Fight For My Girl



Sunny looks around her just so she could get distracted from Taeyeon’s overgrown brows. The stupid girl has this notion that when Tiffany sees her brows, she would choose her instead of Siwon.

“So, why did you bring a six pack?” Sunny finally talk as she sees Taeyeon carrying a six pack of beer.

“We all know that Tiffany likes her beer, and I bet the only side that she shows Siwon is her good girl side. When Siwon sees that she likes to drink, there is a chance that he gets turned off.”

“That’s just cruel.”

“No, that’s reality… if the guy don’t love your bad side then there is no point staying…”

Sunny just sighs heavily, Taeyeon in love is not worth getting in an argument with. “ok… here we are…” Sunny adds as she sees the number in the front of the apartment door.

“Ok… I could do this.” Taeyeon takes a deep breath and knocks.

Taeyeon and Sunny looks surprisingly at each other as they see a plain looking guy open the door.

“I thought it was a double date?” Sunny whispers.

“No, you and I are not on a date,” Taeyeon hissed at her “Maybe he invited us to a party.”

“Hi… we're Siwon’s friends.” Sunny blinded the guy with her overwhelming aegyo.

“Oh, yes of course come in.”

The two immediately felt out of place as the two dressed up as if they’re heading out a club, while everyone looks like they’re in a student council meeting.

“Taeyeon!” Tiffany eyes widen as she looks at her… “Why did you bring that?” Tiffany looks at the beer as if Taeyeon just brought in there the devil.

“Oh… I know you like it so you know…”

“Yup, Pany… you can’t have a party without drinks.” Sunny added…

“This isn’t a party…” Taeyeon was confused on why Tiffany was mad, embarrass or maybe both.

“Hey Taeyeon, Sunny I’m glad you two could come…” Siwon welcome the two girls with a brilliant smile and an awesome eyebrow move.

“hmmp… at least someone is happy to see us.”

Tiffany could only facepalm at the epic fail that is going to happen to her friends.

“Guys this is Taeyeon and Sunny… they are joining us today for our bible study…”

“Bible... what now?” Taeyeon looks at Siwon in confusion.

“Why? This is what Tiffany and I do, this is our group…”

“Oh, ahhh… a bible study” Taeyeon quickly hides the beer behind her. “I…ummm… I got to return something… I’ll be back” and she quickly dash off as far as her short legs could take her.

“And I’ll go with her.” Sunny hopped away leaving the group confused on what had just happened.


I’m in love with Im Yoona, unfortunately, the whole university seems to be in love with her too. A few months of college and never did a freshmen became as popular as her. Her name and phone number scribbled in desks and bathroom doors.

I couldn’t approach her not when she’s surrounded by her admirers, constantly fighting for her attention. The only time I could really have her focus is when we text, but she doesn’t even know that it’s me…

“Thinking of Yoona again?”

“Nope.” I’m a big fat liar…

“Face it Yul, you, me, Sunny and big mouth here are going to die alone.”

When the allowance our parents sent to us run out, Me, Soo, Taeng and Sunny would buy a big bag of lays chips and a liter of coke and just hangout by the lakeside at night. We just talk, or in times like this just keep each other company in silence.

Taeyeon have been depressed eversince the bible study incident. It must have that all you can do is just watch the one you like from afar, while others who have less purer intentions than yours get to be close to her. I know how you feel, Taeng… I know it too well…

The four of us heaves a big sigh on our pathetic love lives.

“We don’t have to die alone… I mean we have each other.” Sunny says reassuringly…

“Yeah and so what if were single? We could have just as much fun as those girls in in the city.” Sooyoung says…

“Yup… but without the .” Taeyeon added

“And were not living in the city.”

“So, what is it going to be like?”

“less and the university?”

The three of us couldn’t help but chuckle, it was corny but nothing like a brand of Sooyoung's sense of humor to lighten up the mood.

“Soo… just eat your chips.”


Tiffany turns away from her desk to glare at Yuri.

“Don’t you have a test you have to study too?”

“Shhh…" Yuri puts her finger over , hoping to silence the glaring girl. “I’m texting my lover here.”

Tiffany groans and rolls her eyes before returning to her book…

From: Honeybun
I never ask you this but what’s the deal about your name? I mean your lifequest name?

From: Babylove
My lifequest name? ummm… it’s kinda corny, you know high school thing…

From: Honeybun
I want to know

From: Babylove
Well… it’s the initial of my crush, I combine her bday and mine…

From: Honeybun
And Angel?

From: Babylove
Well.. she was my angel…

From: Honeybun
kekekeke… corny…

From: Babylove
You don’t need to remind me… 

From: Honeybun
sowee baby… was she special?

From: Babylove
She was my first love

From: Honeybun

From: Babylove
awww… honey… sorry… love you… mwah

From: Honeybun
so, were the two of you ever together?

From: Babylove

From: Honeybun
So, how did you know it was love?

From: Babylove
Ummm… I loved her all my high school life. I cried during her graduation because I thought I could never see her again. I wrote tons of letters but never had the guts to send them…

From: Honeybun
WAAAAHHHHH… :crybaby:

From: Babylove
Honey… that’s the thing about first love, you think it would last forever but it never does.

From: Honeybun
Your first love was a girl?

From: Babylove
Yes…. Why? Who was yours?

From: Honeybun
Zac Efron


From: Honeybun
Yeah… how many guys do you know who can play basketball while singing and dancing? no one… no one…

From: Babylove
lol… hehe… ok…

From: Honeybun
So, if she’s your first love then, what am I?

From: Babylove
my great love… :wub:

Yuri cover her face with her pillow and shrieks in happiness, Pany who is studying shot her an evil glare… DAH! Who cares? studying are for nerds…

From: Honeybun
not true love?

From: Babylove
I think every love you go through is true. But there are just some instances where you love more… and I love you more…

Damn… I love her too…

From: Honeybun
I love you…

From: Babylove
You just made me the happiest person alive.

From: Honeybun
Then, let me spend forever telling you how much I love you…


Yoona quickly runs to her bed and squeals happily leaving her innocent roommate wide eye in surprise.


“Where are you going?” Yuri asks as she sees Tiffany packing up..

“To the library but before I go… I want to clear things up, this thing with Yoona…”

“What about it?”

“Are you serious about her or you’re just playing her around?”

“I am… you know I am…”

Tiffany is about to walk to the door when she turned back… “Look, you’re my friend and I know you’re a decent person. But I need you to man up and tell her who you really are…”

“Are you kidding?! She’ll hate me for life.”

“Then, if that happens, you need to win her back… You don’t want this thing to snowball into something so bad that you couldn’t do anything about it anymore. Look, if you really love her, you’ll fight for her no matter what, but if you don’t then end this. Don’t pretend to be the perfect girlfriend cause you know Yoona deserves better than that.”

Tiffany walks away before Yuri could give her an answer. But Tiffany knows that she doesn’t need to hear the answer, all she needed to do was let her words sink in.


Ok, so, how am I going to do this? After much thought of what Tiffany told me. I decided to come clean and ask her out… but how could I when there are fans around her that is much worse than an electric fence?

After a week of exams, tonight one of our dormates had one of those after exams party. Everyone just comes to drink and have fun, but tonight I felt like everyone just came here to drink and flirt with Yoona.


We turned and saw Hyoyeon with her new blonde hair looking excitedly at us.




The two hug each other and starts jumping up and down as if they haven’t seen each other for ages. Did I even mention the two are roommates? I roll my eyes at the two.

“Look at your blonde hair.”

“New year, new look. Do I look American now? eeehhh? ehhh?” Hyoyeon shaking her hair as if she’s in one of those shampoo commercials.

“You look like cousin IT.”

Hyoyeon glares at me.

“I don’t know who cousin IT is, but with the way you say it I don’t feel she looks cute.”

“Awww… forgive my buddy here, Hyo… She’s just like that cause her crush didn’t notice her.”

“Crush? Whoah! Who’s the lucky dog that makes your heart goes dugeun dugeun?” Hyo tease while lifting her brow up and down…

“Im Yoona.”

Hyoyeon got that stupid, shock look… “wha- like for real girl!!! But everyone is like after her.”

“SHE’S NOT MY CRUSH!!!” is it hot in here or is that steam coming out of my ears?

“Oh, I’m sorry, not crush… Yuri lurvs her…” Sooyoung teases me… she and Hyoyeon got these goofy grins on their faces.


My head quickly jerk unconsciously to that familiar laugh, I look around to see where is the source of that… and scanning… AAAHHH!!! Girl with alligator laugh surrounded by predators… must save her!!! Super Yuri to the rescue!!! I was ready to swoop in and save her when I realize… hmmm… she looks like she doesn’t need to be saved. I stared intently at her laughing, looking like she's having a good ol' time. Nope… she doesn’t need saving…

Hyoyeon then puts her hands on my shoulder, looking at me straight in the eyes.

“Don’t let those boys intimidate you, me and Soo are going to back you up a hundred percent.”

“I don’t even know how I could compete with those guys.”

“Yul… Yul… Yul… Don’t you know anything about lurv? Sometimes you just have to play dirty, right Soo?”

“Right, Hyo.”

And I don’t know how to feel with the way they’re smiling at each other.



“So, yeah… I’m a junior management student… so if you need -”

“OFFFF… I’m sorry.”

Wooyoung pursed his lips in irritation. This tall girl just soak him with juice and it completely mess up his flow. But he needs to remain cool if he wants Yoona.

“I’m so so sorry… I’m just such a klutz,” The girl starts wiping his shirt off, “Wait a sec- You are… Wooyoung?!”

“Yeah, I am…”


Yoona smiles amusingly as she sees Sooyoung jumping up and down in excitement as if she just won the lottery, and this guy Wooyoung looking so embarrass.

“I am like your biggest fan, I so lurv you… You are such a cutie.! The moment I saw you dance, I know you are the one for me. Wait… hold on a second,” Sooyoung gets out her phone and starts to call someone…“Hello mom… I just want to tell you I met the man that I’m going to marry!

"Whoah! Whoah! Whoah!“ Wooyoung that time couldn’t hold his cool, waving his hand in protest, but Sooyoung just put the guy in a headlock before he could say or do anything.

“I’m going to leave you two lovebirds alone.” Yoona smiles and walks away chuckling…

“Wait Yoona…”

But Yoona already walk away before he could explain anything. He is about to give a piece of his mind at the girl…

“Wait… where did she go?”


“So, come on… let’s go dance.”

Junho knows that he could get any girl the moment he steps into the dance floor and Yoona shouldn’t be an exception.

“So, it is true…”

Junho turns around and sees a blonde girl looking angrily at him.

“Wait… excuse me?” He doesn’t even know the girl.

“You really do put the ho… in Junho.”

“Wait… hold on a second…” Junho steps back before the girl could do anything “I don’t even know you.”

OH!!! Is that what you say to the mother of your child?!” The blonde girl snarls at him.

“Oh, you got someone pregnant?” Yoona steps away…

“Wait… Yoona… no… I don’t even know her” or does he?

You don’t know me! We’re going to have a baby… So, It was really dark when we made Junho junior, but I swear it was you!

“No!!! look lady you got it all wrong, I don’t…”

“I think you two need to talk it out…” Yoona walks away before she gets into any baby mama drama.

“Wait Yoona… C’mon… I don’t even know her!” He calls out in desperation as he watches her walk away. He growls angrily as he lost the chance to be with Yoona. “Look bit- “, but before he could finish his word, He looks surprise that the blonde girl have just disappeared.


“Yeah… I think you’re the prettiest girl in our class.”

With his looks, abs and his tight Hollister shirt, he knows he could sweep any girl of his feet. But those fangirls just need to back off cause his attention is all devoted to Yoona now.

Suddenly, the music stop and everyone groan as they hear the static from the intercom…


The whole room was filled with howls of laughter, Chansung being the only one who couldn’t say a thing.

“No, that can’t be… my mom won’t do that.” He smiles nervously at Yoona…


“MAMA’S BOY. MAMA’S BOY. MAMA’S BOY” Everyone in the crowd starts chanting…

“This is ridiculous someone is just punking me!!!” He was all red in embarrassment.


That was it…. he couldn’t even say goodbye as he dash out of there quickly.


Yuri watches Chansung run off from the party…

“So, Yuri-sshi… I can get your number, right?”

Yuri could only groan after promising Taewoo, their dorm adviser her number if he lets her use the intercom.

“YES! YES! YES! Take my number, my email account, facebook and Twitter...take it all…”

Yuri runs out of there, this night of scaring away guys were much more exhausting than she could imagine but she’s not going to slow down now. She runs out to the dorm entrance to finally spend time with Yoona.

“You got to be kidding me,” She couldn’t help but groan frustratingly when right then and there in the lawn chairs, Yoona is smiling happily as she chats with the tall, dark and big eared Taecyeon.

“I’m just going to wait here…”

Yuri slumps on the wall waiting patiently for her chance.


“Wait… is that Sica?”

Taeyeon is in one of her I’m-depress-so-I’ll-walk-alone-in-this-dark-university-grounds mood when she spotted a blonde haired girl sleeping on the bench. She creeps closer and her face inches away from Sica’s as she watches the girl intently. When out of a sudden, she felt someone grabbing her shirt and shaking her furiously.

“I know what goes inside that erted mind of yours Taeyeon. So, if you want to live for the next hour of your life. You better keep your erted self of me.”


Taeyeon pushes the girl away and huffs on the bench.

“I was just checking if you’re still breathing before I call 911 on you.”

“You’re the one who need to call 911 if you try to do something.”

“I won’t…” Geez... who falls asleep in the park bench at night?

The two sat there in silence and Taeyeon thought that Sica just drifted back to sleep.

“Still thinking of her?” Sica asks quietly, not wanting to mess up the comfortable silence.


Sica scoffs a laugh “You and Yuri-yah are really friends. You two do these outrageous things for the girls you like.”

“We're girls, we know how to make someone feel special.”

“Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to impress someone. That we forget to think that maybe all the girl need is a simple rose and a note, and someone who is going to make her feel like they’re always there for her.”

Taeyeon have to think of that.

“Have you really just talk, like talk, talk with her?”

“I…ummm… before...”

“Maybe that’s what Tiffany needs… Someone who’s going to be there for her.”

Taeyeon in the silence felt like she got the answer that she had always ask herself. Maybe it’s not the brows, or the abs or the height that was going to make Tiffany like her, maybe all she needed to do was just be there for the girl.

“Sica… I- ” She stop before she could finish what she was saying, when she sees Sica sleeping soundly on the bench… “Thanks…” She says sincerely before putting her jacket on the sleeping dragon, and continue on with her much better moods as she walk back to her dorm.



The moment she slumps on the concrete, Yuri quickly woke up and looks back, she curse silently as she sees the place empty. Yoona had left with Taecyeon somewhere while she waited there and wasted her chance.

She dusts herself off and starts walking back, somewhere she doesn’t know.

Other than the rumored ghosts or white ladies, our university grounds are pretty safe at night. It’s actually one of my guilty pleasures to walk around by myself. I mean I love my friends and all, but sometimes it’s hard for me to show them this side. This pathetic, desperate crazy in love side.

I had to text them back of course. I just told them, I needed to go to the bathroom bad. That pretty much did the trick and they left me alone after tha

“Oh shoot.” I froze on my tracks, I mean what else can you do if you see a ghost? I usually thought that ghosts can’t scare me but now that I see this illuminating creature…


ACCCCKKKK!!!! It knows my name!!! gulp!!!


“Oh, it’s you,” Damn… Yoona is so pale I thought for once she was a ghost…

“Are you ok?”

“I thought you were a ghost.”

She had that wide mouth laugh again, she should stop that or a fly might get in there one day…

“What are you doing?” she asks me…

“The party was getting too crowded so I ummm… just needed to walk around. You?”

She showed me a plastic bag with chips…

“I went home before the party is over but I didn’t feel sleepy so I just walk around. I mean no offense to Seo we're bestfriends since kindergarten, but I’m still trying to get used to not having a room to myself, like you know blast the music to the max, not caring if my room is a mess…”

It was actually a pretty night, the stars, the cool breeze and her and me sitting on the grass in silence. She tilts her chips towards me and I wave my hand in a no. After some silence…

“So, I saw you with Taec” and With Woo, Junho, Chansung but she doesn’t need to know that.

“Oh him? yeah… we talk a bit at the party.”

"What did you talk about? How big his ears are?"

Yoona purse her lips to keep herself from smiling... "No..."

"It always makes me wonder are people with those size ears, could they hear better?"

It was hard to keep a straight face while talking with Yuri, "I don't think so."

“Do you like him?”

“What?! No…"

"Good... cause if the two of you do end up together, I feel bad for your kids... Tall, scrawny with Dopey ears and alligator mouth."

"Fine... I won't..."

Yuri could feel her heart almost jump out of her chest when Yoona smiles back at her.

"Do you like somebody?"

Yoona just smile softly...

"I guess you do..."

“Yeah” Then, Yoona looks at Yuri with a bit of hesitation, as if she's unsure of what she's about to say... "Ummm... remember the time when my date stood me up?"

"Oh... HE must be regretting that now..."

Yoona closes her eyes at the mention of the word HE...

"No... What... it's nothing... I'm..."

"Say what you need to say..."

"He's not a guy... I was meeting a girl" Yoona's eyes are close as if she feared how Yuri would see her.

"Oh... a girl..."

The two were quiet for a second...

“so, ummm…” Yoona looks like she is struggling to say it… she looks up at Yuri, who for once didn’t have any mischief or erted thoughts in her eyes.

“Do you ever like… love girls? or you’re just playing with them?”

“Well… I’m a very romantic person. I fall in love easily… I like boys, girls… even dogs… especially dogs… Taeyeon has this chow chow name poodles, I’m still falling hard for him and I don’t think I will ever stop.”

Yoona sighs heavily frustrated that Yuri couldn’t even be serious for once.

“What? I like fluffy things,” Yuri sensing that Yoona was having trouble stops goofing around. “Truth is, I never liked anybody seriously” Except you, I’m seriously in love with you   Yuri thought to herself  . "But I don't think it would matter who we fall for. Why?”

“Ummm…I don’t know… I had… well… I always like girls… even when we were in high school…I like guys like I admire really good looking guys but I never seem to be ummm…”

Yoona shifted uncomfortably, struggling with how to say it. Yuri easily senses how uncomfortable Yoona is with opening up with the topic.

“To see yourself romantically with them?”

Yoona could only muster a nod…

“Maybe you just haven’t given boys a chance… I mean we came from an all girls school, the only guy there is our PE teacher, if he’s actually a guy cause he got really big s and our science teacher who looks like Shrek.”

Yoona lets out a laugh…

“I see tons of guys after you so you never know… one of them could be the one” WTH… why am I pushing her to somebody else? Yuri thought.

“This… this is like my dirty secret, like when I go to church I wanted to confess but I don’t even have the guts. I’m so confuse why it’s so wrong, I mean… I’m not hurting anybody… but…" Yoona stop when she felt like she was telling Yuri too much "Oh Gosh… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be burdening you like this.”

“No don’t be… I’m glad I could help… I mean after what I put you through… it’s the least I could do. ”

“I couldn’t tell anyone about this and you're the only one that i know who seems to be open minded about these things. That’s why when your friends start teasing me about us… I got scared that what if I’m being obvious? I just don’t know how people could accept it, how I could accept it. What if I start dating guys and then realize that I rather be with girls? That it’s not some “phase” that I am really like this.. how can I-” Every word from Yoona's mouth were filled with worry and fear but the moment, that Yuri link her pinky with hers. Yoona felt those fears slowly melting away...

“Hey… hey… stop…” Yuri tries to calm the girl.

Yoona didn’t know how that simple gesture could have meant the world to her.

“Someday when you’ll realize who you really are, who you want to be with and the world will eventually shut you out, I will still be here. I may not be much but I’ll stay with you. I promise you that.” and Yuri meant every word of it.

Yoona felt a heavy burden off her chest was being lifted off, now that she knows that she won’t be alone and that someone is willing to stay with her. Maybe she could finally sleep well at night.

“So, what am I going to do if you don’t fulfill your promise?” Yoona asks teasingly…

Yuri pouts thoughtfully before smiling brilliantly… “I’ll cut off my fingers…" The mischievous look was back again before she added "with a nail cutter…”

And she didn’t know how over chips, her whole reality doesn’t seem to be such a waking nightmare anymore. And she like it, she like that Yuri, was part of her reality.


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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!