A Jealous Yuri is not a Smart Yuri




No, no, no, no more tomorrow
No, no, no, no more tomorrow…

Baby there’s no, no, no, no more (No more) tomorrow
Til you come back, everyday is yesterday

No more tomorrow, everyday is yesterday without Yoona…

Press skip


Every night I’ll be with you
Do you love her? Do you love her?

Every night I’ll be with you, Yoona…
Do you love Yoona? Do you love Yoona?

Press skip


Listen to my heartbeat… it’s beating for you
Listen to my heartbeat… it’s waiting for you…

Listen to my heartbeat… its beating for Yoong…
Listen to my heartbeat… it’s waiting for Yoong…

What the hell???!!!!!

Yuri rips her headphones off her ears and huffs a frustrated sigh to the ceiling. Why does every song in Kpop remind her of that alligator mouth skinny girl?


Yoona’s face turn into a deep scowl as she sees her inbox flooded with texts from every boy and girl trying to vie for her attention, but nothing from the idiotic tanned girl.



Yuri scrunches those brows, her small eyes disappearing into a deep frown. She doesn’t like what she was seeing. She doesn’t like it at all.

“Soo! Soo! Soo!”

Yuri pulls Sooyoung next to her and out of nowhere just burst out laughing. This was the thing that Sooyoung feared the most, that Yuri finally losing those screws in her head.

“Dude, did you finally lose it or something?”

“No… Soo, you got to pretend that we're having like a great conversation.”

“Huh? But we're not.”

“Look, Yoona is over there talking with Teuk and Shindong, I don’t want her to see that I’m like desperately waiting for her here.”

“But you are like desperately waiting for her here.”

“Yes! But she doesn’t have to know that!” Yuri snarls at the uncooperative Sooyoung.

“Gosh dude, you are like obsess with the girl.”

Yuri takes a deep breath, it’s rare for Sooyoung to be right but this time she was right on the spot.

“I am… for the first time I’m jealous over someone and I can’t help it, Soo. I don’t think I could make it if someone takes Yoona away from me. She’s coming, she’s coming…”

It’s amazing how the two could switch from lovestruck girls to girls laughing about completely nothing.


“Yoona… my love…” And Yuri clings to her girl like a koala to its eucalyptus tree.

“Were you waiting for me?”

“Ummm… no, it’s just that Sooyoung here has this major major crush on Shindong.”

Sooyoung groans but decided to go along with it “Yup I do, I’m into guys who looks like the Pillsbury dough boy.”

“So, yeah… she was wondering what you guys were talking about?”

“Oh, yeah… He and Leeteuk oppa are like the chair for the school festival and they ask me to perform.”

“WHAT?!” Yoona and Yuri jump up from Sooyoung’s outburst. “Me and Hyo have auditioned for that and they just ask you?”

“Well… if you like, I could tell oppa about you and unnie.”

Sooyoung’s eyes brighten at the thought. “REALLY?! You will do that?”

“After seeing you guys perform to bad romance, I don’t think anyone is more talented than you guys.”

“I know, right?” Sooyoung giggles cutely. “One step closer to Youngbae.”

“Wait… Youngbae is performing?”

“Of course… He’s like the Korean Usher… He’s going to be big!!!”

Yoona face turns into a scowl when she remembers the mohawk midget with his grimy hands all over her girl.

“No matter how popular he is, he’s still short.” Yoona mutters.

Yoona’s remark didn’t even reach matter to Sooyoung, the girl was already in cloud nine. “I know but just imagine if he was tall, he would be perfect… Remember Yul… you said before that Youngbae is the only guy who can make you like straight?”

Yuri tried to send Sooyoung a telepathic message to shut up, unfortunately Yoona already heard every word of it.

“You did?”

“Ummm… it was a joke…” It wasn’t but Yoona don’t need to know that.

Even when pissed Yoona look cute, but that didn’t mean that Yuri wasn’t scared, cause seeing Yoona pissed ,makes Yuri scared shtless. “It’s a bad joke.” Yoona growls…

“I know my love…keke… Justin Timberlake is the only guy who could make me straight and chances of that happening is like never…” Yuri laughs awkwardly… “So, who’s hungry?”


“This is it, Sunny… my chance with Tiffany.”

“Whatever you say…” Sunny says without looking up from her DS

“When she hears my voice then maybe she’ll realize that wow… I think I love Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon and her delusional ideas of love.

“Oh, so it’s like the little mermaid, prince Eric fell in love with Ariel because of her voice. Is that how you want it to be, Taeng? Tiffany noticing you because of your voice?”

Taeyeon frowns at Sunny’s lack of support “Well, I’ll grab every chance I get. ”


“Leeteuk oppa… Hi…”

“I don’t know how to say this but ummm… We don’t have a slot for you for the festival, you’re a great singer and all but we don’t know where to fit you.”

“Oh… it’s ok.” It wasn’t but what could Taeyeon do?

“If you want Taeyeon, you could work behind the scenes with us, we always needed extra help.

Help, he means a slave… The word No was at the tip of Taeyeon’s tongue when she sees Tiffany rehearsing.

“I’ll do it.”


“BUT MOM! The new phone you gave me can’t even take pictures!!!”

“You want pictures? Get a camera!”

“Mom please… You don’t want me to be that loser who has the prehistoric phone in college, do you?”

“Yuri… I’ll give you a choice, I’ll send you the latest Iphone and make your brother and sister beg in the street for food? Or you keep that phone and have your sister and brother eat three times a day? You pick.”

It’s not even a choice. “The phone?”


“Fine, fine… I was joking.” No, she wasn’t…

From the other line she could hear her mom sighs heavily “Ok, look, your dad said that you need to learn about responsibility. What’s going to happen if me and your dad won’t be around? How are you going to support yourself?”

“I’ll sell Seungri and Jiyeon for food?”


“JK Mom, JK…”

“Ok, let’s make a deal if you make half or maybe ¼ of how much an Iphone cost then I’ll send you enough money to buy yourself one.”

“YOU WOULD?! MOM, Did I ever say you are like so awesome?”

“Save it, Yul…”


“A mascot?”

“It’s an honorable job.”

“I’m not saying it’s not… What I’m trying to say is that well maybe yeah I work like in the register or something?”

“You have to earn your way to work in the register.” The manager said with conviction and much to Yuri’s irritation. “Right now you as the newest member of the proud Chicken House fastfood family, you have to work yourself from the bottom of the food chain and prove yourself worthy of being the face of Chicken house.”


Behind the obese chicken mascot is a very hot and pissed off Kwon Yuri.


It’s a good thing that all Yuri could do is raised her chicken wing or else her manager would fire her for giving him the middle finger.

“What the?”

She didn’t know if it was the heat that was making her hallucinate but right now, she’s seeing HER GIRLFRIEND with tall, dark and dopey eared Taecyeon walking in the café across the street. The two settled in a cozy outdoor table.

“I’m right here in a stupid chicken mascot and she’s having lunch with somebody else?!”

People passing by was surprise at the chicken throwing a fit in the middle of the street.



Yuri didn’t make it to her dorm room when she takes out her cheap cellphone and starts pounding the keyboard.


Yuri gulps as she reads the message. She realizes that she needed to avoid Sica because she was starting sound like a freaking psychotic. Yuri may not be a relationship expert but she knows that the best way to deal with it, is to do what girls do best…

The silent treatment…

From: Cheating girlfriend

8 minutes later…
From: Cheating girlfriend

11 minute later…
From: Cheating girlfriend

25 minutes later
From: Cheating girlfriend
Look, is there something wrong?

32 minutes later
From: cheating girlfriend
Hey… if something is bothering you just tell me, don’t ignore me like this.

1 hr and 13 minutes later
From: Cheating girlfriend
That’s how you want to play Kwon Yuri, then it’s on…


“Hey dude… DUDE!!!” Sooyoung poke the lump underneath the blankets. Sunny seeing that the easy method didn’t work, she decided to step up.

“I’ll handle this.”

“OFFFFF… Sunny get the heck of me!!!” Yuri tries to push off the 100 pound of cuteness of her.

“NO! You expect us to feel sorry for you and bring you ice cream and a hug?”

“Hmmm? That will be nice.”

“HECK NO!!! Were not that type of friends.”

“Then, get out of my room.”

“Dude… Yoona’s been asking about you… don’t think too much about it, They’re just going to do a performance together for the festival.”

“That’s what people think, but the only performance Taec is interested is in… AAAARRRRGGGHHHH… I can’t believe that guy, didn’t he just dated Jessica? Now he’s bothering Yoona again.”

“Hey! Snap out of it” Hyoyeon snaps back “You know Yoona is like the face of this school and Taecyeon is this muscle bound guy that everyone thinks is so hot. So, Teuk thinks it’s cool to pair them up. that’s all there is to it.”

“How could I check his face, when all I could see are those ears?! Yoona is mine and I’m not going to let Taec get my GIRL!” Yuri groans and plops in defeat in her bed.

“Yul, you’re over reacting… No one is trying to steal Yoona away from you.”

“Except Taec…” Evil Sunny bunny…


“Anyways… They are like doing this kinda skit. The storyline is that they were fighting and so he tries to woo her back by you know dancing and singing…”

“His idea of dancing is ripping his shirt off! And singing? What is he going to do? rap his way to her heart?!”

“Yul… relax.”

“How is it going to end? Are they going to-”


“NOOOOO!!!!” Yuri could feel her whole world falling apart, ok, not really but pretty close to that. “Can’t he just die in the end to make it more romantic?”

“Yul… don’t tell me you’re jealous…”

“Ok I won’t…” Yuri crosses her arms and growls…

“Maybe this is it, Yul… your karma… for every girl’s heart that you broke, this is the payback that each of those girls wanted."

Yuri sighs heavily… She guess payback really is a b!tch.


Lately, all Yuri could ever do is frown…

Those laughs, those gazes… She might think its cute if it’s some other couple, but not when it’s this tall, dark big eared musclehead and her girl. HER YOONA…

“I’m so glad you took the offer to do the skit for the festival, Yoona-shii.”

“Well it’s a fun experience… Although the practices can get tiring, I enjoy it.”

“You should think of being an actress, you are pretty good. As you can tell I get nervous when I act but it seems like when I do it with you, I just feel so comfortable.”

“You’ll be comfortable inside a coffin, Ok Taecyeon.”

Yuri was about to jump off the bushes but Sooyoung and Hyoyeon hold the girl off before she made a scene.

“Relax dude… Yoona won’t like it if you just jump off the bushes and attack the guy.”

“Fine! I won’t attack him, I should just call the police cause he’s trespassing all over MY property.”

Sooyoung sighs heavily for her bestfriend, she guess love has worse effects than being crazy. She cup Yuri’s shoulders and look intently at those worried dark brown eyes. “Look, think about it this way, out of all the people she could pick out of her legion of Yoonaddicts, she chose an utter epic fail like you… If that ain’t love, then I don’t know what is…”

Yuri couldn’t help but frown, is this her bestfriend’s way of comforting her? “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

“Think of it this way, she doesn’t like you because you’re hot and good in bed like some other people say, she still keep coming back to you even if you act like an idiot over and over and over again. That’s saying something right there.”

“I heard Taecyeon is good in bed too.”


Hyoyeon tries to pull Yuri before Sooyoung pass out from getting choked to death.


Sooyoung fell to the ground with a thud when Yoona just caught Yuri doing something idiotic again.

“Hello, Yoongbaby… keke” Laugh now, Yuri, cause Yoona will make you cry later.

“See you later, dude.”


Sooyoung and Hyo pats the poor Yuri sympathetically and left her high and dry to defend herself from her very pissed off girlfriend.

“So, Yuri.. why are you behind the bushes?” Yoona crosses her arms and gives you a stern look.

“Cause I’m not in front of it?”

“YUL!” That’s it! Yoona stomps her foot in irritation and walks out. It was rare that the sarcastic-always-has-a-comeback for everything Im Yoona would just walk away. It could only mean one thing, that she was so pissed off that no words could ever express how she feels.

“Yoong” Yuri races to catch up with Yoona.

“YOU! YOU! Are taking it too far, Kwon! For the whole week, you ignore my texts then I’ll just catch and your sidekicks stalking me. It’s just a skit for God’s sake but you’re acting like I’m seeing someone else behind your back and I’m not!”

“It’s just that I’m jealous Yoona. When Soo and them were telling me about the performance I already went apesh!t, so imagine if I would have seen it… It would have killed me, Yoong.”

“It’s only for show, Yul… Are you going to act like this every time I get closer to somebody else? What if we have kids?! Are you going to be jealous with the time I spend with them too?”

Yuri smile at the thought of her and Yoona making babies, but Yoona’s low growl quickly brought Yuri back to reality. “Ummm… yes.”


“UMMM no…”

Yoona finally sighs in defeat, there was no use arguing with an idiot. “You know what?” Yoona groans “Just don’t Yul… Don’t explain yourself… I’m tired of it.”

“Look, I know it’s just a skit but why does he have to hang out with you all the time?”

“He’s just being nice.”

“He’s being nice for a reason and you know that.”

“No, I don’t… You have to realize Yul that not every nice person has a motive. They’re not like you who’s nice because they want to get inside someone’s pants.”

“HEY!” Yuri says angrily. Here was Yuri trying to prove herself to be a loyal girlfriend and all Yoona does is uses her past as ammo against her.

“Oh, did I strike a sensitive subject there, Yul?”

“B!tch” Yuri groans under her breath before walking away for the first time.


End of flashback…

Yoona groans and puts her cellphone back in her pocket. When the sound of a sweet voice made her look up.


“Ummm… yes? Tiffany unnie?”

“Is it ok if we talk?”

Tiffany excuses herself from her practice. The two girls sat down the steps… Although the two knew pretty much everything about each other because of Yuri, the two never really had a chance to get to know each other personally.

“Are you going to talk to me about her?”

“Yeah… I know…”

Yoona sighs heavily…

“Look, I know you might think that Yuwree doesn’t care anymore cause she doesn’t text or anything but she’s… she’s miserable right now, she has Tablo song tomorrow on repeat and don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of Tablo and Taeyang’s abs but when Sooyoung sings to Taeyangs part and Yuwree starts rapping… it’s worse than that rapper from the boyband. If you want Yuwree to live one more day before I strangle her to death then you two need to work it out.”

“I don’t know what to do unnie. It’s like we fight then make up, fight then make up… it’s like we're stuck in this cycle.”

“But you always find a way to make things work, that’s the important thing. Blame her love for you for this, you know you mean the world to her, that she doesn’t even think twice of doing anything even if she looks like a complete dumb@ss cause for her it’s worth it. You’re worth it.”

“I don’t know.”

“Make it work again, Yoona, you know even if she’s the biggest idiotic dork in this world, she still means the world to you too.”

“Tiffany.. your turn.”

“I got to go… Think about what I said, Yoona.”

And just when Taeyeon thinks it was her chance to finally get notice by Tiffany, here was the world again, making her its b!tch. So, as Tiffany and Jessica practices for their duet, the only thing Taengoo could do is watch Tiffany just like she always does…


The whole campus is buzzing, everyone who is someone in their school is going to perform for the festival and no one wants to be that dork who is like 10 minutes ago in what’s happening in the school.

But while everyone is heading out to the auditorium, Yuri preferred to just stay in the campus school grounds, away from everyone, especially alligator mouth and dopey ears.

“Yul?” Sooyoung turns away from biting her cupcake and sits beside her distress buddy.

“I miss Yoong, Soo…”

“Awww… Yul, it’s ok, dude… here, we can share my cupcake.”

You know Sooyoung really cares about someone when she shares her food with them, and Yuri is one of the special ones that Sooyoung would go hungry for.

“Here… you can have the bigger piece.”

“No, thank you, Soo…”

“Are you sure? Because once you say no, you can’t take it back.”

“Yeah, I’m ok, thanks buddy.”

“Ok… you sure? cause I’m…” Sooyoung put the cupcake in “Going once, going twice” And the cupcake disappeared in Sooyoung’s mouth “It’s gone.”

Yuri laughs…

“We don’t need to watch Yoona if you don’t think you can handle it, Yul. Hyo just downloaded some new movies in her make me so folder, so you know what that means… We can watch it if you like, dirty movies always seem to brighten up your day.”

“No… I’m ok… truth is, I want to watch the show, I want to support Yoona even if she’s around Pony boy but I don’t know if she still wants to talk to me though, and if she ignores me again that will be like the biggest heart break.”

“Well, there is always one way to find out, right?”

Sooyoung stretches her long legs and stare at the sky. She never really get the chance to admire the stars so she’s grabbing her chance now.

“You always tell me before that you don’t want to get into relationships because you don’t want to put all this effort and time over someone. But here you are in a relationship with Yoona. So, if Yoona is worth getting in a relationship with, maybe she’s worth getting a heartbreak over too.” Sooyoung smiles at her bestfriend “You just have to try Yul, until there’s nothing left anymore.”

Yuri smiles back and look up in the sky “Soo?”


“I don’t usually tell you this but I don't know what I'm going to do without you, Soo... You mean the sh!t to me.”

“Sh!t? Like diarrhea or something?”

Yuri groans... “No, I mean… I may not tell you this all the time but thanks… You’re the best…”

“Yes, I’m like the 2ne1 song, I’m the best…” Sooyoung grins goofily “Now, let’s go get your girl.”


Yoona takes a deep breath, she has been performing on the stage since she was 5 but her nerves still has a way to take over her.


“Oh oppa… hello…”

“You’ll do fine” Taecyeon smiles, squeezing the girl lightly on the shoulders.


“Look, Yoona-shii, if it makes you feel better how about we grab some coffee after?” Jessica likes it, so it doesnt hurt to try with Yoona too...

No… it doesn’t “It’s ok Taec oppa… I think I’ll be tired so I’ll just go home after.”

Yoona steps on the stage and scans the crowd for that familiar face. She sighs heavily and looks down and takes one last deep breath before stepping into her character.


And she doesn’t need to look up to see who it was, she could perfectly tell who that husky, dorky voice belongs to. She smiled at the cute raven haired girl sitting up front, waving her handmade I love Im Yoona 4ever neon poster.

Yuri was cheering loudly during the whole performance that the usher has to approach her…

“Excuse me miss, you are being too loud.”

“Oh… I’m sorry…”

The usher turns away…


The usher quickly snaps his head back at the raven haired girl blinking those puppy eyes at him.

“It wasn’t me.”


Taeyeon almost drop the box when she sees Sica storming towards her…



Sica puts the microphone on Taeyeon’s hand.

“You know the lyrics to every line of our song, so, go out there and have this duet with her.” Sica explains everything in one breath.

“Are you going nuts? I can’t do this!”

“Yes you can! This is your chance with Tiffany, grab it before I change my mind.”

“But what about you?”

Since when did Jessica ever thought of herself nowadays?

“Don’t worry about me… just go… Go Taeyeon…”

Taeyeon smiles happily and nods…



“Someday I’ll pay you back.”

Taeyeon runs back to the stage.

Sica scoffs “Yeah… maybe in another life…”


Tiffany looks surprise to see Taeyeon instead of Jessica.

“Where’s Jessi?”

“Ummm… well…” Taeyeon starts stammering, wondering if this was really a good idea but Tiffany’s smile reassured her that everything will just be fine.

“It’s ok, Jessica told me you’re a great singer.”

“She did?”

“Yeah… she knows you better than you think, Taengoo… C’mon, let’s go…”


As much as Jessica knows that the performance of the two will probably blow everyone away, she decided to step out of that auditorium before her heart starts to take over her senses again…

She smiles as she remembers the lyrics to her supposed to be duet.

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake, a smile, a laugh
Every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

It’s funny how some songs just hit you were its supposed to hurt…

Because of you…


Seohyun went home for the weekend and Yoona could have wished that she wouldn't have to spend the weekend alone. She lays the bouquet that she receive from everyone in her bed, she looks through every card and couldn't help but feel disappointed when she didn't see the name that she wished to have given her one.

Knock. knock.knock.


Yoona pushes herself up and smiles. And there was the idiot- her idiot with those puppy eyes kneeling in front of her. Yuri takes Yoona's hand then places it on her chest.

Oh no, Yoona could already foresee it... Here goes Yuri and her dorky ways of showing her love.



"Can you feel my heartbeat?"

"Don't rap, don't rap, don't rap."

Of course Yoona's pleas went to deaf ears because when Yuri is on a roll, there is just no stopping her.

Ijeuryeogo amuri noryeokhaebwado
Saeroun saramdeureul amuri mannabwado
Gyesok dasi tto dasi doraseomyeon wae nisaenggangman naneunji

Yoona purse her lips as Yuri starts rapping and doing chest pumps better than that guy.

"Stop. stop..."

Yoona pulls Yuri up and took her to her room. Yuri pulls the flower pot that she hides in the corner.

“Ummm… for you” the two exchange, Yoona switches the flowers for the flower pot with Yuri.

“A flower pot?”

“Umm… well, those flowers that your fans gave you, they’re going to die in a few weeks or something but my flower plant won’t… Well” Yuri scratches her head trying to think about it “Well, actually they’ll die too, if you don’t take care of it. But… it’s kinda like us, Yoong if we don’t make the effort to take care of it, we’ll eventually die. But I’m not going to let that happen Yoong, I’m going to put my every effort, my every time to make sure we’ll survive. ”

And just when Yoona thought she run out of reasons to make it work, here was Kwon Yuri making her fall helplessly again.

“Come here…” But before Yuri could respond, Yoona puts down the flower pot and quickly replaces it with Yuri in her arms.

“You forgive me, Yoong?”

Yoona looks up from Yuri’s shoulder and smiles.

“Just kiss me and we’ll call it even.”

Yuri smiles and leans closer for a kiss to earn Yoona’s forgiveness.

"Girls generation make you feel the-

"OH GIVE ME A BREAK!!!! Yuri takes out her phone... "WHAT SOO?!!!"

Yoona smiles as Yuri answers the phone in frustration...

"WAAAAHHHH... dude, emergency! I'm hungry and I run out of cup noodles."

"Wake Hyo up..."

"You know her, she goes home almost every weekend to see her boyfriend... I'm so lonely, lonely, lonely..." Sooyoung sings to 2ne1 hit "How would you feel if you see in the news and saw that I got ?"

Yuri roll her eyes "And you feel like someone is going to you?"


"ALRIGHT!!! Geez... I'll be there..."

"See yah!"

Yuri groans in frustration but immediately smile when she sees Yoona smiling amusingly at her. Yuri plants a soft kiss on Yoona's forehead and intertwine their hands together.

"Let's go out and celebrate, my girl."


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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!