Special Love Chapter Of Wishes and Confessions



“Must… have… water.”

Taeyeon must have looked ridiculous in front of the eyes of all those serious joggers as she almost topples over the grass, trying to climb up the park bench.

It was one of those days when Yuri’s exercise bug bit Taeyeon. Now that she looks at it, she came to a conclusion, that she would rather die lazy than die trying to look hot.


No, I’m just imagining… it can’t be… Taeyeon didn’t open her eyes and ignore the angelic voice talking to her.

“Taeyeon… here.”

Taeyeon opens one eye and sits up to see someone offering her a bottled water, she looks up and there she is her angel…

Be still my heart…


Tiffany in her ponytail and jogging gear still look like someone straight out a fashion magazine, making Taeyeon scoot away from her to avoid looking like a little orphan girl.

They sat there quietly, trying to avoid the awkward silence by drinking their water… It was Taeyeon who had the guts to talk first.

“Pany about the-“

“No…” Tiffany shakes her head “Don’t worry about it… it’s actually find of funny.”

And her smile was enough to reassure Taeyeon that everything is better now.

“Yeah in my expense… but… hehe… I made you laugh so I guess the embarrassment was worth it.”

The two share a smile…

“I miss my friend.”

Friend… that’s all I am to you, huh? Taeyeon takes a deep breath because what else can she do? For Tiffany, she’ll do anything, even pretend to be happy. She takes a deep breath again and finally muster up a smile “Yeah, I miss my friend too.” Taeyeon lies.

The two sat in peace again, Tiffany satisfied with the quietness while Taeyeon’s head is filled with questions.

“You know where we are sitting, Taengoo?”

“Ummm… A park bench?”

Here it goes again, Tiffany’s eyesmile that could drive Taeyeon’s heart to burst out of her chest. “That’s what you think but it’s more than that… Yuwree showed it to me.”

Taeyeon looks at the bench and sees different scribbles all over it.

“It’s a confession bench, it’s like where people say what they feel, and hope that someday the person who they confess to would read it.”

Speaking of confession. “So, Pany… I was wondering maybe if…”


“What the?!”

Next thing Taeyeon sees is a blonde head separating her from Tiffany.

“Jessica… Where did you come from?”

“I don’t know… but this is my park bench.” She turns around and snarls back at Taeyeon…

“Moodkiller.” Taeyeon mutters under her breath.

“What did you say?”

“I said… have a nice nap.” forever.

Taeyeon was defenseless against the dragon and ending up just heaving a huge sigh.


Yuri cringes as she scrolls down and reads the list of girls in her phonebook.

“Man… Sunny is right, I am a ho.”

“You know Yuwree… If you’re going to be serious with Yoona, you have to cut out all the unnecessary baggage and start clean.”

“Pany-yah you always know the right thing to say… But it doesn’t mean it easy.”

“Nothing easy is worth having… trust me…”

The two jump up in surprise as somebody barge into their room. And looking straight at them is a bunny, a very angry Sunny Bunny.



Before Yuri could react, Sunny hopped into her bed and trap Yuri in a headlock.

“I thought we were bestfriends! How could you sell your DSi to Boram when I specifically, again, I’ll repeat the word… specifically told
you to wait until I get my allowance.”

“Hmmm… let me think… cause she got money and you don’t? OWWWW!!!!”

Geez for somebody so small, she sure has a tight grip.

“Oh is that how it is, huh?”

“Wait… you have a DS Yul?” Tiffany asks in surprise.

“Yup… I ask my mom for an IPAD I got a DSi…”

Tiffany looks at her confusedly…

“I know… how could you confuse the two?”

“Hers is newer version and I want it… HMMP!” Sunny went back to her aegyo self.

“Yuri is just being a businessman, she saw that Boram is depressed so she sold it to her for full price.”

Sunny roll her eyes… “I’ll pretend that I care… Why is she depressed?”

“Cause… Hyomin dump her again.”

Sunny raise her brow cause that name is familiar… too familiar…“Wait… Hyomin?”

“You know Hyomin… the girl who’s like obsess with you?”

“Huh? Boram likes her?”

“Crazy about her…”

“Maybe if you help her out, she’ll let you borrow it.” Yuri suggested…

Never underestimate the brain of Sunny Lee, for the overwhelming cuteness is just a façade to hide the brain of an evil genius and as her lips curve into a devious smile, both Yuri and Tiffany knows that the evil bunny has an idea.

“hmmm… I think I have a better idea.”


“Taeyeon… Taeyeon… Taeyeon.” Hyoyeon shakes her head at the hopeless girl who is in their dorm room, trying to seek advice on what to do with Pany.

Among all her friends, Her and Tiffany seems to be the only sensible ones when it comes to the topic of love. But since Taeyeon’s heart matters deal with Tiffany, she went with Hyoyeon. “You can’t just come out and tell Tiffany that… you have to take it slow.”

“I take it slow! It’s just that Shika is always in the way.”

“They’re like bestfriends, right?” Hyo asks…

Taeyeon pouts thoughtfully, “I think so…”

“Well… then, there is your answer.”


“The way to Pany’s heart is through Sica…”

“Huh?” Taeyeon got more confuse, Hyoyeon’s advice is getting more and more complicated.

“Look, unless a girl is really, really, really into you, there is no way that she would go for someone if her friends, especially her best friend don’t like that person. So, if I were you, you got to win Sica over before you make a move on Pany. So, it would be like… oh Tiffany, go for her, she’s amazing.”

“Yeah I guess you do have a point.”

“Of course I have a point! I’m a girl with many points!” Hyoyeon exclaimed…

“But me and Sica are just not gelling.”

“Then, start gelling. Don’t worry, me and the girl there with spaghetti in are going to help you.”

Taeyeon turns at Sooyoung and her spaghetti stained face, Sooyoung gives her a thumbs up. Taeyeon doesn’t know if it’s a good idea but right now, she’ll take anything.


Boram raise her brow skeptically at the two enthusiastic looking girls who is invading her private time.

“I don’t need help.” Boram proclaimed her eyes locked on the DSi.

“That’s what we all say but everyone needs a bit of help when it comes to the topic of love, right Yul?”

Mmm Yoona… “Oh, ahhh… yeah… Whatever she’s saying.”

“You know what your problem is?”

“OH! Now you got a problem with me?!”

Yuri quickly hid behind the short girl after Boram’s outburst. The girl is known for her fat bank account and flaring temper. Yuri and Sunny don’t want to be a witness for any of the two.

“Chillax… What I’m trying to say is… The problem is her friends don’t like you and that right there is enough to break the deal…”

Yuri pouts thoughtfully… Seohyun likes me, so I shouldn’t have a problem. Oh yeah, I still have to tell her the truth.

“But what can I do?”

“Never fear… cause Kwon Yuri right here is good friends with Eunjung.”

The name Eunjung and good friends brought Yuri straight back to reality, “Wait… what now?” She wasn’t too confident about Sunny’s plan especially since it involves her.

“Shush… let me do the talking…” Sunny hissed under her breath “We know what her friends like, so if we get you closer then there is a chance she’ll see that hmmm… maybe Boram isn’t that bad and then slowly probably in a month… she would be all over you…”

Boram’s eyes light up at the thought of Hyomin all over her.

“A month?”

“That’s the most we can do, but it’s up to you really… What would you choose? something that’s going to be outdated in a few months? or waiting for the girl you like the most?”

Boram frowns thoughtfully and Sunny sees this opportunity to go in for the kill.

“C’mon Yul, a girl who has to think of that doesn’t deserve someone like Hyomin.”

The two got out their acting skills and put on a depress look as the two walk out of the room, But then, Boram quickly jumps and blocks the door before they leave her dorm room.

“Alright! Alright! But just in a month, if it goes beyond that… the deal is off.”

“Boram… trust me, when Cupid Sunny does the shooting, in less than a month, she will be yours…”

“Really? Cupid Sunny?” Yuri raises her brow incredulously…

“Hush… you’re messing my flow.”

“Ok, Sunny… you know, I’m not even going to sell it to you, you can have it the moment she says I love you, but if not… the deal is off, got it?



Sunny steps out first of the dorm room, putting the pieces of her master idea together inside her mind. She wanted that DSi and she’ll do anything to get it. But she needed her bestfriend to back her up.

Yuri finally caught up with her… “Wait… why did you say I was good friends with Eunjung?”

“Didn’t you two dated or something?”

What does dating really mean? Cause Kwon Yuri doesn’t seem to know the definition of it. “Well… we…ummm…”

“Don’t bother answering that… If you could have just sold me the DSi we wouldn’t even have this problem.” Sunny puts her arms on Yuri’s
tone shoulders “ Yuri-yah, if you’re my bestfriend, you’re going to help me out in this”

“Then, what do you need me to do?”

“I need you to get us a step closer to Hyomin, so, how about inviting your “friend” Eunjung and Hyomin out to lunch or something?”

“Wait…wait… Why can’t you just ask Hyomin out?”

“Yuri… You can’t do that… We have to take it step by step, if I ask Hyomin out in a date she might think that I have intentions with her
which I don’t. Our plan is to make her see Boram in a good way.”

“That’s going to be hard… Boram has a rep and it ain’t good.”

“I know… That’s why I need to take it step by step…”

“Do I really have to go?”

“Yes… or am tell Yoona that’ you’re ba-”

“I’m texting” Yuri quickly starts texting before Sunny could blackmail her.


Three heads pop out behind the tree observing the pretty blonde sleeping on the park bench across the jogging path.

Taeyeon seems a little nervous about their plan… “I don’t think I could do this…”

“What?! of course you can! You got Hyoyoung to back you up.”


“That’s a pairing name… You know like Brangelina, Bennifer.”

“Sooyoungbae?” Sooyoung adds

“There is no Sooyoungbae!” Hyoyeon glares back at the tall girl.

“In my dreams there are!”

“Hey… quit it! I thought this is about me?”

“Fine… geez…”

“Now remember Taeyeon… be friendly…”

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung pushes Taeyeon forward to speak up to sleeping dragon. Taeyeon creeps slowly, observing…

“Hey Shika.”

“What do you want, you erted midget?” The girl didn’t open her eyes, there is only one person who calls her Shika and she has no intentions of wasting her time with her.

“I don’t understand why you’re so cold to me…”

Sica roll her eyes and tries to go back to sleep but the midget seems determine to bug her.

“I want to know Shika… I know you’re like the ice princess or something… But it seems like you’re colder to me than with other people… You are so cold, like… like naengmyun?”

“Like what?!” That time Sica couldnt help but look at the girl.

Taeyeon stands up in the middle of the park in that bright afternoon where joggers, mothers and their children and dogs are running around.

“Wait… What are you doing?” Sica asks as the girl stands up ready to embarrass herself… and without any sense of shame, Taeyeon begins to belt out and dance to…

Chagaweo neomuna sokisheryo neomuna
Eebali neomushiryeo naengmyun, naengmyun… Naeng-

Taeyeon looks around her and realize she was by herself instead of the planned group performance to Naengmyun…

“ Hyo? Soo?”

Taeyeon scratches her head wondering where her two back up dancers are suppose to be…


Taeyeon screams at the two running away laughing…



“Now Hyomin… promise me you won’t go nuts when you see Sunny.” Eunjung points out while busily checking herself on her phone mirror.

“I go nuts?! How about you? It’s like you throw your clothes off just so Yuri could notice you.”

“I’m doing what I can so Yuri would notice me, how about you? All you do is stalk Sunny!”

“Well…” The bespectacled girl blush a cute pink “It’s just that I freeze when she’s around."

“I’m surprise she haven’t given you a restraining order yet… YURI!!!!”

Yuri froze at the sight spazzing girl waving at her.

“Sunny… I don’t think this is a good idea.”

“Yes it is… trust me… ZUP Shawties.”

Hyomin gasps and hurriedly grabs her glass of water, drinking it to keep her calm.

“Hey Hyomin.”

And one hi from her dream girl and it made Hyomin lose control of her senses. “PFFFTTTT…”

Yuri smiles triumphantly as Hyomin spewed all of her water in Sunny’s face. The poor girl got all rattled, knocking out a few salt and pepper shakers along the way, trying to wipe off Sunny’s face,

“Sunny… I’m so… so sorry.” The poor girl beet red as she just spit all her water in front of the girl of her dreams.

“That’s cool… Hyomin… it’s cool” No, It wasn’t but Sunny was just going to bear it.

“I’m so embarrassed.”

“Not as embarrassed as I am.” Sunny mutters under her breath.

“Well, let’s just grab our orders, shall we?” Yuri asks, trying to break the awkward moment and the girl staring almost obsessively at

“So, Ms. Kwon… how you been?”

“Me? been good… can’t complain really and you?”

Eunjung sighs heavily before saying “I’m still here… waiting for that one phonecall from you… like how long has it been, Kwon? 5 months, 3 weeks and 6 days? But who’s counting, right?”

Now Yuri don’t have to remember why she didn’t call, This was the reason, Eunjung is CRAZY.

“Oh ummm… Well… here we are now.” Yuri laughs awkwardly, she turns to Sunny with those puppy eyes and hopes that her bestfriend could see
that she wants to leave now…

But Sunny isn’t going to fall for those puppy eyes… She’s going to get that DSi even if Yuri has to marry this crazy girl.

“Yes… we are here now Yul… this is the beginning of our forever.”

Yuri starts coughing heavily to the word forever.

“Ummm… I don’t like my chair.”

“What’s wrong with it?” Hyomin asks her friend.

Eunjung then stands up and sits right on Yuri’s lap.

“Much better.” Eunjung smiles back at the worried looking girl.

“Geez… you two get a room or something?”

“You heard that Yul? Sunny said we should get a room.”

“She was being sarcastic… Look, Eunjung, I think you should know… I’m in love-“ But before Yuri could finish, Eunjung cuts her off by
planting a big smooch on her lips…


“What?! Noo…”

“Hey lover girl, guess who just walk in?” Sunny whispers.

“Yoona!” Yuri got up from her chair and completely forgot the girl sitting on her lap.

Yoona didn’t know what to make out with Yuri and a new girl all over her… “Oh Gosh it’s you… it’s like everywhere I go there you are.”

“I think that’s what they call destiny, Yoong.”

“NO! I’m the one who’s destined to be with you, Yul… I’m the future Mrs. Kwon.”

Hyomin and Sunny looks at the three girls arguing about something, what it is, they don’t know and they really have no plan figuring it out. Next thing they know, Eunjung and Yoona are playing tug of war using Yuri as a rope.

“So, Hyomin… you want to get out of here?”

“Yeah… I think that’s a good idea.”


Tiffany is walking with a hesitant Sica around the amusement park.

“Well, I think this is good, Jess… Taeyeon wanting to spend some quality time with you.”

“I don’t like it. That little person has a motive and I’m going to find out why.”

“Maybe she just wants to get to know you.”

“Or she just needs something from me.”

From the corner, Taeyeon watch the two American girls approaching her and her buddies. Hyoyeon pulls Taeyeon shoulders to give the girl a pep talk.

“Now remember Taeyeon, you have to prove to her that she could trust you and that you can protect her from anything.”

“But don’t worry dude, we already got a plan.”

The two goofballs nod.

“Here they are… now remember what we said.”

“Hey Pany, Shika.”

“It’s Jessica… Sica…”

“Jessica be nice.” Tiffany reprimanded her bestfriend while Taeyeon tries to sing a happy song to get the evil thoughts of hurting Sica out of her head.

I HATE HER “hehe… don’t worry about it Pany, you funny Shika.”

“The way you talk is funny…”

“Ok,” I really hate her “ Me and Sooyoung here were at the mall when I saw this chocolate and I immediately thought of you cause you are just too sweet… so here you go.”

Taeyeon handed Tiffany a heart shape chocolate…

“Awww… Taengoo… thank you… see Jess, told you Taeyeon is sweet.”

“Hmmp.” Jessica wasn’t convince…

“Don’t fear Shika cause I got one for you too.”


“Dark chocolates…” Cause it’s bitter just like you.

“Oh….” Sica looks in surprise at the huge heart shape chocolate.

“Wow… why is Jessica’s chocolate bigger than mine?”

Because I got it on the clearance aisle “Oh… cause that’s how much I appreciate her.” Taeyeon smiles like a dork

Tiffany and Sica give each other knowing looks…

“So, you two have fun.”

“Wait… you are going to leave me with her?”

“Yes Jess… Taeyeon take care of my bestfriend.”

Taeyeon salutes as Tiffany and the two walks away.

“So, ummm… Shika… What ride do you want to go in?”

“How about a bus to take me home?”

“Ok, we’ll ride that in the end… How about the gyro drop?”

“You’re the one I want to drop.”

Taeyeon laughs through her gritted teeth “Roller coaster?”

“You’re going to roll, if you don’t take me home.”

“Fine… fine…” Calm down Taeyeon… breathe in, breathe out… do this for Pany “How about that one? It seems harmless.”

Taeyeon points to a mini rollercoaster that seems to be designed for kids.


And Sica walks ahead of her.


Sica starts to nap while they were on the ride, Taeyeon didn’t blame her, the ride was boring like it was design for old people. But suddenly, it stops…

“What the?”

And just like a flash the ride went reverse as quick as it could, that Taeyeon felt her organs were left behind as the ride zoom back fast. She has to cover to keep her breakfast from coming out.


After Taeyeon spend 10 minutes throwing up, she and Sica decided… well, just Sica since she doesn’t have the strength to think at all to just walk around the amusement park.

“Oh my God.”

“What’s wrong?”

Taeyeon looks and sees a cucumber mascot walking like a zombie towards them.


Sica’s dolphin scream is enough to wake up the dead or in their case, get everyone’s attention in the amusement park on them.

“DO something, do something…” Sica starts shaking the poor girl like a maracas.

“Sica…” The cucumber called out in a low voice…




Taeyeon roll her eyes at how ridiculous the whole scene looks, a blonde girl kneeling on the ground while a cucumber mascot zombie or whatever is, is getting closer to them.

“I will be in your salad… and your sandwiches.”

Sica kneels on the ground, begging the oversize green vegetable. “No… please not my sandwiches…”

“Unless there is “someone”” The cucumber coughs as if giving a cue “out there to protect you then, you leave me with no choice…” ahem ahem…

“Oh yeah” Taeyeon realizes her cue “STOP!” She steps in front of Sica, spreading her arms out to cover Sica. “YOU GOT TO GO TO ME FIRST BEFORE YOU COME NEAR SHIKA!!!”


Sica uses Taeyeon’s shoulder to vault over her, landing on the cucumber mascot. Sica with those skinny arms started pummeling the poor vegetable in the gut.

Taeyeon cringe at poor Sooyoung trap inside the cucumber suit.


No... this couldn't be happening... Taeyeon growls underneath her breath as she digs her wallet for money, she turns toward Sica who's already munching on the cotton candy that was bigger than her head.

Taeyeon leans closer to the salesman and whispers to him.

"Hi... look, I'm really sorry but I don't have enough with me... Could you just like..."

"I need my cotton candy back."

"What?! Nooo... Like are you serious? but my friend is already eating it."

"So? cotton candy back now."

"You're nuts! and here I am feeling bad for you cause you dont have customers." Taeyeon lectures "That's why that's stall over there got more people than you do cause you're crazy."

"What's wrong, shortstop?" Sica asks while nibbling on her pink cotton candy.

"So, how fast can you run?" Taeyeon asks Sica.


"Cause we're running now!"

Taeyeon pulls Sica and starts running away.

"HEY!!!!!!!" The salesmen look hopelessly at his runaway cotton candy.


The girl Hyomin was clumsy, a bit idiotic and kind of weird, What Boram saw n her Sunny couldn’t figure out, nor does she want to. Their whole “date” if that’s what you call it was nothing short of awkward… Hyomin bumps into everthing, says things that make you go huh? And just… well…

The two were walking by the lover’s bridge when Hyomin stops.

“Can we stop here for awhile?”

Sunny already wasted her whole afternoon with her so she thought what’s another few seconds?

Hyomin walks over to the railings, she rummage into her purse and takes out a coin. Sunny concluded the girl is absolutely weird as she sees Hyomin closing her eyes and making a wish before throwing the coin in the river.

“I think you only do that in fountains or wishing wells.”

“I know but one wish of mine came true so there is no harm in making another one, right?”

“Yeah I guess…”


Hyomin hands her some coins…

“Make a wish” Hyomin tells her…

Geez… I could buy a soda with these coins but fine… it’s her money anyways. Sunny thought, she close her eyes and wish for a new DSi before dropping the coins in the river.

“You think it will come true?” Sunny asks Hyomin

“Well, there is no harm in trying.”

“Yeah… I guess you have a point.”

The two girls walk back to their dorm. One wishing for her dream to come true, and one thanking whoever was listening for granting her wish...


Taeyeon was in one of her, What-a-bad-day-that-I-need-to-walk- alone-in-the-dark-university-grounds mood that night. She stops in front of a very familiar bench.

“Confession bench, huh?” Taeyeon starts reading…

Dong Younbae I lurv you… hmmm… how come I got a feeling I know who this is?

Yoona, you’re my ideal girl

Yoona, you’re so beautiful

I love you Yoona…

Sheessshhh… they should just call this the confess to Yoona bench…”

Taeyeon pulls out her pen.

“My turn…hehe… Tiffany Hwa- “ She stops when she reads a confession more sincere and in a way heartbreaking than the rest…

I wish you would fall for me instead of my bestfriend-

“Oh? Sica…”

Sica takes a deep breath and sits beside Taeyeon.

“You’re going to take your nap?”

“After all that we did today, I need my sleep…”

“Ohhh… ok… I’m sorry about what happen…”

“I know it’s an utter fail if you plan it.”

“Gee Thanks” Taeyeon says sarcastically and finally realize that Hyoyeon’s plan is a big fail and she had to suffer for it. “So, tell me Jessica, Why do you always nap here instead of your room?”

Sica was quiet for awhile until very softly she says.

“I’m waiting for someone.”

Taeyeon didn’t know what to make up for Sica’s tone of voice.

“For that someone to read your confession?”

“For that someone to love me back.” Jessica answers...

Taeyeon could only scoff, she guess she and the ice princess do have something in common after all.

“How long are you going to wait?”

“I never ask myself that question…”

Taeyeon furrow her brow in surprise… “Really? Why?”

“Because I don’t think I could ever stop waiting.”

Waiting for something you don’t know won’t even happen could be viewed as either two things. It could be either desperation or true love. Taeyeon couldn’t help but smile to find someone as desperate and crazy in love as her, even if it’s in the persona of the Shica.

“So, ummm… Would you mind? If I stay here for awhile?” Taeyeon asks carefully…

That’s the funny thing about people, you think you know them but all of a sudden, they do things that surprise you. The sincere smile in Jessica’s face when she answers her surprise Taeyeon…

“No. Not at all.”


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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!