For The MinYul Shipperz




This was the life for Yoona, walking to her dorm with one hand on her ice cream while the other hand intertwined with Yuri’s after a dinner buffet with her baby. Yuri jokingly pulls Yoona’s hand, puckering her lips to kiss it… Their giggles were interrupted at the sound of someone’s voice…

A deep voice full of flaming charisma…

“Yuri noona?” Says the voice with flaming charisma…

Yoona immediately went to piss off mood at the tall, dark and handsome guy running his eyes all over her Yul.

Yuri had to do a double take to make sure who the guy was… “Wae?“ Until she finally figured it out “Snotty nose Minho?”

Minho chuckles embarrassingly and nods… that wasn’t really the nickname he would have wanted Yuri to remember but its better than nothing… or maybe not…

“Baby, this is snotty nose Minho, Sooyoung’s little brother…” Yuri says excitedly…

“Snotty nose Minho?”

“Yes, because when we were kids, he always have boogers in his nose and he runs around in his spiderman briefs…”

“Well… I was always hot…” Minho says embarrassingly

“You’re still hot…” OW! Yuri frowns as Yoona elbows her in the rib.

“Well, I don’t have snot anymore but I still have my spiderman briefs.”

“I think that’s going to be a little tight now… you probably look like you’re wearing a thong.” OW! Yoona is going to break Yuri’s rib for elbowing it too much.

“There you are!”

“Auntie hello…”

Yoona quickly shuffles to the side as Sooyoung’s mom almost run over her to jump in Yuri’s arms…

“My family loves her…” Sooyoung whispers at Yoona while sipping loudly off her starbucks frap.

“I see that…”

“Have you seen how handsome my Minho grew up to be?” Sooyoung’s mom is beaming proudly…

“I did, auntie… Soo… you didn’t tell that he’s coming over.”

“He wanted to surprise you…”

“Oh you know our little Minho, always has a crush on you…”

Little snotty nose Minho is now 6 feet tall, dastardly good looking and that couldn’t help but make Yoona worry.

“Wait… what now?” Yoona says in worry…

“Mom please…” Minho blushes so cutely and Yoona hated it.

“So, what made you guys visit?”

“Well… we wanted to see you… and Sooyoung of course…”

Sooyoung roll her eyes “Gee… thanks mom…”

“And Minho is going to be in college next year so we're looking at different schools. Now I only have my baby Sulli at home…” Giant Baby Sulli is busy on her phone to comfort her mom.

“Mom, Seunghyun oppa is still at home.”

“Don’t even mention that boy to me…” Sooyoung’s mom growls frustratingly “Calling himself TOP now…”

Yuri thought she forgot something, until she caught the eye of the beautiful girl… “Oh by the way auntie this is the love of my-”

“Speaking of love” Sooyoung’s mom cut Yuri’s intro of Yoona “Would you love to go out to dinner tonight?”

“Oh… I didn’t know that.” Sooyoung scratches her head.

“That’s because you’re not included.” Sooyoung’s mom whispers… “I set up a dinner date for Little Minho and his future bride.”

“Who’s his future bride?”

“Oh you kids are funny, we all know that Minyul is real… That’s your couple name by the way.”


“I don’t like you.”

Straight to the point and Cold. Just like her sister…

“I’m trying here Krystal.” Taeyeon growls… how could Jessica do this? Trap her into spending a Saturday afternoon. ALONE. With her little sister, while she has rehearsals again.

“I like Jeti…” Krystal has no problems airing out her problem as she settle in one of the little booths in the coffeeshop.

“Well… it ain’t real… it’s me who your sister choose.”

“Bad choice there… Now my sister looks like a pedo, dating someone who looks like an elementary school kid.”

Taeyeon growls inside at the unaffected girl… “Look I might be oozing with cuteness and my face is as smooth as a baby’s bottom, but I tell you, I’m much tougher than I look.”

Krystal just frowns ignoring her future sister in law after Taeyeon compares her face to a baby’s bottom.

“So, you better watch out” Taeyeon points to her eyes then at Krystal “you better not cry…”

“Wait… let me guess… you better not pout I’m telling you why?”

“Whoah… how did you know? You mind reader or something?”

Krystal groans some more and decided that it might be a better idea to ignore her, maybe the little shrimp would go away.

Well, anyways, what coffee would you like?”

“Just frap…”

Taeyeon continues mumbling to herself, until she ordered, until she waited, until she turned around and saw the empty booth.

“What the?- little Jung?”

Taeyeon quickly runs to the table, checking underneath just in case Krsytal decided to hide under there… She starts walking madly around the coffeeshop, calling out for Krystal…

“Little Jung? Little Jung?”

But still no sign of her anywhere… The fear on Taeyeon starts growing…

“HEY!” she runs back to her booth before the giggly couple sits in there “This is my spot, go giggle somewhere else.”

The couple groans as they watch the 12 year old kid, put her two coffee back before running out of the coffeeshop.



Even if they just finish a gallon of ice cream, for Yuri nothing tastes as sweet as Yoona’s lips. Yoona yelps cutely as Yuri pulls her closer to her, tugging her shirt playfully. Yuri was surprise when instead of raising her arms up, Yoona stills Yuri’s hand.

“No… not right now…”


Yoona chuckles before teasingly kissing Yuri on her neck and shoulders. “I’m thinking that maybe we should just try to do it once a week…”

“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Yuri collapse in bed in sheer frustration… “Why don’t you just kill me? We already lose 2 weeks everytime we have it and then you took away my greatest joy?”

“Awwww… baby…” Yoona lays on top of Yuri, continually kissing Yuri in the neck, cheeks and forehead trying to earn Yuri’s forgiveness. But Yuri remained annoyed, her face looking like a kicked toddler. “I was just kidding…”

“It’s a horrible joke.” Yuri huffs…

“Awwww…. I’m sorry…” Yoona smiles teasingly while nipping on Yuri’s lower lip… “What should I do to forgive me?”

“I forgive you!” Yuri’s face break into a goofy grin while waging a tickle fight with Yoona…

“YURI-YAH!!!!!!” The door flings wide open as the Gigantic Choi family is waiting happily for them.

Yuri pushes Yoona off the bed as the whole Choi family walks in their room.

“Seo…” Yoona looks warningly at her bestfriend, they set up rules and Yoona’s number one rule was…

Thou shall not interrupt Yoonyul y time.

“I’m so sorry…” Seohyun bows her head in apology… “But auntie really wanted to see Yuri unnie…”

Sooyoung’s mom looks at the pretty girl, no, unbelievably beautiful girl with Yuri again. Hmmm… maybe they’re bestfriends that’s why they’re so close.

“Oh we just came by, so I could give you a present.” Sooyoung’s mom said happily as she hands Yuri the paper bag.

“Oh thanks auntie.” Yuri excitedly looks through the bag.

“I hope you wear it on your date with Minho…”

“S-sure… Why not?” Yuri’s face suddenly turns blank as she pulls out the dress. White and lacy… But her expression wasn’t as surprise as Yoona who sees her fiancée holding a wedding dress.

“A wedding dress?”

“Oh… I’m sorry is it too formal?” Sooyoung’s mom wasn’t sorry at all as she was grinning widely.

“K-kinda” Yuri says nicely hoping not to offend Soo’s mom.

“Don’t worry cause I got you a shirt too… here.”

Yuri smiles as Soo’s mom hands her a t-shirt, but that smile quickly got wipe away at the words in the shirt.

Minyul is real.

“I had it printed myself.”

Yuri gives Yoona an apologetic look cause this would obviously did not make her girl happy.


Seohyun couldn’t help but worry as Yoona is almost scratching her study desk with how hard she was trying to write.


“What?” Yoona growls…

Seohyun backs off… “Are you okay?" Seohyun was left stammering when Yoona broke her pencil…

Yoona laughs smugly “ME? Of course I’m ok… Why shouldn’t I be ok? that my future wife is having a date with this… ARGH!!!!”

“Well, I think Yuri unnie is just being nice since auntie likes her so much and she doesn’t want to hurt auntie’s feelings. So, don’t be jealous…”

“Me, jealous? Why would I be? Yuri is mine and she’ll forever be mine. So if there is someone who should be jealous it’s that Minho cause he could crave all he want, but Yuri will never be his.”

Seohyun just nod, right now Yoona sounded like one of those bitter person in those Korean dramas who is scheming to get the main girl’s guy.

“So, Seo… since Yuri is out, how about we have some BFF times and go to dinner?”

Why does Seo feel that there is more to Yoona’s plan than a BFF bonding time?


Tiffany couldn’t help but worry as she sees Taeyeon shaking in obvious fear, the girl look like she just committed a crime and the whole Korean police force is after her.

“Pany… help me…” Taeyeon pleads….

“Hey… hey… Taetae calm down…” Tiffany hands Taeyeon a bottled water which the girl finished in one gulp. “tell me what’s wrong?”

“I lost her. I lost little Jung.”

“What?” Damn you Krystal “It’s ok Taetae… Krystal is just a little free spirited.”

“Jeshika is going to kill me…”

“Taeyeon, of course not. “She probably will “Don’t worry, I’ll help you find her.”

“Really?” Taeyeon sniffles… “You are going to do that?”

“Yes, why not?”

“Thank you! Thank you!” Taeyeon hugs Tiffany, what more can she give the girl that is about to save her life.


Minho tries to start a conversation with Yuri but obviously Yuri was more excited eating her spaghetti than listening to whatever Minho was about to say…

Who’s that?

Omo she’s so beautiful..

Is she an actress or something?

All the hush whispers and OMOs from everyone in the restaurant is distracting Yuri from her spaghetti, that she turned toward the side of all the noise while slurping her noodles.


It was like watching something straight out of a movie screen. It’s cliché but hey what better way to describe Yoona who look like a Goddess taking everyone’s attention of their food all to her?

“Isn’t that your friend noona?”

Yuri got back to reality and quickly wipes off the spaghetti sauce of .


“H-hi…” Oh God, I’m here wearing my Minyul is real shirt when all I want is my Yoona…

“You don’t mind if I join you, right?”

“Well… ummm…” Minho scratches his head, the girl was able to distract Yuri from her spaghetti without even trying.

“Ok cool…” Yoona didn’t even wait for an answer and sits down beside Yuri. “Oh, you got some sauce right here…”

“Oh I…”

But instead of wiping it off, Yoona softly kisses the stained spot. And Minho couldn’t help but whimper at the oozing … But of course just when Minho is getting hot and bothered, who else would pop up to spoil them mood?

“Im Yoona!”

Yoona gulps as she sees Hyo and Sooyoung looking angrily at her. “Hello… unnie…” Sticking closer to Yuri…

“Hey. Hey! What is up with you two?” Yuri got on Hyoyoung.

“We were just worried that Yoona didn’t came back from the bathroom.”

“Yeah, we thought she fell off the toilet or something… But we should have known…” Hyoyeon snarls…

“Well… ahhh… I was on my way to the bathroom when I saw Yuri with him, so I decided to go and say hi…” Yoona chuckles nervously…

“And here we are thinking you want to hangout with your unnies.”

“But I do unnie…”

“Well… if this is what you want then… Seo?”


“Grab all our plates from our table. We're going to eat dinner together.”

Minho groans heavily as Hyoyeon and Sooyoung joins them.


“So, are you sure this is where you left her?”

“I’m sure ok, I’m sure…” Taeyeon says hurriedly before snapping Sunny’s DS “You’re not helping me!”

“Oh c’mon Tae… I’m sure you’re just worrying about nothing, she’s a 17 year old girl, she probably met some hot college guy and is spending the day out with him”

“That’s not helping at all”

“Calm down Taeyeon…”

“Easy for you to say, Jessica is not going to kill you.”

“She’s not going to kill you too…” Tiffany says reassuringly, hurt and torture maybe but kill… she highly doubt it.

“So?” Taeyeon jumps in the counter so she could look at the barista straight in the eye. “Do you have like a security camera where we could see what happen?”

“We don’t have one.”

“What? What kind of a coffee shop is this when it doesn’t have a security camera?”

“This one” The barista says curtly.

“Guess what? Your coffee is not that great…” Taeyeon rebutted…


Minho feels his heart pounding as he was inches away from his childhood crush, when Yoona squeeze in between them…

“So, Minho I heard you dance too, like long legs here.” Hyoyeon asks…

“He likes to rap…” Sooyoung says proudly…

“Oh really?” Yuri asks excitedly…

“Me too..” Hyoyeon says “But sometimes my hand hurts too much, and I just put my gifts inside paper bags.”

“Not that kind of wrap, you idiot! Rapping? Like singing.”

“Oh that kind of rap…”

“Well, I would like to hear you rap…” Hyoyeon says…

“I… I don’t know…”

“Oh c’mon… you’re related to Sooyoung here, you guys are born with long legs and a thick skin.”

“What is that suppose to mean?” Sooyoung narrows her eyes at Hyoyeon.

“What I mean is, I have been roommate with your sister for years. The word shame doesn’t exist in her vocabulary…”

“Ok, I’m not good at it like my hyung, but I’ll try…”

Minho clears his throat…

dalkomhan jungdok hwal.hwal.bultaoreuneun yuhok
Lip, sseun dogirado I’m Romeo geudael jikineun gisado
yuribyeonge gachin sarangeun ppalgan sinho

Yoona didn’t like the look of enthusiasm in Yuri’s face…

Cough* that * Coughs…

Everyone turns toward the coughing Yoona… “Oh I’m sorry I think something was caught in my throat.”

“Like you can rap, Yoona…”

“Maybe… I just don’t want to brag…”

“Yoona… I think you and Yuri need to lay off on the y time cause her ness is starting to rub on you”

“Hey… ignore them, baby…” Yuri cuddles on Yoona’s arm, leaving Minho to wonder what is the relationship between the two.

“Oh really Yoona? Why don’t you show it to us?”

“Ummm... ahhh… I don’t know” Now Yoona felt stuck in the bind “I… I’m shy…”

“You weren’t so shy when you and Yuri were doing stuff…” Sooyoung looks at her y roommate…


“What? I overheard it… it’s not like I was trying to listen to them doing it.”

“You should be in jail for that confession… Now c’mon Yoona… show us what you got.” Sooyoung stands up and starts clicking her glass. “Hello everyone.”

Nobody cared and kept eating.

“I’m Sooyoung.”

Nobody gives a crap and focus on their food.

“I’m here to introduce Im Yoona who’s going to perform for us tonight.”

Everyone froze. Stop eating. And Turns towards the stage.

“W-wait… what?” Yoona says worriedly, this isn’t what she plan on doing tonight…

“Oh c’mon Yoona, look at all this people coming in to see you?”



“Go get them… baby…” Yuri stands up clapping proudly…

“But I don’t want too…”


“Listen to the people cheering…”

“I don’t know what to perform…”

“Don’t worry… cause 2en Kara Fx… whatever our name is generation is here to back you up.”

Oh crap. How come that didn’t make Yoona feel any better at all?

“I don’t want to do it unnie...” Seohyun whimpers…

“Yes you do…” Sooyoung pushes Seohyun to the stage…

“Yoona. YOONA. YOONA!” The people chants demanding Yoona.

“She’s coming… geez people, it’s like you never saw a girl before…”


“All you need to do Yoona is stand up and look pretty and people are going to cheer for you.”


Sooyoung almost fell off the stage as she sees her mom and her little sister who’s still glued to her phone storming towards them.

“What are you doing here? Why are you trying to come between Minho and Yuri’s date?”

“Mom… I’m sorry but truth is, Minyul isn’t going to happen…”


Yuri takes a deep breath… “Sooyoung is right auntie, truth is… I’m with someone right now…”


“Really who?”

“Ummm… I’m with Yoona.”


“I’ll make you straight Yoona…” someone from the restaurant shouts…

“Hey” Yuri growls putting Yoona behind her “Back off she’s mine!”

Sooyoung’s mom looks like she’s about to have a heart attack… The whole Choi family was left stammering except for Sooyoung who was eating her bulgogi… Sooyoung’s mom couldn’t believe it, she already had the wedding date and place set for MinYul’s wedding.

That felt like a slap in the face for Minho, all his life he had liked Yuri and just when he thought he was so close to winning her heart. He just lost her to someone, to a girl to make it worse.


“Wait… so that means you’re… ummm… gay?”


“Wait…” Sooyoung’s mom pulls the bulgogi off Sooyoung’s mouth. “If you’re gay then why don’t you and Sooyoung start dating?”

Sooyoung almost choke “Mom please…”

“Why not?! Yuri is really pretty sweetheart… and she got an amazing S line.”

“Auntie…” Yuri waves her hand “I love Sooyoung but-“

“YOU LOVE SOOYOUNG?! Then, that is all there is to it…”

“No, I meant… geez… what’s the point?” Yuri curls up in a ball…

“Mom… are you serious?”

“YES I AM! Yuri have to be a part of our family.”

“Well, she is mom, Yuri is practically a sister to me…”

“Yul, if you don’t find Sooyoung attractive, how about my Sulli? She’s prettier than Sooyoung…”

“Mom… does the word embarrassing mean something to you?”

“Or Seohyun? She’s my niece… It’s better than nothing…”

“Ummm… I don’t mind.” Seohyun says meekly…

Yoona gasps “Seo!!!!”

"Well… if this is going to happen then give me that shirt back…”


“The shirt. Take it off and give it to me… there is no sense wearing it if it’s not real.”

“B-but I don’t have another shirt.” Yuri pleaded.

“That’s not really my problem…”


“I feel so .” Yuri embarrassingly admits as she was shirtless underneath Yoona’s jacket. Yoona pulls Yuri to sit beside her in their lakeside.

“That’s because you are baby… and guess what?” Yoona leans closer to Yuri’s ear “I like my girl .”

“Acccckkkk…. Nosebleed” Yuri jokingly shrieks pulling Yoona closer for a tight hug and a big kiss. Yoona groans cutely and staggers towards Yuri, falling into the girl’s arms before they started laughing… Yuri kisses Yoona in the hair and just pulls Yoona closely…

“I knew we have like a long list of horrible dates, but I think tonight just tops it.”

“Hey… never say never babe, knowing us… it probably won't… and as long as Soo and Hyo are on this Earth, they’re going to ruin it every single date that we have.”

Yoona then buries her face in Yuri’s neck. “I wish I could give that to you, Yul”

“Give what?”

“Just like Sooyoung unnie’s mom that my parents being happy with this, with us… But… I don’t think they will.”

“I know…”

“What are we going to do?”

Yuri could tell Yoona she’s willing to fight for her but a part of her wants Yoona to say it first that she’s willing to fight for her too… “I…I don’t know…”

“It’s just that I know I hurt you way too many times and I wish I could tell you that it won’t happen again, but I feel like… I’m going to hurt you again and I don’t want to Yul, I don’t want to make you cry again.”

Yuri presses a long, sweet kiss on Yoona’s lips, trying to kiss away Yoona’s fears and worries knowing that no words could ever reassure Yoona now.


Yuri pulls away and lays her lips on Yoona’s hair “Told you they ruin everything.” she says making Yoona giggle…

“We just want you to be the first people to know… that Hey we finally have an alias for Seo for our band…”

“Oh… your band still exist?”

“Of course… it’ll take some time but I’m telling you, Yul… We’ll make SNSD shake in fear when they hear our name.”

“Or shake in laughter” Yuri mutters under her breath.

“What you say?” Sooyoung snarls…

“Nothing… so go on…”

“Well… you know how G-dragon is like a great rapper and all…”

“Yup… pretty awesome that guy.”

“So, we're naming Seo as an honor to him. So, everyone let’s welcome…"



Yoona and Yuri coughs, and just when they thought that Hyoyeon is beyond ridiculous the girl just adds to her list.

“Like G dragon then Rap for rapping…”

“But Wait… G-rap? It sounds like an animal…”

“and Seohyun is pretty tall so it kinda match…”

"Yup, there is nothing more intimidating than an animal who has a long neck and eat leaves." Yuri added...

“I know..." Sooyoung didn't get Yuri's sarcasm "G-Dragon watch out cause the G-Rap is going to take over Korea’s hip hop scene.”

Yoona pouts at her poor bestfriend being harassed again. And poor G-rap sniffling in embarrassment.


“Anyone sitting here?”

Krystal looks up and sees a tall, good looking guy smiling and who was she to say no to that? “No.”



The two laughs as they talk at the same time.

“ladies first…”

“Ummm… do you go here?”

“Oh no… I’m visiting my sister and ahhhh…" Minho could only sigh as he thinks of Yuri "someone… how about you?”

“Same here… I’m trying to hide from my sister’s girlfriend.”

Sister’s girlfriend? Oh, it’s like everyone is gay nowadays… “Oh ok…”

“I like her but I need to know how far she’s going to go for my sister.”

“How did she do?”

“She’s getting my vote. Well, I think I’m going to go now before she calls the police on me.”

“Oh nice talking with you…”

“You too… bye…”


After Krystal takes a few steps. The guy finally runs over to her.

“I’m sorry, I’m Minho” Offering to shake Krystal’s hand.


And the two smiled, though the two came to visit people they know, it’s the friends that they just made that seem to be the one that made the lasting impression…


Sunny shakes her head as she sees Taeyeon putting up posters of missing Krystal in every place she could stick it in.

“Ever heard of facebook, Taeng?”

“Ever heard of Jessica, Sunny?” Taeyeon growls at her uncooperative bestfriend. “She has facebook, if she sees my page with her sister’s face on it, how do you think she’ll react?!”

Tiffany’s phone beep.


“Ummm… hi unnie is the midget there?”

Krystal and Jessica are definitely sisters.

“Taeng, it’s for you?”

“I can’t… I’m busy right now… tell whoever it is to leave a message” She says while putting up another poster.

“You need to talk to her.”

“Fine. Hello?”

“Hey you shrimp”


“Back in my sister’s room…”


“So, if I were you, I’m going to start ripping off those missing person’s poster before my sister sees it.”

“Why you-“ Taeyeon growls but before she could b!tch out, Krystal cut her to it.

“And oh yeah, shrimp…”


“I think I like Taengsic now.”


Yuri jokingly tails Yoona to her room before Hyoyoung pulls the girl away.

“Oh no you don’t!”

“WAAAAHHHH… YOOONAAAA” Yuri reaches out for Yoona…

“Oh c’mon come bond with us too.”

“Yeah we have cookies.”

“Cookies?” Yuri’s eyes lighten up excitedly…

Yoona shakes her head, Yuri might look like some hot girl, but she’s really just a little kid who gets amuse at the simplest things.

“Ok… go have fun with unnie, baby.” Yoona kisses Yuri on the lips.

“Ok, good night…” Yuri kisses back.

“Oh c’mon… how many times do you need to kiss good night?!”

“Yeah just make out and get it over with!”

Yoona laughs and pinches Yuri’s cheeks. “good night…” Then, she pulls Yuri and whispers something before planting a soft kiss on her cheek and going back to her room.

While Yuri remains stuck there in their kiss, missing Yoona already…

“Cmon dude… those cookies are waiting.”

And as Sooyoung and Hyo drags Yuri to their room, Yoona’s words still remain in Yuri’s head…

I’m going to fight for us, baby…



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!