Special Chapter Of YoonYul Fishes Love Story




Yuri happily pokes the goldfish in her bag… Tiffany walks over to see Yuri putting the goldfish in her aquarium with her Yoonyul clown fish.

“You got a new fish…”

“Yeah… I think that maybe yoonyul fish is bored so I bought another one.”

“So, what are you going to name her? Sooyoung?”

“Oh no… Sooyoung is more of a whale…”


“Hyo’s a crab, Jessica a dolphin, Taeyeon’s a shrimp… Sunny is a bunny and Seo’s a sweet potato…hmmm… “ Yuri scratches her head thoughtfully “I know… I’ll name her Tiffany!!!” But wait... Tiffany is more like a pretty pink pony than a sea creature...

Tiffany chuckles… “No… how about Gyuri? She looks like a Gyuri”

“No… Yoongfish might get jealous…”

Tiffany chuckles some more… “Do you actually believe that they have any idea these stuff were saying about them?”

“No… keke…”

But little did they know that inside the four corners of that glass aquarium is about to be the setting of the love story of one Yulfish and her Yoong...

“WOWEEHHH!!!!” Says Yulfish excitedly and quickly darted from Yoona all the way to the pretty goldfish “Hi… I’m Yuri…”

“Gyuri…” The snob goldfish says before turning away. But Yulfish swims around to face her.

“That girl with pretty stripes is Yoona… she’s my girlfriend.” Yulfish says proudly “Were going to make baby fishes together.”

“NO! We’re not!” Yoongfish shouted in protest “Yuri is my girlfriend.”

“I’am Yuri.”

“Not you! her!” Yoona continually stares out her aquarium at her master in front of her laptop.

“She’s not a fish” Yulfish argues…

“So?” Yoongfish answers back “She always tells me she loves me…”

“This isn’t little mermaid, there is no squid who’s going to turn you human”

“Ursula is an octopus, idiot”

“So?” Now Yulfish is getting annoyed “They both squirt out ink. Why don’t you sing part of your world while you’re at it? maybe she’ll fall in love with your voice!” Yulfish says sarcastically…

Yoongfish growls and continue to stare out at Yuri… But what if Yulfish got a point? It’s worth taking a chance, right?

Look at this stuff, isn’t it neat?

Yulfish gasps as Yoongfish starts singing… and they say that she’s the dumb one, now she looks like a freaking genius compared to Yoongfish right now.


If fishes could frown, Yulfish is frowning right now. No matter what she does, her girlfriend or imaginary girlfriend is still crazy in love with their idiot owner.

“Well… if she won’t date you then I will…”

Yulfish turns around and she swore Gyulfish was smiling seductively at her.


Yoongfish is about to fall asleep when she felt someone moving beside her. She should have known that it was no other than Yulfish trying to get closer like she always does.

“This aquarium could fit 100 fishes and you choose to squeeze in beside me…” Yoongfish angrily says…

“A 100 fishes? That’s a lot of fishes…”

“Stay away from me… NOW!”

“B-but I like being near you.”

“Well I don’t.” Yoongfish swims away, unfortunately, Yulfish can’t figure out the meaning of the word “I don’t” and swims behind Yoongfish…

Yoongfish groans and swims faster and Yulfish right behind her swimming fasterer (she’s that fast…) until they’re swimming in circles around the aquarium. Then, Yoona brakes…



“I DID! UGH!” Yoona swims behind the rocks… “Leave me alone, dumbfish”

Good thing they live in the water that Yoongfish didn’t notice the tear that fell of Yulfish’s eyes.

“Why do you like her when she’s so mean to you?” Gyulfish ask the sad fish…

“Because I don’t want to be with anyone else…”

“It’s ok, Yul… I’m here now…”



Nothing makes Yoongfish day than waking up to the happy smile of her Yuri feeding them their breakfast. She happily swims up when she notice something quite odd…

Why is it so quiet? By now Yulfish mouth is like a vacuum out all the fish food floating around.

“Yul! Yul?”

Yoongfish look around worriedly, even if Yulfish can be the most irritating sea creature on Earth, Yoongfish could not even bear the thought of losing her.

“”YUL!” Yoongfish swims around and spotted the dark red tail “What are you doing? It’s time to- what the?!”

She couldn’t believe her two fisheyes, there was Yulfish sleeping beside Gyulfish.


“What’s happening?” Yoongfish asks confusedly…

Yulfish excitedly swims toward Yoongfish… “Yoona! You can’t believe what happen… I know how to make baby fishes now…”

Yoongfish backs away and if fishes can slap someone, Yoongfish have already slap Yulfish with her fin.

“I can’t believe you! With a goldfish?!”

“I thought it was weird too, but Gyuri said that those aquariums in the petshops are like clubs, any fish just hooks up with each other”

“But that doesn’t mean that you should do it too!” Yoongfish almost yelled out…

“Wait… why are you so mad?!”


“Don’t worry about her, Yul” Gyulfish says while blinding Yulfish with her golden tail.


Yulfish hurriedly swims up to get her food with Gyulfish and her shiny golden self trailing behind…

Yuri bends down to see Yoongfish swimming behind their fake ocean castle.

“Wait… Yoona… what’s wrong?”


“Yoona?” Yulfish swims underneath their castle and sees Yoongfish just staying there. “I left you some food, you should go eat them now before they get all soggy…”

“I’m not hungry…”

“Wait… what’s wrong?” Yulfish asks worriedly…


Yoongfish turns away from Yulfish. She hears the door open and she usually feels so happy when Yuri came in from class, but right now, it couldn’t stop her fishy heart from breaking.

“Look what Yoona bought you guys…”

“What the?” Yulfish looks excitedly at the yellow spongy thingy that Yuri was putting on their home.


Yulfish happily swims to it, plopping herself in the pretty yellow thingy, and marking her territory like a boss.

“My sea anemone”

She announce to the other two fishes.


Yoona decided that it was her chance to finally talk to Gyul, fish to fish while Yulfish is still gung-ho about her sea anemone.


“Oh… Yoona…” Gyuri turns away from admiring herself…

“I just want you to know that, that fish right now who’s spazzing over her sea anemone, might seem like the biggest idiot in the world. But you’re going to be the luckiest fish on Earth to be with her cause she loves with everything she’s got. If you tell her to jump off this aquarium, she’ll do it in a heartbeat.”

Yoona swims closer to the goldfish…

“So, if you even try hurting my bestfriend, I suggest you think twice. Cause I have a fin and I’m not afraid to use it.”

Gyulfish scoffs in her own fishy way.“You’re the one who’s hurting her…”


“Everytime you push her away and say mean stuff to her, it hurts her… ”

“Well… I was…I just…” Why was she so mean to Yulfish anyway?

“So, it takes my beautiful self to make you realize something that you always have?” Gyulfish pointed out. “You thought… oh, there won’t be anyone else so I could be mean to her all I want and she’s still going to chase after me… But I’m here now… Yoong and I won’t hurt Yul’s feelings.”

Gyulfish starts circling the already hurting Yoongfish. “ But unfortunately, I’m not with her…”

Now Yoongfish was surprise “Wait… but she told me she knows how to make baby fishes now?”

“She knows because I told her. We didn’t do anything, well… I thought we would, but she told me that the only one she wants to make baby fishes is… well… you.”


“Yes Yoona and you’re right, she’s the biggest idiot in the world to still be in love with someone who’s being such a bishyfishy to her…” Gyuri then swims closer to Yoongfish “I heard the lifespan of a clownfish is around 6 years… So, why not try to make her happy for the next years to come?”



“My sea anemone” Yulfish sinks into her sea anemone making sure Yoongfish knows who the sea anemone belongs to.

“N-no… I’m not going to steal it from you. “ Yoongfish swims closer to Yulfish “Ummm… I… just want to say sorry for always being mean to you.”

Yulfish looks surprisingly at Yoongfish “Wait… is this some kind of trick?”

“No… it’s just that… you bug me like everyday, drive me crazy sometimes but… ummm… I couldn’t imagine a life without you. me without you, Yul… it’s just not right.”

“Yoong… I’d rather be a sushi than leave your side…”

Yoongfish looks back at Yulfish…“It’s just that… I always thought that we’ll always be together, but then Gyuri comes along and now I felt like I lost you and I don’t want that… I don’t want to lose you…”

“Wait…” Yuri floats up from her sea anemone “What made you think that you’re going to lose me?”

“Well… I thought you like her because she’s so pretty and shiny and I… I’m just orange and stripey”

Yulfish finally swims out of her sea anemone and moves beside Yoongfish… “And yet you’re the prettiest fish to me…” Yulfish opens to a grin “So, how do you do it, Yoong? How do you make something as simple as orange and stripes look so darn beautiful?”

Yoongfish turns, she doesn’t know if fishes kiss but she did it the way she knows how by pressing her fishy lips on Yulfish…

And if fishes blush, the two would be blushing deeply now…


“Yes Yul?”

“You want to share my sea anemone with me?” Yulfish says shyly and Yulfish couldn't be more happier that even with all that space in that aquarium that could fit a 100 fishes, her Yoongfish choose to squeeze in beside her.

And Yulfish loves her sea anemone but she loves it more now that she have Yoongfish to share it with, From now, to tomorrow until they lived out the lifespan of fishes.


What the hell, dude?” Sooyoung spats at her bestfriend… “Why did you name an overweight fish after me?”

“Cause whales don’t fit on the aquarium” Yuri mumbles under her breath…

“HEY! I heard that!!!!” Sooyoung screams louder...


Yoongfish swims ahead to greet the new fish while Yuri is playing peek a boo with her sea anemone…

“Yoh… wazzup?! I’m Sooyoung!” says the huge clownfish...

“Hi… I’m Yoona…”

Sooyoungfish sees Yulfish darting up and down from the sea anemone.

“Oh and that one is Yuri…”

If fishes could smile, Yoongfish would be smiling now… and very happily because of her silly Yulfish…

“She’s my girlfriend.”



hehehe I hope you enjoy for this cameo fishes :D

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!