Perhaps Love


Seohyun and Hara were friends but that’s all they’re going to be. Though the two are together almost all throughout their lives, the truth is they never really got along. They never have late night talks on the phone or hangout by themselves. If it wasn’t for Yoona, the two would remain strangers.

So, when Yoona went to answer her parents’ phonecall, the two were left in awkward silence. And Hara got to the point where she wanted to scratch Seohyun’s judgmental eyes off.

“What? Seo? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Why are you doing this, Hara?”

“Doing what?”

“Going out with Yuri unnie when you perfectly know how much she means to Yoona.”

Hara sits back, unsure of the new Seohyun that was right in front of her.

“Geez Seo… Would you relax? It’s just a stupid high school crush, she got over it.”

“No Hara, you’re wrong. You saw the way she reacted when you told her you’re hanging out with unnie. Yoona never got over it. What do you think is the reason why Yoona rejected every admirer she had in high school? Or why she chose to go to this university? It’s not coincidence, Hara. Deep down inside, Yoona still wish that she and Yuri unnie would be together.”

“Gosh Seo! Wake up from your damn fairy tale. Do you think they would make it if they ever got together in high school?”

Hara got closer in Seohyun’s face but strangely, Seohyun remains in her stand.

“They wouldn’t Seo, Yoona is way too good for Yuri. No one would want Im Yoona, the school Goddess to just be with a nobody like Yuri. And people would do everything to tear them apart. I did my bestfriend a favor, save them all the pain and hurt that everyone is going to throw their way.”

Seohyun scoffs…

“What’s so funny?”

“Here I was thinking that you know Yoona well… I guess you don’t. Cause since when did Im Yoona ever let other people unfazed her?”

This time it was Seohyun who took an intimidating step towards Hara.

“You broke Yoona’s heart once. But it won’t happen again. I won’t let you break my bestfriend’s heart again.”

Hara never knew that meek Seohyun have it in her…

“Hi… Did I miss anything?”

The two girls sat back on their chairs, tension brewing between them.

“No, just Seohyun’s typical uptight self.”

Yoona just chuckles and joins the two…

“So, where were we?”


“Wow… Taengoo… When you mention going to grab lunch, I didn’t know you will bring me to La Madeleine.”

“Of course, only the best for you, Pany-yah…”

“Isn’t it like too pricey in here?” Tiffany whispers…

“Pricey?” Taeyeon snorts “Of course not” It’s worth half of my tuition fee but who’s counting?

What the?

These two stumbling dorks that coming towards them seems familiar… too familiar…

“Hyo? Soo?”

“Taengoo! You little player you!!!”


“OMO… even the chairs feel so different here… feel it Soo…”

“Oh Gosh… you are right Hyo… it’s like sitting on a cloud.”

Hyo scoffs “Oh… you sat on a cloud before?”

“It’s an idiotic expression.” Sooyoung growls

“You mean IDIOMATIC expression?” Taeyeon corrects her… “Ummm… what are you two doing here?” Taeyeon tries to sound as polite as she could…

“Well, we were walking around when we spot you going inside this place and I was like, Taeyeon wouldn’t go spend her whole month’s allowance on one meal and Sooyoung was like yup, Taeyeon is a cheap@ss, so we came in to make sure and who did we see? our buddy Taeyeon… splurging like a player.”

Taeyeon growls at the two…

“Well, I’m so glad you two could join us” Tiffany smiles sweetly…

How could someone’s smile just make all her anger go away?

A balding waiter with a fake French tip mustache narrows his eyes at the sight of the rambunctious group.


The dorks almost burst out in laughter at the sound of his fake French accent…

“I’m your waiter Jacques, our special is grilled Halibut with coconut curry sauce and grilled cherry tomato chutney…”

Sooyoung raise her brow before nodding knowingly… She slowly leans over Taeyeon and whispers… “What the hell is a halibut?”

“It’s a kind of fish.”

“Geez… what’s wrong with these rich people? Making things complicated, why can’t they just call it a fish?”

Taeyeon groans… This is going to be the worst date, if she could call it that ever…

"So, what can I get you ladies to drink?”

“Ice tea please.” Tiffany says politely…

Taeyeon eyes widen at the price of the drinks. She gulps at the price of the drinks. The waiter rolls his eyes at her reaction.

“Our water comes from springs of the Fuji Mountains.” He says in an almost degrading tone.

Taeyeon glares back at the waiter… Unless the water could give her super powers she is not going to pay this ridiculous price for a bland drink.

“Water from the faucet is good enough for me and these two…thanks.”

The waiter huffs before going away…

“Dude! How come Tiffany gets ice tea and we get water?”

“Not just water… tap water” Soo huffs angrily…

“Soo, let me tell you something…” Taeyeon looks like she is ready to school the girl about life. “When you are in the middle of the desert, dying of thirst… is it really going to matter if you drink water from the springs of Fuji? No… unless that water will magically transport me back home, I don’t care if I drink water from the faucet… water is water…”

Hyoyeon groans… “Cheap .” she mutters to herself

Yoona did everything to get herself distracted that afternoon. She tries to take a nap but she dreamt of Kwon Yuri, she tries to listen to music but it reminded her of Kwon Yuri, she watches a girls generation music video but one of the girls look like Kwon Yuri.

“You ok, Yoong?”

Yoona got out of her sad state and groans…

“I don’t know, Seo… I think I’m coming down with something.” she sighs heavily…

“Oh ok… it has nothing to do with Hara going out with Yuri unnie, right?”

Yoona groans underneath her blanket, Seohyun pulls the blanket away and Yoona groans louder, curling herself into a ball.

“Leave me alone, Seo…” Yoona mutters…

“So, what are you going to do about it, Yoong?”

Yoona looks surprisingly at Seohyun.

“Are you just going to let somebody take what was rightfully yours?”


WTF? Why on Earth are these two eating like it’s a freaking buffet?

“This Halibut is amajing.”

“One more… JAX!!!”

The French waiter groans and walks away…

“I got to go… pee.”

The three just ignores Taeyeon rushing into the bathroom.


Inside the cubicle…

“You got to be kidding me!”

Isn’t it funny how everything seems to be inside your bag except the one thing you needed?

Pen.lip gloss. Receipts. Bubble gum. Candy wrappers. Tissue paper. Comb.

But where the hell is my credit card?


“What do you mean you can’t find it?!” Taeyeon practically screams at Sunny on the other line.

“I can’t find it.” Sunny says back, not really giving an effort of finding Taeyeon’s wallet in their dorm room as she was busy playing her DSi while munching on chips.

Taeyeon growls… “Well, can you just come here and let me borrow some money?”

“Oh hell no… we have been bestfriends since we're 5 but you never for once even buy me anything… Serves you right for bringing Tiffany to a restaurant where you couldn’t afford…”


Taeyeon presses the end call button so hard, her screen almost broke.

God… Can you hear me? it’s me Kim Taeyeon…

“It’s amazing really…”

Taeyeon’s ears perked up to the sound of the voice, perfect English, that familiar so cal accent, and that blonde… wait… since when did Shika dyed her hair?

Taeyeon sneaks closer and sees Sica laughing and having a great time with a tall, dastardly handsome guy.

“Hmmp… I didn’t even know Shika knows how to laugh…Wait… Taec? I thought he’s with Yoona?”

Taeyeon peeks in from the plants… Geez… that Taec just goes through girls like a freaking grocery list.

“Excusez moi…”

“Oh what?” Taeyeon turns around and see waiter with horrible French accent glaring at her. It must look bad that she’s on the floor, watching Shika and Taec through the plants.

“Is there a problem, miss?”

“What? Why would you think that?” Taeyeon laughs awkwardly and the waiter scoffs arrogantly. He was about to walk away from the silly midget, when Taeyeon speaks up. “Ummm… I have a question, like somebody asks, but it’s totally not me by the way… hehe… This person, who is not me… was just wondering like what would happen if someone can’t pay the bill? What do you guys usually do?”

“Well, tell that SOMEBODY who is NOT YOU that we call the cops and LOCK THEM UP until they pay up.”

Taeyeon gulps… “Can you just let me, I mean that person… wash dishes or something?”


Taecyeon thought he and Sica were having a great time, when out of nowhere, Sica just suddenly huffs out a frustrated groan.

“You ok, Jess?”

“Do you ever get that feeling, Taec? Where you promise yourself that you won’t care anymore? But the moment you see them in deep sh!t, you still jump in to save them, even if you know that there is no chance in hell you’ll ever get something in return?”

Taec thinks before shaking his head. “No… not really.”

Jessica scoffs… “You’re lucky… Cause it’s a y feeling…”


Hara have never felt so proud as she was right now. She knew she was pretty but Yuri is simply stunning, everyone who walks pass their table would always cast a look of envy at her.

“I can’t believe how much you change, Unnie.”

“People change, Hara.”

“How about what people feel? Do feelings change too?”

Yuri watches Hara quietly before shrugging and going back to the menu.

“It’s up to the person, they could choose to move on or stay and keep on hurting themselves.”

“How about you?”

Yuri smiles “Nothing change. I still love her and I’ll always will.”

“Yoona and you are so alike.“


“Yeah, how you said that your feelings for Yoona stayed the same?”

“Yeah… what about it?”

“Yoona’s feelings for you stayed the same too.”

Hara says each word carefully, making sure that Yuri completely understands what she was talking about.

“You’re always going to be dumbYul to her…”

Yuri looks back at her, the pained look in Yuri’s eyes remains the same as it was 4 years ago.

“She was like this school must have no standard for letting someone as dumb as you in.”

Yuri chuckles, surprising Hara.

“Yeah… Here I am still crazy in love with the only person who keeps on breaking my heart. And I’ll love your bestfriend forever, Hara, even if she never loves me back, even if she gets married and have kids, I’ll still love her. So, yeah, I guess Yoona is right… I am dumb…”

Hara leans back on her chair…

“Yup… you are dumb.”


Yuri and Hara jumps up as they saw a very angry Eunjung…

Hara roll her eyes… “Oh Gosh… that psycho bish go to this school too?”

“Eunjung… relax… I’m just talking to her.”

“Yuri… why do you do this?! Don’t you love me anymore?”

I never really love you… Yuri wanted to say but she wouldn’t want to add fuel to Eunjung’s wild fire.

“How about if I do that dance you love so much?” Eunjung pouts cutely…

“What now?”

Yuri’s cute eyes only widen for two things, when Yoona is around and when people shake their butts.

Bo peep. Bo peep. Bo peep. Bo peep.

Yuri’s eyes almost pop out of their sockets as she watches Eunjung shake her bottom in front of her. Yuri always wonders why she went out with Eunjung now she knows why…

Hara grits her teeth angrily as Yuri’s full attention was diverted in that crazy girl’s .

“What the?!”

Eunjung stumbles as Hara shoves her out of the way and starts dancing in front of Yuri.

How could somebody so skinny have that much in them?

“Oh my God… Taengoo… would be so jealous of me right now.” ByunYul chuckles happily…

Where the hell is that byunTaeng anyway?



At a very expensive restaurant that Taeyeon could never afford… The poor girl’s hand trembles as if a bomb is about to explode the moment she opens the bill.

Her eyes widen at the price…

“What the?”

0.82 cents

“Oh… hey…hey…”

Taeyeon calls out the waiter…

“I think this is a mistake…”

The waiter raises his waxed brows.

“It’s 82 cents? What are you complaining about?”

“Our table ordered every meal in this place. How could it be just 82 cents?”

The waiter snorts…

“Just be thankful that someone doesn’t want you to be locked up.”


Soon, every person in soshi café was enjoying the dance battle between the two hotties.

Sowoneul malhaebwa

Everyone turns to the stage at the sight of the most gorgeous thing that ever walk this Earth. Yuri shoves the two bickering girls in front of her and went up front the stage, drooling along with everyone in that café as Yoona in those heavenly short shorts sings Genie.

People could be divided into three categories, s . and Legs. Yuri have always been a girl; but the sight of those long legs that seems to go on forever made Yuri quickly convert into a legs girl.

Hara’s face scrunches in confusion as she watches Yuri just simply slip away from her the moment Yoona appears. But she should be used to it, people have been doing that since high school. Goo Hara or anyone for that matter doesn’t exist the moment Im Yoona walks in.

She could still remember Nicole’s rejection letter to her.

Sorry Hara, I just hangout with you to get close to Yoona.

Hara could just laugh at her pathetic past and looks at Yuri just staring madly at Yoona.

“Well, at least one of us gets a happy ending. Yoona?”

Yoona looks straight into Hara's eyes and for once Hara shuddered as Yoona takes a step closer and whispers.

"Take every girl or guy in this world, but Kwon Yuri belongs to me."


Yoona and Yuri finally manage to sneak out of the café and walk quietly back to their dorm. When they were nearing the lover’s bridge, Yuri stops…

“You know the difference between real life and movies?”

Yuri comes up with the most random topics.

“Movies have happy endings?”

“Well… that and movies have background music.”

Yuri takes out her Iphone and Yoona looks surprisingly as music starts playing and Yuri place her Iphone on the railing.

“Oh gosh… you’re corny.”

“What? I like princess hours…” Yuri frowns cutely but quickly smiles when she sees the mischievous smile playing in Yoona’s lips. “I like to think that even if I’m an ordinary girl, I could get my fairy tale ending too…”

Yuri smiles sweetly and from that moment on, Yoona realizes that she would do anything to make Yuri’s happy ending come true.

eonjeyeossdeon geonji, gieoknajin manha
jakkoo nae meoriga, neoro eojireopdeon sijak

Yoong clapping laughter echoes as she listens to Yuri sings. The girl wasn’t a bad singer, in fact her husky voice actually sound quite pleasing.

Yuri intertwines her fingers with Yoona’s and pulls the girl closer to her for a close embrace.

“We're in public.”

Yoona should have been more assertive when she said that. She should really fight it but instead she let her heart win this time. She wraps her arms around Yuri’s shoulder as Yuri wraps her arms around Yoona’s slim waist.

And under the stars, the two silently confess their feelings for each other.


Yoona smiles as Yuri’s breath tickles her neck.


Yuri coaxed Yoona to look at her. Yoona could see it in Yuri’s eyes what she wanted to happen and truth is, Yoona wanted it too. Her first kiss with her first and only love.

Yoona’s heart was about to burst out her chest with how hard it was beating, she didn’t know Yuri’s heart was beating like crazy too… Yuri had kissed many girls but here was the one she has dreamed of kissing since she was 14. But it wasn’t a dream now… Yuri could finally kiss her dream girl, how many people can say that? That they get to kiss their dream girl?

Yoona closes her eyes as Yuri leans closer… When…

What the?


And Yuri watches in horror as her Iphone took a plunge into the deep, cold manmade river.

“You really knew how to kill the mood, huh, Kwon Yuri?”


Happy fasting to all moslem readers :))

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!