Puppy Love



Yoona didn’t even have the strength to stand up from what happened tonight. The girl didn’t show up and what’s worse, of all the people that could be there, it had to be that idiot.

She curse herself for being so stupid. She was nickname the Goddess in high school, and could sweep any boy or girl off their feet, but here she was falling madly and deeply with someone who she has no idea who… Her mind broke off its thoughts when her phone vibrates…

From: honey
“Yeah… you’re right.”

Yoona swore she won’t reply but after a minute, she got to let it all out.

From: Baby
“Oh now you show yourself?”

From: Honey
“You’re not what I expected.”

From: Baby
“What are you talking about?! You weren’t even there!”

From: Honey
“I was… I saw you… and you’re not what I expected, you’re something more… so much more.”

From: Baby
“Then… Why didn’t you come?”

From: Honey
“I wanted to but then I saw you with her…”

From: Baby
“With who?”

From: Honey
“I don’t know who she is… this girl with that hot jacket on, she was so hot and beautiful… that I thought to myself, how could I ever compete against her?”


In the same dorm, inside a room, two floors below Yoona’s, Yuri chuckles happily at her overwhelming self love… but her smile turn into a deep frown from Yoona’s reply.

From: Baby
“Who? Yuri? God… honey… no… she’s nobody… just this idiot from my high school… don’t ever compare yourself to someone as hot headed and dumb as her.”

Yuri growls and was ready to retaliate with something more “eviler”, but she stop when she realize if she wants her plan to work, she just got to go along with it…

From: Honey
“How could you not want someone like her?”

It took her a few minutes to reply but it was enough to make Yuri’s heart stop beating for a second.

From: Baby
“Because I only want you.”


Inside Taeyeon’s head

Heart. Breaking. Into. Million. Pieces.

My friends think that I have no idea. Truth is, I just don’t want to say it out loud, cause I feel like if I say it, I’m making it true, but I know, I’m not stupid… the cute flirty giggles, the constant glances, it was too sweet I could throw up in the crapuccino I was drinking…


The sound of someone blowing could only mean one thing… my bestfriend Sunny…

“What does he have that I don’t?” I asked her hoping to have some sympathy in my dark days…

“Do I need to spell it out for you?”

I should have known she was the wrong person to ask… blowing, more blowing the sound almost identical to what Tiffany does to me…. she blows me away… oh God… if there was an award for corniest line, I think that could have work.

“Well… he’s a 6 feet tall guy with oozing good looks, a chocolate abs and amazing eyebrows.”

Ok… the 6 feet tall, I need like a foot of insoles to compete with that, oozing good looks? I’m pretty cute, right? Chocolate abs… hmmm… I need to ask player Yul for advice and amazing eyebrows?

“Amazing eyebrows?”

“You saw his brows? It’s like it has a life of its own.”

“What’s wrong with my brows?”

“You don’t have one.”

I slam that DS shut…

“HEY!!! I was playing that!” Sunny growls and as tough as she tries to act, nobody takes someone who growls like a puppy seriously.

I was a girl in love with a girl and if that’s not complicated enough, add to the equation the guy I’m competing with is some sort of commercial model. But no one could be blame for all this heartache but me, it was during freshmen year and Yuri has a meeting for a group project so she asked me go with Tiffany to grab dinner. So, I took Tiffany to Soshi café. It sounds cliché but the moment they saw each other was just like a romantic movie. The moment that Siwon went to take her order, they fell in love at first sight. All it needs was some background music, oh wait, there was background music, I think the song “marry u” by suju was playing while they gaze in each other’s eyes. Wait… let me cover my mouth, I felt my puke about to come out.

“So, Tiffany I was thinking…” Siwon asks…

Oh, so he’s not only good looking, he could think too? Why do I have to compete with someone so damn perfect?

“Remember, the thing that we kept on talking about doing? I was thinking maybe we could finally do it like next Friday?”

Me and Sunny shared a knowing look, we two might look like elementary school kids but we know what “DO IT” means… and there is no way I’m going to let Tiffany lose her V card without a fight.

“PANY!!!”, I step in, I was not going to lose to this muscle man… “Remember you promise to go watch that movie with me?”

“I did?” she look at me incredulously…

“Yeah… Harry Potter marathon with popcorn… kettlecorn…”

“Harry Potter? I like Harry Potter.”

Sunny hardly looks up from her DS and this is the time she chooses to? I’m going to get her! I’m going to seriously get her!

“Well… that’s good… maybe Sunny can go with you, Taeng?” Tiffany tells me then she steals a glance at the studmuffin who’s eyeing her .

“But… you promise.”

“Yah Taeyeon! There would be other movies… let Pany and Siwon go on their date… I’m fun to be with!”, Sunny giggles, can’t stand her overflowing cuteness…

“Well… Taeyeon… you could come to if you want.”

“Wait.. what?”

Even Sunny looks confuse… did he just invited me to tag on their “date”?

“Wouldn’t that be awkward?” Sunny piped in…

“What? no… We would love to have you there, you too Sunny… we wouldn’t want Taeyeon to be lonely in there.”

“We’ll do it!!!”

“I didn’t say…” I cover Sunny’s mouth before she could add anything…

“Shush… she said… what time?”

I smiled this was it… let the competition for Pany’s heart begin…


“Dong Youngbae. Dong Youngbae.Dong Youngbae.”

Sooyoung chants as she jogs around the school campus.


Choi Sooyoung, someone who can’t see a tree in plain sight…


She clutches her foot as the tree seems harder than her foot.

“I hope someone cut you up and turn you to toilet paper!”

Choi Sooyoung, only person in the world who picks a fight with a tree.

“Hold on a sec- wait… this tree is right in front of Youngbae’s dorm room. If I climb on it maybe I could stalk- I mean - see him…”

Sooyoung unleashes her inner childhood and climbs up the tree…

“Get your own damn tree!”

“EEHHHH” Sooyoung almost fell to the ground as she sees Hyoyeon already perch in the branch with her camouflage helmet and binoculars.

“What are you doing here?” Sooyoung asks…

“Shouldn’t I ask you the same question?” Hyoyeon says so casually, her eyes locked on the open bedroom window.

“I like to climb trees…”

“I like to climb trees too.”

HMMMP… the roommies/tree climbing buddies just stares in the bedroom window.

“I’ll give up if I were you.”


“Do you know how bad it looks for a giant and a prince together?”

Sooyoung scoffs confidently… “I doubt he wants to end up with princess Fiona ei-” but before she could finish her sentence, Hyoyeon starts shoving her with those short arms of hers. “What the?” Soo grabs on to the trunk as the midget seems pretty determined of what she’s planning to happen. “what the hell, Hyo? You want me to fall?”

“That’s the point!” Hyo growls…

“Wait… a sec it’s Youngbaby.”

“Is that… wait… Dara?”

“Why that Dara…” Sooyoung growls before she starts singing “I hate you eheheheh… I’m fine living without you.”

“Are you seriously singing a 2en1 song?”

“Yeah… why… whoah!!!”

Meanwhile inside the room, Dara slowly crawls towards Youngbae, but the boy was too focus on his notes to realize the girl was about to him.


Youngbae stood up at the sound outside his window…


“What the?”

Youngbae couldn’t even make out what happen as he sees a tall girl face flat on the grass.



The lethargic blonde whines at the raven haired girl happily jogging.


Yuri groans as she went back. Where is everybody today that she had to be stuck with the lazy blonde as a jogging partner?


“Hey!” Sica pushes Yuri away, “what the heck?! Stop blowing at my face!”

“Well, I can’t get you to an aircon right now, so I just have to improvise for a moment… Wait… let’s turn it to the maximum.”

Yuri takes a long, deep breath ready to exhale all her air at Sica’s face, but Sica pushes her away before she could even try.

“You should have just asks your girlfriend to go with you.”

“I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Really? Pany told me you’re like in love with your text-” Yuri stops her before she could say anything.

“Don’t even mention that…”

“You know who she is?”


“It’s either you know the person or you don’t know them. What’s it going to be?”

“Well… I know who she is but I don’t want it to be her, but then I want it to be her cause that means I could get my revenge, but then I sort of feel guilty and I don’t want to hurt her cause she really like the other girl who is me in the text so yeah…” Yuri said it all in one breath…


“Actually me either.”

“Do you like her?”


“The girl you’re texting?”

“I really like her but I don’t like the real her.”

Sica’s lip curve in a smile. “Who Yoona?”


“Because I know you Yul, you’re usually cool about things. But when the topic of Yoona comes in, you just go ape. ”

“She annoys me that much.”

Sica scoffs “I think the only reason why you’re so bothered with her is because…”

“Because what?”

Sica motions Yuri to come closer so she could whisper…

“Because you’re falling for her and you don’t want to accept it… but the more you try to deny it, the harder you’re falling… OOOHHHH… a park bench…”

Sica pushes the couple off the park bench and claimed it as her own.

“Just go on your way… and think about what I said.” Sica shooed off the girl before she drifts into dreamland…


“Me? like Yoona? Hell no! no… no… I don’t…no… I could get other girls… yup… that’s right… other girls…” Yuri continues to debate with herself out loud as she jogs her thoughts of Yoona away. Yuri’s eyes then sparkle at the sight of the pretty girl jogging with her dog.

“Cute dog.” Yuri jogs by the girl…

The girl pouts cutely “Just the dog?”



“I’ll be lying if I say you’re cute… when in fact, you’re gorgeous…”

Only an idiot would believe whatever this raven haired beauty is saying, yet there is something about her that could make anyone fall for her.

“You’re just a flirt are you?”

“I am… but I think you’re the one who could make me faithful.”

The girl chuckles flirtatiously then looks mischievously at Yuri. “Do that line really work?”

“I don’t know, you tell me…”

The two stops and shares a glance that Yuri is all too familiar with… now all Yuri needs is to introduce herself and the two could have adult fun together…

“Yuri” Yuri extends her arm out.


They shake hands… Yuri then bends down to pat the dog.



“DOGGY DON’T BITE YURI!!!!” Seung-yeon shrieks at her pet…

“HE’S ALREADY BITING ME!!!” Yuri falls to the ground trying to shake off the dog of her hand… “TELL HIM TO STOP!!!!”


Yet the dog seems determine to use Yuri’s hand as his new chew toy as the owner looks at them in panic



ONE SLAP and the dog finally let go of the poor, sobbing idiot’s hand and sulk away behind Seung-yeon.

“Hey… you hurt my dog.” Seung-yeon says angrily at Yoona…

“You hurt my dog too.” Yoona answers back

Yuri narrows her eyes at Yoona, not liking what it implies. Yoona bends down and wrap her arms around Yuri to quiet the distressed girl. Yuri starts sobbing then looks at the face of the psychopathic bug eyed Chihuahua…

“I’m gonna sue you,” She growls at the dog but shrinks in fear when the dog growls back… “Yoona, he’s threatening me.” Yuri whimpers, clutching closer to Yoona…

Yoona roll her eyes, wondering if she should just let the dog ate off Yuri’s hand. “He’s a Chihuahua Yul…”

“Yuri, are you ok?” Seuhyun is about to reach out for Yuri when Yoona pulls the crying idiot closer to her.

“Don’t touch her.”

“Can I get your number just in case I need to sue you?” Yuri still has the decency to flirt even when her hand is about to fall off.

“Well it’s 091…” But before the girl could finish, Yoona cuts her off…

“Yeah, yeah, yeah… go buy your pup food, before he bites off someone’s hand again.” Yoona practically shoo the girl away while keeping her hold on Yuri tighter.

Anyone could see the electric crackle when Seung-yeon and Yoona look at each other. The two just don’t like each other and Seung-yeon could guess it’s because of the raven haired hottie. But Seung-yeon knows when to back off when she’s at the losing end, because even if Yuri might be a shameless flirt, it’s obvious with the way she looks at the doe eyed girl, Seung doesn’t have to guess who could make Yuri faithful.




The two bestfriends come face to face in the university clinic.

“What happened to you?” Yuri asks at the sight of the Sooyoung’s bandaged nose.

“Ummm… I… ahhh… fell off… the… ummm… stairs… and you? what happened to your hand?”

“A dog bit me.”

“Oh ! Really?”

“Yup… it’s a big dog too…”

“As big as her hand.” Yoona mutters under her breath…

Yuri shot her a warning glance before continuing “It’s like a freaking horse.”


Yoona glares at the midget with a mohawk, she didn’t like the way his smooth voice says Yul.

“Youngbae… hey.”

Yoona hated how Yuri’s voice changed into a cutesy tone when she talked to him.

“Are you ok? What happen to your hand?”

Yoona almost let out a growl as Youngbae checks Yuri’s hand, what? he’s Dr. Mcsteamy now?

“Ummm… a dog bit me.”

Youngbae bites his lower lip so he wouldn’t laugh…

“Don’t laugh… it’s a big dog, it’s like a freaking cow.”

Anyone could see that the two make a cute couple, except for the three girls who is about to combust at the sight.

“Oh great… do I have to be bit by a dog to get his attention?” Hyoyeon sighs…

Three girls stared jealously at the two. Hyo and Soo perfectly knew what’s bothering them, while Yoona doesn’t want to admit to herself why.



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!