Bearing It All For Yoona




Jessica (the hamster) narrows her beady eyes at what she’s seeing. She didn’t like all these eyes gawking at her while she’s chewing on her carrot. She quickly turns around and continued nibbling with her back facing all her fangirls.

“Awwww…. She’s so cute...” Yuri coos before her face then scrunches into a pout.“Why can’t I get a hamster?”

“You already have Yoona and Yuri.”

“I know. But all they do is swim.”

“They’re fishes, Yul. What do you expect they do?”

“Why don’t you send them out to the sea? I bet their dads are looking for them…”


“Geez… fine… fine!”

“They’re mine! Yoona is mine…”

And Yuri always felt the need to point that out, that she owns both Yoona, the fish and the girl.

“By the way, Taeyeon I don’t see Jessica and her icy self around these days…”
“Well, she’s busy with practice for the talent festival.”

“Oh… my Yoona is part of it too” Yuri says proudly

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon look at each other and grin in a way that only people with their brain capacity could get.

“WHAT?WHAT?WHAT?!” Taeyeon didn’t like being left behind…

“How sweet of you Taengoo… you and Yuri are like starting to be the same, you know where your girlfriend is.” Sunny teases her roommate with a devious evil bunny smile.

Grrrrrr… “She’s not my girlfriend.” Taeyeon crosses her arm and huffs.

“Then? What are you two then?”

“Ummm… I don’t know.” Taeyeon shrugs…

“She likes you, in her own creepy Jessica Jung way and you obviously like her, if you named your chipmunk-”

Taeyeon corrected Sooyoung. “Hamster”

“Whatever… Hamster, after her so what is there to know, Taeng?”

“I don’t know, okay! And there is tons of Jessica in the world, what made you think I name her after Jessica Jung?”

“Alright… but I hope when you finally know, Jessica is still there waiting.”

Will she?

“By the way… what is she performing for the festival?”

“She’s going to perform troublemaker with Onew.”

“Troublemaker? That song that could make you pregnant just by watching the performance?”

“You guys are ridiculous.” Why Taeyeon stay friends with them, she doesn’t know either.

“And she’s doing it with Mr. Dubul-… I mean Onew? You know the rumors they have about Onew, right?”

“That his girlfriend is a chicken and eating chicken is his way of making love to her?”

“No… that’s the rated PG version, you know the M version… that Onew has a HUUUUUGGGGGEEEE-“

The girls jaw drop as they expect Hyoyeon to say a certain part of the male anatomy, but Hyoyeon chuckles at the girls’ y reaction.

“Huge heart… geez what are you two erts thinking. But other than that he has a BIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGG”

Taeyeon and Sooyoung’s jaw unhinged again that it made Hyoyeon cackle evilly.

“Big ambitions…” Hyoyeon then burst out laughing “You two are nuts… erted and nuts”

“I thought you are going to say he has a big-“

“Big what?”

“Big Smile” Taeyeon blushes and looks away.

“So, anyways Taeng… that’s it? Are you going to let Onew and his greasy chicken fingers run all over Jessica’s milky white self?”


All the girls were surprise to see Yuri all pouty and annoyed, Yuri starts shaking Taeyeon to get her point across.

“I know how it feels Taeng, to watch the girl that you love with some dirtbag running their grimy hands over her! And I won’t let it happen! Not to you my buddy! WE WILL FIGHT CAUSE TAENGSIC IS REAL!!! ”

“Geez… Yul,,, relax will you?”

“But do you feel it Taeng? The urge to fight for your girl?”

“She’s not my girl”

“You better not say that in front of Jessica, Taeng” Yuri warns her.

“Why?” Taeyeon roll her eyes “She’ll kill me?”

“Nope. It’ll kill her.”


Yoona couldn’t help but walk blankly on the campus grounds as events of what’s been happening to her kept running in her head.

Yuckna, Talentless, undeserving… Some people could be so mean and Yoona could never figure out why. Most of these girls who are just saying nasty stuffs about her don’t even know who she is, yet they bark at her as if they have every right to judge. Most people would probably just tell her to ignore it, that those girls were just jealous that all their oppars want is to be close to her and she tried, she did but it’s getting to the point where its hurting her.

Yoona quickly did an about face at the sight of the three idiots arguing and punching each other walking towards her. She couldn’t let Yuri see her, knowing that Yuri would worry 100x worse than her and a pissed off Yuri isn’t really a smart Yuri.

But she should know… Yuri could spot her from a mile away.

“YOONA, MY LOVE!!!!” Yuri zoom so fast and next thing Yoona knew, Yuri was standing beside her.



“Yoona?” Yuri quickly notices the expression on her girl’s face. “What’s wrong?” Yoona ducks to hide her face but Yuri leans closer to look at her and at the sight of those worried brown eyes, Yoona couldn’t help but falter into Yuri’s chest.

“Whoah! What happen with Yoona?” Hyoyeon asks worriedly…

“WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!” Yuri asks angrily…


They probably won’t but it doesn’t hurt to sound gangsta every once in a while.

“Yup, nobody mess with my girl!”

“It’s okay baby, just stay here.” Yoona mumbles in Yuri’s shirt

“NO!” Hyoyeon punches her fist into her palm and huffs angrily. “Nobody messes with Yuri’s chick and get away with it.”

“It’s nobody just oppa’s fans.”


Hyoyeon and Sooyoung back off… “Those girls are nuts!”

“Yeah tell me about it…” Hyoyeon agrees. “Who needs musclebound bodyguards when you got those crazy fan girls who goes apesh!t when you look at their oppa? OH! HOW DARE YOU GLANCE AT MY OPPA! Yup, those girls are craaaazzzzyyyy…”

“So?! We girls are crazier! We’ll beat them all up for you, my baby… just write their names and I’ll have my people take care of them for you.”

“Whoah! Yul… you got peeps?”

Yuri scratches her head “Well… you and Hyo and then there’s Sunny, we know the she’s the spawn of the devil hiding underneath all that cuteness, Taeyeon, and Shika… oh they will be so scared of Shika and Tiffany… ummm…” Yuri scratches her head, what could Tiffany do? She’s so refined and calm? “Tiffany will… ummm… speak English so fast, their poor brains will blowup.”

“Wow… death by English language, that’s just intense, dude.”

“I know, right?”


Taeyeon starts mumbling to herself as she stands nervously in front of Jessica’s door “should I knock? I should… why wouldn’t I? What if Jessica is asleep, then she’ll kill me, but wait… she likes me so she can’t kill me… She does like me, right?”

Taeyeon almost stumbled as the door swings open “Please Shika don’t hurt me…” Taeyeon begs for her life, But instead of seeing the sleeping dragon, she sees the girl with the awesome eyesmile “Oh… ummm… hey Pany.”

“Hey TaeTae...”

“I… ummm… this is Shika’s room, right?”

Tiffany chuckles sweetly, how come she and Jessica are just so different? “Yes. But Yuri text me that Yoona is in our room, so I think I’ll stay here at Jessi’s room for the night while Yuri and Yoona get ummm… busy.”


“You want to come in?”

“Will ummm… Shika kill me?”

“Keke… you know she won’t do that.”

Taeyeon didn’t expect Jessica’s room to be like this, for someone nickname the ice princess, her room seems normal (cept for the minibar and fridge). There is a bed, a desk and books. Taeyeon didn’t even know that Jessica goes to school.

“You want lollipop?”


“Here” Tiffany opens the jar and Taeyeon stares at the jar filled with different flavored lollipops. “You can pick more than one, it doesn’t matter…”

“Oh okay…” Taeyeon rams her hand inside the jar trying to grab most of the lollipops.

“Relax” How could Taeyeon relax when her heart is beating like that? “Didn’t know you were such a lollipop addict…”

“I’m not… I just… Ok you got me, I love lollipop… Well… what about you? What’s your favorite food?”

“Me?” Tiffany taps her finger on her chin as she pouts thoughtfully “Oh I know… bananacake”

“Wait? Bananacake?”

“Yes…” Taeyeon couldn’t help but notice the sad smile on Tiffany’s face “My mom used to make it almost every weekend, it’s more of the memory of it that makes it my favorite rather than anything else”

“Oh… I’m sorry.”

“No, don’t be… It’s a great memory…”

“You know I never thought Jessica eats…”

Tiffany smiles as she hears Taeyeon bringing Jessica up without any glitch.

“Cause she’s so skinny, but we ate together one time in the cafeteria…” And Taeyeon broke out in her ahjumma laugh “And I didn’t know she loves her noodles, she even took mine… keke…”

How Taeyeon didn’t know something this obvious, nobody knows.


Yoona has her head turned away from the stage so she could concentrate on rehearsing when she heard Jessica calling her out.

“Oh Yoona…” Jessica calls out as Yoona is practicing “Look who just walk in?”

Yoona turns around and for once she felt she’s going to be okay as long as Yuri was with her. But it wasn’t just Yuri who was there, the whole gang came to watch and cheer her on.

And for once in practice, Yoona finally smiles as long as she have Kwon Yuri, she’ll be okay.


“WAAAAAAAAHHHH My girlfriend is a ho.”

Yoona elbows Yuri jokingly at the rib as Yuri leans close to her and starts her habit of nuzzling on Yoona’s neck.

No one could believe that this table filled with every food in the menu belonged to these nine gorgeous females. The girls might have everyone’s attention in that café but right now the girls are enjoying being in their own world to notice.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! I so love that show! My girlfriend is a gumiho!"

“Gosh Soo! Is there even a point to talking to you sometimes? I said Ho! Not gumiho!”

“What are you talking about, Yul?”

“You saw Yoona’s performance? she’s dancing on a pole.” Yuri reasons out.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better it’s not a pole, it’s a bar.” Yoona corrected her…

“NO! It doesn’t make me feel any better! It’s a long metal and you’re dancing on it in your itty- bitty shorts… HMMP!” Yuri crosses her arms and frowns. “I’m the only one who should be seeing her in those itty-bitty shorts.”

“Gosh Yul… It’s not a good thing to go all possessive and sheyt… instead why don’t you show her how proud you are of her?”

“I am! I’m just a little… Ok… really bothered about her performance. I could imagine all those fan boys nose bleeding and God! Did you see how beautiful she was?! She could turn the straightest girl gay!”

“Oh yeah…” Taeyeon was agreeing too well… She quickly gulps when she sees Jessica’s eyes narrowing at her.

“You know what? It’s all part of the act Yul, I should know…entertainers run in my family” Sooyoung proudly announce to anyone who is willing to listen “My oppa is the black sheep of the family, he chose to be an underground rapper than go to college”

“Underground?” Hyoyeon raises her brow in confusion “Why can’t he be on top of the ground?”

“Hyo… sometimes we wonder if Sooyoung and Yuri’s intelligence is starting to rub on you.”

The night was filled with laughter except for the one girl who’s focus was on the midget laughing loudly with her bestfriend.

“Hey… you ok Shika?”

“Yeah… just tired”

And Jessica wasn’t really lying, this thing that she has right now with Taeyeon she’s getting to the point that it’s draining every life out of her. Yet here she is still mustering everything with what little she have left if it meant making Taeyeon happy.


Although Seo allows Yuri (even during that incident) to sleepover in their room, it’s getting frustrating how they could only be G rated when they’re ready to step into the rated X. Yet Yuri couldn’t complain she loves being with Yoona even if it meant just sleeping beside her.

Yuri glares angrily as Yoona sighs happily as she sleeps. Here she was, Kwon Yuri staying up later than her bedtime just so she could pat Yoona’s back to sleep. Yet the thing that Yoona’s arms are wrapped around with isn’t her but of the oversize brown bear.

Yuri’s eyes got smaller as she glares at the brown bear and she sees it, she did… the brown bear was smiling as if it’s telling Yuri, in your face, Yul, Yoona chose me.

“Grrr… Yoona is mine.”

Yes, a piss off Yuri couldn’t even tell that she’s arguing with a teddy bear.


Yuri looks at her paws in confusion, what she’s going to do? How on Earth is she going to knock on the door with these paws?

“Should I use my head?” Yuri tries to knock on the door with her mascot head but failed. She just ends up hitting the door with her paws.

“CAMEEEENNNNG” Yuri heard shuffling and the door knob turns and there was Sooyoung eyes widen at the sight of the huge as$ teddy bear. “WHOAH! It’s Winnie the POOH!”

Hyoyeon quickly looks and fell to the ground at the sight of the oversize cuteness. “Whoah! Winnie the Pooh, where’s your red shirt?!”

“I’m not Winnie the pooh, idiots! It’s me Yuri!”

“Yuri bear?”

“Never heard of that.”

“No…” Yuri facepalm with her paw, with the rate these two are going, she’ll be stuck in this mascot forever “It’s rilakkuma bear, I’m Yuri… get me out of this thing, you idiot.”

“Ehhhh… IDK, you just hurt my feelings right there, by calling me idiot, should we help her out, Hyo?”

“IDK… my heart is still breaking too…”

Sooyoung shrugs… “Sorry… you should treat us more nicely.”

“Yup, by buying us pizza.”

The poor bear fall to her knees (if bear have knees) to the ground.

“FINE! Just help me…”

“Ok…. What’s the magic word?”

Sooyoung was enjoying this too much and Yuri couldn’t do anything about it… FOR NOW…


“Alright, was that so hard to do?”

Sooyoung takes off the bear head and she and her roommate looks disapprovingly at what they saw, Yuri’s face was soak with either tears or sweat and her hair is sticking on her face…

“I think the bear head was much better to look at.”

“I know… put it back on…” Sooyoung agrees

Sooyoung was about to put it back on Yuri’s head but not before Yuri slap Sooyoung’s arms silly with her paws.

“What are you doing?! Do you know how long I was stuck in there? I thought I could get out of it by myself but I couldn’t! And those mean people in the shop wouldn’t help me! I have to walk through the park and these dogs were all chasing me, and those kids… WAAAAHHHH… they wrestle me like I’m in WWE! IT was so horrible… And my poor baby Yoona, she keeps on texting and calling me but I couldn’t do anything because these stupid paws can’t even hold the damn phone!”

“There… there… It’s just one of those bad days, Yul…” Sooyoung pats her bestfriend’s back “Knowing you, I’m sure there would be much worse days than this one.”


The girls spun around and saw Sunny and Taeyeon eyeing the bear’s . And Yuri never felt so molested.

“I like that little round fluffy thing going on in your back- What the?!” Taeyeon froze when she felt Yuri b!tchslap her with her paw.

“I’m a freaking bear Tae! Have some freaking respect!”

“Pffft. Says the girl in a bear mascot.”

“I’m doing this out of love, my Yoona isn’t feeling so good right now. Those fangirls are getting more relentless and if I fight them they’ll just get worse so this is the best thing I could think about.”

“You, Kwon Yuri and the word think just don’t belong in one sentence” Sunny points out. “Why can’t you just take her shopping or treat her to dinner like NORMAL people do?” Sunny asks. “God… why am I even asking?”*


Seohyun couldn’t help but worry as Yoona keeps on getting harassed by those fangirls, for them Yoona is the enemy, the enemy that tries to still their oppars away.

Yoona sighs heavily as Yuri haven’t text her for hours…

“So, who’s been bothering you, Yoong?”

“Those elfs… I don’t know what I did to them…”

Seohyun couldn’t believe what she heard “Elfs? How could something so little be so mean?” Seohyun likes elfs, but with how they were hurting Yoona, Seohyun changed her mind.

“No… not those kinds of elfs.” Yoona groans, sometimes Seohyun is just hopeless “That’s the name of oppa’s fanclub.”

“Oh… elfs… I didn’t know that.”

What else does Seohyun don’t know?


“Oh Yoona-yah..”

Seohyun jumps back as Hyoyeon and Sooyoung were walking towards with a giant teddy bear.

And Yuri knew all the dogs biting on her heels, being tackled by those rowdy children and Taeyeon’s harassment was worth it when she sees the excitement in Yoona’s eyes as she sees the big bear.

“So, Yoong have you met the newest member of our crew?”

Yoona grin widely and shakes her head happily…

“Her name is… Rilla… Rika…” Realizing that she’ll never be able to call the bear by it’s name, Hyoyeon decides to name the bear herself” Ummm… BROWN BEAR!!!”


“But Brown bear is more than just a bear, she’s so much more!” Hyo exclaims as if she’s a voiceover for a commercial promoting Yuri out.

Yuri turned her head at Hyo… What does she mean by more?

“It’s also a dancing bear!”

The mascot head muffles Yuri’s cries, she can’t barely stand anymore what more dance?

“Do you want to see the bear dance, Yoona?”

Yoona nods eagerly and Yuri takes a deep breath, she’ll bear it… for Yoona… She starts to bounce around…

“No. no. no. no”

Yuri turns to Hyo, OMO… what is this girl planning?

“You’re much special than that… you can dance to KPOP songs…”

“oh yeah, oh yeah… brown bear!”

“Wait?” Sooyoung cups her hand on her ear “I heard Mister calling…”

Oh no… oh no… oh no…

“Why don’t you shake that fluffy ball behind you by dancing to Mister?”

But before Yuri could protest, Hyoyeon already put Mister by Kara on speakers and Yuri couldn’t help but do the dance (Brown bear style) for Yoona.


The girls sing along as Brown bear dance her heart out.

“Oh ho ho… Brown Bear, I didn’t know you could shake your tailfeather like that, I think you are being a BAD GIRL”

Yuri shakes her head like crazy only to get ignored. Sooyoung winks to signal Hyoyeon and Hyoyeon puts Bad Girl on…

“OH YEAH!!!”

“Konpeki no Bad Bear yo!”

And the idiot that Kwon Yuri is, actually let her friend make a dumb@ss out of her as she dance to the song. She’s just let it slide as long as Yoona was laughing like she is right now.

“OH WOW!!!!”

The four girls were all clapping so amused of how entertaining Yuri is, that they thought of switching Yuri with this bear.



And 2pm Hands up starts playing and the girls raise their hands up…


And the girls forget what they were doing as they were jamming with Brown Bear whose trying her damn hardest to raise her paws up.

At the end of their party, Yoona is making her way closer to the bear when she felt someone shove her away.

“BROWN BEAR!!!!” Seohyun squeals happily as she wraps her arms around the bear. If Keroro could see Seo spazzing over Brown Bear now, it’ll break his achy breaky froggy heart “You are so awesome!”

The girls try to pry Seohyun off Brown bear until finally they did. And as much as Yoona would have wanted to wrap her arms around her favorite bear, she wouldn’t want anything else but to hug the girl who just made her fall in love all over again.

But for now… Yoona will just wrap her arms around Brown Bear and whisper to her Yul.

“Saranghae Yul… OW!” Yoona rubs her head as the brown bear just headbutt her.

Yuri raises her bear arms up in apology. She was so used to kissing Yoona that she forgot that she has a huge bear head and instead of kissing Yoona like she intended to do, she ended up bonking Yoong in the head.


Tiffany was one or probably the only one immune to the Shika effect but not these days, Jessica seems colder than usual and what’s worse is that, Tiffany felt that it’s only with her who Shika got a problem with.


Tiffany tries to chase after Jessica “Hey! I know you hardly ever hear this being said to your face since most people are scared sh!t of you, but I think you need to know. You are being a ***** right now.”

“Sorry about that” Jessica says with an air of sarcasm and continues to walk away.

Tiffany yanks Jessica’s arm “Nobody likes a *****, Jess.”

“Then, deal with it.”

“I will but I know you. You have a reason why you’re acting like this. Give me credit here, we have been bestfriends since we were in the States. If something is up with you then tell me.”

“You want to know what’s up?” Jessica grits her teeth at how insensitive her own bestfriend could be “I’ll tell you what’s up, Tiff… It pisses me off, that here I am trying my damn hardest to make Taeyeon happy but I couldn’t. And all you do is show up and she’s smiling like she won the damn lottery!”

“That’s what’s bothering you?”

“That’s the only thing that could bother me! Taeyeon is the only thing that bother me nowadays.When I saw you two just laughing together, it killed me because I suddenly realized that no matter what I do, I could never make her smile the way you do”


“No… maybe we we're never meant to be, Tiffany that all it really is a stupid love that was never meant to happen in the first place, who am I to force something that isn’t meant to happen?”

“Just hang in there, Jess.”


“I say hang in there… Taeyeon is not used to this so she doesn’t know how she feel, or maybe she does she just don’t know how to express it. But we all know, except her and you what she really feels.”

“Look if you’re just saying things to stop making me feel like crap then…”

“No, I’m not… it’s obvious to everyone except to the two of you. When I was with her today, you don’t know how she would just unconsciously talk about you, how she would smile when she hears your name, and if you saw her laugh, it’s probably cause we were talking about some stunt you two pulled together. It’s you, Jess, it’s you who Taeyeon wants. But let her realize it for herself. When she does, I swear, it’ll be worth all this. so, just hang in there, Jess… just a little bit more.”

Jessica sighs heavily as much as she wants to just step out of the game, she know she couldn’t not when Taeyeon is involved.


Yoona sneaks quietly and couldn’t help but aww as Yuri looks so cute sleeping so soundly almost like a little baby. The bear mascot was still scattered all over the floor and Yuri has a tired expression on her face as she sleeps.

Yoona slowly climbs into bed beside Yuri and slowly wraps her arm around Yuri’s slim waist. And almost like it’s automatic Yuri nuzzles on Yoona’s neck but not before Yoona kisses Yuri softly on the lips.

“I love you, baby…”

And Yuri in return wraps her arm around Yoona’s waist, pulling the girl tighter.

“I love you too.”

“Hmmm? Yul? I thought you’re asleep?” Yoona whispers carefully, so that she won’t wake up Tiffany on the other side of the bed.

“You kiss me, so I woke up” Yuri smiles playfully despite being so tired.

“Sorry” Yoona couldn’t help but apologize, Yuri was dead tired and here she was just waking her up.

“Don’t be. You’re better than any dream.”

And Yuri kisses her princess again before Yuri fell back asleep the best way she knows how… with Yoona in her arms.



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!