Introduce Me To A Good Girl




Seohyun looks around worriedly at the almost horde of Yoonaddicts. For Seo she could almost describe the scene as if they were zombies on the prowl and Yoona was the only human alive. It was this time of year again, when valentines is near and every Yoonaddict since it’s the start of the year made it their new years resolution to ask Yoona out for the most romantic and over commercialize day of the year.

But Yoona like always, remain calm, her eyes lock on her phone while hundreds of people are parading behind her, looking for a chance with their Yoona.

“Ummm… Yoong?”

“Huh?” Yoona answers mindlessly…

“Did Yuri unnie asks you out for valentines day?”

Judging by Yoona’s pout the answer was probably a No.

“Nope.” Yoona frowns more “I guess she doesn’t feel the need to… since we're dating anyway.”

“So, what are you two planning to do?”

From Yoona’s groans it’s obvious that there wasn’t any plans.

“Well, knowing unnie she’s probably going to do something very romantic.”

“Or idiotic…”

“Oh…” Yoona was so right…

“Sometimes I wish that Yuri would just you know act serious for once.”

“Well… maybe you can tell her about it… it doesn’t hurt to try…”

“Yeah… maybe I should…”

“Well… good luck…” Seohyun mumbles…

“What did you say?”

“I mean Yoona Hwaiting!”


“Hey!” Taeyeon frowns as Sunny kept playing her DS instead of watching Shika’s performance in wild romance on stage. “Can you watch this?”

“Hey! I’m only watching this because your girlfriend is there. no other reason. So, tell me if shika gets on stage.”

“I said stop and watch it…”

“No… the whole thing annoys me, the story annoys me, the lead annoys me, Jessica’s cat that died annoys me… the only thing that doesn’t annoy me is Dongwook.”

“Hmmmp” Taeyeon crosses her arms across her chest and frowns “He annoys me.”

“It’s just acting…ooohhhh…”

Taeyeon turns toward the stage when Sunny have finally paid attention to the show. And the scene made Taeyeon pay attention too…

And while everyone’s eyes were lock, anticipating the kiss from the handsome Dongwook and beautiful Jessica… A shriek so loud has broken in the silence…



Yoona and Seohyun were sitting on the campus bench when Yuri starts creeping from behind holding a plastic bag… Seohyun sees Yuri but the dark haired girl motions Seo to be quiet as she slowly got behind Yoona.

“For you.”

Yoona turns around and Yuri is holding out an ice cream bar like it was a long stem rose.

“Thank you.” Yoona smiles sweetly as she took the ice cream bar

Yuri tries to climb over the bench but since she is gawking at Yoona rather than watching where she’s supposed to step, she ends up slipping and landing on her face.


“Y-you okay unnie?”

“I… yeah… keke…” Yuri tries to laugh away the embarrassment, she blushes when she sees Yoona just staring at the ultimate fail that she is. “No big deal.” She scoots closer towards Yoona “Hi, my love”

Yoona just her brow before going back to her ice cream, Yuri digs inside the plastic bag…

“Oh I only bought two…” Yuri frowns “Well, we could share this one Seo… do you…”

“NO!” Yoona finally reacted. “You and me share Yul, Seo can have the whole ice cream bar to herself.”

Realizing that Yoona is about to turn into the hulk whenever she’s jealous, Seohyun immediately backs off…

“It’s okay… I’m not really hungry anyway…” Seohyun chuckles embarrassingly.

“No, it’s okay… here” Yuri gives it to her. “I don’t need it. So, what you been up to?”

“Well… ummm…” Yoona don’t know how Yuri would react to this… “since valentines is coming up, well, the school is making me do this dating game…”

That was enough to turn the black pearl into white pearl with how pale she became…

“Hu-wat?! And you’re doing it?!”

“Well. I have to…” Yoona says it like it was such a drag and it really was… No matter how much of an epic fail Yuri is, she’s still Yoona’s ideal date.

“No you don’t! you could have told them no…” Yuri was now frowning, who wouldn’t be upset by that?

“It’s more of for publicity for the school.” Yoona explains “It’s nothing more than that…”

Yuri’s lips quiver and her eyes getting teary at the thought of someone else with Yoona “B-but… YOU’RE MY YOONA!!!!”

“I am Yul, but it’s kinda my responsibility as you know…” Yoona pats the head of the bawling girl clutching tightly on her.

“The most good looking girl in school?”

“No… well maybe… but it’s only one date. I can’t even call it a date… it’s more of a…”

“NO!” Yuri says with authority. “No. No. and No! I will share everything that I have, even my underwear but I will never share you.”

“Awww… that sweet…” But seo quickly went back to her ice cream bar when Yoona shot her an evil glance.

“I’m the man in this relationship and my words are law!” Yuri says it with her chest puffed out proudly.

“What you say?!” Says Yoona the man in the relationship…

“Nothing…” replied Yuri the whipped one in the relationship.


Yuri and Taeyeon groans as they drown themselves in chocolate milk.

“You two should make your own club…” Sooyoung says as she watch the two sighs heavily again.

“Yup, the whipped girlfriends club.”

The founding members of the whipped girlfriends club frown as their friends chuckle at their expense.

“You three don’t understand cause you three aren’t in a relationship!”

“Oh yes we do…” Sunny answers “We totally see what is happening, you two just allow your girlfriends to take over the relationship and that’s a no… you two should also have a say in it.”

“They do…” Hyoyeon corrected Sunny “But that doesn’t mean their girlfriends listen”

“I just can’t help it… I’m not going to let anyone get near Yoona!”

“So, what’s your brilliant plan?” Sooyoung says while munching on her chips.

“I’m going to join the dating contest!”

“I doubt anyone would want to date you” Sunny points out.

“NOT ME YOU IDIOT! I’m going to join the datees who’s after Yoona’s heart and of course I shall win. Bwahahaha… ohhh… a coin” Yuri bends down to pick up the coin before standing up “Where was I? Oh yeah… bwahahahaha”

And while Yuri’s evil laugh, took over the room, Taeyeon’s brilliant mind started churning brilliant thoughts.

“You thought you’re the only one who could do it, Shika? Bwahahaha”

And the room was filled with the two girls evil laugh…


Yuri’s nose crinkle as she sees the huge banner with Yoona’s gorgeous face on it with words written…

“Are you ready for the IM-sanity?”

“I don’t like it…” Yuri told Soo as they were about to line up to join the dating contest. “It sounds like Yoona is going to join wrestling or something.”

“Its kinda clever though…” Sooyoung says as she munch on some Cheetos to ease her boredom of waiting in line for she couldn’t even figure out what. “Using Im instead on In…”

Yuri then starts raising her hand like an excited choding “Oh. Oh.Oh. I got one…” Yuri then smiles goofily “I’m so Im love with Yoona…”

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung shares a what a dork look before gagging from Yuri’s cheesiness.

“Oh I got one…” Hyoyeon says “it’s IMpossible for Sooyoung to get a date for valentines day”

Hyoyeon and Yuri laughs at the annoyed Sooyoung…

“Well… I have one too…” Sooyoung joins in… “Hyoyeon better hush before I smash my fist IM her face”

“Alright… alright… cut it out” Yuri pushes Soo and Hyo apart before the two could kill each other. “Man… this line is taking too long… Excuse me miss… ”


Yuri, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon were taken a back when the girl screamed at their face.

“What my friend is trying to say is… the line is for the applicant for the dating show.” The girl looks closely at Yuri. “Wait. You look familiar” The girl steps closer to fully analyze the face of this dark haired girl.

“I do?”

“Yes. Hold on a sec- you’re…”

“Really hot?” Yuri answered for her.

“NO! You’re Kwon Yuri!”


“What my friend is trying to say is, She hates you.”

The three girls step back in fear at the girl glaring at them with murderous intent.

“There are rumors about you and Yoona together, holding hands.”

“Are you sure?” Kekeke… Yuri laughs nervously.

“So, are you really with the Goddess, our Goddess?”

“If I say yes will you hurt me?”


“Then, it’s no.” Yuri answers…




Yoona wasn’t even a celebrity and these people practically kisses the ground she walks on…

“Where?! Where?! Where is my Yoona?!” Yuri, the biggest fangirl of all starts looking around, ready to sprint so she could see Yoona.

“******* let’s go!” Hyoyeon drags Yuri to the front of the now empty booth, as a lifeless guy who have no plans to be there starts sipping his water looks at the three.

“For the millionth time, we only take guys as applicants…” He points out…

“But wait… I’m a guy”

“Geez Yul, don’t be so desperate” Sooyoung corrected her bestfriend.

“But I am! I just have really pretty hair.”

“Oh yeah?” The guy rolls his eyes. “So, those two things in your chest?”

“Oh… ummm…” Yuri crosses her arm over her chest. “I kinda got manboobs, it runs in the family but I swear I’ll do some push ups and my chest will be so hot, the guys from 2pm would look like a bunch of fatties.”

“Get away”

Yuri grips tightly on the table, refusing to leave. “But I… I just want to be with Yoona!”

“So, does the rest of the school population”

“I LOVE HER THE MOST!” Yuri almost pulled away the table as Hyo and Sooyoung tries to pull her away.

“Look, if you want a chance with Yoona, why don’t you join the dating contest?”

“What do you think I’m doing now?”

“No. I meant for Jang Geun Suk. It’s crazy how there are more people trying to get in the application for Im Yoona than with him.”

“But I don’t want to date him” Yuri frowns at the guy.

“Well, the date will be in the same restaurant so if Geun Suk picks you, then, you’re going to be just tables away from Yoona.”



“ACK!” Yuri perfectly knows who is about to kick her door and quickly hide underneath her Mickey mouse covers.


Yoona storms into her girlfriend’s room and she didn’t even have to look for more than a second, she found a shivering lump underneath Yuri’s sheets.

“YURI!” Yoona pulls out a cover and sees Yuri whimpering…


But Tiffany push press the volume higher of her IPOD as she turns back to her notes, ignoring Yuri’s pleas.

“Why on Earth did you join the dating contest?”

“I… ahhh… what contest?”

“A dating contest for Geun Suk?!”

“Oh that ummm ahhh… I think he’s cool cause he can… ummm… he can rock any hairstyle?”


Yuri covers herself with a blanket, ready for the assault from her violent girlfriend

“Sometimes I feel like I’m dating a freaking 5 year old!”


“I wish you two have a great date!” Yoona says before slamming the door behind her.


Tiffany didn’t care if her eardrums burst, but she’s going to put the volume on high if she could silence Yuri…


“I can’t believe it dude…” Sooyoung says in awe as she, Yuri and Hyoyeon were walking at the backstage while getting ready for the dating contest. “Out of all the girls who applied, we got to be the top three.”

Yuri just hummed as she was busy looking for Yoona. It didn’t took her longer than a minute to spot her, Yoona was by the stage browsing on her notes, completely unaware of the girl breathlessly looking at her.

And Yuri finally realize what everyone in that line is hoping for, who wouldn’t want a chance to be with someone like Yoona? But can Yoona blame her too, if she gotten selfish and wants to keep her all to herself?

Yoona finally looks up and sees Yuri looking at her, she knew the girl was sorry but there are just some times that Yoona couldn’t figure out the things that Yuri does for their relationship.

“Yoona… are you ready?”

“Oh yes… ummm….” Yoona takes one last look at Yuri before heading to the stage.

And Yuri could wish that Yoona could see how one step that she walks away, drives Yuri crazy…


Seohyun settle in the spot beside Tiffany as they and along with a whole crowd came to watch the dating contest at their university.

“Poor Geun Suk…” Sunny says shaking her head… “A choice between Soo, Hyo and Yul… Hmmm… If it was you Tiffany who would you choose?”

“I choose God and be a nun.”


Jessica has her hand on her phone spamming Taeyeon like crazy on where she was.

“Welcome!” A tall guy with a flashy smile steps in front… “to our annual university dating contest… with valentines coming along, who doesn’t want to get the chance to be with their ideal one? So, no further ado… let’s have our first contestant. She might be a freshmen but she was able to steal the heart of every person in our campus. She’s definitely the epitome of beauty, talent and perfection. So, please welcome our first contestant for tonight, our very own university’s sweetheart, Im Yoona”

And the girls cringe as everyone in the crowd screams their lungs out at the sight of Yoona walking towards the stage, waving those silk feeling hands, batting those doe eyes and smiling that alligator smile.

Before the whole crowd was silence but when Yoona starts singing, the squeals couldn’t get any louder…

joheun saram isseumyeon sogae shikyeo jwo
ttaero neun mul cheoreom ttaero neun bul cheoreom
jinshim euro namaneul sarang halsu itneun
seongsok hago seong shilhan sarami ramyeon johgesseo
joheun saram isseumyeon sogae shikyeo jwo
sarange do yeon seubeun itneun geogi ye
aju jogeuman iredo shin gyeongeul sseoju neun
sarang gyeong heomi manheun sarami ramyeon johgesseo

“Hi… Yoona…” Tall MC seems to like Yoona much more than he’s supposed to as he tries to give her a hug but she completely backs away before he could even try… “Didn’t know that someone like Im Yoona have a hard time finding love… I mean who wouldn’t want to be with Yoona?”

And Yoona look away from those puppy eyes looking back at her from the backstage. She hated making Yuri feel this way…

“So, behind this wall or curtain whatever you call it are four men, quite good looking but not as good looking as me… haha…”

Yoona still her eye muscles so she won’t roll her eyes at the guy.

“Who’s trying to win your heart and a date with you on the pricey and elegant Mont Clare restaurant in downtown. So, shall we start?”

People starts cheering…

“Ok Yoona, what’s your first question to start it off?”

“Ummm… first of all I want to say hi…”


“And thank you for joining in, this might be a special night for all of us. So, to start off, I want to asks what is your ideal date and if you would have to take me, what’s your special plan?”

Contestant number one tries to wow the audience with his smooth smile “First I would…”

But Yoona’s mind already drifted off somewhere and she couldn’t help but smile as she remembers their first date… Lady gaga, puffer fish and from that day on, Yoona have never eaten any seafood meal anymore…


“Oh I’m sorry…”

“That’s ok, I bet you were daydreaming along with our female audience because of the romantic plans these men have for you."

“Ummm… yeah…” Yoona lied...

So, let’s move on?”

“Oh yes… ummm… I tend to have a temper and that usually causes a lot of fight, but if we were able to fight how do you think you would do so we could both fix everything?”

Most of the men thought of flowers and chocolates, a serenade but none of them could think of rapping, of a flower pot or reliving each of their memory… None of these men or probably anyone in the world comes close to Yuri…

“Ok, for my last question…ummm… everyone is bound to have a rough day so just in case I ever have one of these days how would you try to cheer me up?

Brown bear. Brown bear and more brown bear, Yoona couldn’t help but chuckle as she remembers Yuri’s stunts…

Why was she doing this? Why was she trying to please other people when she’s hurting the one she loves?

“I’m sorry, baby…” Yoona whispers under her breath…

"So, Yoona if you have a choice now of which among these guys and me..." sleazy MC adds before chuckling sleazily... "Would you like to choose..."

Yoona's answer could make one guy's day yet break millions...


A sigh of relief was heard in the whole auditorium... And Yoona wasn't really worrying about the million hearts that might shatter as long as she don't break Yuri's...


It was time to move on to Jang Geun Suk and girls and some boys are cheering as they see Geun Suk and those smiles… And behind the curtain was three girls with three different reasons why they’re there.

Choi Sooyoung got bribe by her bestfriend to join.
Kim Hyoyeon also got bribed by Yuri to join
Kwon Yuri the briber of them all…

“I know what everyone is thinking… How lucky can these three applicants be to get the chance to win the heart of our very own prince of Asia Jang Geun Suk.

“Whoah! Prince of Asia? I love that movie!” Sooyoung blurted out…

“Me too!!! Jake Gyllenhall is jjang!”

Geun Suk’s face suddenly twist into confusion, the girls behind the curtains seems a bit… strange…

“Ummm… girls that was prince of Persia…” MC tries to laugh it off… “Well… before we start can you introduce yourself and say why Geun Suk should choose you.”

Sooyoung clears and was ready to speak… “I’m contestant number one and Geun Suk should choose me because I have long legs.”

Geun Suk likes long legs but he’s more of a man…

It was Hyoyeon’s turn and she got ready for her intro… “I’m contestant number two and Geun Suk should choose me because I’m y…” Then Hyo made sure everyone in the audience see her winning smile before adding… “and I know it”

Now contesntant number three, Kwon Yuri got confused… she didn’t know they have to find a song…

Think Kwon… think what song fits to describe you…

“Contestant number three?”

“I’m contestant number three but you can call me genie…”


“Because I’m genie for your wish…”

After hearing what hearing her friends answer… Contenstant number one then had a brilliant idea…

Ding. Light bulb in Sooyoung’s head lights up.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Sooyoung raises her hand eagerly…

“Yes, contestant number one…”

“You can call me… ringdingdong”

“Ring ding dong? Why is that?”

“Because I’m fantastic and elastic…”

"Ok… now that we got the introductions out… but ohhh… what do we have here? A mystery contestant?”


“So, lets bring in our fourth contestant out to challenge our so ready contestants… contestant four please reveal yourself…”

Sowoneul malhaebwa

And everyone’s jaw drop at the sound of Taeyeon melodious voice… Tiffany tries to stop Jessica from jumping up to the stage.

“Hey! What the hell?! That’s my song…” Yuri frowns…

Taeyeon just gives Yuri the hand and sits beside Yuri. She freezes when she could feel Jessica’s laser eyes shooting her from the audience.

“Ok… now that we brought it our four lovely contestants, let’s see who has the power to win Jang Geun Suk’s heart… So, we have contestant number one or RingdingDong, we have contestant number two or y…”

“And I know it” Hyoyeon added

“Whatever you say and contestant number three or we can call her genie…”

“Sowoneul malhaebwa” Yuri sings…

"And contestant number four? What shall we call you?"

“Ummm… Jonghee…”

Jessica settles back in her chair after hearing Taeyeon’s answer…

"We are going to move on to the first question… Geun Suk?”

“Ok… here goes” He clears his throat before looking at his index cards. “If a ship you are in is sinking and You have the choice to save your mom Or your love one who would you choose?”

Sooyoung scratches her head confusedly. “The chef of the ship…”

“Oh the chef of this ship? Ummm why is that?

“Because if I end up stuck in an island, at least I’m sure I have someone to cook for me…”

Seohyun facepalm sometimes she couldn’t understand how the two of them could be related…

“Well… you kinda got a point there… but moving on contestant number two.”

“I can’t swim either… So, let’s just die together like titanic.”

“Contestant number three”

“I’ll sink with the ship…”

“What now?”

“Yes. Cause I’m a loyal shipper to my OTP like that…"

Yoona sinks in her chair as she listens to Yuri’s answer…

“That’s not really the… whatever… And lastly contestant number four…”

“I’ll save… the whole ship…”

Geun suk couldn’t help but get suspicious, is this really a dating show or someone trying to punk him?

“That was some very interesting answers from these girls, don’t you think so, Geun Suk?”

“Yeah… very…” Geun Suk says as he rolls his eyes… “Ok girls for the second question…There is nothing more that could than a girl who has confidence in who she is and is not afraid to show it. So,If I were to ask you what’s your biggest asset what would you tell me?

“Contestant number one?”

“My food container back in the dorm…”

“No… I meant… Like your favorite body part…”

“Oh that’s easy my long legs… I’m never late because my long legs help me take big steps…”

“ohhh kay… now contestant number two”

“My nose.” Hyoyeon says it without any hesitation.

“Your nose?”

“Yes. Without my nose I can’t breathe, if I can’t breathe I die… I’m dead without my nose.”

"Ohhh kay now contestant number 3"

“Ummm… my eyes”

Geun Suk sighs in relief “ok, why your eyes?”

“Because if I don’t have my eyes I wouldn’t be able to see you.”


“You just have that effect on me… in fact, I could relate my feelings to you in a song…”

Kwon Yuri singing?

“Ok, could you sing for me?”

“Could I just sing the chorus?”

Go ahead…

Ahem… ahem…

Yuri stands in the middle, lights off except for the spotlight on her and everyone was ready to be swept by Yuri’s melodic voice.

She takes a deep breath and takes a look at the audience before singing her love song…

Neomu banjjak banjjak noonee booshyeo no no no no
Neomu Kkamjjak Kkamjjak nolla naneun oh oh oh oh oh
Neomu jaritjarit momee Ddeollyeo Gee gee gee gee gee
Jeojeun noonbit (Oh yeah) Joeun hyanggi (Oh yeah yeah yeah)

A collective sigh from the audience and Geun Suk and the MC shake their heads to these girls trying to win his heart.

“Okay…” Jang Geun Suk have never been so thankful that the night has ended “My last question will be… if you could sing me a song what would be?”

Sooyoung chuckles confidently… “I will not only sing it, I will also dance it… DJ… put it back on…”

Sooyoung steps into the stage and show off her dance moves as she moves to Shinee’s ringdingdong…

The audience boom in applause and the reaction scared Yuri. What if Geun Suk picks Sooyoung? She’ll lose her chance with Yoona…

“OMO! What’s this?!”

Yuri joins Sooyoung on stage, trying to outdance Sooyoung ring ding dong hip . And soon the people starts cheering loudly as the two girls try to out hip each other…

Yoona covers , didn’t know if she should laugh or get mad at Yuri’s shenanigans. Her girlfriend up in stage, making a fool of herself as she’s almost on the floor with her hip .

Tiffany pats Yoona in the back.

“She’s an idiot”

“I… I know…” Yoona looks back in the stage and now Hyoyeon decides to join the ring ding dong girls up in stage.

Tiffany squeezes Yoona on the shoulder “But that idiot loves you too much…”

Yoona smiles

“So, go easy on her.”

Yoona looks back in the stage and now Hyoyeon and Taeyeon have went up front and the four try to prove who is the most fantastic and elastic among them all…


The crowd finally calm down after the dance off…
“Wow… this must have been the most bizarre dating contest that I have ever seen, don’t you guys think so?”

Geun Suk couldn’t agree more…

“You girls must really like Geun Suk”

Sooyoung- just want to get this over with so she could finally eat dinner
Hyoyeon- Has to download some art films in her laptop
Yuri- just want to win so she could guard Yoona from y fanboy.
Taeyeon- wants to make Shika jealous.

“So, Geun Suk who among these lovely ladies would you give this prized rose to?”

“It’s a hard choice cause this girls are all so charming and unique (more of weird) in their own ways but I think the one that really got into my heart would be contestant number two…”


“OH YEAH!!!” Hyoyeon jumps off her seat and starts twirling around in celebration… “I’m going to be the princess of asia, bishes!!!! WHOHOO!!!”

“Wait… wait… Hyo we had a deal.” Yuri says pleadingly…

“Screw the deal, I’m going to be the princess of Asia.”

“No… this can’t be.”

“Don’t hate Kwon Yul, It’s not my fault that I’m so effortlessly charming”

“GIVE ME THAT ROSE NOW!” Yuri tries to yank the rose away.

“NO!” Hyoyeon yanks back.

And Sooyoung takes a step back as she sees her two bestfriends wrestling over a rose.



"Tsk.tsk.tsk. the dumb things we do for love, so why don’t you-“



Taeyeon covers her face with her jacket as she sits on the confession bench… She’s counting down the seconds before Jessica could find her and hurt her mercilessly.

She turns around and felt someone tap her shoulder and she sees someone handing her a rose.

“Here.” Jessica settled down beside Taeyeon. “If Geun Suk didn’t pick you that’s too bad, but I do…”

“Ummm thanks… and ummm I’m sorry…”

Jessica sits down beside Taeyeon…

“For what?”

“For… ummm…” Taeyeon could lie right now to save her , but truth is, she needed to get her kicked for what she just did. “For being a horrible… ummm… girlfriend…”

“Yeah… you are kind of a horrible girlfriend.” Jessica’s lips then curve into a smile “But I’d rather have epic fail like you than not have you at all.”

“Oh… keke…Oh yeah, shika… I ahhh… sorta got you something…” Taeyeon hands a paper bag to Jessica. Jessica digs inside and pulls out a cat stuff toy.



Jessica couldn’t help but chuckle…

“At least that one we're sure, it’s not going to die…” The two smiled at each other before they starts to talking about everything and anything…

And Jessica might get introduce to a good guy, but in the end, she’s still going to choose her not so horrible girlfriend anymore.


“I’m coming…”

Yoona got out of her bed and opens the door to the face of an idiot (her idiot) and her sidekicks…

Some hard hitting hits played in the background but before Yoona could react and say something, Yuri, Soo and Hyo starts dancing…

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Naega naega naega munjuh…

Yoona slams the door at Yuri… Why can’t Yuri just say sorry like normal people do? She groans and opens the door, hoping for a conversation…

Nehgae nehgae nehgae bbajuh…

SLAM… Guess that won’t be happening… Yoona waited a couple of seconds and open it…

bbajuh bbajuh party baby

SLAM. She opens the door again and Yuri quickly sings to her...












Shawty Shawty
Noonee booshuh booshuh booshuh
Soomee makhyuh makhyuh makhyuh

Yoona just sighs heavily, finally figuring out that those three won’t leave until they finish their song… And slowly she opens the door, at least make them finish the chorus…

Naega micheo micheo baby

Yoona and Yuri is standing face to face none know what to do… Yoona turns around and was about to go inside but no matter how hard she turns the door knob, it wouldn’t open…


Yuri smiles then holds a bunch of posters...



Then, Yuri flips it to the next poster…



You’re the letters to my words


Yuri then switches to the next poster...





Posted Image


You’re the numbers to my time…

Yuri flips to the next one...

In short... Im Yoona you’re the meaning in my life…

The whole world may have no idea but as long as we both know that U and me…


Yuri flips to the next one...


Posted Image

We bee-long together


So, my perfect girl Im Yoona…


Yuri flips to the next poster of a whale...


Posted Image


Whale U be my valentines?



Yoona couldn’t help but laugh, Yuri is just the queen of cheesiness…


"Whale U?"

Yoona nods her head before taking a step and plants a soft kiss on Yuri’s lips.

“When it comes to you, Yul, my answer will always be yes.”

Yuri lifts Yoona’s arms and put it on her shoulders before pressing a soft kiss on Yoona’s forehead. And in their embrace, Yoona tries to erase all the doubt in Yuri… that as long as probably forever and that no matter how idiotic or absolutely cheesy Yuri might get, for Yoona, no one in the world could come close…

That for Yoona, there will be no one else but the dorky, goofy, byun puppy Kwon Yuri…

And Yoona knows that she really has no escape, Kwon Yuri have fallen helplessly for her and there is nothing more than Yuri would want to do, than make Yoona happy forevermore…



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Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
Finally finished reading this fic and i can't help but laugh from HyoYoung's dorkiness, as always.. ^^

Love how YoonYul still managed to get pass through everything.. i mean, can't imagine yoona's mom.. scarryyyy... @_@

and TaengSic, ghaad.. i need more of them! Haha.. ^^

Thank you for this author!.^^
KrissaLeanna #3
Chapter 38: this is really good i always came back to read this all over again
TrooperluvYY #4
Well,this is my third time reading this story
and i still love it! Haha..
And i love this cute couple more and more.
Thank u for reposting and writing such amazing
story ,TwinTroopers and KB0821☺

Sorry for my lack english!
MinSoojung #5
Chapter 38: I read this fanfic 4 time but I still love it. I can't get enough with yoonyul and this fanfic. U are the best, author-nim. Keep writing yoonyul fanfics !!! I do love them ♥♥♥
kwonchatiz1186 #6
Chapter 38: Such a cheezee author he.....
gangnamstyleallday #7
Chapter 31: Lmao DumbYul is so dumb yet cute xD. EvilSunny for not letting Fany tell Yul.
Cute Yul & Jelly Yoong xD
Chapter 26: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WAS LAUGHING OUT LOUD AT SHS. And poor maknae! This could pass as a SNSD sitcom XD
HwangTaeyeon #9
Chapter 23: holy dinosaurs this chapter literally killed me! freaking chapter 23 why you do this to me?!