My 31 Days With You (YoonYul First Monthsary)




Sooyoung her lip and watches in anticipation. She felt like it’s teasing her as it slowly drops down knowing that all she wanted to do was devour every inch of it.

And finally it drop down on the vending machine, her Cheetos chips was done tempting her and was now ready to fulfill her. Sooyoung chuckles in triumph as images of her enjoying the cheesy goodness plays in her head.

And just when she’s about to pull her hand off, she realize that life wasn’t as easy as she thought it is.


And now half of Sooyoung’s arm is stuck inside the opening of the vending machine. She tries everything to pull her hand off, she yank, twist and pull only ended up making a fool out of herself. She tries to laugh it off as people watches her in surprise.

“Don’t mind me… I’m alright… just trying to get my snack.”

She keeps on yanking her arm but her arm won’t come off, she sighs heavily.

“You need help?”

Oh great of all people that could see her in her epic humiliation, why does it have to be campus heartthrob Yunho? The guy doesn’t even know she exist and now he’ll remember her as the girl who got her arm stuck in a vending machine.

“What? no I’m okay.”

Sooyoung shakes her head, hoping the dancing prince would just go away. But instead Yunho crouch in front of her and got his arm in to try to pull Sooyoung’s arm of.

“There you go.”

Sooyoung have never been so glad to see her arm until now and the fact that she has her Cheetos makes it a sight to see.

“Thank you.”

Sooyoung steps away but before Yunho could put his money on the vending machine. Sooyoung think it was her obligation to warn people of the machine.

“Be careful… it’s a really evil-“

But before Sooyoung could finish her sentence, Yunho was able to grab his Lay’s potato chips without any glitches.

“Thanks for the warning, Sooyoung.”

He walks away leaving a very confuse Sooyoung munching on her Cheetos.

“Wait? Did he just call me Sooyoung?”


Tiffany sighs happily at the taste of the ice tea trickling down . It was a sweet escape to be in Jessica’s spacious dorm room. The girl was loaded enough that her parents paid for a two bedroom dorm room and Jessica have it all to herself with a fridge and a mini bar (Yes… Jessica’s dorm room has a mini bar). As much as she loves Yuri like her own sister sometimes the kid just has a way of making her homicidal, especially if the girl is in one of her rapping mode.

“You got orange juice, Jess?”

“It’s in the fridge, duh.” Jessica shouted from the bathroom.

Tiffany searches the fridge but before her eyes saw on the orange juice, a familiar heart shape dark chocolate caught her attention.

“You got it?”

Tiffany quickly looks away before Jessica could suspect anything.

“Yeah… I did.”

Tiffany sighs heavily… This is what she was afraid of, to be in between two people who are clearly meant for each other. Jessica never ever opened about it but it was so obvious, those longing stares, those defensive mode whenever the midget is around and now this… the heart shape chocolate that Taeyeon gave them a couple of months ago is still there left untouched in Jessica’s fridge.

And Taeyeon, the girl was super cute and adorable but Tiffany never really sees her as more than a friend. Tiffany is a firm believer that some situations would turn out better if a person realizes it for themselves rather than someone telling them about it. And love no matter how touchy the subject is, is one of those things.

So, even if Tiffany never gives Taeyeon the idea that there would ever be a chance between them, she never tell Taeyeon anything since again, it would be much better for Taeyeon to realize that fact for herself.

I’m sorry about this Jess, but I got to do this…


Yoona growls from her bed as she pats her desk to shut her screaming phone.

“What Yul?”


Yoona groans and buries her head in her pillow.

“Go outside your room, I have a surprise for you.”

“Can I just get some sleep now and get the gift later?”

“Ummm… Well… c’mon Yoongbaby… just 15 minutes off your time.”

Yoona pounds her pillow in irritation and got up…


There in front of her door was a huge box with a note open me. Yoona scratches her head, what is Yul planning now? What on Earth was inside the box? Yoona gave up trying to find the answer and opens the cover.

Every sleeping bone in Yoona’s body woke up when Yuri pops out of the box. “ACCCCKKK YURI!!!”


“I should have just left you right there inside the box.” Yoona groans…

“Awww… my future wife is so sweet… Here.” Yuri hands Yoona a large manila envelope. Yoona opens it and was surprise to see a chest X ray.

“That’s my heart,” Yuri points to the large muscle on the middle of the x ray, “that’s where you are.”

Yoona couldn’t help but feel so guilty. Here was the girl making all this effort to make their monthsary special and she couldn’t even do something since she’s packed with tests, meetings, projects and practices.

“Yul, I’m sorry baby but-“

“I know. I know you’re so busy and all but it’s ok, how about dinner?”

And Yoona’s guilt doubled “Yul I have this meeting for my management class, I don’t know what time I could get out of it.”

“Oh” Yuri says in disappointment. “Well, maybe next time when you’re not busy.”

“Yeah next time,” Yoona smiles apologetically… “I’m so sorry…”

“It’s ok… no big deal.” It was really, Yuri had save a week of allowance just so she could take Yoona out to the most expensive restaurant that night, but Yoona doesn’t need to know that. “Well good night” Yuri picks up the huge box and gives Yoona a quick peck on the cheek before walking away.

And Yoona closes her eyes, Yuri always kisses her in the lips or her hair or forehead but never on the cheek. So, when Yuri kisses her in the cheek, Yoona knew that she hurt her girl worse than she thinks.



Taeyeon quickly slams the door on her face and Tiffany could hear shuffling and cursing and things getting thrown.

Taeyeon laughs awkwardly and opens the door “Sorry about that… come in, come in…” Tiffany could see the stack of clothes buried underneath the load of stuff. “That’s ahhh Sunny’s stuff… she’s a slob that Son-kyu. So, what brings you here to my crib? Not that I don’t like you coming cause I do.”

“I didn’t come here to talk.”


But before Taeyeon could ask any further, Tiffany crashes her lips on Taeyeon, leaving Taeyeon to muffle in surprise.
Taeyeon expected sparks, her foot popping out and maybe even a background music but the moment she felt Tiffany’s lips on her, it felt weird because instead of having an epic movie love story kiss. Her first kiss with Tiffany felt like nothing.


Sunny looks in surprise at her friends, Taeyeon looks like her mind is out else where, Yuri looks like a kicked puppy, even Sooyoung was whoah- not eating her food. Who are these people and what did they do to her bestfriends?

“So Yul?” Hyo speaks up, she seems like the only one who didn’t have a bad day. “What are you going to do with the dinner reservation you had?”

“IDK. Just buy a gift for Yoona I guess.”

“Yoona, Yoona, Yoona… always Yoona… Dude, let her chase you for awhile, that’s why it’s ok for her to just dump you on your monthsary night cause she knows like oh, Yuri, she’s so in love with me so it will be okay.” Taeyeon mocks in a singsong voice.

Her friends brows are all raised at Taeyeon’s outburst.

“Are you PMSing or something, Tae?”

“No! I kissed a girl and… I DON’T LIKE IT!”

“Oh, so you’re straight?”

“I! ARGH!!! UGH!!!” Taeyeon grabs her lunch tray and walks out of the cafeteria.

The friends watch Taeyeon stomps away.


Yoona is walking in a dizzying pace around the boutique.

“Seo, help me here… What should I give Yul?”

“Ummm… I don’t think Yuri unnie is picky with gifts.”

“I know that’s what makes it harder. If she was picky at least I know what to pick… God… help me.” Yoona groans to the sky.

“If you want I could text Sooyoung unnie.” Seo pulls out her phone.

“No, No… I don’t want unnie to think that I don’t know what to give Yuri.”

“But you really don’t know what to give unnie?”

“But she doesn’t need to know that…”

“You know… it’s the thought that counts maybe if you could just show instead of buying unnie something, she would like it better?”

How could someone who had no experience with love be such a relationship expert?


Taeyeon was all sprawled on the grass, huffing in frustration to the dark skies. She thought she wanted this, she dreamed of this every night and she thought that everything will fall into place once it happen but instead everything just made her more confuse.


Taeyeon sits up and looks surprise as she sees Yuri with her arms stretch out offering her a soda. Lately, the girl has been attached to Yoona.

“I’m surprise you’re not with Yoona right now.”

“Oh… she has a meeting for her management class in the library, I’ll just pick her up after she’s done.”

“Awww… And here we thought you’re going to date every living creature in this university, but look at you now, all faithful and stuff.”

Yuri just chuckles and sits down beside Taeyeon before uncapping her own soda. “I guess I’m just lucky, I didn’t need to put up with a bunch of other people cause I already found my one.”

Taeyeon replies with a smile.


“Yeah Taeng?”

“So, ummm… how did you feel when you first kiss Yoona?”

Yuri would regard this as Taengoo and her erted mind working, but the tone of Taeyeon’s voice hinted that the girl wasn’t asking about the details of the kiss but more of how the kiss felt.

And as much as Yuri wished that she have the right words to describe it, she knew she can’t, Yoona’s kisses have always render her speechless. “Ummm… I felt like I have amnesia.”


“I felt like I forgot everything else, like the only memory worth remembering is our kiss.”

“Is it really like sparks flying?”

“Taeng, it wasn’t just sparks, it was a freaking New Year fireworks display. Everytime we kiss I felt like getting down on my knee and asking her to marry me just because I could imagine kissing her everyday for my entire life” Yuri smiles softly “Why you ask?”

“Cause ummm… I have this friend who finally got to kiss the girl that she loves but you know what they say like there are sparks when you kiss? The kiss just felt weird cause there was… nothing.”


“Like nothing. No sparks, no heart beating like crazy… it was like ehhhh…”

Yuri smiles “Well, at least you know now that all it was is infatuation.”

“I didn’t say it was me.”

Taeyeon is more mature than what her elementary school girl look gives out and quite an expert on hiding how she feels. So, whenever Taeyeon is going through something and needed advice, she would always say that a friend asked her instead of admitting that it was her. Yuri and the girls are aware of this but had a silent agreement to not tell Taeyeon about it.

“Well, you could tell your friend that at least she didn’t spend forever wondering. I think your friend just fell in love with the girl because she’s perfect.”

Taeyeon sighs heavily knowing that every word out of Yuri is true. Their silence was interrupted when they felt Yuri’s phone vibrate.

“Your boss texting you?”

“Yeah, she said she’s almost done.” Yuri pushed herself up before pulling Taeyeon up. “Let’s go check out some butts on our way to the library.”

“PFFFT. And here I was thinking you were all faithful.”

“I am. I just look but I never touch, because now the only I want to pinch is Yoona’s.”

“You’re such a hopeless romantic.”



Taeyeon peeks her head inside the room and sees Tiffany in her desk studying.

“Hey Taengoo… come in…”

Tiffany still managed to take Taeyeon’s breath away and it was weird how despite of that, she knew that she doesn’t love Tiffany.

“You look busy…” Taeyeon says as she sees the open notes and books in Tiffany’s desk.

“I needed a break…”

Tiffany pushes herself away from her desk and Taeyeon sits down on Yuri’s bed.

“I thought Yuri in into Mickey mouse, why does she have Rilakkuma sheets?” Taeyeon wonders.

Tiffany chuckles softly “You know your friend is a romantic dork, Rilakkuma is Yoona’s favorite so Yuri thinks that if she has Rilakkuma sheets, that it would be like hugging Yoona every night.”

“That Yuri never fails to surprise me…”

Tiffany nods in agreement and despite of the cramp dorm room, Taeyeon felt that she and Tiffany are worlds apart with how quiet they were.

Taeyeon finally had the guts to ask. “Ummm… Pany, why did you kiss me? Is it because you like me or did you kiss me because you want to prove a point?”

“I kissed you to make you understand how you feel, Taeyeon.”

“Why? What do you think I feel?"

“I knew from the start Taengoo that all you ever felt was just a crush. I just needed you to realize that yourself.”

“A crush? You think all I ever felt for you is a crush?”

“Taeyeon everytime we're together all you try to do is try to impress me, if it was love, you won’t be afraid to show me who you are.”

“I think that it was the only way for you to notice me.”

“I notice you Taeyeon, I notice everything you do. And I say to myself that Taeyeon is perfect but she isn’t perfect for me.”

Taeyeon’s face was the complete look of worry and heartbreak. Wondering if there is really no one out there for her.

“It’s so easy to confuse fascination with love. You see what Yuri and Yoona have, despite of how much they can’t stand each other you know that it’s love. They see through their faults and imperfections and still work things out. You imagine white picket fences, and a puppy on the backyard but that’s not how it is and that’s not how it’s going to be. You have to put up with all it’s BS and struggles and be able to say to yourself, that that person is worth it.”

Tiffany sits down beside Taeyeon and that close space was enough to reassure Taeyeon that despite of the crappy feeling that she had right now that somehow she’ll be ok… “Don’t think that just because I didn’t fell in love with you that no one will ever will, because somewhere out there Taengoo, if you just look closely you’ll find someone who loves you. Somewhere out there Taeyeon, despite of all the BS and crap, somebody thinks you are worth it.”

“I wonder who’s dumb enough to know that.”

Tiffany smiles back, she did her part now it’s up to the two dummies to realize it.


Yuri let go of their intertwined hands when they got to Yoona’s dorm room.

“Good night.”

“Ummm Yul…” Yoona grabs Yuri’s hand back. “Ummm… Seo’s over at Sooyoung unnie’s room so do you mind if you keep me company?”


It’s a wonder how Yuri was able to get a hold of her emotions and just able to smile “Yes sure.”

But all of Yuri’s erted thoughts just jump off the window as she saw Yoona’s room. The candlelight dinner prepared right in front of her sort of knock Yuri in the head to remind her that it wasn’t just physical or ual attraction that she likes about Yoona, she really loves the girl.

Yoona smile nervously wondering if the candle light dinner she prepared for Yuri could make up for things and hopefully prove to Yuri that she loves her.

Yoona wonders why she felt so nervous when she kissed Yuri’s lips. “Happy Monthsary.”

“Yoona… I…”

“No Yul” Yoona lays her lips on Yuri and closes her eyes “Here you are showing me everyday how much you love me but I never felt like I did anything special for you. For once I want to make you feel like how you make me feel.”

Yuri smiles and lingers in Yoona’s embrace “You do, Yoona. When I wake up to your good morning my love text, or when I walk you to your dorm room at night and how we still talk on the phone even if we're practically together the whole day. Even if I had the crappiest day which is pretty much everyday, one kiss and one text from you can make it the best day of my life. So, don’t you ever think that you don’t make me feel special because every night I may not pray a lot but I always thank God for you”

And Yoona smile at Yuri’s confession. Some people wonder of all the people chasing after her, why did she choose DumbYul? And she never answers them because if people sees Yuri the way she does, she knows they’ll fall for her too.


Taeyeon is in one of her emo mode and is walking around the university grounds. When she stumbles on the infamous confession bench but instead of finding the usual culprit napping there, she was surprise to find it vacant.

“Hmmm… I wonder where Shika is?”

Taeyeon sits down on the bench and a weird feeling suddenly dawned on her, sitting by herself made her feel lonely.


“Shika… I was wondering where you were."

Jessica could only scoff “Oh, I’m always here Taeyeon, Always” Taeyeon frowns at the sarcastic tone in Jessica’s voice “I might be late or sometimes early but I’m always here… ALWAYS, you’re just much of a to notice that.”

“Hey!” Taeyeon stands up, she doesn’t like it when people call her names, especially if it’s someone like Jessica. “Why are you always so mean to me? What did I ever do to you?”

“Nothing Taeyeon. Absolutely Nothing.”

Jessica sits down and sighs heavily. She really has no right to get mad at the girl, Taeyeon was just hopelessly and blindly in love with someone who has no feelings for her just like her. When Taeyeon sees the distress look in Jessica’s face, she sits back down.

“Look… Shika, if something is bothering you can tell me, I might not give you the best advice but I’m a pretty damn good listener. And sometimes isn’t that what we need? Just someone to listens to us?”

Jessica pauses for a bit before finally talking. “I have this friend.”

Taeyeon swallows hard after hearing Jessica’s first line. She knew that lie perfectly well, she uses it all the time, but does it mean Jessica does it too?

“She’s just so mad at herself cause she always tell herself, that’s it, I’m moving on, I can’t keep on waiting for nothing anymore but just when she’s about to move on something keeps on pulling her back. She’s so mad how the only thing that matter to her was the happiness of that person even if it meant that they’re not going to be together.”

After Taeyeon heard Jessica’s story, she couldn’t help to curse herself. Here she was thinking that she loved Tiffany yet she can’t even think of what could make Tiffany happy. Her jealousy and possessiveness always ends up with her doing some crazy antics which results in epic fails.

“So, midget? What do you think my friend should do?”

“Tell your friend that she needs to tell that person…”

“I don’t want to get hurt…” Sica didn’t even realize the slip of the tongue but Taeyeon heard it perfectly.

“It’ll only get worse if you hide it.”

Jessica scoffs and turns toward Taeyeon “Well, I guess you’re just worth the hurt, midget.”


“I don’t know what you’re going to say or how you’re going to act about this but I think you should know.”

A mountain of confusion was starting to pile up in Taeyeon’s head, where on Earth is Jessica trying to go with this? “Know what?”

It was now or never…

“That Kim Taeyeon, I’m that stupid idiot that fell in love with you.”



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!