Neon: Yoong Version


a/n: first I want to say sorry for those who expect for more TaengSic... but this is YoonYul fic, so it will always focus on them... I hope you still enjoy it ^__^ thank you for reading and leave comments... sorry for not replying lately ><




Yoona narrows her eyes and tuned out Yuri’s lectures about how to take care of her fishes, as she sets up the aquarium in Yoona’s desk.

Why can’t you stay instead of the fishes?

“Bye babies!!!” Yuri pouts and kisses the glass of her aquarium. “Bye Yuri” The dark orange fish swam away behind the rocks “Hmmp… bish. Bye Yoona.” The light orange fish almost looks like she’s staring back at her through the glass “You’re always my favorite.” Yuri whispers to the fish. “You and her” She whispers so that the “her” sitting by her bed couldn’t hear.

“Bye unnie… have fun on your field trip.”

“Bye Seo!”

“HEY!” Yoona was quick to call out before the two can hug it out “Just give each other highfives!”

“Oh..” Seo says disappointingly as she and Yuri gets high fives and down lows.

“Bye my baby.”


Yoona didn’t hug back, fearing that if she does, she might not let go…

“I’ll see you in five days.”


Yuri’s heart hurting every second, Yoona’s heart is hurting worse…

Yuri picks up her bag and hugs Yoona quickly again. She takes more of Yoona as she kisses Yoona’s lips again and again and one more time, before finally stepping out of the room.

And Yoona just stares out the door for a second, and a second more. It was ridiculous how she misses Yuri already…

“You okay, Yoong?” Seo asks worriedly when she just sees Yoona just stares blankly at their door.

Yoona forces a chuckle but Seo knows better. “Yeah, I’m okay!” No, I’m not “It’s just five days.” five long days of not seeing, kissing and touching Yuri. “No big deal” It’s such a big deal.

Yoona turns around to check on the fishes. She felt her heart break when she sees the neon green post it pasted on the aquarium’s glass.


My Yoona,

I miss u already

Your puppyYul…


Day 1


“Unnie?” Seohyun rubs her eyes sleepily as she sees her Hyoyoung unnies up and awake on a Saturday morning.

“Get yourself dress, Seo because today is going to be the day you won’t forget.”

“Orwouldwanttoforget” Seohyun mutters under her breath.

“What you say?!”


“WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!!” Sooyoung pulls out the blanket off Yoona and the poor girl curls up in the ball from the cold.

“I don’t want to…” Yoona mumbles while checking on her phone, of course they were texts from her admirers but none of it were from a certain tanned girl.

“What? You don’t want to? Hyo, you heard that?”

“I think I did, Soo.”

“That sound Im Yoona, is the sound of my heart breaking. How could you break your unnie’s heart?”

“Unnie…” Yoona pleaded “It’s Saturday” Crawling back into the comfort of her bed.

“Saturday, Sunday, Monday… they’re all days… What you do with them is what makes it special…” Hyoyeon jumps on Yoona’s bed, and attempted to pat (more of hit) Yoona’s back “And I know you’re missing Yuri right now, but after you hangout with Fun master me and Soo… you will be like Yuri who?”

“Yuri? I don’t know no Yuri!”

Yoona doubts that. She doubts that a lot.

“NOW GET UP!” Hyoyeon yanks Yoona’s arms and throws her off the bed… Yoona drags herself to the closet and when she opens her locker she sees a rilakkuma towel and a water bottle with a neon green post it on it



Have fun with Soo and Hyo, don’t forget to drink lots of water and wipe your sweat so you don’t get sick.

I love u… MWAH!



Yoona and Seo narrows their eyes as they were sitting on the park bench with Hyo.

“I thought were going jogging.”

“We are… were resting.” Hyoyeon responded

“Resting? But we didn’t even start yet?”

“Hush… Right now… We’re watching a player hook up with a guy… So, you innocent girls take note because it’s not everyday you see the master strutting her stuff.”

“OMO! Unnie” Seohyun groans “Were boy hunting?”

“No… were not… We’re finding love in a hopeless place.”

“That’s a song.”

“Really? I never heard of it… shhh… shhh… now take a look girls, watch and learn.”

Seo and Yoona turns to Sooyoung just standing there watching for her prey, when she sees a hot guy running towards her. She gives Hyoyeon a thumbs up and Hyoyeon agrees and gives her a thumbs up back.

Sooyoung turns around and starts running, completely running towards the hot guy.

Seo and Yoona jaw drop as they saw Sooyoung collides with the guy.

“Hey… I’m sorry miss, you okay?” The hot guy asks…

“Yes… I…” And all that sappy scene needs is background music, as Sooyoung starts to stand up in slow motion, eyes lock up with hot guy’s eyes, like a scene from a romantic movie.

“Are you, ok, miss? You’re taking a long time to stand up.”


Sooyoung could hear the mocking laughter…

“Ow… haha” Sooyoung is rarely shy but this moment, she felt like running away “I was you know… ahhh… stretching… yup, that’s it… you know, you need to warm up and stretch before running…” Sooyoung tries to dismiss it and starts doing squats.

“You’re right, miss… well… see you!”

“See you.”

And the guy runs away...


“Stop laughing!” Sooyoung yanks away Seohyun’s water bottle and drinks it furiously “As if you could do any better.”

“Of course I could, dude.” Hyoyeon says confidently “That whole demure act, it’s so old school… it’s 2012 now, Soo… you got to be bold and out there. You snooze, you lose, girl.”

“Oh yeah?” Sooyoung rolls her eyes at Hyoyeon’s uber confidence… “I dare you do it.”

“Watch this… take note girls… Your Hyo unnie is a magician, casting a spell on these helpless men…”


Hyoyeon walks to the jogging path, eyeing her surroundings for her victim who will fall helpless for her charm. When a handsome guy starts running. Hyo gives Soo, a thumbs up and the girls gives their approval.


The guy stops and removes his earphones… “Ummm hi…”

“I’m sorry but did we see each other last night?”

The guy looks confusedly at Hyo. “No… I don’t think so…”

“Yes we did…” Hyoyeon steps closer “We met in my dreams…”

Sooyoung spits out Seohyun’s water and the guy just shakes his head, laughing embarrassingly before running away.

“Unnie” Seo nudges Sooyoung “Stop Hyoyeon unnie before we get ban in the park.”

“OH SHUT UP Seo…” Hyoyeon plops herself back in the bench. “That guy was playing hard to get.”

“Or you creep him out.” Yoona mumbles but loud enough for Hyo to hear.

“Yeah right… Im Yoona, you’re all about the looks but I wonder how you could get yourself a guy?”

“I’m not going to do that. I’m with Yuri.”

“Oh, don’t use my bff as an excuse…”

“Yeah, we won’t tell Yuri that you’re flirting with other guys while she’s away.”


“But you’re thinking of it.”

“No, I’m not.” Yoona really doesn’t, all she wanted right now was Yuri.

“So, you really have no game, that’s right?”

“I do but I’m not playing anymore cause I have Yuri.” Yoona only wants Yuri since she was in high school until now…

“Then, show it to us.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Show it! I mean you don’t have to go get his number or anything. Just show us how you play.”

Yoona groans and grabs her bottled water. She walks over to the jogging path and as a hot guy was approaching, she nods to the girls, the girls nod back.

She sips her water bottle and the guy turn to check her out, after seeing that she got his attention. She flashes her unberibablu smile.

And Bam! The guy fell for it along with his drool…

“What the?” Sooyoung and Hyoyeon watches in both awe and envy.

Yoona didn’t even bother to get the guy’s name or number and walks back to the bench. She did her part.

“You were saying unnie?”

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung grumbles in defeat.


Yoona and Seo went back to their room tired and exhausted after one day of finding love in a hopeless place with their unnies.

But when Yoona sees her Rilakkuma bear holding a red rose sitting on her bed, it’s almost like all her exhaustion just flew out the window. Yoona walks closer and sees a post it stuck on her bear’s forehead.


Yoona, my love

The bear can hold you for now. But when I come back, it should be me in your arms…

Missing u like crazy…

Love, Your Yul.

PS rose is from me, not the bear.



Day 2

Yoona and Seohyun looks confusedly as Hyoyeon and Sooyoung invited them to their girlcave.

“Yoong… we invited you here because me and Hyo want to give you an advice to how you and Yuri could spice up your relationship.”

“Wait… you’re relationship experts now?”

“We always are…” Hyoyeon pointed it out. “We know that you and Yuri are quite active in your sport, but of course to bring spark in the relationship you two need to try out new things.”

“Our relationship is doing just fine unnie, thank you very much.”

“your welcome but were going to turn fine in super dupah fine! And after were done with our Yoonyul love tutorials… you and Yul will be making a statue of us to express your gratitude.”

Yoona finally figure out why Yuri could be so…ummm… dumb sometimes…

“Like how are you going to do it unnie?” Seohyun wonders…

“Well, me and Hyo debated if we should do this, but we realize that you two should learn it from us rather than from other people. So, were going to watch-”

“OMO!” Yoona stands up as she figure out where this was going “You’re going to make us watch ?”

“No. no… not . It’s an educational film.”

“Oh, before it was art film and now you rename it to educational?”

“Because it is. You learn from it.”

The arguments were put to stop when someone starts banging their door furiously.

“WAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” Taeyeon burst in crying, while half of her is drench.

“Unnie? What happen to you?”

“I..I… Shika is going to kill me.”

“Why do I hear that line in like every chapter?”

“Because she will!” Sooyoung hands Taeyeon a towel to dry herself off. “I was trying to think of this sweet thing to do with her since she’s so busy with rehearsals for her show. So, I’m like why don’t I bring her car to a carwash?”

“I don’t like the sound of this.” Seohyun says…

“It gets worse… So, I took it and I was happily singing a song when I forgot to do something.”


“I forgot to roll up the car window and now her whole driver’s seat is like flooding!”

“Well, look at the bright side at least you got to wash outside and inside the car.”

“And you got yourself a shower too…”

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! AND SHUT UP!!!!” Taeyeon growls before crying in defeat “Why am I so horrible in this relationship thing?”

“Oh, so that’s what they mean when they say, relationsh!t.”


Yoona was buried under the covers as she was talking to Yuri that night…

“So, yeah we spend like the whole day trying to dry up Shika unnie’s car with blow dryers… Man! Shika unnie is scary when she’s mad, she started chasing us…”

As far as Yuri knows, Shika moves like a turtle. “That’s not too bad…”

“Chasing us with her car…” Yoona informed her...

“Oh… Keke… Taeyeon such a fail.”

“You could be a fail too…”

“But you’re still with me so I still win.”


“Wait” Yoona shot up when she hears a girls voice in Yuri’s line. “Who’s that?”

“Oh that’s my roommate for this trip… Baby, you don’t want me to be roommates with boys, right?”

“Yeah but… a girl?”

“Yuri can you help me with the zipper in my back, please?” Yuri’s roommate speaks…


Yuri sensing Yoona’s anger, tries to laugh it off… “Yoong, don’t worry… she’s ugly, like really ugly.”

“Kwon Yuri…” Yoona snaps angrily…

“She is. She’s like so ugly, I throw up a little when I look at her face.”

“Oh really?” Yoona says in disbelief.

“Yoona, since I’m with you my standards of beauty just shot up. Compared to you, everyone looks like a monkey… not a cute monkey… planet of the apes, kind of monkey.”

Yoona snorted a laugh, even a million miles away, Yuri could just make her laugh so easily “Come back already…”

“Yoona… I didn’t learn anything from the field trip…I was like… oh, Yoona would like to come here… you distract me, even if you’re so far away…”

“Then come home…” Yoona pleaded…

“I will… I love you.”

Yoona have heard Yuri said that almost every night, but the giddiness factor was still there. How would you feel if your longtime crush just told you she loves you? Crazy, right?

“I love you too…”


Day 3

It was Monday and hopefully being in class would make the day go faster for Yoona… She was already in class when she opens her binder and smiles when she sees another sticky note.

My dearest Yoona,

I’m out here touring museums while you’re stuck in school. Might sound like I’m having more fun but not really… I just miss u even more…

Love, Yuri…

Her calculus book has another post in on it


Yoona :cry:

Ready to jump off the cliff, this apart thing isn’t working out too well, my Yoong.

Love u so so so so so so so much…

Heartbroken Yuri

Her Economics notebook has one too...

That’s me without U…


And for her last class.. her world history book has one too...


The sights are beautiful… but you’re the “more” in my life.
More beautiful, more amazing and the one I love more…

Love u lots, Yul…



Day 4


If there is anyone who could do justice to a Selena Gomez song without looking like a naughty high school girl, it’s Sunny…

I, I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby

And I keep hitting re-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat-peat

Sunny was bouncing and singing to the song…

“You sound like a pirated CD.” Hyoyeon hoots out…

“HEY!!! That is how the song goes!!!” Sunny pouts like an angry puppy.

“Really? Like a scratch CD? Or your voice is just scratchy?”

“Yeah… whatever Hyo.”

“You should change it into…”

I, I love you like a love song, baby
I, I love you like a love song, baby
And I keep repeating Like a pirated CD-D-D-D-D-D

“Oh… Hyo the lyrical genius just strikes again.” Sooyoung says impressively…

“Yup…“I’m like freaking Teddy Oppa…”

“Teddy Oppa? Didn’t know you were close?” Sunny rolls her eyes…

“Yes we are, we text and I follow him in twitter…” Hyo responded sarcastically “Whatever Soon-kyu!!!”

Tiffany ignores the bickering of the girls and sits beside Yoona. Yoona turns away from her phone and looks surprisingly as Tiffany hands her a cup of coffee.

“you’ll understand why… after this” Tiffany flashes those pretty eye smile…

“Oh c’mon Shika!” Sooyoung pleads the ice princess who’s sipping on her drink… “Go sing this duet with Taeyeon.”

Taeyeon was in front of everyone, waiting to sing the duet.

“I don’t sing” Jessica repeats coldly and sips her drink.

“Oh okay…” Sunny says “Pany-yah you know this song… why don’t-“

“I’ll do it” Jessica was already in the stage before Pany could even respond.

Lee sunny. A genius bunny.

“Oh yeah… She’s not right here with us now, but this song is from Yuri dedicated to her girl. So, Yoona… this is for you… “

The soothing and mellow notes of the song was enough to calm everyone, but for Yoona it just made her miss Yuri terribly.

Taeyeon might be short and fiery, but she knows how to make people fall for her with her voice. Her soothing voice fits perfectly with the song…

Gwae-chanh-a ne-ga eobs-neun na-do gwaen-chanh-a
Ga-ggeum-sshik saeng-gak-na-neun nal-do gwaen-chanh-a
Sa-shil-eun a-jik-do shil-gam-i an-na na-bwa

Jessica’s voice might be sharper but it’s enough to pierce through everyone’s heart…

I-reoh-ge o-neul-cheo-reom bi-o-neun nal-en
U-ri ham-gge jeul-gyeo deul-eott-deon i no-rae
Han-cham-eul meong-ha-ni geu-reoh-ge ut-go iss-eo

And when they sing together, you just can’t help but fall in love…
And Yoona was… falling for Yuri again…

Baby baby geu-dae-neun Caramel macchiato
Yeo-jeon-hi nae ib-ga-en geu-dae hyang-i dal-kom-hae
Baby baby tonight
Baby baby geu-dae-neun Caffe latte hyang bo-da
Po-geun-haett-deon geu-neu-ggim gi-eok-ha-go itt-na-yo
Baby baby tonight

“OMO…” Hyoyeon says in awe… “IF the two of them have kids, they should definitely pimp their kid out to SMent cause their kid is going to have a freaking hella ofa voice.”

And the girls nod in agreement.


The girls sigh dreamily after a night of karaoke, now it’s time to go back to their dorms and their lives.

“Ummm… you guys go ahead.”

They turn around as they see Taeyeon standing there…


“Ummm… Me and shika are going to just grab some coffee before going back.”

Jessica looks away but deep inside she’s squealing…

“Oh, I want-“ Sunny shut Sooyoung up before she could .

“Let’s go guys, have fun…” Tiffany says…

“We will”

Taeyeon and Jessica walk the opposite way, their hands slapping each other as they walk until Taeyeon finally got the guts to hold Jessica’s hand.

“Awww… They found love in a hopeless place.”


Day 5

Wait… There is no day 5…

Yoona woke up around 2 am to the sight of her Yuri, her cute Yuri with a post it on her forehead.


I'm back!!!


Yoona takes off the post it and kisses Yuri’s forehead before jumping in her arms.

“I thought you’re coming back tomorrow morning?”

“Well… I miss you too much that I just swam back so I could see you again.” Yuri says while pressing kisses on Yoona’s lips every millisecond.

Yoona couldn’t take the teasing and takes Yuri’s lips on her, kissing her girl madly… The two yelps as they see zombie Seo walking out with a pillow and her keroro plushie and drags herself to Sooyoung’s room.

“Thanks Seo…” Yoona calls out…


"Yeah... thank you" Yuri smiles,

Seo just raises her hand, smiling as she did her good deed, helping Yuri with all her notes for Yoona...



Yoona’s clothes were no match to Yuri’s expert fingers when in a few seconds, almost every piece of Yoona’s clothing was scattered on the floor. Yuri pulls away from their kiss, letting Yoona breathe as the girl starts panting heavily, the moment Yuri’s hand drifted between her thighs.

“Baby…” Yoona says between her moans…

Yuri presses her forehead on Yoona’s, nibbling Yoona’s lips teasingly “Yes?”

“Yuri’s watching…”

“Wae?” Yuri turns toward her aquarium and saw her byunfish watching them through the glass. Yoona groans as Yuri sits up, but was left stunned as Yuri pulls off her shirt, paralyzing Yoona with the view of her abs. Yuri then tosses her shirt over the aquarium, much to byunfish’s disappointment.

Yuri then wraps Yoona again in her embrace before teasing ily…

“Is that better?”



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!