Neon: Lovedust





Kwon Yuri’s afternoon walk was under the kind of weather that Korean PD’s wish they could capture in their scenes. The sky was painted with a picturesque orange hue, the rustling of the leaves and chirping of the birds, harmonizing to create a melodic song. Now all it need was the perfect girl, gracing the sidewalk with her gentle footsteps.

Oh wait… Here is the perfect girl, walking towards our hero Kwon Yuri.

And all it needed was some acoustic guitar strumming in the background, and that moment would be just like a scene taken out from the movies or a Korean drama.

The whole world turns in slow motion, the moment Yuri’s eyes have gaze into the doe eyed beauty that is Im Yoona…


And Yuri’s heart forgot to beat that very second she laid eyes on Im Yoona…

“I haven’t started counting yet, and I already fell in love.”


Heart breaking into thousands and millions of little pieces…


Yuri steps back away from her computer screen watching as her frenemies Sooyoung and Hyoyeon gushes over JGS and her bias scenes. While she, Kwon Yuri, the ultimate fangirl couldn’t stand any longer watching another scene of JGS staring right at Yoonhee’s eyeballs.

Tiffany immediately picked up that something was wrong when Yuri curls up in bed, instead of fangirling along with the two newly formed members of JGS fanclub. She made an ultimate sacrifice of taking of her headphones and walks over to curled up ball in Yuri’s bed.

Nudge. Nudge

“You ok, Yuwree?”

“COWARD!!!” Yuri screams, grabbing her monitor and almost lunges it out the window. “HOW DARE YOU HURT YOONHEE!!! YOU PRETTY BOY! GO MARRY YOUR BESTFRIEND DONGWOOK AND GIVE YOONHEE TO ME!!!”

Everyone eyeballs almost pop out of their sockets at Yuri’s outburst.

“WHOAH YUL! It’s just a show… no need to go apesh!t”

“Give Yoonhee to me!!!” Yuri starts to bawl…

Slurp. Slurp…

Poor Tiffany have to appease her childish roommate with ice cream to make up for her broken heart that Love Rain just did.

“Yoonhee is such a perfect girl.“ Yuri says dreamily as she continues to eat her ice cream while walking back to their dorm. “I bet she’s the perfect girlfriend, understanding, beautiful, puts a bandaid on your finger, cooks you kimbap.” Yuri sniffles. “My Yoona doesn’t do that…”

Speaking of Yoona, Tiffany haven’t seen the girl come over their room these days. “Where is Yoona these days?”

Yuri’s lips quiver as she thought of her real life Yoonhee…

“WAAAAHHHH… She’s mad at me…”

“Oh… is that why you’re acting like you’re PMSing these days…”

Yuri sniffles as she nods…

“Why? What happen?”

“It’s all Sooyoung and Hyoyeon’s fault!”



Yuri slides her food tray with her two frenemies Sooyoung and Hyoyeon. When they say Yuri settling with them, they cough uncomfortably and scoots away like Yuri has some contagious disease.


“Don’t talk to her, Soo… She and her Bambi eyed girlfriend ruined our innocence.”

Sooyoung nods her head vehemently and starts putting the chips in .

Yuri’s chocolate milk starts to drip out of her straw as she squeezes the pack too tight. “Are you freaking kidding me?! You two? Innocent?! You watch like it’s a freaking Korean Drama…”

“It wasn’t !” Sooyoung defends herself before she looks more like a byun than she already is “It’s a love story with very detailed physicals expressions of their love.”

“Yeah don’t be hatin on … you and Bambi do it…”

“You two are the Dongwook in my life!”

“Excuse me… And what does that made you? You’re In ha?”

“No… I’m Yoonhee…” Yuri giggles like a cute school girl. “And Yoona is In ha… she’s so in love with me…” Yuri giggles some more that it almost made her two bestfriends puke.


Yuri decides that it’s futile to argue with two bumbling idiots and instead just focus her energy on her lunch. Yuri notices that Hyoyeon and Sooyoung are sending secret messages to each other, as if they wanted to tell Yuri something. Yuri ignores it thinking it could end up in trouble.

“So, by the way Yuri… since you and Yoona are engaged, me and Soo here have this cool plan.”

“Don’t want to hear it…” Yuri sips her chocolate milk.

“Oh c’mon Yul! Don’t be like that! We already have it plan”

Yuri the remaining life out of her chocolate milk… “What?”

“Well… since you and Yoona are about to get married…”

“Well… not yet…” Yuri corrected them. “After we both find jobs or hit the lottery…”

“But still… you are getting married, right?”

Yuri’s face broke into a full dorky grin and nods in her full dorky way. Resulting in Hyoyoung both rolling their eyes, they can’t imagine such a dork to be with Campus Goddess, Yoona…

“Anyways… since you two are about to get married, we thought why don’t we have a bachelorette party?”

Hyoyoung smiles triumphantly as they finally have Yuri’s full attention.

“A Bachelorette party?” Yuri’s brow raised up so high, it got lost in her hair…


“With people popping out of a giant cake?”

“Well… we can do that and of course…” Hyoyeon leans closer to Yuri as if she’s going to say a major major secret “There is going to be poles…”

Yuri couldn’t help her gasp in excitement. “Poles? I like poles! Yoona and poles are so y…”

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon shared an incredulous look on their face.

“Wait- back there a bit, Kwon… Did you just say Yoona?”

“Yeah! Yoona is gonna dance in the pole, right?”

“DUDE! No… you don’t understand the concept of bachelorette party…” Sooyoung looks pitifully at her bestfriend “It means enjoying your last days of freedom.”

“But I don’t want to be free! I want to be imprison in Yoona’s love..”

Gag… Sooyoung and Hyoyeon almost threw up from Yuri’s cheesiness.

“But anyways dude, are you up for it?”

Yuri shuffles her feet and just shrugs… “Well…”

“Don’t answer that… we already got it booked and plan, we're going to have a bachelorette party.”

Now this plan is scaring Yuri. “But I haven't ask Yoona yet…”

The two sneers and it took every ounce of Yuri’s energy not to use her chopsticks to shove it in their nose.

“Didn’t know you were so whipped…”

“I’M NOT!” She is…

“Of course you are… seeing Yoona was on top…”

Yuri defends her stand on their relationship, even though most of the times she doesn’t have one. “WE TAKE TURNS!”


“NO! I’M NOT!” She still is…

“Then, do it… You don’t need to ask Yoona about it, just tell her. I’m doing a bachelorette party, whether you like it or not.”

Yuri turns to the devil in her shoulder saying: Yes Yul, enough of being puppy Yul, it’s time to make Yoona your bish…
Then, Yuri turns to the angel in her shoulder: Yul, you need to think about this, not only for your sake but for Yoona? This will clearly upset her.
Devil: But what about you, Yul? It’s time to think of you…
Angel: You need to be selfless, Yuri… that is what relationship is all…

“Oh shut up!” Yuri shoves the angel of her shoulder then turns with a determined look at the two devils in front of her. “Fine! I’ll do it!”


“Oh Yoona…”

Yoona’s friends as they walk out from class, they start to giggle at the cute tanned girl waiting like an adorable puppy for her master.

“Hi Yuri…”


Yuri waves happily and Yoona gives Yuri a few seconds, before twining their hands together. Yoona holds on tightly to Yuri’s hand, taking what is hers and making sure the other girls know that Kwon Yuri ONLY BELONGS to Im Yoona.

Yoona was always the most bankable one in their school, but Yuri is pretty close up her range. And while Yoona has a longer list of fan boys than girls in her fans column, Yuri is the complete opposite. Most ladies have admit to turning gay for the iness that is called Kwon Yuri. But one thing that Yoona learn is that fan girls have more mental issues than fan boys.

Yuri digs into her bag and takes out an umbrella.

“You need to go easy on watching love rain, baby…” Yoona jokes as Yuri shield them under the umbrella on a bright sunny day.

“I can’t… my crush is there…”


Yuri gulps when she hears the murderous intent on Yoona’s voice.

“Did I say crush? I meant I like the cinematography…”

Yoona had no plan on forgiving Yuri, but when Yuri tilts the umbrella more on Yoona. She forgot why she was upset in the first place.

“You need it…” Yoona tilts it back to Yuri. “I don’t want you to get any darker than this.”

Yoona bites her lips to stop her triumphant smile when Yuri frowns at her. Her tanned skin was always a banned topic, but that doesn’t mean they stop talking about it which ends up infuriating Yul more.

But the pissed off cloud hanging above Yuri’s head poof away when Yoona’s hand wrapped around hers as they hold the umbrella together.

“So, Yul…I was planning that we should rent some DVDs this weekend and watch it over at my room, or yours, some pizza too… and maybe ummm…” Yoona didn’t need to finish the sentence, Yuri knew EXACTLY what Yoona is trying to say.

Yuri likes the ummm part most out of Yoona’s plan, but before she could say yes. She remembered that she already made plans for that day.

“Oh ummm I can’t this weekend…”

“Why? What are you up to?”

“Me and the girls are going to do something…”

As much as Yoona loves her unnies, sometimes they have a knack of getting themselves in the worse situations.

“Should I be scared?”

“Im Yoona? Scared… pffft… not at all my fantastic baby girl… In Yul you trust.”

Yoona was not convinced at all.

“Why? What are you girls doing?”

“Something really boring…”


Yoona says it with such composure not wanting to go into desperate measures until she was sure. “What boring thing is it?”

Yoona could see the sweat trickling out of Yuri’s forehead. It only means that Yuri is doing something she’s not supposed to do and Yoona is bound to find out what it is. She takes the umbrella, using the umbrella as a weapon and starts poking her girlfriend with it.

Yoonhee would never do this but her girlfriend is not meek and reserved Yoonhee. The umbrella is supposed to be a symbol of love, but for Yoona it’s a perfect weapon for torture.

“WAAAAHHHH!!!” Yuri cries as Yoona continues to poke her with the umbrella.

“Tell me right now… Yul…”

“They’re doing a bachelorette party…” Yuri surrenders…

Yoona stops and Yuri could finally look, and just when she thought the coast was clear. Yoona starts poking her again. “And you said yes?!”

“It’s just for fun…” Yuri holds on to the umbrella. “Just you know a few drinks, maybe karaoke and a…”

“A what?”

“A giant cake with a girl coming out saying Sowoneul Malhaebwa..keke… Yoona, my love… like in Genie…”

Yuri laughs hoping Yoona wouldn’t be too pissed. But Yoona is pissed, she’s very pissed. But instead of lashing out, she starts to walk away before she does something she regrets.

“Hey! Hey! Why are you mad?”

“Because I don’t want you to do it, and you know that but you still do it anyway.”

“It’s just for fun.”

“I don’t mind you hanging out with unnie to have some drinks and food, but when there’s a guy who just trying to take off their clothes in front of you, I don’t think that’s fun.”

“You watch 2pm music videos and their live performances, they’re like Korea’s favorite male strippers. But do you see me bugging you about it?”

One season already done for this crack fic and Yoona can’t still believe why her girlfriend still haven’t matured at all.

“They’re on TV…”

“Doesn’t mean I’m not jealous!”

“Why would you be?”

Yoona just let out a frustrating groan. Sometimes she wonders why she even bothers to argue with Yuri when both refuses to lose, yet no one couldn’t win either.

“We’ll talk about this later”

“Whycan’tyoubelikeYoonhee?” Yuri mutters under her breath, she didn’t mean to say it out loud, but unfortunately Yoona heard every word that she said.

“Are you seriously comparing me to a character from a drama?”


“Don’t even answer that! Arguing with you makes me tired…”

End of flashback…


The ice cream melts in Yuri’s hand as she tells Tiffany her story.

“What do you think I should do?” Yuri sniffles.

“Same thing you always do… wait until she cools off and try talking to her about it.”

“But I’m tired of apologizing to her… love is nev-“

“Stop before you say it Yul…” Tiffany has her hand out in front of Yuri, before she could refer to more Love Rain lines. “What might work on TV, might not work for you and Yoona… So, don’t…”

“I wish…”

But before Yuri could finish what she could say, Tiffany already beats her to it.

“She’s not real, Yuwree… You try to fix what you have.”



“Unnie… please…” Seohyun says embarrassingly before her two unnies could announce it to the whole world.

“You know we are going to change our name.”

“Name? For what?”

“For our band?”

Seohyun actually forgot about that. “Oh that still exist?”

“It does… we're taking our sweet time to debut, just like EXO… we give them a little bit to make them want us more.”

Seohyun just nods her head in defeat.

“Oh yeah by the way, we changed our name to JGSG”

Seohyun raise her brow in surprise…“What does that mean?”

“Jang Geun Suk Girls… After The prince of Asia himself…”

“So, in a way, we're going to be like the princess of asia.”

Seohyun often wonders why she even bother to ask.

“I don’t want to put the fear in SMent but they should be aware… that we're going to beat girls' generation.” Hyoyeon says cockily…

“Oh yes, you know everytime I look at their music video, I would be like where’s my bias? why is she standing at the edge of the screen? But our fans wouldn’t have that problem because we’ll all fit in the screen.”

“What fans?” Seohyun mutters under her breath and that offended Hyoyoung to the core.

“Wait… are you doubting our popularity?”

“I’m not doubting it because I know we're not popular yet.”

Sooyoung just sneers at her cousin’s disbelief. “Say what you want Seo, but I want you to think about that there was once upon a time when all the nine members of girls generations were just dreamers like us, working hard to fulfill their dream. I know we're not in some American show or some show in France like GG, but Seo! JGSG will be the first K-pop group who will perform in…. in…. ummm… ahhhh…?”

“Mars!!!” Hyoyeon finally blurted out

“Mars? Unnie? Nobody lives in Mars…”

“How would you know Seo? have you been there?”

After further arguing with her unnies… Seo could only come up with one conclusion.

Never argue with an idiot. Especially if there are two of them…

“Oh unnie…”

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon didn’t know why they gulp at the tone of Yoona’s voice. They turned around and sees Yoona standing by the doorstep.

“Oh hey… Yoong…keke” Sooyoung laughs nervously.

"Keke…” Hyoyeon laughs nervously too…

They wanted to leave right now but Yoona’s doe eyes were like ice lasers freezing them in their spots.

“Yuri told me something about a bachelorette party.”

“Oh really?”

“Yup. So, when you say bachelor party? Does it mean that there is going to be guys dancing around her?”

Hyoyoung and Sooyoung laugh to hide their shaking knees. Yoona might be beautiful but she scares the crap out of them.

“What? Dancing guys? Pffftt…”

“Yeah… Hyoyeon is right… pffftt…”

“So, there won’t be guys ********* is there?”

“No… not at all…”

Yoona finally let out a sigh of relief.

“There would be GIRLS ********* around her.”

Gulp at the sight of Yoona’s flaring eyes.

“So, Yoong? You want to come?”


Whatever happened to Taengsic?

Anyways, Taeyeon was busy arguing with herself nowadays, she couldn’t believe she lasted almost three months with Jessica Jung. But what she couldn’t believe is that she have never said to Jessica, those 3 special words.

Taeyeon sighs in defeat and sits down on the park bench. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t even realize that someone was sitting beside her, until the other girl sighs heavily.

“Oh? Yoona?”

Taeyeon knew Yoona, but never really got a chance to ever talk like really talk to her. Since Yoona always has Yuri and she always has Jessica. But she liked the girl for Yuri.

“Oh hi… unnie…”

She have never really paid much attention to Yoona, although she do admit she’s a very pretty girl. But sitting this close to her, was like wow… She’s too beautiful for words, that’s why Yuri is just nuts about her.

“Haven’t seen you and Yul lately…”

Yoona smiles weakly “If it makes you feel better, I haven’t seen Yuri these days too…”

“Oh yeah I forgot… she’s probably watching that new drama…”

Taeyeon notice Yoona let out a sigh again.

“You okay?”

“Well, we fought again…I don’t think it’s right, but I… I get jealous of how amazed Yuri seem to be with a character on TV… “

“Oh, she has always have this crush on her ever since high school.”

“Oh? She does?”

“Ah-huh… she watched every episode of YAMD even if it was finals week and when Sooyoung told her that Cinderella man , she punched Sooyoung on the nose.”

That didn’t make Yoona feel any better…

“I guess she will always be Yuri’s dream girl and I have to be second.”

Taeyeon chuckles a laugh while slouching comfortably on the bench.

“Yes she is, but you know what Yuri always tells me?”

Yoona looks at Taeyeon who still got a smile playing on her lips.

“That her reality is so much better… I guess I don’t have to spell it out to you, why she said that…”

Taeyeon sits back up again…

“Thanks unnie…”

“Anytime…” Taeyeon swings her short legs and stands up. “I got to go… Shika is probably up from her nap. But hey!”


“Whatever that idiot say or does, it will always be you.”

Yoona smiles, knowing that she does love that idiot too.


Yuri have debated with herself whether she should stay or not. The girls look like they’re enjoying without her anyway.


“HEY GIRL!!! YOU HAVING FUN???!!!” By the sound of Sooyoung’s booming voice, it’s obvious the girl is a bit drunk.

“No… ummm… I got to go…”

“No… stay…” Hyoyeon shoves Yuri back down on the chair “The show haven’t started yet…”

“I want to be with Yoona…”

“Speaking of the devil look who’s here…”


Yuri wanted to tell Yoona how beautiful she looked that night, but truth was, she still doesn’t know if the girl forgives her.

“See buddy?” Sooyoung whispers… “She’s here…” Sooyoung pats Yuri on the shoulder “Now, go get your girl.”

Yuri stands up and walks slowly over to Yoona. “Umm Hi…”

Yoona just nods shyly and excuses herself. For the whole night, it was like that, Yuri tries to move closer, Yoona would walk away. The two just silently sat together until who would come but a giant cake being wheeled in…

“WOW!!!!” Sooyoung could feel a tear drop from how much she appreciated this. But before Sooyoung could devour the cake. “What the?” A man in the tightest piece of clothing comes out of the cake. “I ordered chocolate! Not a chocolate colored man!!!” Sooyoung complains…

“So, is everyone ready for the manimal show?” Says sleazy guy in tight clothes…

“You mean animal?” Seohyun corrected the manimal in tight pants…

“No… sweetheart, manimal… I might look like a man but I’m an Animal…” His smirk gets sleazier and sleazier each second.

“Why does he have to be an animal?” Seohyun asks her unnies worriedly.

“So, who among you lucky ladies do I have to unleash my manimal instincts?”


Hyoyeon pointed at the quiet couple…

Manimal takes a look at tanned girl, hot, smirking some more in approval… But then, BAM! He saw the most beautiful girl on Earth and he’s manimal instincts starts going on overdrive. Manimal likes them beautiful…

“So, I guess you’re in for a treat for the manimal show…”

Obviously Yoona made a fan boy out of the stripper, as he slinks his way closer and closer to her. Yoona cast worried glances over to Yuri…


The girls starts shrieking (except for Seohyun who’s in a state of shock) and Yoona’s eyes look like a deer caught in headlights as Manimal starts throwing clothes off his body one by one right in front of her.

And as much as Yoona looks away in both fright and disgust, the man is determined to enthrall Yoona by doing his wiggle, wiggle, wiggle dance.


Manimal stops but didn’t step away, instead he smirks amusedly at the fuming tanned girl.

“I’m not kidding… stay away…”

“But I have a few minutes left… Don’t worry you can have your turn…”

As much as Yoona want Yuri to stay away from fighting, she have to admit jealous Yuri is turning her on.

Yuri takes a step forward, closer and closer until she realizes she just as tall as the guy’s chest…


Sooyoung runs over to her bestfriend.


“Get down so I can climb on you” Yuri pushes Sooyoung down and starts to climb up on her bestfriend.

“HEY!” Sooyoung tries to stop the monkey trying on her. “Get this idiot off me!”

“Soo! if I get on your shoulders, even Shaquille O Neal would be scared shYt of us”


“STOP MOVING! I want to beat the heck out of this guy!”

“Yuwree… stop…” Tiffany, the only one who is more worried (since Seo is in a state of shock after the wiggle dance…) and the rest looks amusingly…

Yoona bites her lip to stop herself from smiling, although she knows she shouldn’t, seeing how serious her girlfriend is for beating the boy who is shaking himself at her.

The guy just looks amusingly at the tanned girl trying to get a punch at him, he keeps sidestepping and Yuri kept on missing…

“What can you do… OFFFFF”

Everyone gasps as they saw the manimal takes a tumble down and after Yuri smack her fist right in his mouth, let’s just say the manimal needs to go to the vet.


After Manimal got wheeled off the room. The girls finally calmed down other than Sooyoung and Hyoyeon who are drunk singing up on stage.

Taeyeon scoots closer to Jessica who’s trying to stay awake…


“What is it, midget?”

“You know we have been together for like almost three months…”

2 months, 3 weeks and 4 days but Jessica wasn’t going to admit to that. “Ok so…”

Taeyeon clears , ready to say those 3 words, Kim Taeyeon style. “Shika, you know out of all the people’s body parts that I accidentally touch, yours will always be the only one that I want to touch intentionally.”

Taeyeon thinks it’s romantic, Jessica responded by punching the girl straight to Tiffany’s lap.

“And now you want Tiffany?”

“What?!” Taeyeon got all dizzy after the first hit, but Jessica wasn’t done with her, pushing her and thank God… Sunny’s ies were like airbags for Taeyeon’s face.

Yoona ignores the girls fighting and instead focus on Yuri’s bruised hand.



Yoona takes Yuri’s hand and gently brushes her lips on it, careful not to hurt it.

“Does it hurt?”

Yuri felt like she punched a brick wall and her bones probably got pulverized but yoona’s magic kiss made it all okay…

“It’s not as bad as it looks…” Yuri leans closer… “Let’s go somewhere”

Yoona nods and they intertwine hands again, sneaking out during JGSG remix version of Fantastic Baby. Yoona could hear her bestfriend sniffling as she was forced again by her unnies.

“Say it Seo! You’re the rapper! Say BOOM SHAKALAKA!!!!”


Taeyeon and Jessica walks quietly back to their dorm.

“You’re okay?” Was Jessica’s way of saying I’m sorry…

“I’m okay…” Was Taeyeon’s way of saying I forgive you… “You could be so bipolar sometimes, it’s scary…” Taeyeon finally admits…

“I might be bipolar but all my personalities love only you.”

Jessica’s way of saying I love you, and Taeyeon smiles back...

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t sleep beside me, you’ll be in my dreams anyway” Taeyeon’s way of saying I love you…

“Whatever”. Jessica’s way of saying I love you too…

“Good night Shika”

“Night Midget”

Jessica’s face broke into a full grin the moment she closes the door behind her. She jumps into bed and shrieks, her happy dolphin shriek into her pillow.

Knock. knock…

Jessica growls as she gets up from her bed… This person is gonna die!!!


“I forgot something…”

But before Jessica could say anything, Taeyeon already pressed a kiss on her lips, and quickly scurried away before she gets rips off to pieces.

Not that Jessica could do anything, cause Taeyeon’s kiss have freeze her.


Yuri and Yoona were walking hand in hand in the campus grounds. When out of nowhere, rain started to pour out…

“Crap! Out of all the days that I didn’t bring my umbrella!” Yuri cursed and quickly pulling Yoona underneath the tree. The rain don’t look like it’s going to ease up anytime soon, and Yuri just looks over to Yoona, her girlfriend soak from the rain.

“This could be your own love rain, Yul…” Yoona shyly admits… “I know it’s foolish to get jealous over some character on TV, but I couldn’t help it. I want you to imagine those things with me, not imagine me to be her. I know I’m not as romantic, or I couldn’t make you kimbab without killing you, or put a bandaid in your finger. But I want you to have your love story Yul, but with me, not her, not with anybody else.”

Yuri kisses Yoona softly on her hair before pressing her body closer, feeling Yoona’s warmth. “That’s the difference between you and Yoonhee… My heart go nuts at every scene she had and everything she does, but you, even if you just stand there, and I’m already helplessly in love.” Yuri tilts Yoona’s chin upwards, so she could stare back at those worried doe eyes. “In Ha is fighting against Dongwook, I’m fighting against a Manimal…”

Yoona chuckles sound almost melodic along with the pitter patter of the rain.

“I don’t need to have a love rain…” Yoona casted her eyes downwards until Yuri tilts them back so they could stare back again.“Im Yoona, I love you in any weather…”

Yoona lightly punches her cheesy girlfriend on the chest… “You’re so cheesy, Kwon Yuri.”

But the light laughter suddenly grew quiet, when Yuri kneeled down, fishing out a blue square box from her pocket, opening it to reveal a platinum ring with a round cut diamond

“People always have the tendency to hate the rain, it makes them sad, makes them lazy. But Yoona, I wish from now on, everytime it rains, it could make you smile because you will think about this night, under the rain, under the tree, when you Im Yoona complete the missing part in me.”

Yoona bites her lower lip, didn’t know if she was quivering from the cold or from the way Yuri had won her over once again. Yoona jumps in Yuri’s arms, pressing their lips together. Yuri slowly peeled the hair tie of Yoona’s wrist and slowly slips the ring on Yoona’s finger. Yoona press their foreheads together, smiling as they just gaze in each other... Not a few seconds longer and Yuri captured Yoona's lips. Kissing the girl, she's going to love forever.


It’s a good thing that the hallway was empty or Yoona and Yuri would give people quite a show, Yuri fumbles with the lock on her dorm room, and Yoona impatiently pushes Yuri in. And just when Yoona was about to pull Yuri’s shirt off, the sight of two pair of eyes widely looking , stops them.


“Well, it was raining so we wanted to see our man… JGS” Sooyoung defends herself.

“Yeah… We text Pany, and she said it’s ok since she’s staying over Shika’s room tonight.”

“You text her but you didn’t text me?!”

“We figure that you were going to be in Yoona’s room, cause that’s like your lovenest…”

“Why can’t you just watch in your room?” Yuri almost screamed, while Yoona just bites her lip in amusement, seeing Yuri frustrated was cute.

“Because you have a bigger monitor. The bigger the monitor, the bigger his face.”


“But… Jang Geun Suk is waiting for us…” Sooyoung pleads…

“Get over yourselves! He’s a chick and you two aren’t man enough for him. NOW OUT!”

“Fine… geez…” Sooyoung says as Yuri starts shoving her and Hyoyeon out…

“Pfft HORNDOGS!!” Sooyoung scoffs as she and Hyoyeon stomps out of the room.

“Pffft…” Yuri was fuming mad but Yoona calms her down when she wraps her arms around Yuri’s neck.

“Now where were we?” Yoona says teasingly

Yulfish was busy swimming, (since that’s what fishes do) when the sight of flying clothes quickly made her zoom closer to the glass. And if fishes could smile, she was smiling right now cause she was about to watch her favorite show, the Yoonyul show…

And if fishes could scoff, Soofish have already did, seeing her BFF (Best fish friend) watching their master rolling around in bed with her girlfriend.

“Pffft… Hornfish”



end for Neon... good thing there's Neon 2, thank you to the author for making it :D

I'll post Neon 2 later...

once again, thank you for all readers, the comments and voters... thank you for supporting this fic and the author ^^

see you guys later in Neon 2!

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!