First Date



Sooyoung scratches her head, her long legs making it hard for her to bend down and look.

“What are we looking for again?”

“My sim card.” Yuri peeps in from the bushes.

“Why on Earth-” Yuri cuts her before she could finish…

“Soo- I think it was the meds but when I imagine it, it look more romantic”

“Don’t seem more romantic now, huh?”

“God… I’m such a . Look, this is my plan I’m going to break up with her first, change my number then burn this sim card and throw the ashes of to the sea so she won’t know anything.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea… Karma is a , you don’t want it to bite you in the .”

“Right now I don’t want to think about that… I’ll worry about it when I get there.”

“You’ll burn the bridge when you get there.”

“No, Soo… I’ll CROSS the bridge when I get there. HA!!! FOUND IT!!! Now all I need is to borrow Pany’s extra phone, end this fake relationship and me and Yoona are going to live happily ever after… KEKEKE…”


Yoona waited until Seohyun went to shower before she started squealing her heart out. Yoona? Squealing like a spazzing fan girl? Oh Gosh Kwon Yuri… what are you doing to me?

But here she was rolling around the bed as she remembers Yuri’s confession and their sweet kiss. Her moment was interrupted when her phone vibrated.

From: Honeybun (Yuri)
Good morning baby…

Yoona takes a deep breath, this was it… it was time to end this and Yoona thought it would be easier cause it was just in the text but now that she’s here, she don’t think she has the guts to. The feeling of getting dumped can kill you. Honeybun no matter if it’s just in the text has become someone special to her.

From: Babylove (Yoona)
Morning… How are you doing today?

Yuri gulps as she reads the message… Although she knows the situation is much more different than anything else she have been; she knows how painful it is to get dumped. And she doesn’t want to hurt Yoona…

From: Honeybun (Yuri)
Good… I dream of you last night.

From: Babylove (Yoona)
It’s unfair… you got to see how I look like while I don’t even know you. hmmmp…

From: Honeybun (Yuri)
I’ll feel bad for you if you see me, I’m so gorgeous that the moment you see me, you’ll never feel so insecure.

Yoona chuckles loudly as she reads the text. She doesn’t want to admit it but her honeybun is the only one who could make her laugh like that.

From: Babylove (Yoona)

From: Honeybun (Yuri)
No… I’m being serious…

From: Babylove (Yoona)
So… ummm… Do you ever think about us?

Yuri takes a deep breath and whispers everyday to herself.

From: Honeybun (Yuri)
I hardly do, so busy with school and stuff… Why?

From:Babylove (Yoona)
I met someone.

From: Honeybun (Yuri)

From:Babylove (Yoona)
Actually I met her in high school, we just saw each other again here in college and I thought I was over her, I really did but I wasn’t. She was my first love and she was the one who broke my heart but I’m willing to try again with her, I just… I just love her too much to not give us a chance… I’m so sorry for this. But I really did care about you, you help me move on but it’s not as much as I care about her. I hope you understand.

From: Honeybun (Yuri)
I hope she makes you happy, the way I never can… take care.

Should Yoona even reply?



Yoona pops her head out of the covers and sees Yuri blinking those worried dark brown puppy eyes.

“Are you ok?”

“I thought it would be easy but how come I felt like it’s killing me.”

“Ummm…ahhh…. Here… I got you something.”

Yoona look at the cute Mickey mouse tumbler with a neon post it on it “I love you, Yoong… your Yul.”

“What is it?” Yoona takes a sip but before Yuri could answer her, Yoona spits it out on Yuri’s face. “Oh my Gosh… I’m so sorry but that was really gross…”

“It’s ummm… Ma juice, I always feel better when I drink it, I didn’t thought you won’t like it.”

“I don’t,” Yoona starts wiping off Yuri’s face. “Sorry.”

“It’s ok, if I could have someone who could spit on my face, I’m glad it’s you… But… don’t do it again.”

“I won’t…” Yoona kisses Yuri’s forehead in apology.

“So, Yoona… are we like ummm… official now?”

Yoona kisses Yuri in the lips… “Does that answer your question?”

“So, Yoong… I was thinking… Would you like to go out on a date with me?”



“Sheesh Jessica would you relax? I’m trying to get us out of here!” Taeyeon tries to ignore the dolphin calls behind her as she tries to open the janitor’s closet.

“This is all your fault!”

“MY FAULT?! If you knew what a vacuum cleaner would have look like, I won’t have to come in here and look with you.”

“I know how a vacuum cleaner looks like!”

“Too late for that now, huh?”



“And then… after the fireworks, we're going to end our first date with an epic kiss.”

None of Yuri’s friends were paying attention to her. Lately, the girls were contemplating of jumping off the bridge than listen to Yuri’s cheesiness.

“Why can’t you just ask her out? Like normal people do?” Oh wait… Now that Sunny thinks about it, there is nothing normal about Yuri in the first place.

“Hahaha… I’m sorry Sunny if your love life is just boring as hell, but romantic people like me, we don’t do what normal people do… We do over the top things for the ones that we love.”

“A romantic epic fail, that’s what you are… and I’m warning you Yul, if you’ll do this “date” that you’re planning it’s going to end up in an epic fail. I could already see it.”

“That blonde hair of yours can make you see the future now?”

Sunny just shrugs and continues playing her game.

“Remember the way I roll and you are different. I’m a hopeless romantic, that’s how I roll, that’s how the Kwon Yuri love train rolls.”

The Kwon Yuri love train turns right smack into a child’s ice cream.


Her friends snicker in delight as they saw Yuri panic as she tries to pacify the screaming child.

“Ow! No need to kick me!!! I’ll buy you an ice cream again… Hell no I won’t buy you a toy!!! OW!!!!”

Why is Yuri arguing with a 6 year old boy? Her friends don’t even want to know.


“OW! Shica! Does my face look like a freaking step to you?!”

It didn’t help the two girls situation that both of them wasn’t even taller than 5’5. If it was Sooyoung, They could have already reached for the vent, climb out and away from each other.

Taeyeon grits her teeth as Jessica’s keep on bouncing on her shoulder to reach for the vent.

“Are you sure this is going to work?”

“Don’t you watch movies, Taeyeon? This is how people get out when they’re trap in a room."

Taeyeon didn’t even want to look up, the girl was wearing a skirt…

“I see London, I see France, I see Shika’s striped… OOOOFFFFF”

Jessica kicks the girl in the face before she could finish what she was trying to say.

Yuri’s POV

I’m sweating like a pig. I wipe my forehead with my hand and then wipe my hand on my jeans. What am I doing here? I should have picked her up! OMG! I’m such a fail… I hit my head on the table when I feel the café door rings and there she was… breathtaking as ever.


I tried to sound confidently… Yoona bites her lip to hide her smile, she reaches out to my forehead and takes out the napkin glued to my forehead with my sweat.

“Hi to you too…”

I try to chuckle confidently…

“Hello… I’m your waitress for tonight, Sunny… How are you girls doing tonight?

Sunny is actually a great waitress, maybe if she stops playing her DS and starts working, her life would have more meaning.

“We're doing good…”

“Great! May I start you off with some drinks?”

“Ice tea please” Yoona smiles

“Water… really cold water”

I said… the place was quiet too quiet. I begged Siwon to close for tonight so I could have the place just for me and Yoona. Of course that means I have to work for free for the next month, but as I look at Yoona and how beautiful she looks. I smiled, I could clean toilets, cook whatever… she’s so worth it. I look at the counter and sees Sunny pushing me to talk to her.

“So… umm… how’s school going?”

“It’s good… We got a chapter test next week for math.”

“Well… if you like maybe we could ummm… study together?” A study date… keke…

“I think I’ll be too distracted, but yeah we could. We could help each other out.” She smiles happily.

Me, help you? I don’t even know what 7 x 8 is…

Then, the girls turn around as they hear someone taps in the microphone. Yul started coughing at the sight of Sooyoung up in there. What the hell is Sooyoung thinking?!

“This song is dedicated to the queen of my bestfriend’s heart, the beautiful Im Yoona… There is no song that could express Yuri’s undying love for you than this… Enjoy lovers…”

Yuri’s eyes widened as she sees Sooyoung and Hyoyeon up on stage. Sooyoung clears and closes her eyes as if she was ready to give a Grammy award winning performance.

Ga- Ga- ooh-lala…

“PFFFTTTT” Yuri spits out her drink as Sooyoung and Hyoyeon begins singing and robot dancing to bad romance.

Then Sooyoung’s point to Yoona.

Yul wants your bad romance

“What the Fukc?!”

You know that Yul wants you
You know that Yul needs you
Yul wants your bad, bad romance…

Yoona purse her lips to keep herself from laughing…

Yul wants your loving, Yul wants your revenge
You and Yul could write a bad romance…

That time Yoona burst out with laughter at Sooyoung’s ad lib much to Yuri’s chagrin. Yuri wished for one second that she’s Cyclops from X-men so she could blast laser beams at the idiots up in the stage.

Yul wants your love and
Yul wants your revenge
Yul wants your love
She doesn’t want to be friends…

Yuri buries her head in her hand wishing for all this humiliation to end…

Yul doesn’t want to be friends

YUL DOESN’T WANT TO BE FRIENDS!!! Sooyoung screeched as she sings…

Then, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon points at Yoona.


Yuri starts banging her head on the table, wishing it could make her unconscious so she doesn’t have to see Yoona’s reaction.


Yuri storms at the kitchen catching Sooyoung tasting what she and Yoona were suppose to eat.

“Sorry, I just get hungry after a concert.”

“Soo… you get hungry in your sleep… What the hell just happen there?”

“I know, right?” Sooyoung smiles happily as if she did Yuri a favor. “So, what do you think about it, dude? I ad lib some parts so it’s more personal.”

“Sooyoung!!! Even lady gaga would think you’re weird!!! Where the hell is Taeyeon and Tiffany? They’re suppose to be the one singing.”

“Well… we wish we know but they’re kinda in dispose right now… But look at the bright side, Yul.” Sooyoung slaps Yuri’s hunched back. “Those two are probably going to sing some puke inducing love song and with this guys and girls serenading her with cheesy songs… I’m sure, Yoona is so tired of that… But how many people have actually sing and dance for her? Huh? Huh?”

“And if you listen to the lyrics Yul, you’ll realize that it has a good meaning… And it kinda relates to both of you with this girl on girl thing going on… You two are caught in a bad romance.”

“Yup, Hyo is right, If I were Yoona I would tear of my clothes and just lay on the table and scream, TAKE ME, TAKE ME KWON YURI!!!”

Yuri points at her bestfriend but decided not to argue… Yuri will deal with her later…


“Sorry about that…”

Yoona smiles and shakes her head.

“Are you kidding me? That was funny.”

“Funny wasn’t really what I was gunning for but I guess I could take it.”

It was quite normal for a few minutes but the two should know, normal isn’t how their relationship is going to be. Yoona suddenly drops her fork…

“Oh my God… Yul, are you ok?”

Yuri stops scratching her face and turns to Yoona, wondering why the girl sound so worried.

“It’s just a mosquito bite I think…” Yuri loosens up her collar, why was it suddenly so hot in here?

“No, Yul… I think it’s something more than that.”

“OMO” Yuri covers her nose “Do I have a booger?”

“It’s worse than that too…”

Yuri rushes into the bathroom…



Yuri shakes her head in frustration and she wonders what she was in her past life? Was she a serial killer? A blood thirsty gangster? What?! Why is all this sheyt happening in her present life?


“No Yoong… Don’t look at me…”

“Awww… my baby” Yoona cradles the sniffling Yuri in her arms. Yoona realizes that dating Yuri would almost feel like she was taking care of a toddler. It’s a good thing she likes kids.

“Waaahhh… Yoong, I look like a puffer fish.” She really did with her bloated face…

Yoona lays her lip on Yuri’s forehead. “Well, I think puffer fish are cute.”

Yoona really didn’t think they were but if they look anything like her Kwon Yuri, then maybe they do.


Yuri and her crew waited outside the clinic as Yoona went to get her medicine in the pharmacy.

“You know Yul, if you become a rapper, we could call you Puff Yuri.”

Here goes Sooyoung and her bad sense of humor again.

“Get it? Puff Daddy? Puff Yuri? Eh, eh?”

Yuri didn’t have the strength to argue.

“I guess my blonde hair does give me visions.” Sunny snickers triumphantly…

Yuri puts her hand on her temples and closes her eyes. “I can also see visions too, I see that Sunny is going to be smack in the face if she doesn’t shut up.”

Sunny snickers as Yuri growls back…

“I told you dude, you should have let me test the food, if you did… I would be like hold up! You can’t eat that bestie, it got shrimp in it.”

“Didn’t you read the menu, Yul?”

“I did but I just look at the grilled chicken part, I didn’t read further on the smothered in sauce with shrimp and crawfish tails.”

Hyo, Sunny and Soo just sighs heavily at Yuri as she add another to her list of epic fails.


The girls felt they suddenly went gay as they look at Yoona walking towards them. How can someone as unlucky as Yuri land a dream girl like Yoona? Maybe it was God’s way of making up for making Yuri the epic fail that she is.


Yuri quickly sticks next to the girl, fearing the second that she let go Yoona would realize she made a huge mistake for dating a joke.

“I got what the doctor prescribe for your allergy. Unnie? Is it ok if I take Yuri home?”

“Fine by us”

“Keep her and don’t bring her back…”

Yoona laughs as she and Yuri went ahead… But not before Yuri turns around and sticks her tongue out at her friends.


Tiffany almost jumps back at the sight of Yuri’s face.

“Yuwree, what happen to you?”

“I ate some seafood.”

“I thought you are allergic to seafood?”

“You think I don’t know that?” Yuri points to her bloated face. “Where are you going?”

“I’m getting the girls, were going to have a search party for Taetae and Jessica.”

Speaking of Taeyeon and Jessica.



“What’s that?”

“That’s a lyric to a girl’s generation song…”

Taeyeon and Jessica decided to play guess what girls generation song, Jessica was at the end of the losing stick.

“Oh c’mon! You can say more than that…”

“If you are a true SONE that you claim to be, you will know in a snap what song is that.”

“Fine… I’m not a diehard fan as you are… tell me some other words in that song.”


“Now, you’re just really trying to piss me off.”


“You’re just saying words.”

How come Taeyeon didn’t realize how fun it is to annoy Jessica? “Bring the”


“Boys out”

“BOYS!!!” Jessica screams as if she just found out the cure to world hunger “I knew it! haha… from the first time you said GG…”

Taeyeon rolls her eyes and decided not to argue while Jessica is celebrating her win.

“Now it’s your turn.”

“My turn?”

“Yeah… sing a girls generation song and I’ll try to guess what it is”

“Dun wanna…”

“Why because you’re scared I’m going to beat you? Ms. I’m a big Girls generation fan.”

“Cause I am!!! It’s not my fault, I happen to be competing with girls generation’s biggest fan.”

“C’mon just sing, with the way you shriek, I bet you can sing.”

“I can’t…”

“There is no one here but us…”

“You’ll make fun of me…”

“I won’t… I’m scared of you. So, I won’t make fun of you.” Taeyeon jokes…

“ARGH… fine…”

Jessica takes a deep breath…

noonbooshin gyejuhl gadeukhi hyanghiro-oon guhrul jinah

Taeyeon knew the song the moment Jessica sing the first line but something inside of Taeyeon made her not say anything. But she doesn’t want to ruin the moment, Jessica’s voice seems to make her forget the things that always seem to worry her.

Who would have thought that Jessica had it in her? A voice that could calm Taeyeon’s nerves?

And as Jessica continues singing, even if they’re covered in dust, sweating and locked up in that janitor’s closet. it doesn’t seem to matter anymore, both girls seem to silently agree that they were contented where they were.

To make my life complete
You make my life complete …


Yoona waited until Yuri finally went to sleep. The girl must be exhausted and there is nothing Yoona wanted to do than wipe away the scrunch look on Yuri's brows but when she was about to touch the sleeping girl's face, Yuri turns and sticks her tongue out at her.

"What the?" Yoona grits her teeth is the girl trying to make fun of her?

Yoona creeps closer and ready to pinch that tongue back...

"EEEEEHHHHH" Yuri yelps as someone pinch her tongue... She is breathing heavily and she sees Yoona looking back at her.

"What happen Yul?"

"I dont know... i think I had a bad dream or something."

"Awww... my baby..." Yoona hugs Yuri while giggling like crazy deep inside.


"Yes Yul? OW!!!!!!" Yoona rubs her forehead on the spot where Yuri flicks it

"Serves you right for messing up with my sleep!!!" Yoona smacks her arm but Yuri retaliates and smacks back… Soon, the girls are immersed in a boxing match until Yuri starts tickling her.


“No! I won’t lose to you.”

“Then, you leave me no choice but to tickle you to death.”

Yoona burst out laughing but then… Yuri felt her heart skip a beat and her breath hinge as she stared at Yoona, the girl was absolutely breathtaking. Yoona’s eyes darted on those red lips- those gorgeous red lips- before she stared back at Yuri’s eyes.

Yoona closes her eyes in anticipation as she felt Yuri leans closer to her.

“Puff Yuri?”

Damn you Soo and your ing skills.

Yuri thudded face flat next to Yoona. The girls raise their brows mischievously as they see Yuri on top of Yoona in bed.

"Oh, are you two flossing each other with your tongues?" Sunny says playfully.




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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!