Yuri's Time Machine





Usually when Yoonyul have a minor fight, Tiffany would be the one who acts as the mediator. So, when Tiffany texted the girls at around 11 that night that Yoonyul were having a fight, the gang knew it was serious.

And when they saw Yuri's back heaving as she cries, her face buried in her hand they knew their speculations were right.

“Geez Sunny relax,” Sooyoung pried the angry Sunny off the poor girl. “Yuri’s already suffering as it is, are you trying to make her commit suicide or something?”

“No… but argh… Yuri… Yuri… Yoona is like everyone’s dream girl and you treat her like this? I won’t be surprise if she dump you and find someone else quick.”

Yuri looks up and her worried look turned into fear, “Sh-She’ll dump me?”

“No… she won’t,” Taeyeon says reassuringly, “Just shut up Sunny.”

“Maybe we should give Yuri some space.”

Everyone takes a step back away from Yuri.

“I didn’t mean literally you idiots. I meant, I think it would be better if Yuri would be by herself to just think things through.”

“Yeah I think Shika is right.” Taeyeon nods.

“Wow Taeng… you two aren’t even dating yet but you’re already whipped.”

The rest snickers…

“SHE GOT A VALID POINT!” Taeyeon snarls.



“Everyone get out…” Jessica says it so coldly that everyone froze in the middle of their wrestling match. “Yul… if you need us buddy just text us, ok?”


From: My Yuri
First night without a good night kiss and text from you… I don’t think I could make it til morning… Yoong…

I’m so sorry… I love you…

And all Yoona could do is read the text, for now she doesn’t know what she could say…


Day 1


Yoona ignores Yuri again, the girl has been desperately trying to talk to her for the whole day. Waiting for Yoona at her every class only to be ignored.

“Yoong… please talk to me…”

The pained angry look in Yoona’s face was enough to stun Yuri.

“What do I say Yuri? Cause obviously you won’t believe it anyway.”

Yuri couldn’t even bear to look at Yoona… “I’m sorry Yoona.”

Yoona rolls her eyes “That’s getting to be so overused that it’s starting to lose its meaning, Yul.”

“Then, what do you want me to say?” Yuri was starting to get desperate. She felt her chances of staying with Yoona is getting slimmer by the second. “Tell me Yoong.”

Yoona sighs heavily cause she doesn’t want to give up on them either, but it looks like there was no chance of making it through. “I wish I knew too, Yul.”


“You think we’ll get back together, Pany?”

Tiffany turns worriedly at her poor roommate who is been spending her time staring at the ceiling. Usually whenever Yoona and Yuri would fight, Yuri would drown their room in endless songs, but this time it was quiet. Too quiet as if Yuri knows that those songs wouldn’t do nothing but remind her of Yoona.

“Maybe you need to give her space, time to think.”

“What if she thinks that it’s better if we're not together? I don’t think I could take that Fany- yah.”

“Then, you have to prove to her that you two are worth fighting for. I know it sounds cliché but it’s the only thing you could do.”


Day 2


Seohyun turns away from her accountancy worksheet and sees Yoona carrying a box.

“Can you do me favor?”

“What is it?”

“Ummm… can you give this to Sooyoung unnie and ask her if she could give to Yuri.”

Seohyun didn’t need to look what was inside the box, every little trinket that reminded Yoona of Yuri or things that Yuri gave Yoona was inside the box. Seohyun scratches her head in confusion, wondering if it was a good idea to meddle between the two. She knew the two would get back together.

“Yoona… maybe it would be better if you wait a couple of days.”

“For what? Seo?”

“To see how it goes… I still think you and Yuri unnie could work things out, you always do.”

“I’m getting tired Seo… all we do is fight.”

“But still you find a reason to work things out, please give this time to think about, Yoong. I know Yuri unnie is suffering right now and I know you are too… but you’ll make it, you always do.”

Yoona groans and just collapse in her bed, she didn’t have time to argue cause deep inside she wish she and Yuri could fix it too.


Day 3

Sooyoung looks hopelessly at her bestfriend, all Yuri does is check her phone every second as if she was a patient and she was waiting desperately for that one transplant to save her life.

“Look Yul, do you want to go shopping or something?”

“I’m okay Soo… let’s just stay here.”

“But I can’t stand to see you like this dude, actually none of us do.”

“I’m sorry that I make you worry Soo… but it will be okay.”

But the intimate bestfriend moment was interrupted when Hyoyeon burst into her dorm room.


Sooyoung and Yuri turns to see Hyoyeon sobbing uncontrollably while she clutches her laptop to her chest like a mother who just lost their child.

“Oh… I guess they can’t fix your laptop.”

“WAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH… They couldn’,t” Hyoyeon sunk into her bed with laptop still in hand. “And what’s worse is that they couldn’t retrieve the memory because the virus was so bad, so everything in my hard drive is like wipe out!!!! My por- I meant art film collection is all gone… GONE!”

Yuri suddenly sat up straight “All gone…”

“Every memory and file that I have just disappeared like poof… Now I have to do everything all over again.”

Yuri then smile at the thought of it “Do everything all over again.”

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looks surprise as Yuri just scrambled to get off her feet

“Thanks guys…”

The two have confused looks on their faces as they watch Yuri run out of their room.

Sooyoung scratches her head wondering what just happened to her bestfriend. “Maybe she needed to go to the bathroom.”

“Oh… that’s why…” Hyoyeon nods…


Yoona couldn’t figure out why Seohyun would drag her out to campus and just leave her there with a broken bike. What does Seo want her to do? Fix it? Yoona bend down to see what she could do with it when her train of thought broke at the sound of someone singing.

neomu banjjak banjjak nooni booshuh no no no no no
neomu kkamjjak kkamjjak nollan naneun oh oh oh oh oh

And Yoona quickly turned away, she could feel her face getting all warmed up. She is just helpless against it, Yuri’s smile just make her blush even if she tries to condition herself not to.

“Hi…” Yuri steps out of her bike and Yoona was stuck trying to piece out what’s happening…

“Yul, what are you doing?”

“This is how we first met.”

And for once Yoona was speechless…

“I wish I could make all the bad and stupid things that I have done just disappear from your memory, but I think I need to hit you real hard in the head for that to happen. And I think your family would sue me if I do that so…” Yuri knows she finally start to win Yoona over when she sees the girl hide her smile “Ummm… I want to start all over again and I’ll try my damn hardest to do it right this time, but only if you let me.”

Yoona could see Yuri pleading her to do so and honestly her heart is pleading her to do so too… “Ok…”

Yuri smiles… “Well in high school you stole my bike.”

“I borrowed it…” Yoona corrected her.

“Fine… But I know how you operate now, Im Yoona and I won’t make the same mistake again,” Yuri held out her hand “This time I’ll make you ride with me… So, come jump in… I’ll take you to school.”

Yoona was a little hesitant to go with whatever Yuri is planning but her girlfriend is just too charming (if she wants to) to resist.

“I know it would be hella more romantic if I brought you back to our old high school, but i haven’t gotten my allowance yet so we’ll just improvise. So, you ready to go?”

“Go where?”


Yoona was enjoying the feel of Yuri’s fingers intertwined with hers that she didn’t even care that Yuri took her to the library. She looks up to see that Yuri brought her to the secluded part of the library, rumored to be as the makeout spot. She was about to walk away from Yuri when the scene in front of her froze her.

There in the library floor just like it was a few years ago, countless neon papers, cartolinas and art supplies are scattered around. Yuri nudges her to sit in the floor with her.

“We got into detention together.” Yoona smiles at Yuri.

“No, you got me into detention,” Yoona frowns at Yuri, and Yuri turns and kisses the pout away from Yoona’s mouth. “But now that I look at it, I’m glad we did.”

Yuri smiles at the antics that they did during that time.

“So, can you cut better now, Yul?”

Yuri smiles sneakily then hands Yoona a neon heart and corny as it is, Yoona couldn’t help feel giddy.

“We were practically kids then and we just annoy the heck out of each other. But no matter how much I hate doing art, it was weird how I was looking forward to coming into the library with you, or how it affected me that all these girls just worship you. I didn’t know what I was feeling then, Yoong, but I should have told you.” Yuri leans close and just lays her lips on Yoona “That’s why I’m telling you now” Yuri’s lips would graze Yoona’s every time she speaks and Yoona just sits there quietly, not wanting Yuri to be apart from her any longer “And I’m going to say it to you for the rest of our lives.”

Yuri couldn’t figure out why she was so nervous, she takes a deep breath to try to shake off the nerves until finally uttering those three words.

“I love you.”


Yuri leads Yoona on the middle of the seats and the two stared out at the empty stage.

“I think the moment you step on stage you make everyone fall in love with you. And I think the moment I saw you during the auditions, I ahhh… I realize all that jumbled feeling inside my head was…” Yuri looks down “It was love… I realize I loved you, but the bad thing there is, everyone in the school also did. I felt like I could never be enough for you.”

Yuri’s words didn’t do nothing but push a replay button on Yoona’s head. What if Yuri would have just told her? Then her mind wouldn’t be trapped with all the shoulda, woulda, coulda all throughout high school.

“How come you never told me any of this in high school?”

Yuri looks strangely at Yoona, Did Yoona dump that many? that she couldn’t even remember that she was one of the people she dumped so harshly? As much as Yuri wants to tell Yoona about this she knew it wouldn’t do any good but further ignite their anger.

“It’s over and done now Yoong… There is no point going back.”

Yuri intertwined her hand with Yoong and Yuri took it as a good sign when Yoona didn’t let go. Yoona leans her head on Yuri’s shoulder, she smiles when she felt Yuri pressing a soft kiss on her forehead.

“Don’t sleep… we still have places to go.”


“So, Miss Im… are you ready for your ultimate annihilation?!” Yuri hands Yoona a soccer ball.

Yoona suddenly burst out laughing, “Oh God… you’re embarrassing.”

Yuri suddenly grew quiet as she sees Yoona laugh, Yuri couldn’t believe how something simple as hearing Yoona’s laugh make all the difference in her world.

“Yul? You ok?”

“No… no… ummm… keke… I just need to calm myself before I take you down…”

“Well, bring it. Kwon!”

“It’s been brought!”

Yoona was obviously showing off some fancy footwork…

“So cocky… Ahem. Ahem… WHOAH!” Yuri looks in shock as the soccer ball zoom right pass her.

“OH YEAH!!!” Yoona laughs in triumph.

“I did it on purpose.” Yuri scoffs…

Yoona roll her eyes, Yuri could be such a sore loser. “You just on purpose?”

“Yeah… I mean… HEY!” Yuri frowns when she realizes she just got dupe “No… I just feel bad for you that’s why.”

“Oh… really?”

“Let’s go…”

But Yoona just stood there and refuse to move on inch…

“Scared that I’ll beat you again?” Yoona strikes at Yuri.

“No… I’m giving you time to practice coz next time, I won’t be so nice.” Yuri’s eyes glint mischievously…

“Ooooohhhhh… should I be scared?”

“Very. Cause you don’t want my goalie powers to be unleash, but you leave me with no choice, because of your cockiness I just have to punish you…”

“Oh I’m cocky?”

“Uh-huh… prepare to be punished.”

“Oh yeah? What do you-“ But before she could finish what she was about to say, Yuri already lays her lips on hers. Yoona gasps and she narrows her eyes as she looks at Yuri with a smug grin on her face.

“Why so quiet, Im Yoona? The kiss was that good?”

“” Yoona slaps Yuri playfully in her arms before wrapping her arms around Yuri’s shoulders. Yoona presses her lips on Yuri’s, it felt crazy that even though they just hadn’t kiss for a few days, Yoona felt incomplete. Soon the gentle kiss turned into longing, their tongues collide, desperate to taste each other again after being deprived of their addiction.

Yuri hesitantly pulls away while Yoona plants sweet kisses on her lips, not wanting to be away from her even for a second.

“Let’s go…”

“No.” Yoona whines as she search for Yuri’s lips again but Yuri jerk her head away because she knows if she let Yoona kiss her, she probably won’t stop either.

“Just one more place… and that’s it.”

Yoona pecks Yuri in the lips before surrendering “Okay.”


And they were back where they started, the place where they had their first kiss and their first I love yous was also the same place where they carelessly threw hurtful words around.

One of Yuri’s “endearing” qualities is how she’s such a crybaby. The girl cries at the littlest things and most of the time the only thing that could pacify her is Yoona. So, it didn’t come as a surprise that after almost 3 days of crying, the only time she calm down was right now as Yoona wrap her in an embrace.

"Dont ever think that those other girls can measure up to you, Yoong," Yuri whispers in Yoong's neck, "The things you do to me with just your look, your touch, your kisses… nobody has ever that effect on me except you…" Yuri softly presses kisses on Yoona's neck stopping at her ear. “I know you’re tired of hearing it, but I’m stuck Yoona. I’m just scrambling for the right words to say to you, anything just anything to keep you with me… but all the words just lose meaning cause the only thing I wanted to say is I’m so scared to lose you Yoona.”

“You won’t… Even I feel like giving up, I don’t think my heart would let me,” Yoona tilts Yuri’s chin so she could stare back into those eyes. “We'll make it through, I mean how could I not fall in love with someone who does this for me? I’ll fall in love with you over and over again.”

Yuri brushes the face out of Yoong’s face and presses a kiss on Yoona’s forehead. The two smiles knowingly, ready to take each other’s lips on their own when…

When the seductive notes starts playing in the air…

“What the?”

I've been really tryin', baby
Tryin' to hold back this feeling for so long
And if you feel like I feel, baby
Then, c'mon, oh, c'mon
Let's get it on

Yoona quickly pulls away from Yuri and looks sternly at her.

“I do- I’I…I” Yuri was left stammering, shaking her head furiously trying to calm down the obviously annoyed Yoona.

“Oh c’mon guys! It’s Marvin Gaye! Show us some romance.” Hyoyeon pouts while she turns off the music.

"I said play some romantic songs not some y time songs." Yuri growls low..

“Hmmp! and I thought you two would be all over each other, geez.” Sooyoung scoffs


“Say what now, Yul?”

“Ahhh… ahhh… I mean ummm… we would be all over like hugging each other like tightly… nothing else that’s it, just a hug. ” Yuri chuckles nervously. Yuri gives Yoona a friendly side hug while giving Sooyoung and Hyo an angry face.

“Awwww… We are such good cupids, Hyo.”

Yuri growls…

“We got you back with Yoona, now treat us some ice cream!”


Yuri turns around but when she sees the smile in Yoona’s face her anger just magically poof away.

“Fine but just one scoop.”

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung shakes their head in disbelief.

“After all we’ve done to make this night come true… we only get one scoop.”


Hyoyeon and Sooyoung were still complaining about the lack of ice cream they’re about to have. And Yuri pulls Yoona and kisses her in the lips.

“You can have two scoops.”

Yoona smiles through their kiss "You spoil me too much, babe."




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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!