To All The Girls That Yul Love Before





“Omo baby!” Yoona jumps back in fright as she sees Yuri’s blood shot eyes… “What happen?”

“I ahhhh…” Yuri didn’t really know how to tell Yoona her embarrassing moment, but figuring that they’re going to get married, why not reveal the ultimate fail she is now? “I ahhh… accidentally spray my eyes with body spray”

And just when she thought her Yuri couldn’t get more embarrassing, she does something surprising…“Oh”

“Yeah… keke… well, now your girlfriend has nice smelling eyes” Yuri smiles…

Even if Yuri’s eyes were blood shot from the body spray, Yoona couldn’t help but smile at Yuri’s adorkableness. She leans close and kisses Yuri’s left eye then right.




“I think my lips are hurting” Yuri frowns like a toddler while pointing at her supposed-to-be-hurting lips. “Make it feel better” Yuri puckers her lip to get it healed by Yoona’s kiss but Yoona wasn’t falling for it.

“Don’t push it” Yoona shoves Yuri’s face away… Not that Yoona didn’t want to kiss Yuri, but she’s scared that if they kiss, they could end up skipping class again like the last time.

“If she won’t do it, I’ll do it…”


She was still as beautiful as Yoona remember… And yeah she still hate her as far as she could remember

“Hi Yul…” Gyuri basically teleported between Yoonyul much to Yoona’s dismay, and the next thing Yoona knows, Gyuri was already sticking like a leech to her girl.

“AACCCKKK” Yuri quickly pushes Gyuri away when she sees the smoke coming out of Yoona’s ears and nose, and for a girl who got steam coming out of her nose, Yuri still thinks that Yoona is supah adorable.

“Oh I’m sorry” And from that devious smile in Gyuri’s face, she doesn’t look sorry at all. “I didn’t see you there, Joyeon”

How could somebody mistake a name like Yoona for Joyeon? Nobody knows but it’s enough to piss the crap out of Yoona.

“So, ummm… what you doing here, Gyul…” Yuri then sees Yoona gritting her teeth… “ri… Gyu…ri…keke”

God save me…

“Well… can’t I surprise my BFF?” Gyuri pouts cutely…

“Sooyoung unnie is Yuri’s bestfriend.” Yoona corrected her.

“Oh… haha… not that kind of BFF, cause I’m sure Sooyoung don’t do Yuri the way I do…”

ACK!!! Yuri jumps up as Gyuri gives a pinchy pinch on her bottom.

Yuri is in the brink of tears and she was looking forward to her first valentines with Yoona. By the looks of it, she might spend it inside a coffin, when Yoona murders her for what Gyuri is doing now.


“Have a great day…”

Jessica politely hugs her castmate for her school drama when a very annoyed looking midget storms towards them.

“Hands off her!”

Handsome Mooyeol looks strangely at the angry high school girl glaring at him.

“Awww… you’re cute. Just a few more years and maybe you and your Jessica unnie could be college together”. He ruffles Taeyeons golden hair before the girl swats his hand off.

“What you think of me a puppy? And she’s not my unnie, she’s my… my girl”

“Oh really?” Mooyeol says in disbelief… “Well maybe I should leave you two lovers alone.”

“That’s right!” Taeyeon shouts at him “Walk away. Don’t think cause you’re tall that I can’t beat you up”

Jessica just rolls her eyes.

“I have a stiletto and I’m not afraid to use it.” Taeyeon screams back.

“Taeyeon be quiet” Jessica snaps at her.

“No!” Taeyeon snaps back.

“What did you say?”

“N-nothing” Taeyeon mumbled “I’mmadatyou”

“You say something?”



Hyoyeon, Soo and Seo just stares at the couple, obviously fighting as Yoona stabs her meat with the fork. The girls look up at Yuri in pity, shaking their heads. Sooyoung points at Yuri, then make a cutting motion on her neck… mouthing to Yuri that she’s dead.

Yoona turns at them and the three girls quickly stares back at their food. Afraid of Yoona’s wrath…


“I’m holding a fork, I don’t think you should talk to me right now.”

“But you love me, could you hurt the one you love?”

“Wanna bet?” Yoona growls

And all the girls back off as they see the anger in Yoona’s face.

“N-no…” Yuri whimpers…

Yoona tries to politely excuse herself but ends up just walking away, trying to avoid Yuri right now. But Yuri still tails behind Yoona like the puppyyul that she is.

“Why are you so mad?”

“Ok… I’m going to explain this to you… You get mad whenever you hear people saying I’m like their ideal girl and stuff like that. So how do you think I feel when I hear this story about you being with somebody else?”

“But we weren’t dating yet…” Yuri defended herself.

“That doesn’t make me feel any better, Yul.” Yoona weakly confess.

Yuri hated that she’s making Yoona feel this way but what can she do?

“Well, now that were here, let’s just hear it… how many people have you been with?”

“Ahhhh…. Ummmm… just Gyuri?!”


Yuri whimpers and holds out two fingers “Just two?”

“Are you trying to make me commit murder?”

“F-fine… three” Yuri holds out three shaky fingers.

“Let me go find something hard, so I could just beat the truth out of-“

“EIGHT!!!!” Yuri squeals out.

“Eight? That’s like a freaking girlband Yul”

“Well, that doesn’t include you, so it’s nine… It’s like I slept with the whole girls generation…” Yuri laughs nervously.

But Yoona wasn’t amuse at all.

“Go to hell”

“If I go would you forgive me when I come back?”

Yuri jumps as Yoona slams the door behind her.


“WAAAAHHHH” Yuri cries out as she wraps her arms around her aquarium. “I’m fighting again with the woman I love! Yoona…” Yuri cries out to her fish “I wish my wife will be like you”

Tiffany shakes her head at the hopeless girl and went back to her notes. Yoonafish moves closer to the glass, pressing her head to the glass as if she’s trying to kiss her master, while Yulfish is swimming behind Yoonafish, checking out Yoonafish’s orange tail.

“Help me, Fany… what do I do?”

“Just like you always do. Just give her some space and then when she’s a bit calmer, just go over and apologize.”

“So easy to say…” Yuri pouts…

“Hey relationships are hard. But Yoona is worth it, right?”

Yuri nods.

“So, tell me how many people did you slept with?”

“Ummm… around 8?”

“8? Do you ever talk to them?”

“No. I hide when I see them.” Yuri shivers at the thought of those crazy girls.

“Well… there you go” Tiffany smiles back “While Yoona is trying to cool off, why don’t you try to put some closure to that.”


Yuri brought Soo and Hyo with her just in case, one of these crazy girls murder her. At least she has a witness…

Girl 1

The moment she sees Kwon Yuri’s face she slams the door at her.

“That wasn’t so bad…”

Yuri, Soo and Hyo just shrugs until the door swings open.


“I ahhh… yeah, I came back because I needed to say I’m sorry.”


The three girls look surprise as the girl turned into the hulk.

“You are a user Kwon Yuri!”

“Ahhh- ahhh that’s why I’m here to apologize…” Yuri gives Hyo and Soo her help me before she kills me look.

“I FORGIVE YOU! BECAUSE I LOVE YOU MADLY!!!!” The girl hugs Yuri again…

“You’re choking me…” Yuri tries to breathe out.

“That’s the purpose!”

The three girls stare at each other in fear.

Girl 2

Before Yuri could knock, the girl pulls Yuri to her room.

“Wae? WHAT?! SOOYOUNG!!! HYO!!!”

Yuri screams out for help when the girl slams the door behind them.


Sooyoung and Hyoyeon hugs each other in fear of what could happen to their bestfriend.

Girl 3


“Yuri?” The girl crosses her arm at the sight of Yuri. “What are you doing here?”

“Ummm… I’m here to apologize for what have happened between us…”

“Babe who is it?”

The three girls jaw drop when they saw the girl who wraps her arm around Eunjung’s waist.

“Wait Yuri’s biggest fan and Yoona’s biggest fan together?”

“It’s like months ago, you two were wrestling about your fangirls, now you two are together?”

“We settled our differences.”

“Yup. So, Kwon Yul if you don’t have anything to say, could you go cause me and lovergirl has things to do…”



Girl 4

“Hi…” Girl 4 smiles sweetly as she sees the three girls by her door.

The three girls sighs in relief as girl four seem to be the most normal among them.

“You three look tired, you want to come in?”


Now why was Yuri scared of this petite cute girl?


Yuri’s eyes widen as every inch of the girl’s wall was covered with Yuri’s picture. Yuri gulps as she sees chain and shackles at the girl 4’s bed.

Oh… this was why.

Girl 5 got pregnant…

Girl 6 joins the military…

And girl 7 is in prison…


Girl 8

So, what do you want to meet with me with Yul?

Yuri shifted uncomfortably in her seat, as Gyuri drill her with those Goddess eyes.

“Why am I still making you blush, Yul? If your relationship is really strong with your girlfriend…”

“Yoona is going to be my wife” Yuri corrected her.

But Gyuri remains unaffected “Oh don’t we all say that, when were so young and so in love and so stupid? But in 3 years Yul or ok… maybe even 2? Do you think you would still be together?”

“I know we will be.”

“I’m not so sure about that…”

“What are you talking about?”

“I kinda don’t feel that vibe with her… that you know, that’s she’s like… well… you”

“You mean gay?”

“You said that… and yeah, I don’t think she is… I think she just fell for you right now because let’s all admit it, who can resist the romantic Kwon Yuri? She’s not even twenty… she is still young, she just haven’t found the right GUY yet”

Right Guy?

“I may not have a lot, but I love Yoona with everything I got” Yuri says through her clench teeth.

“No matter how much you love her, or give her the whole world, at the end of the day, Yuri… You are still a girl and that’s one thing that you can never give her. You can never be the man inside that shining armor, all you’ll ever be Yuri, is just another damsel in distress. And we all know Yuri, that one point in our life, we want our knight in shining armor to rescue us. And maybe, Yoona just haven’t met hers yet.”

Gyuri smiles knowing she still know the right words to twist around Yuri’s heart.

"So, if I were you, I’ll get ready for the heartache… Cause it won’t be fun…”


“Why are we serenading Yoona, again?”

“Just eat your chips, Soo” Yuri didn’t pay much attention to her bestfriend and continues putting up stuff.

“But seriously dude, why are you even listening to Gyuri, she’s psycho”

“Well… that psycho got a point!” Yuri looks up from her IPOD “I need to do this so I could prove to Yoona and to the whole world, that she don’t need a man. That I could give everything to her.”

“Oh well…” Hyoyeon and Sooyoung shrugs.

Ahem. Ahem…

“This is for the most beautiful girl in the whole world, to the owner of my heart… Thr amazing girl in the second floor. This one is for you my baby girl! Cause you’re the only girl I need.”


Tiffany jumps off her seat as Shika slams her door open.

“GIRL! Get off your ” Shika drags Tiffany up to the window. “Someone is serenading you!”

Tiffany opens her window and the girls turn their head at each other.


If this was another fic, Tiffany would be spazzing right now…

Sunny and Taeyeon quickly walks in the room…

Taeyeon and Jessica growls at they look at each other.

“HMMP!” Jessica hmmmps loudly.

“HMMP!” Taeyeon hmmmp back…

“HMMMP” Jessica responds.

“HMMMP!” Taeyeon is not going to lose this Hmmp-ing game.

“HMMMP!” Jessica is at it again…


“Hey!” Shika snaps back at blondie “Don’t you talk like that to Taeyeon.”

Jessica Jung strikes fear everywhere she goes. Even with evil Sunny.

Taeyeon sticks her tongue out at Sunny and Sunny just growls before saying…


“Wait… this must be a mistake… let me call-“ Tiffany takes out her phone but Sunny holds Tiffany’s hand down.

“Don’t. Let Yuri figure it out for herself…”

Sunny smiles her evil smile.


The whole dorm was wide awake as there in the lawn was Yuri in all her iness dancing and singing to Taeyang’s I need a girl.

And oh yeah… Sooyoung and Hyo are with her too…

And if Yuri’s fluid and sensual dancing wasn’t enough, she starts ping her jacket. She was ready to bring in the big guns, her secret weapon…

World be prepare to be amaze by…

Kwon Yuri’s y abs…


Kwon Yuri’s abs turning girls lesbo one fangirl at a time.


“Wait… crazy fan girls… but where’s my Yoona?” Yuri wonders as she looks up at the dorm windows.

Vibrate. Vibrate (That’s how a vibrating phone sounds like)

“Hello Pany- Pany?”

“Yuwree, what are you doing? Are you seriously serenading me?”


Now the little information in Yuri’s head starts jumbling around. “Yoona…” Yuri could only say…

“Yuwree, I can’t believe this, you mistake our room for Yoona’s.”


“Yoona’s room is in on the opposite side of the building. You go to her room almost every night, you didn’t even notice?”

The last thing that Yuri does in Yoona’s bedroom was look out the window.

And those two people chuckling evilly behind her.

“YAH! You two knew that I was singing at the wrong room… why didn’t you two say something?!” Yuri growls at her suppose to be bestfriends.

“Sorry dude but truth is… it was just so… DAMN FUNNY”


“Some friends you are… now let’s go to the other side…” Yuri says while picking up her speakers and IPOD.

“That will be a x 2 increase on our talent fee.”

“I’m sorry… but I got a little confuse there, what talent?!”

“Hey We were singing in English, don’t you know how hard that is?!”

“Yeah, I have to do tongue exercises so that my R won’t sound like L!!!”

“Yeah right! Like that’s so hard to do…”

“Oh ho… Kwon Yuri, you think you know how to speak better English than us!”

Now Kwon Yuri has had it, it was time to annihilate these two haters with her amazing English…


“Omo! Call the embassy cause we just found the next ambassador for America!” Soo says in mock amazement.

“Laugh now, Choi Sooyoung but in the future when you see me in TV, the only one laughing would be me.”

“Well… make sure you put on a lot of BB cream cause I don’t think the lights are enough to make you pop out at night.”

“You would regret this day Choi Sooyoung! I would star in this drama, where I have went to the States to study to work in the fashion industry where I have to fight my way against discriminations. I got to work under a world-famous designer and tried to use my position as a way to the top but it wasn't easy."

Yuri turns intently to her two friends who have an are you kidding looking on their faces.

“My life is never easy…” Yuri added “and the name of the show will be… “


“Fashion queen”

“Yeah right” Hyo rolls her eyes “And I’ll be in Invincible Youth!” Hyoyeon says sarcastically… “DREAM ON KWON YUL!!!”


Yoona steps out of her class that day and was surprise when one girl hands her an envelope with something written on it.

Don’t open.

But Yoona never listens to anyone, especially a letter. She rips the top and couldn’t help but chuckle when she red the note.

I told u not to open.

One letter, turned into two as another girl hands her one.


Then four…


Until by the end of the day, as Yoona was walking back to her dorm, she was holding 8 letters.

“What are you up to now Kwon Yul?”

And Yoona doesn’t even have to wonder long enough… There walking towards her was her Kwon Yul holding a glue and a piece of paper.


Yuri stops Yoona with a kiss on the lips before laying her lips on her most favorite forehead.

“You got my notes?”

Yoona nods softly, turning her doe eyes towards Yuri. Yuri pulls Yoona to sit beside her on the grass. And Yoona watches as Yuri starts taking out pieces of red paper out of each envelope.

“People say that when you get intimate with one person, even if you didn’t mean it, you give a piece of your heart to them.”

Yoona continues to look as Yuri starts gluing the red paper together.

“And I admit that even if it’s just a little, each one of those girls had a piece of my heart. But they’re giving it back now, to the one it truly belongs to.”

Yuri then smiles at Yoona before showing her paper.

The red pieces of paper were glued together to form one heart and in the middle of the heart, Yuri’s promise was written.

KY + IY 4ever.

Yoona leans in to taste the promise from Yuri’s lips.

“They might have a piece of me, but you Im Yoona is the only one who I could give my whole heart to”

“Are you sure this isn’t for Fany- unnie?” Yoona teases and Yuri quickly balled up in embarrassment.

“Don’t mention that… Until now Fany can’t look at me without laughing.”

Yoona smiles while brushing the hair out of her girlfriend’s cheek. Yoona quickly sense a worry in Yuri as the girl just looks down on her sneakers, with her knees all pulled up to her chest.

Yoona scoots closer and whisper “What’s wrong, baby?”

“I ummm…” Yuri doesn’t know if she should say it, scared that it might start a fight. “Nothing.”

“Promise you I won’t be mad.”


Yoona nods and Yuri lays her head on Yoona’s lap.

“It’s Gyuri… ummm… she said that were just a mean time thing and that you just haven’t found your knight in shining armor.” Yuri quickly sits up and stares at her girlfriend’s doe eyes “I want to be your knight in shining armor.”

“Maybe Gyuri is right baby…”

Yoona couldn’t help but awww at how cute Yuri looks when she looks up to her with those worried puppy eyes.

“Maybe you’re not really my knight in shining armor” Yoona then press a soft kiss, a reassuring kiss on Yuri’s lips “Maybe you’re the princess that I’m supposed to rescue. Cause at the end of it all, Yuri, you’re still a girl. And I’ll be your knight…” Yoona kiss her Yuri on the forehead “Rescuing you” Another kiss on Yuri’s nose “protecting you” And then hovers teasingly on Yuri’s lips “And loving you like no other can.”

They lean their forehead against each other before they kiss again, this time all the worries and doubts have magically poof away with just one kiss, then two, then three…

Until Yoona, the knight in shining armor melts in the kiss of her damsel in distress Kwon Yuri.



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!