Yoona Is So Pretty




Jessica always walk with her car keys out just in case some maniac decided to hit on her, she could stab their eyes with her keys…

She opens her door ready to start her day when she catches Taeyeon with her hand halfway through the door, ready to knock. Taeyeon was standing so stiff like a kid getting send to the principal’s office.


“Ummm… I was wondering if ummm… since you’re like my… ahhhh… you know…”

Jessica says it for her. “Girlfriend?”

“hahaha… Yup… wouldyouliketowalktoclasswithme?”

Jessica shrugs and closes her dorm room. Taeyeon is mumbling silently… Last night, after they finished ummm… making out, Taeyeon made a list of conversation starters…

Conversation Starters with Shika…

  • Did you have a good sleep?

“So, ummm… did you had a good sleep?”


Ok… change that… use open ended questions…

So, what is your favorite Girls Generation album?

“The one with Run Devil Run”

“Really? Mine too… what’s your favorite song in that?”

“Run Devil Run”

“Oh” Derp.

When they reach the dorm exit, she takes a glance at the parking lot, her white BMW, standing out among the Hondas, Toyotas, Hyundais and Mazdas. IT looks like a carriage seemingly waiting to bring her to the ball. A car ride would take them 5 minutes to get to campus, a walk will take around 15…

Jessica slips her car keys back in her purse because it looks like from now on… she is going to have to start walking to school.


“You ready to go?” Sooyoung greets Yul but not before she caught a glance of Yuri’s phone screen of a picture of her and Yoona.

The three buddies were on their way to school when Sooyoung finally decided to speak what was bugging her “Yul? How does it feel to be with someone so white?”

Hyoyeon woke up from her sleeping trance with the question “I know, right? Everytime I look at you… I’m like WHOAH! Yoona is like a headlight and I’m like where is Yuri? Oh there you are, you are so dark, it’s like you camouflage at night.”

“HEY! I’m not that dark” Yuri protested…

“Next to Yoona you are… I wonder how it is when you two do it…”

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung chuckles maniacally but it’s not amusing Yuri at all…

“Yoona would probably be like, Oh yes Yul, Oh yes! Yul? Yul? Oh there you are baby… and in her head she would be like geez, my puppyYul is so dark, I need night vision goggles to see her…”


“Shut up!”

“Everytime I see you and Yoona together, it’s like milk standing next to chocolate…” Trust Sooyoung to make food connections to prove her point.

“and with your powers combine, you make…”



Yuri raises her brow… “Chocolate milk?

“Yup, chocolate milk, healthy when in moderation, but fattening if you drink too much… and that’s y Yul, that’s very -xaaaaay…”

“I now pronounce thee, Kwon Yuri and Im Yoona the chocolate milk couple… “

“Whatever Soo…” Kwon Yuri ignores her bestfriend… she wouldn’t know that this very second will be the start of her downfall…




Down the stairs…

“OWIEEEEE!!!!!!!” Yuri screams as she starts rolling down the stairs…

“CHOCOLATE!!!!!!” Sooyoung and Hyoyeon screams in horror as they see Yuri tumbling down the stairs. They tried to do the bestfriend thing to do and catch Yuri but instead in their excitement, they started tumbling down the stairs…

It was a good thing Yuri was already laying flat on the floor that she was able to cushion their fall.

“OWIE!!!!” Yuri yelps like a little child “Soo, you hit my ies”

“I’m already in pain Yul, could you be quiet?”

“OnlyYoonacantouchmyboobies” Yuri mutters under her breath.


“HEY! KIM HYOYEON!” Yuri screams as Hyoyeon made a car horn out of her ies… “I’m going to sue you! OWIE!!!! MY FOOT!!!” Yuri starts bawling as she clutches her foot.

“Don’t be such a baby, Yul… EEEEWWWWWW” Hyoyeon cringes as she sees Yuri’s ankle as swollen and blue as a Smurf.

“Hyo! Yul is already in pain could you…..eeeeewwwww”


Hyoyeon and Sooyoung couldn’t help but furrow their brows in confusion, this nurse just seems to be more caring than what her job description is asked of her.

“So, ummm” Hyoyeon finally spoke up to break the tension “Do we have to amputate Yul’s leg or something?”

“What?!” Yuri’s puppy eyes were stricken with worry, she loves her foot… she don’t think she could live without it.

The nurse couldn’t help but chuckle at her cute patient’s reaction “Don’t worry, it’s just a sprain… Yul…”

Wae? Yul? Sooyoung and Hyoyeon look at each other, these two are close now?

The two girls then turns when they hear shuffling of sneakers, they smile when they see Yoona with their bandmate Seohyun running behind her.


“Yoona, my love!” Yuri tries to ignore the pain and runs to her lover’s arms but the nurse stops her.

“Easy there, Yul”

And Yoona felt her head about to explode as this nurse has her hands on her baby’s thighs. Yoona steps in between the two…

HyoyoungSeo swore they saw electricity in flirty nurse eyes when Yoona takes Yuri in her arms.

“Try not to move Yul too much miss, you might hurt her again.”

Yoona growls some more… only a few people was on Yoona’s list of calling Yuri YUL and flirty nurse is NOT in it.

“Yul?” Yoona growled…

“Here’s my number, just in case you need-” Yoona snatches the paper before the nurse hands it to Yuri.

“No… Don’t worry… she has me, she won’t need you at all.”

HyoyoungSeo eyes widen at the taunt. “Dayum…” They said in a low whistle…

The nurse didn’t look please at all, Yuri’s full attention quickly diverted from her to the beautiful, biyatchy girl.


Taeyeon shuts the door and groans frustratingly as she just spends her first day with her girlfriend just walking, nobody wanting to talk.

“What the?!”

Taeyeon looks up and the girls were throwing confetti and cheering…

“OMO!” I think all of us has to believe that miracles do happen.” Hyoyeon announces… “Because Taeyeon was able to get a chick like JESSICA JUNG!”


“Thank you Lord Shisus!”

“If a erted midget like Taeyeon could get a Jessica Jung then there is a chance for us…” Sooyoung raises her hand to the sky.

“Shut up!” Taeyeon growls “annoyingidiotscantunderstandwhyImfriendswiththem”

“And here we are thinking that yoz gonna die a s but look at you now… Jessica Jung”

The girls sighs just thinking of her… Jessica Jung…

“So, tell us Taeyeon…” Sunny points her round brush at Taeyeon as if it was a mic “Who is the man in the relationship?”

“Ummm… me?”

“EHHHHH” Sunny’s version of a buzzer “Wrong answer, cause you my buddy is as whipped as Kwon Yul here”

“Hey… what did I do?” Yuri frowns in protest while feeding Yoona her chips…

“The Jessica Jung… dayumm… she’s like Im Yoona here…”

“Speaking of Im Yoona can I tell them?” Seohyun says excitedly… “Please can I tell them?”


“Yoona is picked to be the ambassador for our school!!!” Seohyun shrieks excitedly…


Yoona’s face shine a deep blush. Until now, she still don’t know how to react when people compliments her, but her worries disappear when she sees Yuri’s eyes just lighten up in excitement.

“She and Seunggi oppa…”

“WHOAH!” Yuri bounce off her chair “Seunggi oppa?! That’s like your biggest fanboy!!!” Her puppy eyes filled with worry…

“So? I belong to you… so, don’t worry”

“But still… he will try to seduce you with his voice and his MC skills…”

“Don’t forget his good looks…”

“Be quiet Soo! Yoona, my love…” Yuri clenches tighter to Yoona… “Don’t let him come between us”

“No, he won’t… This Sunday would be the program… so, I hope all of you guys can make it…”

“Oh yeah… we’ll all be there…”


Tiffany decided to give her roommie and Yoona some space, she needed to gossip with Jessica anyway with what happen that night.

And as Yoonyul were left alone in the room, the two were busy liplocking and even if Yuri’s foot is disabled, her hand is fully useful as it travel around Yoona’s body. Her neck, chest, stomach and finally with Yoona’s jean button.

“Mmmm… I will do anything you want me to” Yoona says seductively while nipping on Yuri’s lower lip

“OH YEAH!!!!” The serious, heated tension was broken with Yuri’s shriek “Why don’t we ummm… ahhh…”

Yoona knows exactly what’s on Yuri’s mind but she decided to lover a bit… “What?”

“Like stay in the hotel for like this week or something so you could take better care of me?”

Yoona chuckles “I wish, baby, but we classes and I have to rehearse for the program on Sunday night”


“but how about this? Friday night after rehearsals we could stay in the hotel, since they’re giving us Saturday off anyway… Sunday night is the program so probably until Sunday morning?”

“OH YEAH!!!” Yuri plants a big kiss on Yoona’s lips… “I love how you think…” Yuri starts pressing soft kisses on Yoona’s lips, Yoona stares back at those mischievous eyes, softly tucking Yuri’s hair out of her face before wrapping her arms around Yuri’s shoulders pulling the girl on top of her… And their lips never parted as they kiss the night away…


“Seriously Taeng?” Sunny narrows her eyes at Taeyeon who is busy making a card… “Happy 3 day anniversary, is that even a feat worth celebrating”

“It’s Jessica Jung, lasting more than one day with her deserves a parade!”

“So, anything happen during those 3 days, huh?”

Taeyeon scrunch those brows to think…

Day 1
Walk around campus not talking at all.

Day 2
Walk around campus asks about family and that’s all.

Day 3

Sunny got a point… What did they ever do in their relationship? If you can even call it that…



Friday night and Yuri couldn’t wait and instead of waiting for Yoona to come by her room, she hopped on her good leg all the way up the fourth floor to Yoona’s room.


Yoona groans, Yuri looks like a Girl Scout arm with a backpack ready to go camping. She couldn’t believe she’s going to ignore Yuri again… “I’m so sorry, baby… We have rehearsals until late…”

Yuri shrugs… no big deal. “Oh… well, we could go after you’re done… no big deal…”

“Well.. We have rehearsals tomorrow morning too”

“But I’m cripple! You promise you’re going to take care of me…” Yuri pouts…

“Yul, if you were able to go to the second floor to up here, then I’m sure you’ll be fine, baby?”

That did it for Yuri. “On a Saturday?! But you told me they’re making you rest on Saturday?! What are you like a member of Girls Generation? Why are you practicing so much? Are you performing in Golden disk awards or something?”

“Yul? You think I like this? I don’t either but I got no choice…”

“Yes you do. You could tell them, I couldn’t do it. I had plans…” Yoona was quiet and Yuri couldn’t help but figure out what was on her mind

“Look, it may not seem like a big deal to you, but it is to me because you do it all the time, something is ALWAYS more important than being with me. And I get it, you’re popular, you got stuff to do but I wish for once you choose me.”

Those words were in the tip of Yuri’s tongue as she was ready to lash out, but she clamp before it start world war between her and Yoona again…

“I’m sorry Yul, look, how about I sneak out for lunch break and I’ll bring lunch over to your room and we’ll have lunch together, then maybe tomorrow night if I could get off earlier, we could go to dinner…”

“You know what? don’t worry about it… go eat lunch with them and don’t bother eating lunch with me, I could feed myself so, yeah… bye”

And Yuri started hopping away until she groans heavily…

“What’s the point?”

She didn’t see the point of rushing anymore and just sat there on the stairs. She wasn’t like Yoona anyway, she have no other plans…



“Baaaaaaahhhhhh….” Yuri moans like a baby goat looking for her mommy or in this case, a Yuri goat looking for her Yoong…

“Yuwree c’mon… it will be okay…” Tiffany walks over to the lovesick girl lumped in her bed… She was about to start comforting Yuwree when their door slams open…


“Oh my gosh” Tiffany mumbles under her breath as Soo and Hyo waltz in her room… “Ok… you two do something about her, I’m out” Tiffany raises her hands in surrender and took her Prada bag as she and her BFF Jessica is off to do some retail therapy.

“Hey Yul… Don’t worry buddy! You know what’s one thing that’s more fun than spending a whole weekend in the hotel with Yoona?”

“Spending a whole month with Yoona?”

“Mmmm… you got a point there”

“Move over Soo… let me handle this.” Hyoyeon pushes Sooyoung away… “Let’s go!!! Time to hit the town and paint the town red.”

“But I’m walking on one foot!”

“GOD GIVE YOU TWO FEET FOR A REASON! AND THAT’S WHAT THE OTHER FOOT IS FOR, YOO FOO!!!” Hyoyeon smacks Yuri’s bad leg that it made Yuri grimace in pain… “Look, if you have a hard time walking don’t worry Sooyoung would hold your leg and I’ll hold your head!!! Ready Soo?”

“No. no. no… I can walk… OWIE!!!!!!!”

Sooyoung grabs Yuri’s bad leg while Hyoyeon grabs Yuri’s head…

“PREPARE WORLD!!! Our band with a really long name featuring Kwon Yuri is going to take over your world!!!”


Amusement park… but how come Yuri don’t seem amuse at all?


“I.. I don’t know if I want to do it” Yuri says hesitantly as she sees the never ending loops and hoops and hears the scream of terror..

“Yul! Don’t you hear that buddy? That’s the sound of excitement…”

This they say is the biggest, baddest, rollercoaster in the world…”

“You’re ting, me” Sooyoung says in disbelief.

“Yes I’am. but it looks pretty badass isn’t it? Hyoyeon says…

“What the hell… Yul! You are holding me too tight… just man up and go!”

“But I’m not a man!”

“Oh Don’t tell me, is the amazing Kwon Yuri scawed of a wittle woller coaster?” Hyoyeon taunts Yuri…

Yuri growls then whimpers “Yes I am!”

“Look buddy think of it this way, what if Yoona is standing right there?” Sooyoung points to the exit gate where one guy is throwing up after riding. “Calling out to you, come to me, Yuri… come to me my puppy Yul.”

“Oh…I need you my puppy Yul” Hyoyeon joins in… “Come get in so we can go make little puppies”

Yuri starts yipping excitedly at the thought of making puppies with Yoona. (Yes that doesn’t make sense at all, but Kwon Yuri really has no sense anyway).

“I’m her puppy Yul” Yuri with a determined frown on her face, pointing proudly to herself.

“Oh yes you are…” Sooyoung ruffles Yuri’s hair “Now go get in there you nice doggy…”

“I’m coming for you BABY!!!!” Yuri jumps in the rollercoaster…”What are you two waiting for? Let’s go!”


The three girls got strap in the ride and felt relax at the first few feet of the ride…

“Hey… this isn’t so bad…”

“I know, right? see Yul- WHOAH!” Sooyoung exclaims as she felt herself getting decapitated with how sharp the turn is “Hey what the heck”-

“God Damn it… Let me out! Let me out!” Hyoyeon starts jerking on her straps.



“Mommy!!! Mommy!!! Mommy!!!”

“Make it stop. Make it stop…
” Hyoyeon started crying to the heavens…

Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…

Realizing that all this agony could lead to their early deaths… The three girls held each others hand and decided to end their life by singing…

“If we hold on together, I know our dreams will never DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!”


The three girls staggered out the rollercoaster and sits down on God knows where… still stunned at the 2 minutes of hell that they went through.

“Wow Yul… I didn’t hear you scream at all”

“I couldn’t scream. I’m too busy watching my life flash before my eyes”

Sooyoung pats her bestfriend’s back, cause she knew how it felt too…


The jolly music, the happy children and the sweet scent in the air. This place is a paradise… That is if you’re an 8 year old kid.

“Jessi…” Tiffany didn’t understand the reason why they’re going inside a toystore “I’m tired… how many more of these things do we have to buy?” Tiffany whines cutely…

“Until the whole world is selling it.”

Jessica a champion shopper eyed the kid’s wonderland searching for that one thing…

Her eyes scan the store… Those anorexic Barbies. Those b!tchy Bratz dolls. Those delusional Disney princesses. Those crappy Cars. That cowboy and his alien or whatever that Buzz Lightyear guy is and finally she saw what she went in there to get.


Who would have thought this peas are such a hit? There’s only one display left in the counter. Jessica was about to take the last one, when a pair of grimy little hands reach for those peas at the same time.

“Let go kid, if you know what’s good for you” Jessica threatened the cocky looking chubby 6 year old girl.

“Aren’t you too old to be playing with toys?”

Grrrr… no one calls Jessica Jung old “Who you calling old? You overgrown zit!”

Tiffany gasped how could her bestfriend just argue with a child?

“Jessi, please she’s a kid…”

“And she needs to learn to be respectful. Give me this peas NOW!”


“I said gimme!!!” Jessica tries to yank it out of the girl


“Jessica be nice, she’s a kid”

“Okay… get your chubby little hotdog fingers off this Dookong… Please”

Tiffany gasps… “Jessica”

“What? I said please? Look, you look like you have been playing inside too long, why don’t you start running outside and maybe you’ll shed off some of those baby fat off you?”

“Why can’t you?!”

“Excuse me? are you calling me fat?”

“My mommy says I’m just big bone.”

“Well… you got some really fluffy bones if that’s the case.” Jessica yanks Dookong “Give me it! give me the peas”

“NO!” Chubby girl who is just big boned fight back, pulling Dookong back.

“Please… hi…” Tiffany finally decided to intervene “What’s your name?”


“Well… hi Nam my name is Tiffany”

“You’re American?”


“Cause you don’t look American at all…”

Tiffany tries hard to keep a smile… this child was pushing her buttons… “Well, I’m not really American…”

“Are you trying to be one? Cause you look like you’re trying hard…”

“Told you Tiff, this child is the demon”

But Tiffany is not going to give up, she is going to win this devil’s child with her charms. “Look Nam, this is my bestfriend Jessica”

“I don’t care…”

Tiffany grits her teeth before she snaps back “And we have been looking everywhere for this Dookong, look, I’m sure there is other toys you would want, how about we help you find one and you could give this to us?”

“How about not?”

This was it for Tiffany Hwang… this child needs to learn her lesson “So, pretty shoes you got there, Nam”

“They’re Skechers…”

“I hope those skechers could help you run fast”


Tiffany snatches dookong off Nam’s chubby hotdog fingers…“Cause you have to catch us if you want to have this…”

Nobody messes with Tiffany Hwang…


“Run Jessica Run!!!”

“MOMMMMMMYYYYY” And all poor Little, chubby hotdog fingers Nam could do is throw a fit as she sees those two girls fled with her Dookong. “Grown ups are mean”


“Hey Taetae”

“Oh ummm… hey Pany… ahhhh is Yuri there?” Taeyeon asks while peeking inside the room…

“No, the girls took her out, but they’ve been out, you want to wait for her.”

“Ummm… no… no biggie… ahhhh…” Taeyeon scratches her head in confusion…

“Is something wrong?”

“No…no… I ummm… just wanted to ask her something…”

“Well… tell me, maybe I can help”

“Oh no… it’s ok…” Taeyeon backtracked and turned around, Tiffany was always the relationship expert and she’s bff with Jessica maybe she could help. “Ummm… I just want to ask her about relationship advice. It’s like when you see her and Yoona, it makes you want to have someone too… And now that I have someone I felt like… I don’t know what to do… me and Shika just seem so… I don’t know…different”

Tiffany shine those pretty eyes again…“Well, if you think about it, Yuri and Yoona are very different too. But the thing is you can never find anybody who could love Yoona the way Yuri can and the same goes with Yuri. They love each other the way they know how… So, for now that’s what I want you to know, don’t try so hard to make the perfect relationship you will be wasting your time because that thing doesn’t exist, just love Jessi the way you know how…”


It was Sunday night and the girls were all ready to head out to the auditorium for Yoona’s program.

The girls all turned around at the sound of heels clickety- clacking on the wooden floor. And all of them were left paralyzed at what they saw, it was as if they were watching Yoona, the super gorgeous Yoona walking in slow mo, all it needed was some background music and they could have sworn That they were watching a music video.

“Oh wow”



“Yoona, you the sheyt”

Yoona smiles thankfully at the compliments before her eyes starts wandering around the room, searching for the tanned girl whose comment seem to be the only one that would matter.

Her heart sank when the only person she wished that could have been there was nowhere in sight.


Yuri is laying on her bed still dizzy and traumatized after that rollercoaster ride, when her phone vibrated.

From:Shikshin Soo...
DUDE! I think Yoona just turned me gay!!! She’s so gcfdscmnvnrofmefnvrcer that’s how amazing she looks tonight! Come out here to the auditorium, if you want I could pick you up.

Yuri groans then stares out her window, she could hear the noises from the auditorium and the bright lights are almost blinding. Inside there was her baby… Her Yoona… Not these people, but hers… and how could she do this, how could she not cheer for her girl?


Yoona was quiet the whole trip back to the dorm… When she saw something that startled her…


“What’s wrong?” The driver asks in confusion..

Yoona sees her cute bunny hopping on one leg.

“Just stop here…”

But before the driver could ask, Yoona jumped out of the car.


“Yoona? Is it over already?”

“Yeah… half hour ago”

“What? I’m sorry… I was about to bike but I fell and almost broke my other foot…”

Yoona couldn’t help but awww when she sees Yuri’s other (good) leg with scratches and Dora bandaids…

“Yoong… it’s so hard to bike with one leg”

Yoona chuckles and wrap her arms around Yuri. “You are never going to get your foot healed if you keep moving like this” Yoona smiles before snuggling on Yuri’s neck.

“Even if I had to crawl, I’ll do it” Yuri says while rubbing her nose against Yoona… “ I want to see you… cause they say you look beautiful.”

Yoona step back so Yuri could take a look at her. “What do you think?”

And Yuri’s heart skip a beat, until now she couldn’t believe it that this amazing girl was hers. And Yoona had to turn away, to hide her blush until now everytime Yuri looks at her it felt like butterflies just flying around in her stomach.

“They haven’t invented the words yet to describe how beautiful you are to me” Yuri kisses Yoona’s forehead “So, for now… you are keyboard smash beautiful”

“You’re too much” Yoona smiles pulling Yuri closer to her. Yoona bends down and takes off her heels… “Hold my heels”


“I’ll take you home…”

The two switches footwear before Yoona motions Yuri to get on her back, Yuri cuddles closer on Yoona like a koala hanging on to her mama.

The two shared a sweet smile before the night was loud again with their laughter… Yoona was blushing carrying Yuri like this and Yuri couldn’t help but blush too, to be carried around by Yoona.

The two have been dating for quite some time now, but nothing change, they still have a huge crush on each other.


Yoona was sweaty and aching but her smile couldn’t get any bigger. she just got back to her room, when she sees a notebook with a note in the beginning

read me…

People always tell me that I’m the luckiest idiot in the world.

Yoona flips to the next page…

Not because I’m born with oozing good looks or because I can dance better than the girls in those K-POP videos

Yoona’s lip spread into a smile at what Yuri wrote…

But Because I have you And you are the closing thing in the world to the word perfect.

Yoona turns to the next page…

So, Could I blame them if I'll do anything to keep you? But I will be nice and learn how to share…

And she flips to the next…

As long as in the end… When you feel like you can fall asleep when walking, or can’t feel your legs anymore with how long you’ve been standing…That no matter how tired you are, you still manage to smile.

And at the last page…

Because you know you’re coming home to me…

And I’ll be waiting for you… patiently

With a cup of hot choco and donuts…

I love u… Im Yoona… My Im Yoona…

Yoona smiles and just like on cue someone starts knocking…

And there standing on her good foot, holding a cup of hot choco and donuts… the only person that Yoona will come home too…

Yoona wraps her arm around Yuri’s shoulders and plants a soft kiss on her lips… But it wasn’t enough for Yuri and close every inch that separated her and Yoona while they remain breathless in their kiss.

Yuri’s hands found the zipper at the back of Yoona’s dress and slowly it, making it fall to the floor. Yoona pulls away, gasping for air before pulling off Yuri’s shirt and tossing it on the floor. She sits on her bed, nudging Yuri to take her.

Yuri crawls on top of Yoona, kissing Yoona in places where other people could only fantasize. But Yuri was surprise when Yoona flips them, smiling seductively before running her fingers in Yuri’s body, stopping at Yuri’s jeans button. She kisses Yuri again, passionately and madly before saying…

“Tell me what you want me to do, baby…”


Seohyun was humming softly as she walks to her room… her hand was on the doorknob when she hears the music blasting from her room. She leans her ear closer and just sighs heavily as she could hear the faint mask underneath all the music…

It looks like she have to sleepover at Sooyoung’s room again…

“Sheesh it’s a good thing, they’re both girls or one of them could have been pregnant with how often they do it”


Taeyeon and Sunny just came home from an ice cream run, unknown of the wonder they will see as they enter the room.

“OMONA!” Sunny gasps as she sees every corner of their room filled with Dookong. “It’s a Dookong invasion”

“DOOKONG!!!” Taeyeon shrieks happily jumping on the Dookongs on her bed. “I lurv you” She whispers at the peas… She then turns around and looks at the ceiling, she smiles as she sees a poster stuck right above her bed just for her to see.

Cause you’re my girl- JJ



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!