The First Kiss



Yoona silently prayed for weeks to give her the strength not to strangle the annoying tan girl. Yuri had just went berserk with her flirting, every word that comes out of is either a one liner or something erted.

Math class was beginning to be torturous. She turns around when she feels something beside her and what does she see? but the girl with her lips inches away from her face.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to kiss you.”

Yoona grits her teeth and Yuri’s eyes widen in anticipation ready for Yoona’s outburst, but again Yoona caught herself and groans angrily.

“Hmmmp” Yuri pouts, disappointed that Yoona was able to hold herself. The girl was much more determined than Yuri thought.

“Im Yoona?” the deadpan voice of their math teacher can lull anyone to sleep.

“Here.” Yoona raises her hand unaware of the terrible fate that is going to happen to her.

“Im Yuri?”

Nothing but red. Yoona couldn’t see any color but red as her anger rise up to her head and is about to burst out of her body.

“Here,” The idiot raises her hand happily before smiling mischievously at the furious girl. “I hope you like that I took your name, my seobang.”

Yuri teased with a playful wink.

“THAT’S IT!!!! I’m going to hurt you, Kwon Yuri!”

“SOOYOUNG!” Yuri stands up and starts dancing victoriously as the other girl finally lost. “You heard her, she’s going to hurt me!  I win!  I win!”

“ this,” Yoona cursed before slumping back on her chair in defeat

“Ooohhh... My seobang has such a dirty mouth.” Yuri jutted her lips before breaking into a half smirk. "I like it."

Sooyoung groans and shakes her head, “Here we go again.”

Their teacher knows better than to meddle at Kwon Yuri shenanigans and just left the two alone…


From: Girl I met in Mcdonalds
Hey… haven’t heard from you for awhile. I miss you gorgeous


From: Girl in sociology class
When are you coming over for our “special” tutorial lessons?


From: Girl who sold avon products
Hey just got new products that you will look good on, but still I love to see you without anything on.


Yuri could groan in exhaustion, her thumb sore from all the thirsty messages she has to delete.

“Is this the sign of menopause? When you’re uninterested in doing it? But that can’t be. I’m not even 21 yet. So, what is this? When did I become such a good girl?” Yuri groans in frustration to whoever was listening.

“I said stop. Yuri don’t need to know this.”

“Yes, she does.”

Yuri’s forehead furrows at the mumble she hears inside her room. She presses her ear on the door even if she could pretty much barge in. The voice belonged to Tiffany and…. Sica.


Yuri quickly burst inside the room and sees the two American girls staring blankly at her.

“Get a hold of yourself.”

“What is this? why did I hear my name?” Yuri demanded.

“It’s not you,” Tiffany is obviously lying but Yuri will give her a pass. “Didn’t you even think that there could be another Yuri?”

“Oh what the hell," Jessica groans in frustation. "Gyuri is here.”

“Jessssssiiiiiiccccaaa” Tiffany looks at the girl who looks unfazed by Tiffany’s attempt of a death glare.

That name was enough to wake Yuri up, “Gyuri? Park Gyuri?”

“Duh… is there another Gyuri you know?”

“Why would you try and hide it from me?” Yuri turns to look at Tiffany demanding an answer.

“Because,” Tiffany sighs unsure of how to explain it. She’s usually frank and has no problem sharing her thoughts, but Yuri no matter what people say about her is still a little girl who easily gets hurt at the simplest things. Yet what she is about to say is something that Yuri needed to hear. “A lot of people know you as player Yul, but lately, you change like you don’t flirt around and you don’t try to get into anyone’s pants anymore. and that is the real Yuri that me and the girls know. We like the real Yuri better and I think if you see Gyuri again, you might go back to your… ummm… habits again.”

“Let her see Gyuri,” Jess coolly says.

“Jess, not helping here.”

“No. This will prove it.”

“Prove what?”

The two American girls share a we- know-something-you-don’t-know look that only aggravated Yuri even more.

“That we are right.”

"Right about what?”

Sica did the mature thing to do and sticks out her tongue at the girl.

“No, for once Jessi is right about this.”

“What do you mean, for once?” Sica glares at her bestfriend only to be ignored.

“I think it would be good that you figure out to yourself what we're trying to prove.”

All this mess is getting to her head and it annoyed her to the core. But instead of retaliating, Yuri just made a mental note to herself: use Pany and Sica’s toothbrush to clean the dorm toilet.

“How could I figure it out when I don’t know what it is?”

“That’s the fun part.”

“Trust me, roomie… you’ll thank us later.”


“Yoong” Seohyun asks worrily at the lump hiding underneath the rilakkuma covers. “Are you ok?”

“Noooo.” Yoona mumbles underneath her sheet.“Can I just hide here forever?”

Seohyun sits down on her bed and pats her bestfriend’s back or something. She couldn’t tell what she was patting. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, you and Yuri unnie look cute together.”

That made Yoona pop out of her covers, glaring angrily at the other girl.

“No! That doesn’t make me feel better,” She groans heavily at her sad fate, “How could I have an outburst like that? Now that idiot is going to be my first kiss.”

“Well… maybe you can tell unnie to change her bet.”

“Pfffttt… yeah right, like that idiot is going to listen. Gosh Seo, First kiss? First kiss? I know I’m being old fashion but I wanted it to be with someone special and someone who I know who loves me, not just someone who adds me on their long list.”

“I’m sorry about that."

“It’s not your fault.”

“So, what are you going to do now?”

Yoona wished she knew the answer to it.

“Hide here forever.”


“Gosh Yul, how did you get Mr. Kang to call you-" Sooyoung stops when she sees that she's just wasting her breath. "Hey! Earth to Yuri.” Sooyoung smacks her bestfriend’s head to get her back to reality.

“HEY!!!” Yuri frowns as she rubs her sorehead.

“What’s up with you?”

Sooyoung won’t be pleased when she know but there was no point hiding it from her. “Gyuri is here.”

“What? you’re not going to see her, are you?”

“What? You too?”

“I mean Yul, you already have Yoona.”

“What? Since when did I have Yoona?”

“Aren’t you like her girlfriend or something?”

“In another world, yes. But I couldn’t even do anything, the farthest we could do is text each other “mwah” you know how depressing that is?”

“So, you just want to get laid, is that it?”

“No. Ummm, yeah... look, don’t tell Taeyeon and Sunny about it, ok?”

“Too late for that, idiot.”

The two tall girls jump in surprise at the sight of the frowning midgets. Sunny and Taeyeon jumps on her and starts poking her.

“Hey! What are you two doing?!”

“This is an intervention.”

“Don’t tell us you’re going back to her.”

“Yeah after that girl turned you into this…this… this,” Taeyeon for once struggled for the right word to say.

“This hoe” But Sunny isn’t.

“Whoah there! did you just call me a ho?”

“What do you call a girl who texts to different girls at the same time and “hang outs” with them in one week?”

“A hoe.” Taeyeon and Sooyoung nods approvingly.

“Alright! Alright! I get your point. Now get off me!”


“Look, I’m going to meet her and clear out some things that’s it. Then, its over… No going back to her apartment or in her car or bathroom or…”

“Stop ert!”

“Fine… Trust me guys, it’s over.”

They know they should trust their bestfriend,but how come the three don’t feel so confident?


“Hey since there are three of us, can we be like Charlie’s Angels?”

“Shut up, Soo.”

The two hissed as the three buddies hide behind the menus to avoid getting detected by Yuri.

“Oh, I’m seriously going to kill her.” Sunny growls as she sees this version of scorching hot Yuri, easily making every head turns toward her.

“Why? What did she do?”

“Look at her, she obviously wants to get laid.”

Taeyeon hush her as they try to listen in to the girls conversation.


“Gyul… hey.”

The two awkwardly look at each other, both look like Goddesses but they couldn’t even look a second at each other. Gyuri knew what she did to Yuri. The two met when Yuri was still a freshmen, she was cute and innocent but that innocence quickly went away when Gyuri started playing with her.

Yuri mistook everything for love. She gave Gyuri her everything and Gyuri was her first, first kiss, first touch. It hurt Yuri like hell to learn that Gyuri never even loved her, but Yuri refuse to cower in the corner and cry for Gyuri to come back to her, instead she turned into a player breaking hearts like the way Gyuri broke hers.

“So… ummm… how you been?”

“Good and you?”

“Good too… you look beautiful by the way.”

“Yeah you too… so, ummm... what made you visit?”

“Oh, ummm... I'm here to visit my boyfriend."


Gyuri shouldn’t affect her like this but here it goes again, Yuri could only guess that Gyuri still does have her heart.

“Why? You don’t believe it?”

“I do, but-” What do they have that she didn’t have? That you couldn’t be with me?

Yuri felt the place suffocating her and she just had to go out of there.

“I need to go to the bathroom.”


Yuri exhales shakingly, unsure why she was feeling like this.


“What do you want?”

“I can’t stand seeing you like this.” Gyuri pulls the girl to look at her.

“Oh, you care all of a sudden?”

“I always cared.”

“Oh, now you tell me that?”

“Look… I know you can’t get over me.”

Yuri could only froze in her spot, Gyuri's words feeling like a bucket of ice being dumped on her.

“Oh please. You’re getting way too ahead of yourself.”

“Am I? After me Yul, have you ever been with somebody that you love and care about? Everyone that you were with were just your way of forgetting me.”

Yuri was close to screaming at her, how insensitive could she be? She was suppose to be her bestfriend and yet it feels like she intentionally says words just to hurt her.

“Do you know, you in giving advices? and you know what? I found somebody.”

That was Yuri talking by the way… but where the hell did that lie came from?

“Oh really? How come I never heard about you talking about this somebody?”

The other girl gives Yuri the look, the look that pretty much says, “ I don’t believe the crap coming out of your mouth”

“Because ummm… We just started dating, I wanted to make sure that it’s serious before I tell anybody.”

If Yuri was Pinocchio her nose will already poke through the bathroom walls.

“Who is she?”

“ummm… her name is...”

Quick! think of a name. Yuri look around in the bathroom to search for the name of her non existent girlfriend, “door, doora?”, tampons, tammie?, Oh God… Yuri could only mentally facepalm herself, wondering why she's such an idiot, a sensitive idiot at that. Wait tissue? Her eyes on the Angel soft tissue wrappers


“Oh Angel? When can I meet her?”

Gyuri's skeptical look softened like she was slowly buying Yuri's little white lie.

“Ummm… soon, she’s busy.”

“Well, would she have time to double date with your bestfriend and her guy?”

Just kill me why don’t you?

“Oh yeah sure.”

“Good. I’m going to ask Trey, how about Friday night?”

“Friday night?”

Yuri gulps once again at the rate she's going, She's going to lose all her spit.

“Yeah, why? is she that busy?”

“No, no. Of course not.”

“Good. I’m glad we settled this one.”

Gyuri was about to walk back to the café when she stops and turns at her.

“Is she pretty?”

“Prettier than you.”


"Oh my ing God..."

Yuri could only groan in defeat as she thumbs through her contact list for a girl name Angel. Angel should have been a common name but the world was too cruel. She just didn’t know anybody by that name. There was only one resort to this, and that was to call her buddies, asking them if they know a girl name Angel.


 Yuri heard constant crunching in the other line, When you’re bestfriends for a long time, good manners just seem to jump off the window.

“Hey Soo, do you know any Angel?”

“You’re talking to one.”

Yuri press the red button, hopefully her bestfriend realizes that she’s useless.

“I do but I don’t have her number.”

“Yup… but we're not close.”

“No, but I know a girl name Diana.”

Rejection. After rejection. After rejection. But finally…

“Oh yeah… someone from work.”

Hyoyeon!!! her savior!!! If Yuri could give a most reliable award to anybody it would be Hyo. Sure she got a temper and likes to kick people’s shin cause her short legs can’t reach any further, but when you really need her, she always comes through.

“GREAT!!!! Can I meet her tomorrow?”

“Ok, I’ll tell her, how about lunch?”

“Good, lunch is ok with me, thanks Hyo.”

Yuri finally plops back in her bed, and after such an exhausting day she was passed out in a second.


God sure has a sense of humor.

Yuri tried to move her cheeks to force a smile but she can’t, not when this gremlin. Hyo is grinning like an idiot like she’s cupid who made a match made in heaven. She looks like an angel all right, if an angel drops on the rocky ground face first.

“She’s very… ummm… well… ahhh… nice.” Hyoyeon whispers.

I don’t care if this girl is a freaking saint! There is no way she would be seen walking around with this chunky dwarf with a face that only a mother could love. Yuri knows she's being too cruel, but Gyuri isn't nickname the Goddess for no reason. She can't imagine how Gyuri would react on their double date.


This is going to be a longest hour of her life.

Yuri could only make some stupid excuse that she needed to go to work. Right on time, her phone started ringing and what do you know?

“Hey Gyul.”

“Yul, hey sorry but Trey got a photoshoot this Friday night.”

“Ohhh, too bad." Thank God Gyuri can't see the huge grin on Yuri's face. "And Angel is like all excited, maybe next time.” 

“How about tonight?”

“What the? Tonight?” God? Can you hear me? It’s me Kwon Yuri?

“Why? IS Angel busy tonight?”

She shouldn’t have been in this situation in the first place, if she could have just been honest, have the guts to have told her how she felt. Maybe she would love her back. Maybe a part of Gyuri loves her back too.



But her train of thought stops as she heard giggling and kissing noises. How could something so sweet? Be so bitter for someone else? Or maybe, maybe there wasn't anything worth fighting for in the first place.

“Yeah sure… we're free tonight.”

WTH did that lie come from?

“Good, I’ll see you later in Milk around 8, ok? bye Yul.”
Yuri heard more giggling before the line went dead. It was 2 pm, she had 6 hours to find this Angel.

Kwon Yuri being the normal person that she is, did what any normal person would do in her situation. She steps out on the street, took a huge breath and yelled,
“Who is Angel here?”

People all turned to look at her, plan A obviously didn’t work, so go to plan B. She started patting every girl, asking them if they’re name is Angel… A few girls started freaking out that the mall cop was starting to chase her.

Crazy day and it’s already 6 o clock… She waited, waited for an angel. The world is a cruel place.

“I’m Angel.”

She groaned and buried her head in her hands, right in front of her is a heavily tattooed guy who looks like he just got out of prison. Can someone just end her misery and kill her?

“Do you have a boyfriend?” did he actually asks her that?

I could feel my jaw drop to the ground. There she was coming out the bookstore behind ex convict Angel, a tall, slender, doe eyed beauty. It will sound so cliché but if Angels really do exist… they would look like her.

“I don’t have a boyfriend but I have a girlfriend… sorry dude, but men aren’t really my type.”

She accidentally shove Yoona in the back and the girl turned angrily at her.

“Oh, Yoona, I’m sorry about that, how about I take you to dinner?”

She looks at her in surprise and she shakes her head.

“Ummm… what? No… I’m not hungry.”

“You're not hungry? nonsense! Let’s go!”

“Wait… Yuri… where are you taking me?”

“To dinner, you ever been to Milk? They got good ice teas there.”

“Wait a minute! You’re freaking me out” She pulls away.

“Look, this is what happen, I sorta lied to Gyuri and now I have to show up to dinner with a fake girlfriend name Angel.”

“Wait… hell no!” She looks at her angrily.

“Oh c'mon!" Yuri pleaded. "I just said you have to pretend you are.”

“Sorry but no”, She turns and walks away and I could only think of one way…

“That bet… we’ll cancel it after you do this, pretend to be my girlfriend then were done. I KWON YURI will never bother IM YOONA as long as we both shall live.”

Yoona rubs her temples in irritation.

“Why am I always around when you’re in a crappy situation?”

“Cause you’re my angel.”


The two walk over to the gorgeous couple who can’t keep their hands away from each other, Yuri pulls Yoona closer before she says.

“ G, Trey… This is my girlfriend Yoona.”

Yoona gulped at the sound of that, She pictured this moment in her head for quite some time now, and it’s not suppose to be this way. Not with Yuri.

“Oh really… I thought her name was Angel?”

“Oh did I say Angel? That’s what I usually call her cause just look at her… She looks like one, doesn’t she?”

Yuri intertwined her fingers with Yoona

Trey nods like he approves “oh yeah… ooffff” He cowers when Gyuri elbows him in the chest.

Yoona could feel the moment that she and Gyuri saw each other that they won’t get along. Gyuri glares at her from head to toe, like she was sizing her if she's worth Yuri’s attention.

From the looks of how they were eating each other up, Yuri stood no chance. The lovers were lost in their own Trey and Gyuri world and there was no one that could bring them back to Earth. But as Yoona look at the two, she felt like they were not in love, more of in lust. If they act like this in public? How much more in private?

“Here honey…”

Yoona didn’t know what came up to her, but next thing she knows, she shoved a fork of spaghetti right up Yuri’s throat. The poor girl starts coughing and pounding her chest. Gyuri pushes Trey away and looks worried before she shooting Yoona a death glare. She almost panic and hands Yuri the water which she gulps down.

“Are you ok?”

She asked Yuri, she slaps Yoona softly in the arm before the two of us starts laughing. In the corner, Gyuri isn’t too pleased.

“What were you trying to do? kill her?” Her voice sounds like a police interrogating Yoona for a crime.

“Gyuri, stop you’re over reacting.” Yuri defends Yoona while Gyuri didn’t look too please that she stood up to her.

“Geez Yul. When you choose a girlfriend, you should have pick someone who knows how to take care of you.”

“That’s ok Gyuri, I want to be the one to take care of her.”

“Oh really? Cause what I remember of you, you’re the one who tends to get a little clingy.”

Yuri didn’t know how to react at that one, how could Gyuri just act like this? Yuri thought she never cared, so why would she blast her out like this?

“Well…My honey could cling to me all she wants.” Yoona intertwines her fingers with Yuri, surprising the older girl.

The tension brewed between the two, it’s a good thing Trey was feeling .

“Babe… can we go?”

Trey asks and from the hint of his voice, anyone could tell that Gyuri and him are going to continue what they were doing in private.

“Yeah sure, Yuri…remember Yul, you promise to take me to airport tomorrow.”

“Yeah… I will.”

“I hope that’s ok with you, Yoona.” Gyuri says in a mocking tone.

“No big deal… I trust Yuri.”

Gyuri glares and didn’t even bother to reply. Gyuri gives Yuri a hug while Trey picks up her purse itching to get out of there.

“So, that’s Gyuri, huh?”

“Yup that’s her.”

If they could choke from the awkward silence, they would have both been passed out by now.

“I’m sorry about this Yoona, do you want to go home?”

“No… let’s just finish the food.”

The two have many awkward moments but nothing came close to beating this one.


“Are you ok?” Yoona asks for the millionth time as they walk back to their dorm.

“I’am… stop asking.”

“Ok, geez… I’m just-ummm- worried. This isn’t like you.”

Yoona's little act of charity, did help lighten Yuri up a bit. “Why? What’s like me?”

“You know loud, happy, dorky, but never quiet, I…ummm- hate seeing you like this.”

“I’m just… well… tired.”

“Well… you know what, Yuri, let’s do this! kiss me.”

Yuri’s eyes widen in shock at what Yoona just said. “Wait… what now?”

“If it makes you feel better, I mean let’s go on with the bet, so ummm… kiss me. c’mon, do it! promise I won’t punch you.”

Yoona screwed her eyes shut, ready to get her first kiss.

“What the?” She opens her eyes as she felt someone’s arms wrap around her waist and Yuri’s face buried in her hair. The girl had wrapped her in a back hug instead of a kiss.

“I don’t want to do that Yoona. I don’t want you to remember your first kiss to be with someone who you were forced to do it with. Everybody is saying it’s just a kiss but it’s not… it’s giving a part of yourself to someone. But if you or the other person never cared and just kiss for the heck of it, you’ll spend your whole life kissing whoever just so you could find that perfect kiss.”

Yoona look at Yuri’s eyes and gone were those playful and erted looks instead they were filled with sincerety and maybe even worry. Maybe she was wrong, maybe Yuri isn’t a big joke like she thought she is, maybe Yuri care after all.

“You deserve to have the perfect first kiss with the one you truly love.”

“Ummm Yuri… I didn’t…OWWWW… What are you doing?!” Yoona asks in surprise as the girl jumps on her back.

“I still won the bet and since we didn’t get to kiss, I decided to turn you into my slave. That speech fried my brain cells so I’m dead tired, so, I command you to carry me all the way to our dorm.”

“Geez… just when I thought you were nice,” Yoona roll her eyes.

“KYAAH!!! Gallop slave! Gallop!” Yuri starts bouncing on Yoona’s back.

“Stop moving. You are going to break my back.”

“That’s a good idea, let’s make brokeback mountain 2… yoonyul style, OW” Yuri rubs her forehead where her slave flicks her.


“You made me. Hot stuff.”

The beautiful clear sky, cool, crisp air and the sound of their laughter, for Yuri no night could have been more perfect.


Gyuri was only there for a couple of days but Yuri have never felt so glad that she was finally leaving. Yuri hands Gyuri her bag before giving the girl a goodbye hug.

“Well… have a safe trip.” Yuri try to say casually and the look on Gyuri’s face was confusing…

“Wait… Yul,Can I ask you a question?”

“It’s not about money problems, right? Cause I don’t have any right now.”

“No dork, it’s something else.”

“Ok, then what is it?”

“What if there was someone in my life, who I thought to be nothing more but my friend, then I met somebody else and thought that well… this could be my dream guy but when I was with him, that “friend” met somebody else and I realize that my dream guy wasn’t the one that I want to be with, its my friend all along?”

That. Was. A. long. question. It reminded Yuri of those math problems, where someone is going to point A and another is going to point B, how long is it going to take for them to get to point C?

Yuri couldn’t help but smile because she saw her and Gyuri in that question. She remember the days where she would give everything just so she could follow her. Yuri was crazy, stupidly and blindly in love. Loving Gyuri is like a rollercoaster, you think you’re brave enough to handle it, you go through all the loops and drops but at the end of it all, you’re just glad it’s over…

her and Gyuri… there is no going to point C… They were meant to take different points.

Next thing she knowa, Gyuri has her lips on hers. Her lips were just as sweet and good as she remember but the thing now is, she would rather be kissing Yoona.Wait... Did she just say she would like to kiss Yoona? The girl who she could never stand? who annoy the crap out of her?

DUH... you just figure that out? Why do you think other girls just don't interest you anymore? Why you try to get her attention everytime? When here you are, kissing the girl that you have like for so long and all you could think of is her?


"Yuri? what's wrong?"

"I love Yoona."

"What?!" Gyuri wasnt really happy that the girl was thinking of someone else while they kiss.

"Gyuri. I love Yoona... I love her... I do," She kisses Gyuri in the forehead before running out "Thanks for helping me figure that out."


Tiffany was studying/texting/eating when her dorm room door burst open. She turns and sees the cute puppy eyed girl.

"OMO PANY... I think I love Yoona."

Tiffany flashes that brilliant eyesmile, the old innocent and dorky Yuri is back and she's glad.

"See? didn't I tell you, you should figure it out yourself?"

Yuri smiles... glad that for once, Sica was right...

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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!