My Girl



Yuri didn’t know what she should think of it… just last week, she and Yoona almost had their first kiss but now Yoona acts like there was nothing going on between them.

Right now, all Yuri could do is stare at Yoona across the school cafeteria while the girl is being worship by both her fanboys and fangirls.

“Wow dude,” Crunching… Sooyoung must be wolfing down those chips again… “Can’t believe I’m saying this but Yoona just beat the heck out of girls generation.”


“Cause she brings the BOYS and the GIRLS out…. kekekekeke.”

Yuri couldn’t help but roll her eyes at Sooyoung and her so sad sense of humor.

“Am I suppose to laugh? Is that suppose to be funny?” Yuri frowns at Sooyoung…

“Chillax dude… I’m just trying to make you feel better.”

“It’s not working.”

“Yul, it’s high school all over again, you’re going to lose her for the second time if you don’t step up your game.”

“FYI Soo… I never lost her,” Yuri corrected her buddy. “I never had her in the first place and you can’t lose something that you don’t have.”

“And so? You’re just going to let that happen? Let her walk away from you again? Jesus Christ and Cupid have combined forces so you two could finally be together and you’re just letting it slip away.”

“You know Soo, I’m not worried about it, let all this silly boys and girls be all over my future wife.”

“Future wife?” Sooyoung rolls her eyes “Someone’s on crack.”

“No! I feel it Sooyoungie, Me and Yoona are soulmates. In the end, I’m still the one who Yoona is going to end up with. So, I’m going to let Yoona have her fun now, I mean we have our whole future ahead of us. I can see it right now… Our future home, it will be a bit messy, chaotic and were going to have little Yoonas and little Yuris running around, but our house will be full of love.”

“DUDE! What the hell are you smoking? Can I freaking have some? You delusional moderpacker!”


Yuri and Sooyoung turns and sees Yoona looking in disbelief as a guy and his buddies carrying a guitar stops in front of them.

“This song is for Yoona…”

And the guy sings, or try to but that doesn’t matter cause all of the girls in that cafeteria were squealing on how romantic he is…

“Is that suppose to be romantic?” Yuri asks…

“I don’t know dude, but right now its high school all over again…”


“You’re breaking up with me?!”

Jessica couldn’t believe this… She was usually the one doing the dumping. But right there and then, she was getting dumped.

“Actually, Jessica I can’t break up with you since were not really anything.” Taecyeon stated it like what they had never really mattered to him.

“We went out on a couple of dates.”

“Yeah I know but all you do is whine about your feelings over this certain person… What do you think of me? Dr. Phil or something? I’m not your therapist Jess.”

“Isn’t that like the use of guys? To listen?”

“Yeah but am I getting anything in return? Don’t you have like a BFF that you could have heart to heart talk to?”

What kind of guy says the word BFF? Good thing it’s over before I could find out.

“Yeah whatever Taec, just leave.”

“I will.”

Jessica wished that she have something heavy so she could throw it at the back of the guy’s head. And if that really pathetic moment, wasn’t pathetic enough… Someone up there thinks it would be more fun if Jessica get soaked in rain…

OH GREAT!!!! It’s starting to rain… What the hell is this? A freaking music video to a cheesy song?

And Jessica didn’t know what she was wiping of her face, the rain or her tears? But she wasn’t crying over Taec, hell no… She was probably crying cause everything in her life is just so damn frustrating.

But she know Taec had a point, she whines over a certain someone because that’s all she could do. If she confess, she’s obviously will get turned down, if she keeps it inside, then, she’ll keep on whining for the rest of her life. Jessica was stuck and she has no idea how to get out of it.


Jacques, waiter with fake french accent and waxed eyebrows smiles happily at the sight of his favorite customer, the beautiful and sophisticated Jessica Jung. Jessica waited until Taecyeon was in the bathroom before she called the waiter.

"Hello, Ms. Jung, I see that you and Mr. Ok are getting cozier by the second."

Jessica could only fake a smile before handing out her credit card to the nosy waiter.

"Here... charge the bill for that little person and her friends in my card."

Jacques raise those fake brows, how could someone as elegant as THE JEssica Jung know a sad bunch like them?

"Are you sure, Ms. Jung because their bill is kind of-"

"What are you trying to say? That I couldn't afford it?"

Jacques froze at the ice princess glare.

"No, not at all. Miss Jung, I apologize for that."


Jacques excuse himself but before he could go further Jessica added.

"And Jacques don't tell her anything about this."

"Yes, Ms. Jung as you wish."

Jessica sighs heavily

End of flashback

“God!!! If you could hear me now, please give me a sign if I should just move on or not.”

And for once, maybe God was actually listening…

“What the?”

Jessica suddenly finds herself under someone’s polka dot umbrella.


“Why are you standing under the rain, Shika?

“I ummm… I don’t know.”

“C’mon… let’s get you home before you get sick.”

It probably meant nothing to the other girl, she’s probably doing out of courtesy since she happens to be her crush’s bestfriend. But something inside of Jessica made her believe in signs, it was a rather small act but it was enough to make Jessica’s heart hope again…


Hahaha… He’s all wet…

Yuri never saw the point of running in the rain, you got wet anyway, why don’t you just enjoy the cold rain and walk under it? But Yuri was enjoying what she’s seeing right now. She’s the only one dorky enough to carry an umbrella in her bag everywhere she goes. And seeing everyone getting soaked while she stays dry just amuse her to the core. Don’t ask her why, she just easily get amuse.

“Hehehe… phew” Yuri spits out water as one of the students accidentally splashes on her.

She continues to walk when…

There taking shelter under a century old tree, the prettiest girl she has ever seen.

And the romantic side of Yuri quickly kicks in as an image of a sickeningly sweet scene plays in her head.


Her and Yoona, laughing while chasing each other under the rain… When suddenly, a thunder would crash into the sky, making Yoona yelp and bury her head in Yuri’s shoulders.

Yuri laughs confidently while tilting Yoona’s chin so she could stare at those lovely doe eyes. “Don’t worry I won’t let anything happen to you, my baby.”

And Yoona’s doe eyes will sparkle with admiration and love for her Kwon Yuri.

“Oh Yuri…”

And under the rain, with background music playing, Yuri would lean in while Yoona closes her eyes in anticipation as they have their first kiss under the rain.


End of imagination

Yuri let out a squeal as she imagines it…

“Here, here, here.”

Yuri taps a girl and hands over her umbrella.


Yuri runs over to the tree and tries drying herself..


Yoona groans and looks away… After the moment in the bridge, Yuri has been doing everything so she could kiss her. But Yoona won’t let her, she felt that all Yuri wanted was to get a kiss and Yoona didn’t want that. Yoona wanted Yuri to kiss her because she loves her not because she wanted to get it on.

“What a coincidence, you don’t have an umbrella too?”

“No Yul… I just feel like standing under a tree in a storm.” Yoona looks at Yuri who has a confuse look on her face. “I was joking Yul...”

“Oh you were?” Man… she got a bad sense of humor. “So, where are you going?”

“To Mars.”

WTH? Why is Yoona so damn sarcastic? But Yuri refuses to lose… “Really? Me too!!! Yoonyul chilling with the aliens.”

Yoona rolls her eyes…

“Yoona, can I just say that you’re like my sunshine under this…”

“Save it.” Yoona cut the girl off before she tries anything else with her.

Yuri whimpers like a kicked puppy after getting rejected again. “Why are you so cold to me, my love?”

“What do you expect me to do, Yul? One minute you’re this romantic and sincere person and the next you’re flirtatious and cocky. I don’t know whether you’re being serious with me or I’m just going to end up as a one night stand to you.”

Yuri waves her hand in protest “No… no… one night won’t be enough… I’ll have a million one night stands with you, one day stands too.”

“God… This is what I’m talking about…”

Both girls sighs in frustration, unsure of how they could ever move from their position.

When all of a sudden…


Next thing Yoona knows, Yuri is clutching close to her, staring at her with those scared puppy eyes.

“Geez… Yul, Are you like 5 or something?”

“But it sounds so loud… I’m scared Yoona, what if thunder strikes me?”

Yoona pushes Yuri away… “Oh, grow up.”


Oh God… is this guy for real? tall, unbelievably handsome and the body of an underwear model?

“Nichkhun, hey…”

Oh great… another competition…

“What are you doing? Are you trying to get sick or something?” Nichkhun tries to brighten that dark day with his awesome smile.

“No…” Yoona giggles cutely.

Yuri couldn’t help but get jealous as she listens to how soft Yoona’s voice is when talking to this guy. Yoona never spoke so tenderly with her, in fact she seems to be irritated every time they talk. Yuri looks up and felt her heart break when she looks at the two, laughing and joking. It was suppose to be her scene with Yoona but now she’s stuck outside looking in.

“Ummm… Yoona?”

“What?” Yoona snaps back…

Yup… she’s irritated…

“I’ll see you later.”

Yuri puts her jacket on her head and starts running out in the rain before Yoona could say anything.



“Yuwree, are you sure, you’ll be ok?”

Tiffany looks at her poor roommate sneezing, coughing and buried under the covers.

“Pany… it’s just a fever… I won’t die…”

“Look, if you want I could have Sooyoung sleep over so she could watch over you.”

“No… I’ll be ok… I’ll just sleep it through…”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes…. Now go over to your aunts…”

“Ok, ok… but promise me you’ll call when you need anything. I have no problems going back.”

“Thanks… I’ll be ok…”

“Ok… I have aspirin there and some cup noodles.”

“Thank you…”

“Anytime, sis.”

And Tiffany closes the door behind her, unsure if she made the right decision of leaving her poor dongsaeng sick.

“God… please let Yuwree be ok…” She whispers before leaving…


To: Honeybun
Hi… I’m sorry but I think this isn’t going to work out, I fell in love with someone else.

Yoona presses the delete button until all the message got erased

Oh God I’m so evil… But how can I say this without sounding like such a biyatch? I know... do the things we do in an English paper. So, If I have a good explanation and don’t seem so harsh… Yeah that’s right… have an introduction, thesis statement, body and closing… ok, here I go…

Yoona takes a deep breath and look with full determination at her phone screen.

“But unnie… uncle would really like to see you…”

Yoona didn’t bother to look up at the two cousins arguing about going to their uncle’s party.

“Sorry Seo, but my responsibility as a bestfriend comes first. I can’t leave YURI.” Sooyoung chuckles evilly inside when she sees Yoona froze when she heard Yuri’s name.


“Ummm… cause Tiffany has to stay over for the weekend at her aunt’s house and she wants me to watch over Yuri cause the girl just got sick. Running out in the rain like that…tsk.tsk.tsk.”

“Ummm… Sooyoung unnie…”

“Yes, Yoona?” Kekeke…

“You and Seohyun should go to your uncle’s place.”

“But what about Yuri? Who’s going to take care of my bestfriend?” Sooyoung pouts cutely, well… that’s what she thinks it looks anyway.

“Ummm… ahhh… I’ll do it…”

“Are you sure? Cause I don’t want to bother you or anything.”

“No… it won’t be… don’t worry.”


Yoona quickly regretted the moment she step inside Yuri’s room. She walks in to see the girl busy making out with her pillow in her sleep.

Yoona… I love you… Yuri whispers in her sleep before she continues to French kiss her pillow.

Yoona covers …

“Oh God… Why did I fall for this idiot?”



But it wasn’t the American girl who was culprit cause standing right there, clutching a pillow was her Yoona.


Yuri quickly starts fixing her hair and wiping her drool.

“I just saw you making out with your pillow, fixing your hair won’t do nothing.”

“I… well… I wasn’t making out with my pillow, I was ummm… ahhh…”

Let’s see how you get out of this, Kwon Yuri.

“I was ummm giving it mouth to mouth, yeah that’s right… I was dreaming that I was a lifeguard, yeah, that’s right… a lifeguard and I just save the life of a drowning man…”

“Yeah right, Yul? With your tongue?”

“Ummm… well… He was so happy that he kissed me and I was being nice and I kissed him back.”

Never argue with an idiot…

“Fine… I give up.”

Yoona sits on Yuri’s bed and place her head on Yuri’s forehead.

“Oh God, Yul… you’re hot.”

“It’s your fault, Yoona… you just make my temperature rise… OW!!!! Can you stop doing that? I’m sick you know…”

“Doesn’t excuse you from being a ert, you !”

“Why are you here, Yoong?”

“Well, Sooyoung unnie went with Seo to their uncle’s place so I sort of volunteered to watch you. I mean I did it for her, not you.”

“Just admit it, Yoona… you just want to take care of me…”

“No, I don’t!”

Yuri takes her phone...

“Ok, fine… I met this nursing student who has no problems taking care of me. And she likes to put on her naughty, I mean nurse uniform too… Ahhhh…”

Yoona wanted to smack the happy grin of Yuri’s erted face.

“NO, YOU WON’T!” Yoona quickly grabs Yuri’s phone.

“What the hell are you doing?!”

“I’m deleting every girl on your phone list…”

“Hey, you can’t do that!”

“I’m doing it right now… what the heck, Kwon? don’t you call them by their real names? What’s this Babe? Babygirl? Babylo-”

Yuri snatches her phone before Yoona could even come to her senses.

Damn it… that was so damn close…

"You have no right to do that!”

“FINE! Go call your other girls! I’m leaving!”



Yuri was holding her phone out her window when she just drops it all the way down.

“What on Earth has gotten into you, Yul?”

“I don’t need other girls, I only need you.”

Yoona raises her brow suspiciously. “And you drop your phone cause?”

“I ummm…" Yuri started to scratch her head" Too lazy to delete every single one of them.”

“You could have just press delete all.”

“Oh… damn it.”

Two phones lost in two weeks, her parents are going to seriously disown her now. Yuri didn’t know if it was the fever or her stupidity but she almost fell down… Good thing her knight in shining armor came in to catch her.

“I’m sorry Yoong… I just can’t help falling for you…”

And Yuri lands on the floor with a loud thud as Yoona let go of the flirt.

“Lay down, Yul.”

“No, Yoona… I love you but I’m not an easy girl…”

Oh God… Did she just said she love me? or she’s being her flirty self again?

“Get over yourself… now, lay down before you try anything stupid.”

“I’m tired Yoona…”

“I know…”

Yoona tucks Yuri in her bed.

“You owe me a cellphone.” Yuri was about to drift off to dreamland.

Yoona smiles before leaning in to whisper.

“You owe me a kiss.”

Yoona smacks Yuri’s puckered lips with a pillow.

“For the mean time, finish making out with your pillow.”


The moment Yoona heard Yuri cough she knew she was helplessly in love with her. What else do you call it when you would do anything just so you could take away her pain? It’s love, right?


“No… Yoona… don’t come near me… I’ll get you sick too.”

“I’m much tougher than you think… Here… take your meds.”

Yoona felt her heart ache every time Yuri coughs…

“I’m cold… Yoona.”

And Yuri wasn’t lying. The girl can’t hardly keep her eyes open and she was obviously shivering.

Yoona climbs into the bed and wraps her arms around Yuri. Yuri cuddles closer, nuzzling her head on Yoona’s chest. Yoona feared that Yuri might get too close that she could hear her heart beating like crazy. But Yoona wouldn’t dare let go, how could she when having Yuri in her arms was the best feeling in the world?

Yoona didn’t know how watching somebody sleep just feel so damn addicting, but she guess it had to do with the person. Cause right there and then, she felt like she could do this, look at Yuri forever.

And she didn’t know what came up to her... But next thing she know, she lays her lips on Yuri’s forehead and lingered there. She closes her eyes and lean her forehead on Yuri’s.

She was afraid that anything louder than a whisper could break the moment, so she softly confesses to the sleeping girl.

“I love you...”



Yoona opens her eyes and sees a life in Yuri’s face again.

“Yul, what’s wrong?”

“C’mon… let’s go somewhere.”

“No… you’re sick… lay down.”

“No, I’m feeling much better… c’mon get up.”

“It’s 4 am.”

“It doesn’t matter what time it is…” Yuri loved Yoona more each minute…

Yuri throws a sweatshirt at Yoona before pulling the girl out of bed.


The sight of the moon glimmering on the lake’s water was enough to rob Yoona off her sleep.

“First a river, now a lake. You just have a thing for body of water, huh Yul?”

Yoona turns and Yuri pats on the spot beside her on the blanket. Yoona didn’t argue and sits down beside Yuri.

“Yoona… I”

Oh God can I do it? Could I live without her if she knows the truth? I can’t… Yoona forgive me for being selfish and lying to you like this but I can’t lose you. If someday you find out about it then I’ll bear every single day regretting. But right now, I’ll do anything to make you stay.


“No… ummm… sorry… it’s nothing...”

And the two continue looking out in the water… As both of them were unsure on how they were going to do this.

“You know this is where me and the girls go when something is bothering us, it’s like our headquarters.”

Yoona chuckles “So, is this going to be our headquarters too?”


“Then what is this place?”

“It’s ummm… the place where I’m going to confess to you.”

Yoona felt her heart stop beating for a second. She look at Yuri, looking for a sign that the girl was joking but there wasn’t. This is it and Yoona never felt so happy and scared at the same time.


It takes a lot to make Yuri nervous but Yoona could do it in a snap.

“Yoona, what I feel about you, I have never felt with anybody else. You frustrate me, make me mad or completely drive me insane. Yet, I rather deal with all of that than bear the thought of being without you. You make me forget about my pride and ego. You make me crave every single second that I am with you and no matter how close you are, it never seem to be enough… You make me need you when you’re not around. But the best thing that you ever make me do was that you make me love you.”

Yuri close her eyes trying to regain her emotion. Even after all these years, she still haven’t gotten over the fact of getting rejected by Yoona. But here she was again, willing to risk enduring more heartache than not tell Yoona how she felt.

But the hug that she receive from Yoona, made her believe that yeah, maybe dreams do come true.

“Yul… I love you too.”

Yoona should have just stopped right there.

“But I can’t do this…”

Damn… it hurts as bad as the first time.

“I mean not right now…”

Yoona tilts Yuri’s face towards her.

“I’m kinda with somebody right now and she… she is special.”

Yoona couldn’t think of a better way to describe what she had with her Honey. She did help her forget Yuri for awhile until Yoona saw her again in college.


“She was the one who was there when I needed somebody, she help me get over someone. So, I think she deserves better than someone who’s going to two time her, I owe her that much. Let me end things with her before we do this. Please be patient, Yul and wait for me...”


Yoona says softly while brushing Yuri’s hair of her cheek.

“Of course Yoong. You better know that I’m not giving you away, will I ever stop waiting? no way! It will be the same in my world, I’m your boy, you’re my girl.”

Yoona slaps her face hard at Yuri’s epic fail in rapping the 2pm song. Why is her girlfriend such a mood killer?

“Oh wait… that’s wrong.” Yuri looks confuse…

You rapping is wrong.

“I’m your girl, you’re also my girl?” Yuri scratches her head confusedly “That doesn’t sound right?”

You rapping doesn’t sound right… Yoona lays her finger on Yuri’s gorgeous red lips.

“Stop… just stop…”

“Why? Would you like me to sing Taecyeon’s part? He’s your bias, right?”

“No… Yul, he isn’t” Yoona wraps her arms around Yuri’s shoulders and lean her forehead against hers. “This idiot right here, she’s my ultimate bias.”

And the two shares a knowing smile. They usually express how they feel everytime they bicker, fight and insult each other. But right then and there, in the peaceful night, their silence couldn’t be more than enough to let them know how much they have fallen for each other.

That night, the lakeside immediately became Yuri’s favorite place. It’s not just the place where she confides with her girls, or where she finally confessed to Yoona. All of that don’t seem to matter anymore, because the moment she lays her lips on Yoona, she will always remember the lakeside as the place where she had her last first kiss.



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!