before pecking Yoona on her nose.

“While you would love little pabo cry baby Yul more because she’s just like me…”

Yoona laughs but couldn’t agree more, a baby Yul with those small eyes and chubby cheeks are just too adorable.

“And someday, both our parents will see that we love each other.” Yuri leans her forehead against Yoona before staring back into those doe eyes “I know that word is a bit overused but in the end Yoona, those are the only words that count. When someday people would ask us why are we still together, there would be no other perfect answer except for the answer that we love each other.”

Yoona presses a sweet kiss on those lips before uttering her promise “And I love you.”



Happy Eidul Fitri 1434 H for readers who celebrate it! ^^

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!