I Choose To Love You




Seohyun have been bestfriends with Yoona since they were 4 and even if they were still kids, one thing was for sure…

IM YOONA NEVER CRIES. (never cries in front of people that is…)

Not when the teacher is scolding her for talking too much, or when she falls on the ground and scrapes her knees, and even if the other kids try to rip Yoona’s barbie’s head off.

Yoona was a little tough girl, staring their teacher right on the eye, getting back on her feet and running back again and just kicking those other kids back for messing with her.

There was only two times that Yoona have cried in front of her.

The first time was when Yoona broke her arm when she fell off the pyramid during cheerleading practice. Seohyun could see that Yoona was willing her tears not to fall but it’s like her nerves are screaming to her head “It hurts God damn it, cry!”

And the second time was right this very second, Yoona has her hands covering her face, her back heaving from sobbing uncontrollably. And it scared Seo, should she go near and try to console her? Or would it be better if she gives Yoona some space and talk to her when she’s ready?

Seo doesn’t know if there is even something to make all Yoona’s pain go away. With her broken arm, Yoona was able to shake it off after a few minutes, but a few minutes have already passed by and Yoona looks like she’s not going to stop crying anytime soon.

This time Yoona let go, she poured her pain out with every tear that fell, for once Yoona wasn’t afraid to show her tears not when both her head and her heart was screaming at her. “It hurts too much Yoong… God Damn it, cry!”

And in the stillness of their room, the only sound that was heard was Yoona’s cry.



Yoona pouts cutely (everything she does is cute). It was 2 pm and mostly everyone she knows are in this class at this hour. But she didn’t really care bout others, cause she only wants to spend her free time with this cute puppy girlfriend that she had. The pout on Yoona’s face got deeper when she remembers that Yuri has a class at 4 and Yuri needs to recharge so she spends her afternoon napping.

But could she just be a little bit of selfish and hangout with her?

Beep. Beep.

From: PuppyYul
Hi pretty girl…

Yoona smiles and looks around and caught Yuri trying to sneak in behind her. Yuri yelps when she got caught and quickly tries to hide behind a garbage can. Yoona chuckles more as she sees Yuri’s eyes as Yuri raise her head a bit to look at Yoona.

“Why are you hiding?”

Yuri pops up from her hiding place holding out a plastic bag.

“I got a text that our class got canceled so I was like why not invite this pretty girl out for some snacks?”

“Oh… so, what did this pretty girl say?” Yoona asks teasingly…

“I don’t know…. I haven’t ask Seo yet… OWIE! OWIE!OWIE!OWIE!” Yuri tries to stop her girlfriend from turning her into a punching bag. “You didn’t even let me finish my sentence… I was saying I haven’t even ask Seo yet if her beautiful roommate is available.”


But Yuri already knows how to please a pissed off Yoona. Yuri holds out a bag of chips as a peace offering.


“No?” Yuri digs into the plastic bag and takes out a can of juice…


“Ok” Yuri fished deeper into her plastic bag and takes out a little rillakuma bear. Yoona excitedly tries to reach it but Yuri quickly hides it behind her back. “Kiss me first” Yuri puckers her lips but instead Yoona pushes her away, grabbing the bear from behind Yuri and chuckling happily.

Now it was Yuri’s turn to frown “I hate that bear…”

“Thank you” Yoona says with a peck on Yuri’s cheek. Yuri’s frown poofs away, as they walk together with Yuri’s hand still cup on her cheek… Yoona nudges Yuri’s hand and smiles…

“I love that ring on you…”


Sooyoung have been eyeing Hyoyeon’s marshmallow bag for almost an hour now. But Hyoyeon didn’t get the clue (or pretending not to get the clue) that Sooyoung wants to eat some.

“I know this really cool game, Hyo…”


“You try to stuff your mouth as many marshmallows as you can and you try to say fluffy bunny”

Hyo pulls her marshmallows bag closer to her. “What the heck kind of a game is that?! You’re just using that as an excuse to eat my marshmallows!”

“No. I’m not!” Damn she caught me… “Try it, I wonder if you can do it…”

Hyoyeon chuckles triumphantly and starts stuffing with marshmallows. When she felt like her face is about crack open, she stops. “Fafi Vani…”

“HA!!!” Sooyoung points out triumphantly “Now learn from the master.”

Hyoyeon watches in amazement as Sooyoung put all the marshmallows in .

“Ummm… excuse me…”

The two groans as their intense battle for marshmallow fluffy bunny domination is interrupted… Who was this interrupter?


The two almost teared up at the sight. Here they were face to face with A God in a black shirt and sunglasses while their mouths are stuffed with marshmallows…

“Oh…” y real life statue backs off as he sees the girls seem preoccupied. “Don’t worry…”

“NOOOOO” Hyoyeon spits back the marshmallow to the bag and wipes away her drool. “I’m sorry we were having a fluffy bunny contest.”

“Oh cool… I can have until to a 20 marshmallows…”

Good looking and can put 20 marshmallows in his mouth? Is this guy like for real?

Sooyoung can’t waste all the good marshmallow goodness in and almost choke swallowing it.

“So, what can I help you with?”

“I can help you too…” Sooyoung shoves Hyoyeon behind her.

“Don’t you learn anything from lining up in buffet, Soo? first come, first serve bish…”

“Ummm… I’m sorry” Why does this happen everytime he tries to talk to females? “I don’t mean for you two…”

“Oh no… no… keke…So, what can we help you with?”

“Ummm… I just want to know if you guys know Im Yoona?”



“Her again? I know she looks like a frickin Angel and she’s cool and all, but dude give it up…”

“Excuse me?” y God asks

“She’s not into… ummm…” men they wanted to say, but instead Sooyoung change it into “ Anyone… she’s in a very serious relationship right now.”

“She is? I didn’t know that.” He asks surprisingly

“Well she is. You don’t expect anyone that gorgeous to be single, right? She’s like practically married to my bestfriend now.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. So, if I were you… I know someone who’s single and available” Hyoyeon tries to seduce Mr. hottie with her brows cocking up and down.

“You’re so desperate” Sooyoung pushes Hyoyeon again “But I’m more desperate so… ummm…” Sooyoung scratches her head realizing that she don’t know his name.

“Jaejoong.” He added… “Thanks. And you two are?”

“Kim. Hyoyeon Kim.”

“Choi longlegs Sooyoung”

“Well, nice to meet you… I’m Jaejoong… Im Jaejoong”


“Wait a sec- Im? Like Im? Im Yoona?”

“Yes. I’m her big brother” His lips curve into a smile.


Yoona couldn’t help but chuckle as she sees Yuri with that determined frown on her face, her whole mind concentrating on that last toenail that she needed to paint.

“Oh YES!” Yuri pumps her fists up in celebration as she finish making a mess of Yoona’s nails. “If this college thing don’t work out, I could just paint nails for a living”

Yoona wiggles her toenails, before pulling Yuri towards her. “I’m hungry…”

Yuri then sits up and jokingly s her jeans.

“ACK! You’re such a ” Yoona says tackling Yuri on the bed.

“Kekekeke…” Yuri bites Yoona’s nose.

“I haven’t seen Tiffany unnie a lot lately…”

“Oh she’s busy with her MCing thing… she’s gonna do this Alumni something something… she said it’s like the fanciest party for the school and only the who’s who in our university gets invited.”


“Why oh?”

“Well… my mom called and she mentioned something about that.”

“Oh…” Yuri sits up straight, her face looks serious. “Meeting the in laws.”

“Well, I’m not sure if they’re coming but I know oppa will.”

“Oh… mmmm… Jaejoong…” Yuri smiles just remembering his face…

“HEY!” Yoona frowns…

“Oh… I mean… Jaejoong?” Yuri pulls Yoona closer. “Well, I know he kinda likes me so that’s one less family member I have to try to win over”

“He likes you for himself! Not for me”

“He likes me?”

“Be quiet. I refuse for you to meet him” Yoona commands her slave

“Then, I won’t…” and her slave obeys…


“Coming…” Yuri jumps off her bed and walks straight to her door. “Oh crap” Yuri slams the door

“What’s wrong?” Yoona went to open the door… “O-oppa?”

“What’s wrong sis? You don’t look too excited…” He turns toward the corner “Hi Yuri…”

Yuri waves shyly…

“Stop that…” Yoona orders both of them.

“Baby sis, still possessive…”

“You told me you weren’t coming until tomorrow”

“I wanted to surprise you, but obviously I think I’m the one who’s surprise.”

Yoona didn’t need to ask what he was referring to as he observes how she would react before turning to Yuri.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Yoona plays the dumb card.

“You dating someone?”

“Ummm… who?”

Jaejoong turns his gaze at Yuri. “Her? Is that why she came over to our party during Christmas?”

“Who? Yuri? No…” Yoona shakes her head “You’re getting it all wrong, she’s just my unnie”

Yoona couldn’t even look at Yuri. She perfectly knew that she just broke Yuri’s heart once again. But she was knock unguarded, and the only way for her to stand back up was with a lie.

“Oh really?” There was a hint of disbelief in Jaejoong’s tone. But he decided to ignore it “Well then good, that means I could take Yuri for the Alumni Party.”

Yoona’s eyes widen at the request and turns towards Yuri.

“Ummm… I don’t know…” Yuri shrugs…

“Oh c’mon just an innocent dinner between two friends catching up. nothing more.”

“I guess I could”

“Great. You could come to if you want Yoong…” Jaejoong invites his sister.

“No. I don’t think I want to…”

She says but not before shooting an angry glare at Yuri.



Hyoyoung glares at the lifeless Yuri sipping her ice tea.

“My future husband asks you to this fancy party?!”

“You’re crazy Hyo, he’s my future husband… didn’t you see the way he look at me the first time we saw each other? It was love Hyo”

“No, he was shock with all the marshmallows stuck in your mouth.”

Tiffany ignores the two arguing and focuses on the dead Yuri.

“Are you al-?”


Tiffany fell off her chair when Yuri burst out crying.

“Hey! It’s ok dude!” Hyo tries to calm Yuri…

“Yeah… don’t cry… you’re making Yoonafish sad…” Sooyoung says…


The girls turns toward the aquarium and there was Yoongfish staring back at them through the glass, while Yulfish is trying to get Yoongfish attention by shaking her tail at her.

“Sometimes I feel like she loves me more than Yoona loves me…”

“You can’t really blame, Yoona for this Yuwree. Me and the girls have accepted what you have but the whole world still has a hard time understanding it. It would be hard to explain to her parents…”

“Wait- her parents?”

“Yes, they’re coming in. The Im family is one of the biggest donors for our school.”

“Y-yoona haven’t told me that” Now Yuri was getting more worried.

Tiffany bites her tongue in regret. She didn't know that Yoona hadn't mention about her parents coming in.

“Just give Yoona some time Yuwree, you can’t rushed this kind of talk”

Hyoyeon chuckles evilly… “I need to look good if I’m going to meet my in laws.”

Tiffany then flashes a smile, maybe for once in her life. Kim Hyoyeon got a point

“Yuwree, I think it’s time to get you ready to meet the in laws…”



Yoona turns away from her notes to look at Seo…

“Unnie is here…”

“Thanks Seo…” Yoona got up from her desk and walks to the door.

“Do you want me to-“ Seo has her hand to the door, wondering if Yoona needs her privacy.

“No, Seo… it’s ok… Thanks…”

Right now, the four corners of her room might suffocate her and Yuri, that’s why she wanted to go out and grab some fresh air with Yul. Maybe just maybe it will ease things up.

Yoona walks toward Yuri waiting by the doorstep.

“Hi Yoong…”

“Yul…” Yoona says shyly…“You want to go for a walk?”


For the first time since they have dated, nobody was willing to talk and nobody was willing to close the gap between them.

It was Yuri like always who made the first move, reaching out to hold Yoona’s hand. It was a small gesture but it broke the wall of silence between them. Yuri smiles as she felt Yoona squeezing her hand almost every second. The tanned girl pulls Yoona to sit beside her as they stare out into the lake.

“Here.” Yuri hands Yoona a flower.

“You stole this from the park?”

“No.” Yuri’s lips then curve into a devious smile. “I stole it from the front yard of our dorm”

Yoona's chuckle lighten up the mood. It gave Yuri enough guts to pull the girl closer to her. Yoona slowly lays her head on Yuri’s shoulder. She let out a deep sigh before closing her eyes to the world. As bad as that day turned out to be, it all seem to go away as Yuri lays her lips on Yoona's hair.

“My parents are coming.” Yoona confessed in a whisper.

“I… I kinda heard.”

“I’m so sorry for not telling you this… It’s just that I don’t even know how to tell them about us.”

“If you’re not ready you don’t have to…” Yuri leans their forehead together so she could gaze into Yoona’s eyes “You do it when you’re ready and it won’t change a thing, you know I’ll wait.”

Yoona almost paralyzed in fear when Yuri slips off the engagement ring from her finger. But Yuri puts the engagement ring on Yoona’s hands.

“Keep it. And when you’re ready you can wear it again.”

“Yul…” Yoona says apologetically…

“It’s okay…” Yuri kisses Yoona reassuringly in the forehead “For now just wear this” Yuri slips the black hair tie in Yoona’s wrist. “We’ll be discreet. We’ll be a behind the scenes couple.”

Yoona pulls Yuri closer to her, closing her eyes as she whispers “Kiss me, baby.”

Yuri brushes Yoona’s hair out of her face. She lays her lips softly on Yoona’s forehead, then brushes her nose against Yoona, before hovering over Yoona’s parted lips.  And slowly, very slowly she leans to close the gap between them. It was intended to be a sweet kiss, a reassuring kiss, a gentle kiss, but when Yuri felt Yoona’s hand clutching tighter on her shirt and heard the moan that escape from Yoona’s mouth, the sweetness of the kiss turned into passion. Yuri’s arm wrap around Yoona grew tighter by the second, their tongues longing to taste each other, lost in each other until they’re breathless.

There’s a certain need that only the two of them could understand. Yuri needs Yoona, Yoona needs Yuri. It’s as simple as that, yet the whole world tries to make something out of it and makes it complicated. But screw the world, cause the world around them shut out, the moment Yuri kissed Yoona.


And while Yuri and Yoona are lost in their love, two girls back at their dorm room are battling on who is the most deserving of Im big bro’s heart.



“Wae?” Hyo raised her brow in disbelief “How can that even happen?”

“Well…ummm…” Now Sooyoung is stuck in a bind “Shisus told me…”

“Oh wow… Shisus?”

“Yup.” Sooyoung nods her head like crazy "He said, no he whisper, Sooyoung,Sooyoung… And at first I was like what the? Am I going cray cray? But it got louder… Sooyoung… Sooyoung… And I’m like, Omona… shisus is dat you?"

Hyoyeon shakes her head wondering why on Earth is she even listening to this.

“And he was like oh yeah, girl, it’s me…”

“Shisus talks like that?”

“Whatever… so he said like… Sooyoung, don’t look no further cause the man you’re going to make future K-pop idols with is no other than the man name Im Jaejoong. Yup, that’s right and you know better than messing with God’s plan Hyo…”

“If Shisus could hear you now, he would facepalm himself for making an epic fail like you.”



“You sound like a truck!”

“Enough! What’s going on between us, Hyo? We're suppose to be sistahs.”

“There is no better way to handle this, Soo.”

“I know what you’re thinking… The only way to find out who’s deserving of Jaejoong oppa and his gorgeous self is through one thing…”

The two girls stare intently into their eyes, both with a purpose and ready to compete…

“Are you ready, Soo?”

“I was born ready…”

“Ready to eat…”

"What you say?”

“Then, bring it on…”

The world better prepare cause there is no show much more fascinating than watching Kim Hyoyeon vs. Choi Sooyoung in the ultimate, mega battle for Jaejoong’s heart.


It’s time for a dance off…


Hyoyeon peeks out at the curtains at the lavish and classy party, eyeing her prey.

“Out there is the man I’m going to make Little Hyoyeon’s with…”

“Dream on, shorty…”

Hyoyeon turns around and her eyes almost pop out of their sockets at Sooyoung’s outfit.

“What the hell?”

Hyoyeon gasps as Sooyoung walks in to the dance off with shorts as short as Taeyeon (that’s very short)

“I think you forgot to wear your pants, Soo!”

“Don’t hate cause I got long legs.”

“Your legs are so long it should be illegal! You’re purposely doing this so you could seduce oppa with those legs!”

“No, I’m not” Damn. How she find out? “And what about you?” Sooyoung points out to Hyoyeon wearing a midriff… “What’s wrong Hyo? You’re too short, you have to buy a shirt in the kids section?”

“This is not fair! We have to fight for oppa’s heart equally…”

“I know…”

But the two’s thoughts were interrupted when Yuri and Seohyun walks in looking like Goddesses walking in the red carpet.


“You two can’t look like that…”

“Soo, my future in laws are in there, I need to look good.” Yuri defended herself…

“Fine! But we need to cover this face…” Sooyoung tries to find something to cover Yuri’s face. “It’s like we need a ninja mask or something…”

“Wait… Soo… did you say ninja?”


“I don’t like the look on their face unnie…” Seo says in fear clutching tighter to Yuri.


For the entire party, Yoona have ignored the world around her. Instead her focus was on the black hair tie on her wrist, rubbing it between her thumb and index finger. It was her only reprieve to cover up the emptiness of not wearing the ring on her finger.

“Yoona sweetheart…”

“Yes mom?” Yoona answers blankly her eyes still lock on the black hair tie.

“Have you and Seunggi met already?”

“Oh yes auntie…” Seunggi good looking as he is, easily wins over Yoona's mom with his boyish smile. “Me and Yoona have been involved in quite a few school activities.”

“I hope that involvement will grow into something deeper than school…”

“Mom…” Yoona speaks out embarrassingly.

“Well maybe if Yoona would give me a chance” Yoona cringes as Seunggi flashes that smile again. “Well excuse me, aunt, uncle, Jaejoong, Yoona…” Smiling at Yoona longer... “I have to get back to the stage.”

“Well, I hope you join us later, boy.” Yoona’s father says encouragingly.

“It’ll be my pleasure.”

Seunggi nods before heading out to the stage to join Tiffany.

“Yoona…” Yoona’s mother sighs “You need to be nicer to him.”

“I am nice to him. But that doesn’t mean you have to push me to him.”

“Why sweetheart? Is it wrong for a mother to wish that her daughter found the right guy to be with?”

“No but…”

“There is nothing wrong with being picky Yoona… but look at Seunggi, he’s very good looking, he’s respectful and a gentleman and he’s going to be in law school next school year. What more can you ask for?”

Yoona holds the black hair tie tighter, wishing it would give her strength right now. Yoona looks up and her eyes met with her brother’s. Jaejoong gives her a small smile reassuring her that whatever she might chose, he would still support her.

“I want someone who stays way past their bedtime just so they could keep me company because I have a huge test I have to study. Someone who goes to extreme just to apologize because they couldn’t bear the thought of losing me. They don’t need to say I love you often because I could see it in everything they do… and above all mom, I want someone who I choose to love, not the one you choose for me.”

Her parents turn to each other before looking sternly back at their daughter.

“Is there something you’re not telling me and your father, Yoona?”

“I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful night.”

The tense situation was saved when Tiffany’s sweet voice floats inside the ballroom.

“Let’s continue this night by having four beautiful ladies show off their dance moves to a performance of Mirotic. So, please help me welcome Fx T-“ Tiffany stops reading her notes when she sees the ridiculous long name. “Please welcome… Them…”

The room was filled with applause which turned into gasps as the curtains were lifted.

“OMONA” Yoona covers gaping open with as she sees the teenage mutant ninja turtles up on stage.

The classy alumni of their university all looked at each other strangely. This prestigious gala was filled with the orchestra and tenors and ballet dancers and now they’re watching the teenage mutant ninja turtles dance. But all of them have to agree, this one is the best talent of the night.

“Hmmm…” Jaejoong says amusingly “For turtles, they sure know how to dance”

And they did, all ninja turtles will make their sensei proud as they dance to every beat and every tune in a crisp yet sensual manner.

Yoona didn’t even see who’s who but she have no problems picking which one among the four was her Yuri.

She smiles as she looks at turtle with red mask. “I love Raphael the most…”


Jaejoong claps as he walks over to the four girls. He puts his hand on Yuri’s shoulder.

“I think my sister is looking for you.”

Yuri smiles thankfully and runs ahead leaving Jae to make a judgment between Soo, Hyo and the girl who looks like Yuri.

“I have to say girls, that your performance that was the highlight of my night.”

Hyoyeon steps closer to Jaejoong. “Oppa…”

“Yes, Hyoyeon?”

“I wish you and me are in a freezer right now.”


“So, I could freeze this moment forever.”

“Back away Hyo, before you scare oppa… Oppa?” Now it was time for Sooyoung to plead her case. “It’s a shame for me to say this but, you know I’m such a bad girl.”

Hyo and Seo look at each other surprisingly.

“Oh really now?” Hyo roll her eyes while sipping her drink noisily…

“I’m like a wild child, living in the edge… I’m like an Earthquake, oppa…”

“An Earthquake?”

“Yes. Cause I’m a rock your world”

“Like how wild can you get?” Jaejoong asks

“Ummm…” Sooyoung was never wild, wild about food and her K-pop idols but nothing more… “Well, I don’t listen to what people say like they told me… Don’t drink orange juice after you brush your teeth… but you know what?”

“Oh great…” Hyoyeon’s eyes are spinning madly at how hard she’s rolling her eyes with Soo’s words.


“I did” Sooyoung says proudly “And it was terrible. And it’s a waste of orange juice. but the point is, I’m wild.”

“That’s all cool, Soo but I’m more of into good girls.”

“Good girls?”

“Jaejoong oppa?” Hyoyeon jumps into Jaejoong’s arms “Did I ever tell you that I was supposed to join the convent and be a nun?”

“I’m a back away before Shisus smite you with lightning”

“It’s true”

“What made you change your mind?”

“Ummm… well…” Hyoyeon never really plan to become a nun “I wanted to procreate and spread little Hyoyeon’s in this world. So, oppa, will you help me?”

“With what?”

“Would you like to help me fulfill Shisus’s words and go forth and multiply?”

“That’s the worst pick up line ever!”

“So is your earthquake one.”

“Unnies please…” Seohyun begs them to stop.

“This is it, Oppa, we can’t take it anymore… you have to pick… who among the ninja turtles did you like the most?”

“Ninja turtles? Ummm well… Ahhhh… I like Donatello the most.”

The three girls look like their jaws got unhinged from their face with how low their mouths is gaping open.

“You choose G-rap?”

“Oh her?” Jaejoong smiles satisfyingly at his choice. “Cool. She looks just like Yuri.”

“Unnie…” Seo looks so surprise and happy at the same time. “He chose me…” She cups her blushing cheeks.

“Is that your final answer?”


“Well, then too bad oppa…”

Seohyun couldn't help but OMO as her unnies starts chuckling evilly.

“Because you don’t know that Seo…” The two knuckleheads look back at each other then nods..

“Seohyun is actually a man.”





Yuri realize what a bad idea it was to run on high heels when she almost trip herself. She came into a screeching halt as she finds Yoona, standing perfectly by the fountain. 

“How can I be so lucky?” Yuri whispers to herself as she slowly walks over to the other girl. “For you” Yuri pulls out a flower from behind her.

Yoona's lips curve into a sweet smile, taking the flower in one hand and taking Yuri's hand on the other. “Thanks...Where did you steal it this time?”

“From a flower vase inside.”


The two froze at the sound of a stern voice. They turn and saw the mixture of emotions in both faces of Yoona’s parents. There was anger, disappointment, frustration… Yuri loosened her grip on Yoona’s hand but Yoona hold on, squeezing Yuri’s hand.

“What is the meaning of this?” Her mom growls…

Yoona squeezes Yuri's hand, hoping to draw strength especially now that her world is trembling.

“Mom, dad… This is Yuri, she’s my girlfriend.”

Yoona instinctively winces as she felt her mother about to strike her. She could hear the sound of a slap, but didn't feel a thing. It finally dawn to her what happens, and she couldnt help but shiver at the thought that Yuri have to take the strike that was meant for her.

But Yuri still manages to force a smile. A pained smile between her tears as she whispers to Yoona...

I love you…

Yuri lets out a shaky breath, before she steps away from Yoona. She felt her confidence spiraling down as she saw the gaze of Yoona's parents. They look at her with such disgust and anger, making it clear to her that she was unworthy of their princess.

“No. She’s not.” Yuri tries to still her nerves so that her voice won’t quake as much. “Yoona is just my friend.”

And upon hearing Yuri’s words, Yoona’s entire world shattered.



thank you... thank yoiu so much for reading and all the comments :D

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!