Yuri's First Love




High school

“Oh please… help me out here.” Hara bats those long lashes trying to charm the school prince.

“Told you Hara, I’ll only hook you up with Nicole if you help me out with Yoona.” Amber says…

Hara huffs in frustration. Amber should have just asks her to give her the freaking sun that seems to be more realistic than trying to hook up with Yoona. Hara loves her bestfriend but she knows that Yoona isn’t capable of going crazy over someone. She guess it was also part of Yoona’s charm. Everyone wants to be that special one that made the Goddess Yoona fall.

Yoona is one of the most stubborn people that Hara met. And if she doesn’t like someone, even if you buy her a car and a mansion, it wouldn’t change her mind.

“Is Yoona interested in anybody right now?”

“Her? please…” Hara scoffs “that girl is like a little boy, she thinks both boys and girls have cooties.”

“Then, I guess you should start working harder if you want Nicole.”

Amber smiles slyly and walks away. Leaving Hara scratching her head in confusion.


That was strange, Yoona never bothers to check herself in the mirror but the girl just stood in front of the bathroom mirror for 10 minutes.

“You’re just going to detention.” Hara tells her.

“Yeah, so?” Yoona responds in her typical deadpan voice.

“Why are you like trying to fix yourself?”

“Well… I just realize how pretty I am and I couldn’t stop staring.”

Hara rolls her eyes, there is no point asking Yoona a question. Yoona was quick witted, she always has a sarcastic comeback for everything. It was her way of hiding what she feels, Yoona is extremely private, just a hard case to crack.

“So, ummm… You know Amber?”


“Well… she thinks you’re cute.”

“I am cute. I don’t need anybody to tell me that.”

“C’mon Yoong, you have all these admirers, I’m sure you like one.”

And for once, Yoona didn’t have a smartass comeback. And that surprise Hara, cause that only meant one thing. That someone was finally capable of making Yoona fall.

“Well, I’m late… see yah tomorrow!”

Yoona bounce happily out the girls bathroom.


Hara knew Yoona well enough to know the girl is hiding something. So, she walks to the library hoping to find out what Yoona is trying to cover up. And there she saw it, the only person capable of making Yoona quiet. A raven haired girl looking so serious as she cuts out neon letters. Yoona occasionally steal glances at her. Hara never knew anyone that could affect Yoona, but this girl could make her bestfriend laugh and blush. Yoona wasn’t capable of blushing… not until now…


Taeyeon and her friends look strangely at Yuri. The girl turned Sooyoung’s neon poster that ultimately was a fail since Soo fainted on her auditions. Yuri looks so serious as she scribbles something in the back.

Yuri then lifts the blinding neon poster up in the air, when the doe eyed angel step up in the stage.

“I think our buddy likes someone.” Sunny whispers to her friends and two girls nod in agreement.

Yuri didn’t need to tell them anything it was fairly obvious, Yuri looks like she stop breathing as she just watch the girl act on stage.

“I think it’s time for us to play cupid.” Sooyoung suggests and for once, the two shorter yet much smarter friends agreed with the tall, dumb one.


“Can you give Yoona this?”

This was the 3rd time this week that these hopeless girls are giving Yuri stuff to give to Yoona. The next person who was going to approach her is going to get charge a fee. What do they think of her? A delivery girl?

“OW!!!!” Yuri frowns at the tall girl.

“Buddy! You got to step up your game! You’re losing to all of Yoona’s fan girls.”

“Shut up!” lately, my friends found a new topic to annoy me with, they keep on pushing me to tall, pale with big doe eyes and could swallow one burger in a bite girl… But she really does look pretty, lately, I think that’s what I have been doing just staring out my class door looking at her stare out blankly at nothing. How could someone who’s spacing out just look so damn attractive?



“What do you call that, when you just unconsciously stare at someone for hours?”

I frown at Sooyoung’s words… Wait a sec… is Sooyoung talking about me?

“IDK, Soo… I think that’s what they call LOVE…” Taeyeon answers back, emphasizing the word Love…

I growled under my breath, here they go again, making me a target of their useless brains.

“But what about when you get jealous when other people try to get close to her?”

Sooyoung scratches her head thoughtfully, I want to scratch her eyes off that’s what… “I think you call that love too, right?”

“How about out of nowhere you just say their name?” Sunny asks…

“Hey! I never talk about Yoona!”

The three were grinning like idiots.

“Yoona?” They say in unison

Oh crap.


Yoona and Yuri looks proudly at their bulletin board.

“I think we make a good team, huh?”

Yuri smiles at the thought of her and Yoona…

“Ummm Yoona?”


“Ahhh…” Will you go out with me? say it Yuri, invite her to eat, she couldn’t say no to that.

Yuri takes a deep breath but just when she was about to ask her…


“Hara? Seo?”

“Wow… Yoona did you make this?” Seohyun asks in awe.

“Yup, me and this girl here.” Yoona points at Yuri. “DumbYul, these are my bestfriends, Seohyun and Hara, guys this is dumbYul.”

“Hey, I’m your unnie, you know.” Yuri frowns at Yoona

And Hara sees it again, the way Yoona looks at the girl was something she never saw before. And it wasn’t good, it’s wasn’t good at all.



“Who are you and what did you do to my bestfriend?” Sooyoung watches in horror as Yuri opt to eat her plain peanut butter sandwich instead of buying the heavenly chicken tenders.

“Well… I’m saving money.”

Yuri have been bringing lunch from home for like two weeks now, instead of buying all the good things their cafeteria has to offer.

“Awww… Yul… Are you finally buying me that DS I have been asking?” Sunny releasing her overflowing aegyo to the world.

“No… I’m…ahhh…” Even if the school cafeteria was pack during lunch hour, Yuri has no problems looking for Yoona among the crowd. The girl was always surrounded by a pack of admirers, ready to attack on anyone who comes near their princess. Everytime Yuri tries to step closer, they would surround her. “I just want to save.”

Taeyeon looks strangely at their friend but decides not to question it.

“Look Yul a ladybug!”

“What?! Where?!” Yuri jumps in excitement at the thought of the spotted insect.

The raven haired girl gets distracted over the simplest things. Yuri frowns when she realizes she just got duped.

“There is no lady…” When she looks down in her lunch, there was three chicken tenders in her plate. She smiles at her friends who pretend like they didn’t know anything.

“What?” Sooyoung asks as if she didn’t know anything.

Yuri smiles at her friends and the chicken tenders never taste so heavenly as she and her friends ate.


Yuri sighs heavily, it was chicken tenders day in the cafeteria and she didn’t buy some, instead she put her lunch money inside her piggy bank marked “Take Yoona to an expensive date fund”.

Yuri knows she can’t compete with the school prince who have been showering Yoona with the world or the admirers who devote 24 hours of their life worshipping Yoona. But she had to try, she just have to.

She was willing to eat peanut butter sandwich for the rest of her high school life, just so she could take Yoona to the kind of dinner she deserves. Yoona meant the world to her and there was nothing in the world that could make Yuri happy than making Yoona feel special.


Yuri walks nervously in the hallway, waiting for Yoona to come out from her theatre club meeting. In her hand was a neon red card, it took her a week to finally write her confession letter and probably a whole forest with all the paper she threw out until she finally made one deserving of Yoona.


Yuri looks up and sees one of Yoona’s bestfriend.

“Oh.. ummm… hi.”

“Yuri, right?”

“Ummm… Yup… Hara?”

“Yes…Do you need anything?”

“Ahhh no…” Yuri quickly hides her neon red card behind her.

“Awww… is that for Yoona?”

The girl was different from most of Yoona’s gazillion admirers. The girl didn’t look like she wanted Yoona for the fame, or like Yoona because she was popular. This girl loves Yoona, Hara could see it. but Hara wanted Nicole, but the only way to get close to her is if Amber helps out and this girl would just ruin her plan.

“Ummm… yeah… is she still there?” Yuri asks trying to peek in the room.

“Yeah… I think she would be there for like forever… You want me to give her your card?”

“Oh no… it’s ok… I could wait.” The girl was naïve…

“Are you sure? Cause when you see her, you might freeze or something and you know might back out. I could just give it to her.”

“Oh” Now that Yuri thought about it, she’s hopeless in front of Yoona and there is a huge chance that she might chicken out, Hara looks like she could trust her. “Oh ok… here…”

Hara looks at the handmade neon red card…

“Alright… I’ll give it to her today.”

“Thank you.” Yuri smiles happily. “Thank you so much.” Yuri bowed down before walking away happily.


That night, Yuri couldn’t sleep a wink. She turns to her piggy bank and smiles happily, she just couldn’t wait…


Yuri feels her heart jumping off her chest as she waited outside the theatre club room again. She smiles at the white carnation that she bought Yoona just in case the girl said yes.

But she should have saw it as a sign as she saw Hara with a glum look in her face, she shouldn’t be so stupid to even thought she had a chance with someone like Yoona but there she was wishing…

“Hey…” Hara looks at her sadly… Yuri shouldn’t even bother to look at the torn notebook paper that Hara was handing her. But she wouldn’t give up, not until she sees it with her own eyes.

And the moment she read the note, she knew what a heartbreak feels like.


Sorry, but there is no way I’m going to be caught dead in public with a loser like you.


“I’m so sorry…” Hara says apologetically, trying to avoid looking at the poor girl, who brushes her tears off with the sleeve of her uniform. “Yoona doesn’t think what other people feel sometimes.”

Yuri shakes her head and forces herself to smile… “No, don’t worry about it…ummm… Can you give this to her?” Yuri hands Hara the white carnation. “ Thank you” Yuri bows down and closes her eyes to stop herself from crying. Yuri quickly turns back and walks away…

Hara sighs heavily, wondering if breaking two hearts was worth winning over a stupid crush. “You have nothing to thank me for.”


She felt so stupid that even if the girl broke her heart, here she was still longing for the girl. It was valentines and Yuri just looks at Yoona reading some of her confession letters before taking a huge sigh and shoving the letters back in her locker.


“What?” Yuri snaps out of her trance and sees her bestfriends with huge goofy grins.

“Consider yourself so lucky, cause this valentines day you get to go out on a date with three of the hottest girls in campus.” Sooyoung exclaims proudly.

Yuri smiles, she never told her friends what Yoona said knowing that they would probably pull some stupid prank on her. She’s just stupid like that, even if Yoona broke her heart, still she wouldn’t want anyone to do anything mean to her.

“Ohhhh… who?”

“You’re looking at them!”

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you guys.” Yuri lowers her head and sees the two midgets huff angrily, the two hates short people jokes.

“You’re going to pay for that Kwon!!!”

The two jumps on her…

Yuri doesn’t want to pass by Yoona, she couldn’t, not when she still mending her broken heart. But here was her friends dragging her across the hallway and she has no choice but to walk by Yoona.

Sorry, but there is no way I’m going to be caught dead in public with a loser like you.

Those words ring in her head again, was that how Yoona always see her? As a loser?

What on Earth was she thinking? Her and Yoona? She was never worthy of her, never was from the beginning.

Sorry, but there is no way I’m going to be caught dead in public with a loser like you…

She walks pass Yoona, she doesn’t deserve to look at her or even be in the same hallway as her. She would never be good enough for the girl she was willing to give the world too, and Yuri just have to accept that.


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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!