When You Walk Away




“Huh, since when did Yoona like Mickey mouse?”

The queries in Seohyun’s head were interrupted when she heard . that sounds just like the “zombies” in her Sooyoung unnie’s movies.

“Mmmm… Oh God Yul…”

Seohyun had to stare longer to figure out the image in front of her. Why was Yuri unnie on top of Yoona, nibbling on her neck like a zombie?

Oh… is that how Yoona got those rashes?


A teary eyed puffy cheeks 5 year old Seohyun looks in horror as her bestfriend Yoona is hitting their two barbies right smack in the face.

“Yoong! What are you doing?” Lil Seohyun cries out…

“Kekkeke” Yoona have such an evil alligator laugh even when they were still 5 “They like each other so they’re kissing.”

“But why don’t they have their clothes on?”

End of flashback.

OMO! It’s déjà vu all over again and this time it was Yoona and Yuri unnie instead of the two barbies.

And there is nothing more awkward than getting caught in the middle of doing it.

“ACCCKKK SEO!!!!” Yoona shoves Yuri off her…

“ACCCKKK YOONG!!!!” Seohyun hurriedly covers her eyes, not like it was disgusting to see the two… They kinda look hot together… OMO! She’s turning into such a byun!!!

“Hey! That’s mine…” Yuri joins in as she sees Seo holding her Mickey Mouse undies.

“Shut up Yul…”

“Omo Yoong, what are you and Yuri unnie doing? Are you two-“Seohyun didn’t want to say it, but what other words can she use for it? “Making… an art film?”

“Keke… Yes… do you want to join?” Why was Yuri more amused than embarrassed?

“Shut up Yul! You are such a comedian!” Yoona scolded Yuri, not because she got embarrassed but she doesn’t like the idea of sharing her Yuri with anybody else.

“I ahhhh…well… you know…” Oh yeah what was Seohyun about to say? “I better leave you two alone…”

“Can I have my-”

Seohyun couldn’t wait to leave and ends up tossing the undies on Yuri’s head.

Yoona huffs to the ceiling, this is going to be an awkward couple of days for her and Seo. “Hey… what are you doing?”

Yuri pouts confusedly as she was putting her shirt on “Don’t you want me to go?”

“After what Seo saw, she won’t be back for hours. So, you better get yourself back in this bed NOW.”

Yoona could be quite demanding. But as Yuri almost rip her shirt off and almost broke the bed as she climbs back on top of Yoona, its obvious the girl has no problem being whipped.


Nothing could start her day right other than having her morning run, drinking her ma juice and of course a text from her Yoona. One look at the sender’s name and the whole world could obliterate for all Yuri cared, but she was going to die happy.

Yuri smiles as she checks her message… But the smile quickly changes into a look of fear as she reads her message.

From: My Yoona
Good morning…



It was that nightmare again that made Yuri bolt up from her sleep. She scrambles to check her phone wanting to make sure if it was real or just her conscience having a field day by giving her a nightmare.

She sighs in relief and collapse back in bed. It was 2:43 am, but Yuri don’t think she’ll ever go back to sleep.

Most nights, that dream of Yoona finding out and the horrible aftermath for that constantly haunts her.

Yuri is caught in the middle with both her mind and heart pulling her in opposite directions. Her mind telling her that Yoona should know and she should have the guts to suffer the consequence; but her heart tells her that she couldn’t bear a life without Yoona. And as bad as it seems, her heart always win.

Yuri just got out of her bed and starts doing crunches, since it’s probably be another sleepless night anyway.


Sooyoung could put the Olympic gold medalists to shame with the way she pumps her fist and her face glow in victory.

“I’M FREE!!!!”

“Ms. Choi! Exams are still going on!”

Sooyoung then balls up and whispers to herself, “I’m free…” She yanks her bestfriend by the neck as they walk out of the hell which was once known as their math class. “How you think you did, buddy?”

Yuri never studied that hard until now. Yoona had to bribe her with passionate, endless nights if she gets a C. “I think I did ok.”

Sooyoung clenches her arm tighter obviously not aware that she was cutting Yuri’s air. “Don’t think! You should know. Think positive, Yul. Say I pass algebra.”

“Who cares if I pass algebra if you’re going to choke me to death?!”

“Oh… keke… sorry dude…” And Yuri almost crash into a running student as Sooyoung pushes her away. Geez… Is Sooyoung even aware of her strength? “Awww… look who’s waiting for you, lover girl?” Sooyoung coos as she sees Yoona and Seo happily chatting with a bunch of other students.

Yuri just groans and Sooyoung immediately picked up the bad vibe “What’s wrong, Yul?”

“Remember that dream I told you? About Yoona finding out?”

“Oh… yeah.. you two have been so happy that I forgot.”

“But I couldn’t… It still bothers me, Soo…”

Sooyoung pats Yuri’s shoulder. “Dude, we know she’ll be mad at you, but can you really blame her?”

“What do you think I should do?”

Sooyoung scratches her head, she knew the right answer was to tell Yoona but sometimes the right things aren’t necessarily the easiest thing to do.

“It’s really up to you… but I think you should tell her and I won’t sugarcoat things and make them sound pretty for you. I’m sure she’s going to hate you forever but… if that happens you just need to try harder to win her back. And trust me, me and the girls will help you out.”

“Thanks dude…”


Yoona’s smile faded into a worried look as she sees the frown on Yuri’s face.


Yoona and Seohyun excuse themselves and join the two unnies. Seohyun took a step away and watches the two. She couldn’t believe it, her bestfriend is not a V- irgin no more. But wait- Yuri unnie is a girl, so does that count?

“What’s wrong, baby?” Yoona nudges Yuri cutely… Yoona could have mud on her face and twigs in her hair and Yuri would still think she’s cute.

“Ummm” Yuri turns to Sooyoung who smiles sympathetically.

“C’mon Seo! Why don’t we celebrate by you feeding me?”

“Unnie… Why do I have to pay for food everytime?” Seohyun squeaks, yet in the end sighs in defeat as Sooyoung drags her away to the nearest food haven.

Yuri wraps her arm around Yoona’s neck and pulls Yoona closer…

“Nom nom nom nom...”

Yoona giggles as Yuri nibbles her on the cheek. The two girls stop as they see the balding guardian of hell a.k.a Mr. Kang, their math teacher shaking his head disapprovingly.

Mr. Kang narrows his eyes at the sight, his most priced student together with his biggest headache “I hope you two are just really good friends.”

“Yes… we are… were BFFS.”

Mr. Kang scoffs at Kwon Yuri, then completely did a 360 and smiles at Yoona as if the girl just saved his whole family from a burning house. “Good luck for your finals, Ms. Im” He walks away but not before he gives Yuri an awesome death glare.

“Babe… if you seduce him maybe he’ll make me pass math.”

Yoona elbows Yuri in the rib “You’re gross! And what does that mean? I’m just your Bff?” Yoona frowns at Yuri.

“You are my BFF… you are my best fu**ing friend.” Yuri chuckles only to be answered by Yoona with a barrage of hits…

“You are so gross!”


Taeyeon has been glued to her desk all week studying. The peace broke out as the blonde playing her DS pipes in.

“Taengoo? I’m hungry…”

“I should feed you to the wolves.” Taeyeon mutters under her breath and continues studying.

“Taetae” The voice gets louder and Taeyeon growls, hopefully, Sunny gets the point. “Are you ignoring me?!”


“Fine… I know this video that will be such a hit on You-“


Taeyeon gets up, she couldn’t understand why people think Sunny was so cute when the girl is ultimately evil…

Sunny chuckles cutely… And Taeyeon can’t stand her cute things…

“What do you want?!” Taeyeon growls…

“Pizza please...”

Taeyeon pushes her chair off and marches off her room. She whimpers as soon as she shuts the door behind her.

“I’m never going to drink again.”


Yoona pouts thoughtfully as she’s trying to make a choice between her black or red bikini. She knows it wouldn’t matter which one she wears for Yul. The girl gets even if Yoona wears a freaking Gorilla suit.

Yoona giggles evilly at the thought. She and Seo will be going with their unnies in Tiffany’s beach resort before heading home for school break.


Yoona turns away from her luggage and sees Seohyun with a look of concern in her face.

“Hey Seo…”

“Ummm… well, I was… ummm… ahhh… I was walking and I pass by the counseling center.”

“What? Why?” Yoona couldn’t help but feel guilty, she and Yuri have been preoccupied that she wasn’t spending that much time with Seo… Seo could turn into a meth addict and she probably didn’t even know….

“No, no… not about me… I’m just… well… since you’re ummm… ually active.” She says the word as if is a sin. “I decided to grab you some pamphlets so you’re more informed about it.”

The school counseling center should call the printing press for more copies because it looks like Seo brought all the pamphlets the university has on pregnancies, birth controls and STDS.

Yoona scratches her head as she sees the pamphlets laid in front of her. For others they might think of this as an insult, but Yoona knows this is just how Seohyun shows people that she cares.

“Thanks… Seo, I’m going to read it but you know ummm Yuri’s a girl…”

“I know…”

“So, ummm… most of this kinda doesn’t apply to us.”

“Oh…” Seohyun dejectedly sits down on Yoona bed… Now she doesn’t know how to support her friend, how do girls even do it? “So, ummm… Yoong… you have never been with a guy before, right?”

“What?! Oh no…” Yoona shakes her head. She couldn’t imagine that, for her, boys have cooties… “Yuri is my first and last.”

“I have nothing against you and Yuri unnie together. I mean… Yuri unnie is really hot…”

Yoona turns away from her luggage, completely surprised at Seohyun’s slip of the tongue. “Wae?”

Seohyun never blushed as much as today… Creeping on her bff’s girl is just awkward. “What am trying to say is, that even if you’re together, don’t you think you might be missing out, if you ummm… never do it with a man?”

Yoona never thought about it, being with Yuri just seem to be enough for her, in fact being with Yuri is so much more that her heart could handle.“ No… I think it’s more intimate what me and Yuri have compared to others.” Yoona smiles at the thought “Cause even if the whole world don’t agree to what we have, still we found each other.”

Seohyun smiles and agrees “So, ummm… I have just one question.”


“Well… ummm… since Yuri unnie was on top, does that mean she’s the guy in the relationship?”

Yoona stiffens at the awkward question. “You need to stop watching those art films”


The girls jaw drop at the awesome place that Tiffany’s family owns.

“Whoah Pany, this place is sick!”

Yuri takes Yoona’s hand, ready to take her to their future bedroom when Hyoyeon steps in the way.

“Ah.Ah.Ah.” Hyoyeon wags her finger at the two. “Hold on, oh ones… but this trip is about girl bonding not about you two getting it on.”

Yuri growls at Hyoyeon. “Step away before I step on your face.”

“Oh c’mon Yul... Too much love will kill you. What’s a few days of not doing it, huh?”

“I don’t mind.” Yoona shrugs…

“What?” Yuri looks at Yoona with those puppy eyed look, begging her girl to back her up.

“Haha… HornYul lost…” Sooyoung chuckles then brings out a bottle… “How about we try something fun?”

“Your idea of fun , Soo.”

“Oh c’mon… it’s spin the bottle. Whoever the bottle stops that will be the roommates for the whole trip.”

“That’s so cool… it’s like your destined to be together.” Seohyun and her romantic ideas just doesn’t seem to jive with her unnie’s erted minds.

“I CHOOSE YOONA!!!” Yuri raises her hand excitedly… “Were soulmates.”

“Didn’t you hear a word I said? The bottle will determine who you’re going to be roommates with.”

“Ok, Taeyeon since you’re the oldest you spin first…”

Taeyeon scoffs, she wasn’t surprise that she got the first turn. The girls always makes her do everything first. Do it coz you’re the oldest, do it coz you’re the shortest…

Gosh… I’ll be okay with anybody except for Shika and Pany. “WHAT THE?!”


Of all the people that darn bottle could have stop, why on Earth would it choose to stop in front of Tiffany?

Jessica shoves Tiffany to the floor and sits on Tiffany’s spot. And the girls chuckles nervously, no one could dare tell Jessica that spin the bottle doesn’t go that way.

“W-well since it’s between Jessica and Tiffany, why don’t you spin again Taeng?”

Tiffany tries to get back what little composure she has left and sits on Jessica’s old spot.

Taeyeon muttered a silent prayer as she tries to spin again “Godpleasedontmakemesharea…”

But God must have been wearing headphones cause it stops again in front of Tiffany.

“Oh wow Taeyeon unnie, it’s like you and Tiffany unnie are like meant to be.” Seohyun and her romantic ideas.

Everybody froze as they go through what life called as the Shika effect.

“Well… Jess, why don’t you spin next?”

Jess grunts before spinning the bottle, it started slowing down…


Very slowly…

Until Gasps…

Sooyoung raises her hands in disbelief “WHOAH! This is interesting…”

Yuri stammers as the bottle stops on her. Yoona gaze in worry…

“Oh ho ho… looks like the bottle is a Yulsic shipper. HOOOOT… Stay loyal to the royal!!!” Hyoyeon hoots…

“You’re shipping the wrong OTP, bish.” Jessica snaps at Hyoyeon…

“Oh c’mon you guys, we are all friends here… there is nothing to worry about” Tiffany tries to calm the situation as she sees Taeng, Sica, Yuri and Yoona look so unsure.

Yuri glares at the bottle.

“I killz you bish…” Yuri threatened the inaminate object.

By the end of the night…

The roommates ended up to be…


Sooyoung stares at Sunny then at Hyoyeon…

“Gosh… when can I ever get away from both of you?”


The sound of Yoona humming softly, of the shower running and the image of her , didn’t do anything but made Yuri all jumpy. Yoona has been in the shower like less than 5 minutes and Yuri is having a debate on her head whether she should join her or not.

They are together and they took showers together when they stay in the hotel so this is no big deal, right? Yuri exhales shakily and bangs her head softly on the door, hoping it will make her forget the erted thoughts running in her head. She wanted Yoona so much, it’s killing her…

Yuri checks around making sure the girls don’t catch her cause there is nothing worse than being labeled a ert. She takes a deep breath and grips the doorknob, slowly turning it. It was weird how this made her more nervous than taking her math test.

She relaxed at the thought of what her and Yoona are going to do. Her mind was fully occupied with every triple xxx dreams that she had been having with Yoona. Just when she was about to fulfill her “dream”…


Ahhh crap.

Yuri growls under her breath in frustration… she turned and saw Seohyun staring at her with those robot eyes.

“Unnie wait… Yoona is still in the shower.”

“Oh?” Yuri let out a nervous laugh then shrugs “I didn’t know… I’m just so excited to take a shower.”

“Good thing I caught you before you did it, right?” Seohyun is practically beaming, thankful that she helped her unnie before getting herself into something embarrassing.

Yuri laughs sarcastically “oh yeah”. Yuri felt her heart drop to the floor when she heard the shower stops. Yoona came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel…

“Ok, I’m done… who’s turn is it?”

“Yuri unnie why don’t you do it first? Since you’re so excited to take a shower”

Yoona raised her brow in disbelief… Yuri gets excited about food, or sleep but never about taking showers unless it’s with…oh… when Yoona put the pieces together she stares sternly at the embarrassed girl, who’s looking down on the ground to hide her shame.

Seohyun chuckles innocently “She was so excited, she almost walked in on you taking a shower”

“Oh? Did you?” Yoona raised her brow knowingly at the girl.

“I was… just… you know… really excited to shower” Yuri tries to explain herself to no avail… “I didn’t know you were there, I swear”

“Oh, okay.”

“Well” Yuri laughs nervously… “It’s my turn… so excited.”

“I bet”

Yuri quickly jumps into the bathroom before she could receive more teasing.


“switch rooms with me.”

Even if Jessica has been her bestfriends for years, Tiffany still wasn’t immune to the Shika effect.

“Jess, please… I don’t think it will help your situation if you stick to Taeyeon like this. she might think you’re obsess or something.”

Jessica groans and sits on the beach chair by Tiffany. For a little person, Taeyeon was sure feisty, beating up everyone in the beach with an inflatable whale.

“You know when you date one of them, you date the whole gang.”

“Yup, I knew that when we went to our supposed to be double date.”

Tiffany smiles as the girls were finally able to control the little warhead.

“So, you ready for that?”

Jessica lips curve into a soft smile, Taeyeon was able to escape the girls wrath. “I think she’s worth it.”


If Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are cringe worthy singers when sober, just imagine them drunk as they try to break the karaoke machine with their singing.

Taeyeon looks around, Sunny was busy texting, Tiffany was sipping something, Seohyun has that awkward smile obviously embarrassed of having Sooyoung as a relative and of course yoonyul all sweet.

But where was Shika?


“Shika? What you doing here?”

Jessica looks at the confused midget. What does she think she’s doing? Shooting a music video?

“I’m walking in the beach, can’t you tell?”

Why is she so sarcastic?


Jessica sits down on the shore and Taeyeon follows suit.

“You know Shika… Until now I couldn’t figure it out.” Taeyeon asks as she starts drawing figures and shapes and some people’s names in the sand.


“Why you like me?” Taeyeon watches her art being washed away by the waves. “You know even in high school, it’s like Yuri has such a hot body, or Sunny is so cute and Sooyoung’s legs goes on forever, but Taeyeon… ehhh… she’s ok… I got bothered by it but then I realize well… okay is better than ugly, so I eventually got the hang of being just OK.”

“Was that the reason you like Tiffany? Because for once someone made you feel you’re more than okay?”

Taeyeon smiles as she recalls those memories. Tiffany from the first time they met always made her feel extra special. She would listen as if what Taeyeon was saying was life changing, she would smile a bit longer than anybody else and Tiffany just made Taeyeon felt that she’s worthy the attention. Taeyeon was never used to that kind of attention that she mistook it all for love. Now that she looks at it, that’s just how Tiffany is, she could make the simplest things extra special.

“Yeah… she made me feel special.”

“That’s just how she is.”

“I know…”

“The whole world might think you’re just okay, but to me, everything else is just okay compared to you.”

Taeyeon looks strangely at Jessica, how can someone so mean, just say the most amazing things?

“You know what they say, Taeng… somewhere in the world, one person thinks the whole world of you. And in this world, “I’m that fool that fell for you just when you thought no one else would.”

Taeyeon was left stammering after what Jessica said, she sees this scene several times in movies and this is the part where they kiss, right? So, is that what she’s suppose to do? Kiss?


Taeyeon froze halfway towards Jessica…

“Ummm… I was… I don’t know what I was… trying to splash you with water.”

The dragon shrieks like a dolphin as Taeyeon splashes water on her face.


“YOU GOT TO CATCH ME…” Taeyeon chuckles in triumph…

Jessica looks around the water and the fear

“Midget! Midget! Taeyeon!!!”

Then a midget shot up from behind and startled Shika…



Shika never felt so secured until she had Taeyeon in a headlock.


It was weird that even if she and Yuri just spend the night together and are now just a few bedrooms apart. Here they are still texting each other.

From: Puppyyul
Hey y…

From: My Yoona

From: Puppy Yul
What you wearing, gorgeous?

Yoona peeks to see if Seohyun was already asleep and as she sees Seo in deep slumber. She knew she could text things that could put her in Santa’s naughty list.

From: My Yoona
A gorilla suit…

Yoona covers as she reads Yuri’s reply

From: Puppy Yul
KYAAAAAHHHH!!!! My wife is so y…


From: My Yoona
Then, what are you going to do about it?

From: Puppy Yul
It’s a surprise…

From: My Yoona
Oh c’mon… just a lil hint?

From: Puppy Yul
I will make u believe in fantasies…

I will touch u in ways that even the thought of it would make u shiver.

I will make u scream out my name until it will be the only thing you’ll think of.

I’ll make u an addict, just like the way u made me addicted to u…

And you pout when u thought that I was done. I’ll just smile at u and prove u wrong because babe, with U the word stop doesn’t exist.

Yoona bites her lip to keep her self from trembling. Their playful flirty texts just turned into an I-want- you-to-do-me-so-bad NOW…

To: Puppyyul
I need you to **** me NOW.

Press Send.

Yoona froze

Message not sent

Press send.

Yoona groans

Message not sent

Press send

Yoona growls frustratingly, there is nothing more irritating than technology ing you.

“Seo, Seo…” Yoona starts shaking the sleeping girl beside her.

“What Yoona?”

“Can I text?”

“Is it something erted?”

Hell yeah “No...”

“Okay…” Seohyun says groggily while handing Yoona her phone “But I don’t think I have her new number…”

“Don’t worry I memorize her number.”

Yoona giggles some more as she sends her message. Then out of nowhere, a brilliant idea pops into her head. Seohyun have Yuri’s old number, the one where she saved all those girls numbers in.

Yoona was worse than a jailhouse warden, nowadays she checks Yuri’s phonebook and messages, of course there were the occasional flirty messages from girls and guys hitting on her. But Yuri never replies, Yuri doesn’t even get the chance too as Yoona would erase it immediately.

But what if Yuri still kept that old number? So, that she could get it on with others?

“There’s only one way to find out.”

The number seems oddly familiar for Yoona and as she type each key of Yuri’s old phone number.

Yoona felt her heart ceased in beating…

“How could that be?”


“No way, no way, no way, no way… Seo! Seo… wake up!” Yoona frantically pushes Seohyun to wake up.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“Are you sure this is Yuri’s old number?”

“Yes. She gave it to me herself.”

“W-why do you have it?”

“It’s when you two weren’t dating, she would asks for help with math… Why yoong?”

“Did you two actually text using this number?”

“Yes. Why? What’s going on?”

“I… I don’t know either…”


“Oh ho ho...”

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon smiles knowingly as they watch in Hyoyeon’s laptop…

“What are you two watching?” Sunny pops in

“I don’t think you’re old enough to watch these things, Justin Bieber…”

“Yeah! Stay away from me before I catch some of your Bieber fever…”

“Cut it out with the Bieber jokes!!!”


Somebody is pounding their door so hard, that Sooyoung and Hyoyeon feared that it was the cops finally arresting them for downloading too much illegal movies.

“Oh sh!t, sh!it,sh!t,”



Yoona storms inside the room, since her heart couldn’t keep up anymore…

“Sooyoung unnie, I need to know, does Yuri have a textmate before?”

Hyoyeon and Sunny backs away because they knew exactly what Yoona is trying to say.

“Ummm… what do you mean?”

“I know you and Yuri unnie tell each other everything so please, just be honest with me. did Yuri have a textmate before that she met online?”

Hyoyeon and Sunny couldn’t even look at Yoona’s face, judging by the tears that fell from Yoona’s eyes. the girl looked more hurt than angry.

“W-why don’t you ask her?”

“Because she might lie to me and I’m so sick of falling for it.”

“Yoona… I think it’s…”


Yoona turns and sees Yuri looking back at her.

“Is something wrong?”

“I don’t know… I just found out something and I don’t want to believe that it’s real.”

From the look in Sooyoung’s eyes, she knew that Yoona have finally learned something about her secret.

“What is?” But Yuri will hold it in, just so she could keep Yoona longer.

“Did… Did you have a textmate before?”

“I have a lot of textmates before…”

“That you met online playing Lifequest?”

No,no,no… This can’t be happening… This should be the part where she’s suppose to wake up.


Yuri shivers as Yoona snaps at her. This was it, until now Yuri wasn’t sure if she should even say this. Why can’t she just take it to the grave so she and Yoona could live happily ever after?

Yoona takes Yuri’s silence as a yes “I guess you are.”

Yoona walks out and Yuri tumbles trying to catch up to her.

Yoona didn’t know she was going, all she knew is she was walking through hallways, pushing doors open and walking, no running as fast as she can away from Yuri.

“Yoona, Yoona!” Yuri starts to chase Yoona on the beach. “Yoona, please wait…”


Yuri yanks Yoona’s arm but the sight in front of her was enough to paralyze her. And Yuri couldn’t even look at Yoona, and Yoona couldn’t even look at herself. She feels herself shaking in anger or hurt, she doesn’t know, maybe a mix of both. She feels her tears just pouring down because here was Yuri again, breaking her heart just like she always does.

“Why would you do that?” Yoona wanted to scream at Yuri so bad but her voice just crack as it came out of her.

“I… I swear to God, Yoona, I didn’t even know, not until that time and we hated each other back then, just imagine if-”

“I never hated you!” Yoona starts crying more “I would tell myself I do but I don’t Yuri, I never hated you. I couldn’t… It’s just that… I don’t know how to react when you’re around, I would try to push you away but something always pulls us together.”


“You know… there is only three people in this world who I fell for. You, Honeybun and you. You broke my heart in high school Yul…”

“Wait? Why? what did I do in high school?”

“You should know… The moment we met in the library, you already have the best of me. And do you know how stupid I feel that every time there’s an occasion, all I ever wished is to get a letter from you? that if we meet in the hallway that you’ll say hi or even just smile at me? I didn’t know that I have to smash a soccer ball to your face just so I could get your attention.”

Yuri scoffs, she had enough of playing the heartbreaker because as she could fairly remember, it was Yoona who broke her heart first. “ I never gave you one?! I NEVER GAVE YOU ONE?!"

“What are you talking about?”

“I wrote you one in high school Yoona but you probably don’t even remember it, not when you got all these fan mail every freaking second of your life! And you didn’t even the heart to tell me no, you just wrote it in a piece of scrap paper… What was it Yoong? I’m sorry Yuri but I wouldn’t be caught dead in public with a loser like you?”



This time it was Yuri who was fuming mad. 



“I gave my whole heart to you, no, not just my heart, I gave my everything to you in that letter, and you probably didn’t even read it. So, would you blame me if I never gave you another one after that?”

“I don’t know what delusional world you belong to Yuri but you NEVER gave me one. Oh, who am I kidding? You’re a liar so why would I even believe you now, Honeybun?”

“Yes I’m a liar! But I only did it because I’m scared to lose you!”

“Well… Too bad… cause you lost me anyway!”

But before Yoona could walk out, Yuri grabs on Yoona’s wrist “I’m tired of this Yoong, tired that everytime we fight, you walk out and here I’am pushing my pride aside begging you to forgive me. Can we just for once talk about it? Like figure things out before we turn away?”

“I have nothing to say to a liar.”

“The reason I lied to you is because I’m a selfish *****.”

“I know and I’m the stupid ***** who keep on falling for it everytime."

Why was it always her that tries to fix things, doesn’t Yoona think they’re worth fighting for? “You don’t understand how I feel!”

“How about what I feel?! What was I to you, Yuri? A joke?"

“Why? If I told you then and there Yoona than I’m your textmate how would you react, huh?”

Yoona wished that she had the right answer but she couldn’t… And right now, she doesn’t have response but to walk away.

“Go ahead! Walk out! You never have problems leaving me, you probably like it… Like having me chase you all the time!”

“Then, Don’t chase me!!! See if I care.”

“Of course you don’t… when did you ever?” Yuri immediately recoiled after saying it. She didn’t mean to sound so hurtful but she wasn’t able to stop herself cause a part of her wants to make Yoona feel how she feels.

Yuri winced before Yoona could land her hand on her cheek but what Yoona did was much worse… She took off the hair tie and flings it out to sea…

“You’re right, Yul, when did I ever?”

She turns around and started running. And when she felt like she was far enough from Yuri, Yoona fell on her knees and cries.



Everyone was off their feet, occupying every single corner of the auditorium with thunderous cheers and applause for the star of the show. A freshmen, so young, so beautiful yet so charismatic that every single person in that auditorium was wowed by her presence.

And among the million who fell for her, nobody’s smile was as bright and nobody’s heart beats as fast as that of Kwon Yuri. Im Yoona has broken her heart but that wasn’t enough for Yuri to let go. A stupid part of her still dreams of her and Yoona. Yuri rubs her finger on the black hair tie in her wrist. Again it was stupid and crazy of her to do it but that hair tie made Yuri felt like a part of Yoona will always be with her.


Yuri quickly shot out of bed and makes her way back to the beach.

Her poor friends though sleepy and a bit intoxicated watches as Yuri jumps into the water, Turning her head around as if she was trying to find something.

Hyoyeon narrows her eyes as she’s trying to make sense of the situation. “Is she going to drown herself?”

“That isn’t too deep…”

“No, she looks like she’s trying to look for something.”

Yuri felt so hopeless as she tries to look for the hair tie. That was the only thing that could make her believe on her and Yoona, now it was gone, as if it was destiny’s way of saying…

Yuri it’s finally over.



I'm sorry for no replies this time... I'm kind of in a rush heheheh

but thank you for reading... and your comments are really appreciated... thank you again!

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!