Yoona's Special Gift




“Yoh Yoong!”

“Oh hey unnie.” Yoona greets the chips eating girl as she puts down her list.

“You saw Seo?” Sooyoung steps inside the organized room. Even if she and Hyo are older than Yoona and Seo, their room looks like a dump site compare to the younger girls.

“She went with Yonghwa to music rehearsals.”

“Pffft…” Sooyoung says while plopping on Seo’s keroro bed. “Is that what they call it nowadays?”

“Call what?”

“Never mind… what you got there? Crunch.crunch.crunch.

“Oh this? Ummm…it’s my list of gifts for Yuri.”

“Ohhh… can I see?” Sooyoung says in delight and Yoona hands it over, Sooyoung furrows her forehead as she reads. “Camera, Ipod touch, J. Estina bag, bracelet… blah blah blah...”

Yoona watches in horror as Sooyoung rip her list to shreds.

“What did you do that for?!”

“You call those gifts?”

“Ummm… yes? I have save some so I could buy her something really nice, she’s obsessing over angry birds right now… so-”

“Tsk.tsk.tsk…” Sooyoung cups Yoona’s shoulders with a look on her face as if Yoona was a kid and Soo was about to reveal that Santa Claus is just her parents stuffing her gifts underneath the tree. “What my bestfriend would want, would really, really want for her birthday is YOU.” Sooyoung pokes Yoona on the chest.

“Me?” Yoona asks unsure what Sooyoung was trying to insinuate.

“Yes girl… You.”

“But we're already dating-“ Yoona unconsciously smile while rubbing the hair tie on her wrist. She just couldn’t help it, the thought of her and Yuri engaged just drives her crazy.

“No Yoong… she wants you close, really close if you know what I mean.” Sensing that Yoona was quiet, Sooyoung deduced that Yoona got what she was trying to say. “Is that the reason why you bought those magazines?”


“So, you would know what to do?”

“Well… ummm… I just…” Now this was just embarrassing for Yoona.

“Look, Yoona… I may not be the right person to talk about or how to do it and all that crap, but I’m the right person to talk about Yuri. And isn’t that what matters? Who you do it with?”

“I… ahhh… I guess.”

“Then, you have nothing to worry about… Yuri loves you, you love Yuri. You two should go make babies… but wait… you’re both girls… so” Sooyoung hates to think but this fact was bothering her.

“Unnie stop...” Yoona covers her face, this conversation was getting embarrassing by the minute.

“What I’m trying to say Yoong, Yuri isn’t after the material gifts. She just wants to be with you and if you feel that you’re ready then you two should go for it.”

“I think I’m just scared unnie, scared of going there…”

Sooyoung wipes the crumbs that she dropped on Seohyun’s bed. “Yoong, you’re with Yul, that girl loves you to death. Don’t you think she’s worthy taking the risk for?”


“You asked her to marry you?” Tiffany asked Yuri for the millionth time and as smart as Tiffany is, Yuri couldn’t understand how dim the American girl is at that minute.

“Yes I did.” Yuri sits up from her bed so she could stare at Tiffany, who got this weird expression on her face.

“But Yul, did you think about this?” Tiffany spins her chair around so she could look Yuri dead on in the eyes.

“Yes every day of my life. I don’t want anybody else, Pany… It’s only Yoona.”

“I know you love her and all but there is so much more to it than love, you have to think about it financially and of course your parents, both your parents… How do you think they’ll react to this?”

Yuri frowns at Tiffany “I listen to Beyonce’s advice! I like it so I put a ring on it! Ok, not a ring but I’ll buy her one!”

Tiffany rolls her eyes, sometimes Yuri doesn’t know when to take things seriously… “This isn’t a joke.”

“Why must you be such a mood killer?!”

“Because I don’t want you to get your heart broken when it doesn’t work out in the end.”

Yuri’s face quickly turns to worry… “Wait… you think we won’t end up together?”

“I didn’t say that. What I’m trying to say is you two are both so young..”

“I’m going to be twenty. I’m not a teenager anymore.”

A toddler trapped in a hot twenty year old’s body.

“Look, Tiffany… I know it looks dim for you right now, but if I have Yoona I’ll make it work. It doesn’t even matter if we're young right now, when we get older the only thing that would change is that I’ll love her even more.”

And all Tiffany could do was smile, cause right now her little sister is growing up all thanks to Im Yoona.



Yuri rubs her eyes sleepily then wakes up to the goofy grin on those idiots faces. Her dorky crew was there armed with a cake and birthday hats.


Yuri quickly sits up and her jaw drops in excitement.

“I’m twenty now, I feel so old.”

“I’m twenty one, what is that suppose to mean?” Jessica unleashes her Shika effect.

Yuri gulps and laughs it off “Did I say old? I meant mature… keke.”

“Yoona, come here and hold the cake.”

And the girls tease as Yoona steps closer, bringing the cake to Yuri.

“Now blow your candles and make a wish.”

Yuri unconsciously looks up at Yoona and smiles. Right now, she doesn’t think she needed anything else, she got all that she needed right there.

“KISSS!!!” Sooyoung hooted…

“Shut up, you !”

“Happy birthday…” Yoona said shyly and Yuri don’t want to do anything but kiss her right then and there.

“Ok, who’s ready to party?!”

Soon, the girls got up on their feet and starts dancing in that cramp room.

“You guys can go jump on Yuri’s bed but-“

Too late. And Tiffany shakes her head as the girls jumps on her bed, pumping their hands up in the air.

“Juice, Shika?” Taeyeon asks nervously “WHOAH!” Whoever accidentally shoved Taeyeon must be killed. Taeyeon trembles as she sees Jessica with her shirt all wet, Taeyeon quickly tries to dry off Jessica’s shirt.

“Ohhhh… Taengoo…” Sunny says slyly. “Second base already? You fast girl.”

“Shut up!”

“Sooyoung unnie?”

“What Seo?”

“I don’t think you should be doing that.” Seohyun says in worry as Sooyoung keeps on flicking the light switch to make it feel like a club.

“Oh just go dance you mood killer!” Sooyoung pushes Seohyun and the poor girl almost panic as she got sandwich between Hyoyeon and Sunny grinding on her.

Tiffany tries to have some fun by sipping on the fruity alcoholic drink. She then sees someone by the corner standing quietly while everyone is making a mess of her dorm room.



“You okay?”

“Ummm yes…” Yoona lied and Tiffany saw right through it.

“The only thing I’m going to tell you is, do it when you’re ready.”


Tiffany and Yoona turns to Yuri, Yuri was gazing at Yoona with those loving look again, before smiling again.

“Yuri loves you too much and if you’re just going to do it just for the sake of it, Then, you’ll end up regretting and that’s going to break her heart. As much as Yuri wants you, she is willing to wait.”

“I love her I really do, I’m just scared.”

“Of what?”

“I don’t know.”


And Tiffany can’t deny that both girls eyes just brighten at the sight of each other.

“I’ll leave you with your girl. Happy birthday, sis.” Tiffany pats Yuri on the shoulder and walks over to Jessica who’s drowning herself with what Tiffany can assume to be something alcoholic.

“You want to get out of here?”

“But it’s your party.”

“They won’t even realize I’m gone.” Yuri smiles “And it’s my party, I could go wherever I want.”


And as much as Yuri loves her buddies, she wouldn’t trade being with Yoona for anything else. It was around 1 am, though it was pretty cold December night to be out in the university grounds, it didn’t seem to matter to both girls, as they were there too preoccupied with their kisses.

Yoona pulls away hesitantly before handing Yuri a box.

“Happy birthday…”

“You’re enough for me.” Yuri kisses Yoona on the lips. Yuri smiles as she looks at the small square box that Yoona gave her. She opens the small white card and her smile couldn’t have been brighter at Yoona’s message.

To my Yul,

In my world painted with shades of pastels, you’re the neon color that brightens my life.

Happy Birthday my future wife…

Yours forever, Yoong…

After reading the message, Yuri felt like she doesn’t even need what’s inside the box, not when she know in one sentence how Yoona feels for her.

“Open it.”


“Open my gift.” Yoona says nervously…

Yuri starts shaking it but being the impatient one, she quickly tears off the wrapper and was surprise to see Yoona’s gift.

A key card.

OMO! Did Yoona just gave her a freaking key card? To what?! OMO! Yoona bought her a condo unit! Now she doesn’t need to share a bathroom with 20 other girls…

“It’s a key card.”

Yuri wraps Yoona in an embrace “Thank you for this babe! Now I don’t need to worry about those 20 other girls, I have my own.” Yuri smiles happily.

Yoona looks so nervous “20 other girls?”

“Oh yes,” Yuri’s forehead wrinkle at the bathroom wars in their dorm. “Every morning, they would get on me, they would scream at me to hurry up, I have to tell them that I like to take mine slow.”

Twenty other girls, if Yoona was nervous before she was close to hyperventilating now. Every morning with different girls.

“Now I can take a bath as long as I want.”

“Wae?” Yoona looks at Yuri…

“Now that you bought me a condo unit, I have my own bathroom now.” Yuri smiling eagerly at the key card.

And just like that the fear quickly vanished in Yoona…

“No… Yul" You idiot… I love you but I can’t afford to give you a condo unit “It’s not a condo unit.”

“huh?” Now Yuri was confused. “What is it then?”

“It’s the key to our hotel room.”

And Yuri was speechless, did she say she wants a condo unit? Cause Yoona’s gift just sounds so much better.

"Yoona? are you sure about this?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't want to rush you if you're not ready, I'm willing to wait."

"I'm just scared Yul."

"Of what?" Yuri asks while brushing Yoona's hair out of her face.

"You know when you first want to do something it scares you. It scares you that you might fail or that you'll end up disappointing other people. And as much as I want this, as much as I want us it scares me Yul... It scared me that I won't be good enough."

Yuri quickly wraps Yoona in a tight embrace "Don't ever say that, even if you could be bratty, sarcastic and just plain evil sometimes, I still love you... I fell in love with your imperfections, you Yoong... so, don't ever, ever say that you're not good enough." Yuri tilts Yoona's chin so she could look at the girl in the eyes "Because you Im Yoona, is my definition of perfection."

Yoona wraps her arm around Yuri’s shoulder, pulling her girl closer for a sweet kiss.

“I know it’s your birthday but I was wondering if I could keep you all to myself for the whole night?”

OMO! Yuri and her hormones are going on overdrive right now, she didn’t know that Yoona has this y side to her and she likes it… SHE LIKES IT A LOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!

“Keep me forever, Yoona!”


Unknown to Yoona and Yuri, there was not one or two, not even three but 7, seven girls who was watching them from behind the tree as they step inside the hotel.

“Oh…” Seohyun pipes in “They’re going to have a sleepover…”

“Pffft…” Taeyeon snorted “That’s the last thing they’re going to do.”

“Go Y-”

The girls jump on Sooyoung before the girl s Yoonyul again.



Yoona chuckles as she sees Yuri’s reaction to the room. Yuri might be twenty now but the way she gets excited over the littlest things proves nothing more that age is just a number. Yuri’s face is pressed on the hotel window.

“I can see the whole city from here.”

“I’m glad you like it.”

Yuri turns and smiles broadly at Yoona “I love it. Yoong?”


“If I wave? Will the people outside see me?”

“Why don’t you try it?”

And the smart girl that Yuri is, actually did what Yoona asked, making Yoona chuckle evilly.

Yuri then bounce on the bed, she sighs happily while rolling on the sheets.

“It feels so different than my bed in the dorm…” Yuri closes her eyes and smiles but then a thought run to her mind. This wasn’t just any bed, this is going to be the bed that she and Yoona would bounce, bounce, bounce. She flips over and stares at Yoona sitting beside her in bed, concentrating on what’s on TV.

How can someone who’s sitting there be this breathtaking?

And Yuri’s nerves suddenly took a grip on her. Yoona is too damn beautiful, and Yuri felt like she doesn’t deserve to touch her. Yoona should just stay like this pure and innocent.



Yoona move closer and straddled on Yuri’s stomach. Yuri’s stomach was doing flips just having Yoona in an intimate position like this. She felt so nervous, for her Yoona was like a valuable piece, one careless move and she’ll break.

“You ok?” Yoona chuckles nervously, leaning her forehead against Yuri’s.

“I just feel nervous that’s all.” Yuri embarrassingly admitted while her hands run on Yoona’s thighs.

And Yoona couldn’t help but giggle, where was the cocky player Yul that she have heard numerous stories about? And who’s this gorgeous raven haired girl with a worried look on her face?

“How do you think I feel?”

“Ummm flattered?”

“Whatever!” Yoona punches Yuri on the arm and laughs. She realizes that she didn’t have any reason to be nervous about. She’ll be ok, as long as she’s with dorky, cocky, dumbYul she’ll be alright.

Yuri sits up and the inches apart were enough to paralyze Yoona. Even if she have been close to Yuri numerous times, she felt like this was different, so different… Because in the four corners of that hotel room, Yoona felt like she and Yuri shut out the world around them and now it was just her and Yuri, in their own world.

Yuri’s hand starts roaming around Yoona’s body until it finds it way at her lower back, hooking her fingers on her shirt to pull it off. And Yuri threw Yoona’s shirt off somewhere on the floor before pulling her own and tossing it aside.

Yoona unconsciously winces at her ness, she knew she had a good body but compared to Yuri’s, her body was nothing. Yuri flipped them into bed, trying to distract Yoona with a deep kiss while her hand lingers at every inch of the doe eyed girl, before running her fingers on Yoona’s jeans to it. Yuri felt Yoona shudder and looks back up at the girl.

“D-do you want to stop?” Yuri asks, as much as she wanted this, she will never force Yoona to do it.

Yoona smiles at her worried girlfriend, twisting her finger in Yuri’s dark locks. “No…”

And with Yoona’s admission, Yuri presses on. After Yoona’s pants join the other clothes on the floor, Yuri pulls the blanket over them. And in a snap, the two were wrapped in each other’s arms, consumed with each other’s kisses.

Yoona shudders when she felt Yuri’s kisses wander in places they haven’t been before… The moment Yuri saw the discomfort in Yoona’s face when she touches her, she stops.

“Are you ok?”

Yoona shut her eyes and nodding to urge Yuri to continue. What magazines or what other people have been telling her how it felt, was nothing, nothing compared to the feeling that she has with Yuri right now. Her heartbeat is racing and her mind is flooded with million thoughts with everything that Yuri was doing to her. And that moment on, Yoona knew that no one will ever have her, no one except her Yuri.

A million worried thoughts flooded Yuri’s mind too.. But when she hears Yoona her name, the girl’s ragged breathing and sees those gorgeous lips curve into a smile, her nerves started to calm down. And she let their bodies caress each other, their kisses turned into moans of I love yous and each other’s names as Yoona felt Yuri inside her.

And if Yuri could make time stop, she would have already did; Because right here, right now with Yoona with her, this was her definition of perfect…


Yoona buries her head in the pillows to hide her smile. And Yoona couldn't wait to go home and throw all those stupid magazines away, she didn't need it, not with a lover like Yuri. The girl didn't just know 69 ways of pleasing her, Yuri knew probably a million.

She heard Yuri groans softly and pulls her closely for a kiss. Yoona turns around and faces Yuri, wrapping her arms around Yuri’s shoulder.


“You know what Yoong… when we get married, we're going to be doing this everyday.”

Yoona pouts thoughtfully before her lips curve in a teasing smile “Why do we have to wait until we're married? Why can’t we do it everyday now?”

Yuri chuckles before giving a kiss to the best girl ever…

And their everyday starts now…



Yoona knows it was something serious when Seohyun turns away from her periodic table of elements.

“Are you like allergic to something?”

Yoona quickly felt her face, fearing that she could be the next one to look like a puffer fish.


“You have like rashes all over your neck and shoulder.”

And Yoona was speechless. She turns to their full body mirror and as she sees the lovemarks that Yuri left on her. She growls in irritation before sighing heavily…

“Damn you, Yul.”



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!