What's Wrong With Yuri?




Don’t say a thing
I act tough but I’m not inside

-Bad boy, Big Bang


Kwon Yuri is a girl with many fears…

She and Yoona (which she forced the other girl to do), has a baseball bat underneath their beds. It was just in case a psychopath or worse a zombie would decide to creep on them at night, at least she knows she could protect themselves.

She has an irrational fear of dogs. But it’s not the Scooby Doo kind of dog that scares the crap out of her, it’s those bug eyed Chihuahuas. For her, if the devil has a pet, it would be a Chihuahua…

Just the thought of rollercoasters/Jessica’s driving makes her puke. She doesn’t like the fact that she has no control over something that flips her, flaps her, throw her up in the air and make her go round and round… Hmmm… now she comes to think of it, she’ll rather ride an hour in a rollercoaster than 5 minutes in Hellsica’s car of doom…

Another fear is singing… well, she’s born to sing (that’s what she thought) but the thought of singing in front of a crowd is enough to make her cringe. Especially when she remembers her love rain remix performance feat. Hyoyoung and her surprise act. After that night, she don’t think she would be able to perform anymore, unless she’s wearing a TMNT mascot.

But she thinks her greatest fear of all was losing Yoona. She thought she was ready. She secretly wrote a speech on what she was going to say to Yoona’s parents. She even practice when she’s in the shower or when she’s by herself,. Yet all those practice went to waste, the moment she saw the fury on Yoona’s mom and when she saw Yoona’s mom fling her hand to slap Yoona… That did it for her…

And suddenly her greatest fear have change, losing Yoona now came second to seeing Yoona hurt…



Yuri willed her heart when Yoona started crying. She asks herself not to wrap her arms around Yoona, beg for her forgiveness and say I love you to her reassuringly. Yuri looks back at Yoona’s mom, her eyes still filled with anger instead of compassion for her. It wasn’t wise to talk to the woman right now, but when was Yuri ever wise?

“I’m just her friend… So please…” Yuri pleads to Yoona’s mother “Don’t hurt her…”

But Yuri’s pleading fell to deaf ears when Yoona’s mother ignores her and walks straight to her daughter.

“This ends now, Yoona.” She lashes out at her daughter. Her fingernails leaving marks on Yoona’s arm as she tries to pull Yoona away from Yuri.


Yuri shoves Yoona’s mother away from her love and wrap her arms protectively around Yoona. “You’re hurting her… stop hurting her” Yuri whimpers like a young child protecting her most favorite toy.

“You want me to stop?” Yoona’s mother says coldly. “Then walk away from her.”

Yuri felt Yoona’s hands gripping on her dress tighter.

“No Yul…” Yoona pleaded, her voice was barely louder than a whisper, but Yuri heard it perfectly. “Please… stay with me… We’ll fight for us, remember?” Yoona reminds her…

“It’s your choice, young lady.”

And Yuri don’t have to look further than Yoona’s scratched arms to make her decision.

“Yul… no…” But Yuri pried Yoona’s hands off her and quickly turns to face Yoona’s mother.

“I’m leaving so stop…”

End of flashback


Yuri’s foot took her 20 steps away and another 20 steps more… What seems like such an easy task was much harder than it looks. Each step away from Yoona was getting more heavier, torturous until finally it reach the point where her feet failed her. And she drops on her knees, clutching on the railing of the bridge when suddenly…


Yuri was tackled on the ground when someone pummeled unto her.

“SOO! What the hell?!” Yuri screams at the girl on top of her.

“NO! what the hell, Yul?!” Sooyoung shakes Yuri furiously.

Now Yuri got confused… “What?”

“You think this is the answer? You think jumping off the bridge will help you solve your problem?”

“Oh let her jump” Says the emotionless Sunny with her eyes on her DS “It’s not that deep anyway”

“OH yeah? Why don’t you find out?”

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looks at each other before picking up the blonde DS girl…


Sooyoung and Hyoyeon was about to put Sunny down the bridge



Sooyoung and Hyoyeon drops sunny on the ground, earning a low growl from the bunny.

“I’m not going to jump…”


“ I just want to be alone right now” Yuri answers…

“B-but…” Sooyoung asks worriedly…

“Soo… thanks dude, but I really…” Yuri was at a lost for her words but her friends understood her perfectly.

“Go… Yul…” Hyoyeon nods…

And Yuri forces herself to smile as she walks ahead of her friends, leaving her buddies staring back at her worriedly…

“But she might kill herself.”

“She won’t…”

The girls continue staring until Yuri turn at the next corner.

“She won’t leave Yoona like that.”


Seohyun quickly turns away from her trigo homework when she sees Yoona walking in. The doe eyed girl just walk so quietly, not making a single sound or uttering one word as she sits on her bed.

And then she just started crying. Seohyun remained paralyzed at her state. Yoona was probably the most emotionally strong person she had ever met, So seeing her crumbling like this left Seo so helpless. What was she to do?

“She left me.”

It was the first thing that Yoona have said but it answers perfectly to why she was crying…

“She just left me right there.”

Yoona chuckles as a method to somehow stop her tears, but it failed miserably and here she was again crying.

“Yoona? I’m so sorry…” Seohyun tries to reach out “Please, don’t cry…”

Yoona shakes her head and tries to smile at Seohyun. “For what? You have nothing to be sorry about. I love Yuri, I still do… so, ummm…. Just let me cry for her, Seo…”

And Seohyun nods, even if she turns away from Yoona, still the sound of Yoona crying echoes in their room. And Seohyun the loyal bestfriend that she is, her heart broke along with Yoona’s.


This used to be Yuri’s favorite place, the lakeside. It was the place where she and Yoona first said their I love you’s, their first kiss, their make up but this time all she had left was those memories… And in a strange way, she was willing to trade all of those if she could have Yoona beside her again.

But right now, all alone, those memories are the only thing that keeps her company. Until she heard the sound of an oomph as someone sits beside her.

“Hey Soo…” Yuri says blankly.

“I know you told us to leave you alone but I can’t do that… that’s against the code…”

Yuri turns her head at the munching girl curiously “What code?”

“The bestfriend code…”

“I didn’t know there was one.”

“Well, I made it up, it’s the Sooyoung bestfriend code.”

“And what’s the Sooyoung bestfriend code?”

Sooyoung turns at Yuri. “To be always beside my bestfriend. You don’t have to talk and I don’t need to talk…” Sooyoung explains her rule further. “And you can pretend that I’m not here right now. But just in case you needed someone, you always know, I’m right here. And isn’t that what every person needs? To know that they have someone just when they needed them the most?”

And just when Yuri thought her tears run out, obviously they weren't because they start falling again…

“I’m the worse bestfriend and I’m the worse girlfriend… I’m just worse all in all, Soo… I don’t know how you and Yoona could just handle it.”

“Nobody expected you to be perfect…”

Sooyoung grins toothily…

You know why I never gave up on finding love, Yul?”

Because you want to make a baby?”

“Nooo…” Now that Sooyoung thought about it “well… yeah…” Maybe with Jaejoong oppa “But no… I’m serious here…” Sooyoung pouts at Yuri…

“It’s because whenever I see you and Yoona, I get jealous. It makes me and other single people out there wish that there is someone out there for us. But not just that, cause you make couples jealous of you too…”

Yuri looks at Sooyoung thoughtfully before her bestfriend sighs dreamily and sips the hot choco that Yuri was saving for herself.

“People are hardly together because they’re in love anymore. It’s like they’re together because they’re afraid to be alone. It’s like a loop for these people, one day they’re in love, another day they’re not… But you and Yoona man, it’s like everyday you two just fall harder for each other.”

“And I want that too… I don’t want to be with someone just for the sake of being in a relationship. I want to be with someone who’s going to make me fall in love everyday… “

Sooyoung turns her head so she could look at Yuri.

What I’m trying to say Yul is… Don’t just walk away from something that everyone would want to wish. ”

“Yeah… we’ll help you…”

Yuri turns and see Hyoyeon. But it wasn't just her who's there for her, their whole gang came along with them.  

“Yeah…” Yuri could finally smile this time with hope. “I’m not just going to let go of Yoona…”

“Look Yuwree…” Tiffany the always sensible one approaches her. “Yoona’s parents are against you because your girl. You need to prove to them that you’re the right person for their daughter, not because you’re a girl but because you’re Kwon Yuri. And you’re not just a girl, you’re the best damn girl in the world…”

Taeyeon pats Yuri on the shoulder. “It’s going to be hard but you have our back.”

“And our fronts…” Sooyoung added

Yuri stands up and pounds her fist into her palm. “I’m the one for Yoona , I’m going to fight for us!”

“WE WILL ALL FIGHT!” The girls holler as if they’re ready to fight for Sparta.


The girls turn to mood killing Seo…

“IT’s almost curfew…”

“Oh, it is?” Yuri scratches her head… “THEN I’LL FIGHT FOR YOONA TOMORROW!”


The bride in my dreams is just a friend now

-Bad Boy, Big Bang



“Unnie…” Seohyun closes the door behind her, making sure Yoona doesn’t hear who she was about to converse to.

“Is she?” Yuri couldn’t even finish her sentence when Seohyun cuts her off.

“I think she needs some time to be alone.”

“No she doesn’t…”

Seohyun eyes widen in surprise. “What?”

“She doesn’t need time to be alone. I need her to know Seo, that I made a mistake walking away but I’m right here now and I’m not leaving.”

The door swings open and Yuri almost turned a ghostly pale when she sees Yoona eye to eye.

“It’s okay, Seo, I’ll talk to her.”

Yoona waited until Seo was in the room. She have so many things to say to Yuri but Yuri beat her to it.

“Yoona…” Yuri tries to reach out but Yoona quickly pulls away.

“What are you doing here?” Yoona quickly cuts her off.

“Yoona please…” Yuri didn’t know what hurts most, not being able to hold Yoona or Yoona just stepping away from her? “I just don’t know what to do…”

“All I want you to do is fight for us. For you to tell my mom and my dad, that I belong to you, but obviously that’s too much to ask.”

“She was hurting you!” Yuri defended herself.

“And you think you walking away, didn’t hurt me? It hurts worse Yul…” Yoona tried to show Yuri her anger or maybe frustration. But the only thing her eyes show was her pain. “It hurts so bad…” Yoona says softly.

Yuri's only wish was to hold Yoona in her arms again. But the girl won't even make a move, keeping a safe distance from Yuri.

“I’m sorry…”

“You know what, Yul?” Yoona looks at Yuri straight in the eye. Even if the only thing she wants to be is in Yuri's arms, she couldn't find herself to do it. She knew she was being a coward right now, but her fear of Yuri walking away again was paralyzing her. 

“I’m at my happiest when I’m with you… Everything about us makes me smile. Your cheesy jokes, when we make love, your crazy stunts and even our fights. And I think that it’s so sad that after tonight, I think when I’ll look back at what we had, I’ll forget all of them. I won’t think of the laughter, or the smiles or everytime we kiss and hug. All I would remember is this night where you gave up on us.”

“I’m so sorry…” Yuri would kneel on the ground if she has to.

“I’m sorry too… I know people always say, oh, Yuri is the more in love one, she needs Yoona more than Yoona needed her. But I didn’t care because I know that you know how much you mean to me… How We mean to me… Who would have thought that it would be you who would walk away first?”

Yoona turns towards the door but before she walks in, she wants Yuri to know one thing.

“You broke my heart, Yul…”

And Yuri wish there was something she could say, but she was left hanging there. But before Yoona could walk in her room, Yuri pulls Yoona in her arms...

“I’m not going to leave Yoona…” Yuri promised, burying her tears in Yoona's shoulder.

“Then suit yourself…” Yoona tried to shake the other girl off, but Yuri kept holding on...

“I’ll wait here for you…” Yuri uttered another promise.

“Have fun.” Yoona says sarcastically before pulling away from Yoona.

Yoona slams the door behind Yuri. And Yuri just stared helplessly at Yoona’s door, like a faithful puppy waiting for her master to return.

It’s embarrassing right now to just wait there in the dorm hallway, but she’s going to prove to Yoona that she’s not going to leave now or ever again…

After 3 hours…

Knock. knock. knock.

Yoona opens the door and sees Yuri standing there…

“I’m just going to pee… but I’m not leaving… so, wait…”

Yoona watches Yuri running to the bathroom. Yoona growls and was about to close the door when Yuri came running back out and stands back again in front of Yoona.

“I’m still going to wait…”

Yoona groans and closes the door in Yuri’s face.

“I’m still going to wait…”


You know that there's no one who will understand me like you, baby
Oh you, comeback to me…

- Bad boy, Big Bang


Yuri wakes up to the sound of coins clinging. She winces from the ache of her body, then quickly shot up to a sitting position.

“Where am I?”

Yuri turns around and sees her dorm mates just walking pass her. Some even nice enough to drop coins in her cup. Man… she fell asleep waiting for Yoona outside her dorm room.

“What the?” Yuri checks her cup and sees a few coins, hmmm… getting paid sleeping on the dorm hallway, not bad, not bad.

“KWON YURI!!!!!”

Yuri turns and sees Sooyoung with Hyoyeon storming towards her.

“Tiffany called me last night, said you didn’t come home to your room.”

“We thought you floating up in Han River… We are about to have a search party for you, you idiot!”

“What are you doing here anyway?”

“I just…” Yuri turns back towards the door… “I want to prove to Yoona that I’m not leaving her.”

“So, how’s that working for you?”

“Ummm…” Yuri stares at the door hopelessly… “Not good…”

Yuri picks up her cup and stands up but Sooyoung yanks the cup away.

“I’m taking this…”

“What for?!”

“For making us worry like that…”

Yuri turns back around to Yoona’s door.


“HEY!” Hyoyeon snaps Yuri to get her back to reality. “Don’t say sorry to the door. It doesn’t care if you end up in the news. Say sorry to us.”

“Well… I’m sorry…” Yuri then yanks her cup back “But I’m taking my coins…”


Hyoyeon shouts out but Yuri already runs out with their apology coins.

“Damn Soo, you should have used those long legs to chase after her.”


Even if Yoona avoided Yuri all throughout the day, still Yuri was determine to prove to Yoona she was willing to do anything…

For the second night, Yuri came prepared… She brought her comfy mickey mouse blanket, a pillow and a cup of hot chocolate as she waits outside Yoona’s dorm room.

“You could be arrested for this you know…”

“Are you going to post bail if I end up in jail?” Yuri asks Sooyoung…

“Ummm… no…” Sooyoung punches Yuri on the arm “Cause I’ll be lock up in the jail with you…”

Yuri smiles back at Sooyoung.

“Let’s stalk Yoona together…”

They chuckle softly despite of how absurd and probably creepy they sound.

“Yup, let’s do it.”


The more time passes, the more you get to know me, only disappointments will remain but
Baby don't leave me, I know you still love me
Why, yes, I'll tell you the truth, I need you

-Bad boy, Big Bang



“Yoona?” Yuri flutters her eyes and sees Seohyun staring disapprovingly at her making out with her pillow. “You’re not Yoona…” Yuri says disappointingly.

“No I’m not. Unnie get up… Yoona already left.”

Yuri quickly sits up, scratching her head before checking her phone. “Oh crap.”

She was having so much fun in her dream, that she ended up over sleeping.

“Yoona’s parents are meeting Seunggi oppa for lunch.



Yuri rushes out of the dorm, panicking, stressed… How will she make it to Yoona in time? Yuri didn’t have the time to think about it. She just started running out the street, coming to a full stop when she saw a girl riding her cinderella bicycle.


The girl keeps on pedaling and Yuri swerve in front of the girl.

“Can I borrow your bike?”

“Ummm… nope…”

“PLEASE! I’ll give you candy”

“You think I’m an idiot?”

“Your helmet has cat ears so yeah... but please..." Yuri presses her hand on the bike. “How about being nice to unnie, please?”



Yuri shrieks as the girl runs over her foot…


Yuri tries to make sense of what she's staring at. Someone in Jessica's front seat was smart enough to wear a helmet for the hellish drive.

“It’s me Taeyeon…”

“Oh… Taeng…”

“Come step in… Shika will take you to the restaurant.”

Yuri froze for a second. She’s not going to be fooled by the luxury car, Jessica is the driver from hell. There was a huge chance that she wouldn’t make it alive if she steps in… But Yoona is worth the risk…

“Let’s go!”


Yuri has her hand over trying to stop the puke the whole time Jessica is speeding around. She was ready to raise her arms in the air in praise of the Lord Almighty for bringing them safely to the restaurant. But before Yuri could rejoice, what does Jessica do? But swerve right into a fined parking space.

The second the girls steps out of the vehicle, a boy with a silly looking hat that they just assumed to be parking guard starts to harass them.

“Miss, I’m sorry but you can’t park here.”

“And why not?” Jessica rebutted.

“It’s reserve and it’s a 50 dollar fine, I don’t think it’s worth it.”

“You charge 50 dollars for three shrimps, a sauce and 5 colorful leaves, I don’t think it’s worth it either.”

The valet boy scratches his head as he tries to find a good smart comeback for the girl.

“That’s my girl…” Taeyeon points proudly at Jessica.


“Psst… Yoona…”



Yoona was looking around that posh restaurant, wondering if she was just hearing voices or someone was actually hissing her name. Who else could it be but Sooyoung and Hyoyeon just popping out from behind the giant plants?




Yoona unconsciously turns to see if Yuri was around there only to be disappointed.

“She’s not here… but she will be…”

“It’s too late for that…” Yoona mumbles...

“No, it’s not…” Hyoyeon corrected her “It’s never too late… well, unless one of you guys accidentally get killed or ends up in a coma then it’s too late…”

“But in Korean drama it doesn’t…”

“Good point there, Soo… anyways going back to you, Yoona. Don’t settle for this, don’t settle for Seunggi when you have the best love…”

Yoona sneers… “Where is that best love now?”

“She’s ummmm… she’s coming…”

“Look I know Seunggi is like super oppa, good looking, knows how to sing and a gentleman but truth is Yoong… Oppa… he’s just like a…”

What is wrong with super perfect Seunggi oppa? Even Hyoyeon have a tough time trying to figure it out.

“Look, what Hyo is trying to say is… Seunggi might be perfect but he’s not for you. Maybe for me…”

“Or me…”

“But not for you, it’s Yoon to the Yul and besides Seunggi oppa is just like a vacuum…”

Yoona asks confusedly. “A vacuum?”

“Yes, he …”


“But Yuri she’s not a vacuum, she’s ummm… she’s a broom…”

“A broom?”

“Yes, cause she’ll sweep you off your feet.”

“Oh Soo… nice one…”

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung highfives then immediately hides behind the plant when they saw Seunggi approaching.

“Remember Yoona… choose the broom, choose the broom…”

“Hi…sorry I took too long…”

“No… I think it’s just about the right time.”

“I see that the two of you are doing quite well together…” Yoona’s mom smiles happily…

“Auntie…” Gentleman Seunggi offers his chair out…

“Thank you…”


The band that is suppose to provide music for the restaurant was practicing, when three, no make it two and a very hesitant one girl runs over to them.

“Isn't that your friend Yonghwa?”

“Well…” Seohyun says hesitantly… “We kinda stop talking when I told him, that I choose sweet potato over him.”

“Well it up, Seo… Hey…”

The handsome leader (that’s what they think) stood up and raises his brow at the girls.

“Say what now?”

“We need to perform now…”

“Out there is the girl that my bestfriend loves and we need to make this perfect.”

“By you? singing?”

“Yes… us… so please, for the sake of love…”

“Two of your songs have the word love on it so let us do it… for the sake of love.”

The leader looks at his bandmates, who answers him with a shrug. They just gave him the authority to make a decision.

“How much are you going to pay us?”

“What?!” Sooyoung exclaims “Love know no price”

“It does… now how much?”

The three girls exchange confused looks.

“Well, were kind of broke now… but here take my cousin.” Sooyoung shoves Seohyun as a sacrifice for love.

“UNNIE?! You’re pimping me out?”

“It’s for love, Seo…” Sooyoung looks reassuringly at her cousin’s lost eyes… “Isn’t love worth pimping for?”


“I’m glad you’re giving this a chance, darling…”

Yoona could only muster a nod to her mother’s words…

“Anyone would be lucky to be with someone like Seunggi…”

“Awww auntie…” Seunggi blushed in pride “You don’t have to…”

“Hello… Hello everyone…”

Yoona turns towards the stage at Sooyoung and Hyoyeon…

“We are here right in front of you people because of love… Hi oppa…”

And Jaejoong just smiles amusingly…

“And when words run out of meaning, let our love be expressed in this song… Im Yoona this song is for you …”

Yoona’s mom cast an evil glare at her and Yoona just shakes her head, no idea what the girls are planning.

The sweet melodies starts playing…

Dorineun mam goma oon mam gadeukhi damaso
Jelyebeun pojak soge (jonhago shipeunde)
Anilgoya ooseulgo ya ungdoonghan sang sang daemooneh

“Idiots…” Sunny hissed from the backstage…

“Ignore the hater, girls let’s end this performance with a shebang!”

“That’s not the baby baby song that Yuri wanted…” Sunny steps in the stage and plops herself cutely between the irritated Hyoyoung. “Sorry about that…” She chuckles her aegyo chuckle “This is the song that you need to hear Yoona…”

Oh woooah, oh woooooah, oh wooooah, oh.
You know you love me, I know you care,
you shout whenever and I'll be there.
You are my love, you are my heart
and we will never ever ever be apart.

From the distance, Yuri slams her face into something harder than her palm.

Sooyoung quickly grabs the microphone…

“Shut up Korean Justin Bieber!”

Yoona’s mom stands up…

“I have enough of this… Let’s go…”

Yoona turns back at the arguing trio on the stage before sighing in defeat… She stands up but before she could walk away with her mother… The strains of a very familiar piano notes float in the air… Yoona turns around and Yuri was there in front of the piano playing their song…

Iyureul mollasseo, wae naega byeonhaenneunji
Hancham saenggakhaesseo, neowa na mannan ihuro
Na byeonhan geot gata, aju manhi mariya
I norae deullini oh~

“Yoona… let’s go…” Yoona’s mom commanded her…

But Yoona already made up her mind. From the stage Yuri shared a smile at the beautiful girl staring at her and somehow that smile equaled a million words. A smile that said they were sorry. A smile that said they were forgiven, and a smile that said that they wouldn’t stop finding a reason to fight.

Niga neomu gomapjanha Oh baby
Niga neomu yeppeujanha Oh~
Nuneul ttel suga eobseo, nae nunen neoman boyeo
Neoman gyesok baro bogo sipjanha nan oh jeongmal
Oh~ baby

Everyone’s attention was now focus on them, yet Seunggi’s focus was all in Yoona. He likes the girl, she was beautiful and sweet. But as he saw the way that the girl on stage look at Yoona, he smiles sadly in defeat. He knew as much as he likes Yoona, he or probably no one in this world could look at Yoona as lovingly and breathlessly like the way the girl looks at her. And as he turns to Yoona, he saw the same exact look…

And he smiles before bowing down gracefully, who was he to mess around with true love?

“Yoona… I said let’s go…” Yoona’s mom said, this time with more force.

Yuri finally steps down in the stage, taking a flower from the vase and handing it to Yoona. She leans close and whispers softly to the girl.

“It’s my turn to fight…”

Yuri then steps away and walks over to Yoona’s mother, who clearly has the same intense hate as she did the last time they met.

“I don’t think I have properly introduced myself… Hi… I’m Kwon Yuri…”

Mrs. Im stares down at Yuri’s extended hand before she looks up. Yuri's brooding dark drown eyes has lock her on her spot.

“And I’m the one who’s going to marry your daughter.”



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!