Chapter 9

My Twelve Guardians

“Just where do you two think you’re going?” D.O and Chen both raised an eye brow at Baekhyun and Chanyeol who were trying to sneak out the front door of the boarding house. The pair froze the second they heard D.O’s voice, slowly turning around and flashing the other two immortals sheepish expressions.

“We just wanted to see where Himchan was taking Mi Sun,” Baekhyun explained, “we weren’t going to do anything bad.” Chen’s ears perked up at the sound of their master’s name. Upon her return to the house, Himchan had ordered her and Yong Guk to get dressed and then he had dragged them off somewhere, asking the twelve immortals to stay at home and keep an eye on the place.

None of the boys liked it, but when they tried to argue Mi Sun had asked them to keep an eye on things. Unable to argue with her, they’d reluctantly agreed. They wanted to tell her no, to say that they were going with her, but she wanted time alone with her oppas and the twelve could never deny her anything. Plus, as Kris had pointed out, it would seem creepy for them to follow her around so much when they’d only just come into her life.

“We’ll let you go,” Chen smirked slightly, “but you have to let us come with you.”

“Deal,” Baekhyun was quick to agree and soon all four were out the door, running in hopes of catching up to Mi Sun, Yong Guk, and Himchan.

In the kitchen, Suho and Kris shared a concerned look. They had overheard everything and silently agreed that one of them should follow the four. Not because they didn’t think their brothers could protect Mi Sun, but because she wouldn’t trust any of the twelve them if she caught them following her. If she found out that they followed her, she’d start to wonder about who the twelve immortals really were. After all, what reason could they have to follow her when she’d only known them for a few days? Already she had suspicions about them, as did her brother and the rest of the boys, and they didn’t need to do anything to add fuel to that fire.

“Follow them,” Suho nodded his agreement to Kris’ silent suggestion. Within moments, Kris was flying through the air, keeping both groups in his sight while staying out of sight himself. As he soared above them, he tried to strategize his next move. He couldn’t just drop down from the sky and tell the others to go home, but he also couldn’t let them keep following Mi Sun as they were. Kris needed them there in case someone or thing attacked Mi Sun, but he also didn’t need them to get caught and destroy any trust she had in him and his brothers.

With a deep sigh, Kris decided to simply observe until he was needed. This meant he had nothing better to do than remember when Mi Sun was still young, before they gave her up. He’d never been good with children and Mi Sun was no different for him. While the rest of his brothers could easily fall into the role of playmate for the little girl, he just couldn’t manage to sit and play with her for long. Kris chalked it up to having too many other things to worry about – securing the safety of his brothers, of his masters, and of Mi Sun took a lot of work and time. If that meant he didn’t get to play dress up or tea party with her, then so be it because keeping everyone alive was more important.

However, then came the one time Lay couldn’t get Mi Sun to sit still long enough to read her a bedtime story and put her to sleep. Normally, Mi Sun would calm right down for the healer, but this one night was different for some reason. Later, the dragon found out that Chanyeol had provided her with sugar, but at the time no one had any idea what was wrong.

With Lay unable to get her calmed down – nor any of the other boys and her parents for that matter – Kris had been called into Mi Sun’s bedroom by her mother who asked him to try. Everyone else had left, confident that he would be able to get the job done, and Kris was left alone for the first time with the two year old. At first, he tried using his “leader voice” in hopes she would listen, but that had only upset her. Finally, he grabbed one of her books at random, sat down beside her on the bed, and started reading.

Maybe it was because the sugar had worn off, but Mi Sun had calmed down soon after he began reading and listened to him until she drifted off to sleep half way through the story. To this day, Kris wasn’t sure how it had all happened, but he’d grown closer to the little girl and it became tradition for him to read her a story before she fell asleep. Right up until the night they gave her away, he’d been the one to put Mi Sun to bed every night and she had thrown a fit if he wasn’t there to read to her.

After giving her away, he’d greatly missed the act of reading her a bedtime story. So much so that he’d caught himself reading aloud just before bed hundreds of times in the years that followed. It was a habit he still hadn’t broken after eighteen years – not that he wanted to. Mi Sun had even caught him the night before, reading aloud in the living room before he turned in. She hadn’t pressed the issue, buying his lie about having read to his little sister so much it became a habit, but he had silently wished that she would question him. It might have been his decision not to tell her what they really were, but he couldn’t help wishing that she would find out the truth so he could openly serve as her guardian.

On the ground, Mi Sun was busy questioning Himchan as to where he was talking her and Yong Guk.

“You’ll see,” the second oldest grinned, pulling the pair behind him, “I think you’ll like it.”

“You’ve said that before about your surprises,” Yong Guk rolled his eyes, “they’re never as great as you say they are.”

“Well it’s different this time,” Himchan scoffed, “You are going to love this, guys.”

“If we don’t, I don’t think oppa is going to let you drag him anywhere ever again,” Mi Sun giggled, looking at the glare on Yong Guk’s face. Himchan took one glance at his hyung and cowered slightly. When Yong Guk noticed this, he softened his gaze in an attempt to calm his best friend down.

“It’s right about this corner,” Himchan smiled and looking around Mi Sun and Yong Guk realized they recognized a lot of the homes and landmarks around them. they just couldn’t place where they had seen these things before.

“Where have I seen this stuff before?” Yong Guk muttered, trying to place it just like Mi Sun was. Everything clicked when they turned the corner and saw the large closed sign in front of the orphanage they once called home.

“Apparently someone called the cops on the owner,” Himchan smirked, “something about hitting the kids. If I’d known they’d do this, I would have reported that years ago.” Turning to face his two closest friends, he smiled proudly. “I thought you might like to see this.”

“I can’t believe it,” Yong Guk gave out a small laugh, not quite believing the sight before his eyes, “It feels….I don’t really know how it feels. It doesn’t seem real.”

“It’s like that part of our lives is finally done,” Mi Sun grinned, laughing a little herself, “it’s like getting closure.” Yong Guk and Himchan nodded as all three let the old memories that they would rather forget wash over them. Not all of the staff had treated them badly, but the ones who did held more power and could cover their tracks better. For years, the three had been ‘punished’ by the owner and a few of his favorite employees for the stupidest of things.

Once, Yong Guk had dropped a cup while doing the dishes with Himchan. The staff member on duty had smacked him upside the head so hard that Mi Sun could hear the smack from the next room and Yong Guk had been sent to the floor by the force of the hit. Another time Mi Sun had spilled some paint on the floor while playing and the owner had locked her in the closet like space they called the time-out room for a couple of hours with no light. To this day she still had problems with small, dark spaces. It hadn’t been easy, but Yong Guk, Himchan and Mi Sun had managed to protect their precious dongsaeng for the same punishments that they had faced.

“Closure,” Yong Guk muttered, “that sounds like a good word for it.”

From the bushes not far away and the sky above, the five immortals tried to understand why the closed orphanage was so important to the three. It took a few minutes before it clicked, but when they realized that their Mi Sun’s time in the orphanage had been even worse than they originally thought, they grew angry. Angry at those who dared to harm her when she was only a child, angry at themselves for putting her there, and angry at those who failed to protect her when they could not.

“I will never let another person harm you,” Kris muttered, glaring at the building before his master, wishing that he could burn it to the ground. The same idea occurred to Chanyeol, but before he could actually set the structure ablaze, Baekhyun stopped him and provided a much better idea on how to destroy the building.


“How do you want to do this?” Luhan asked, glaring at the building that stood before him and his brothers. It was late, passed midnight, and the twelve were at the orphanage that Suho had left Mi Sun at years before.  It was the place they had parted ways with the young girl, it was the place she had met her friends and brother, and it was also the place that had mistreated her in ways they never wanted to think about.

And for that, they would destroy it.

Suho stood silent for a moment and his brothers waited for him to say something. If anyone had the right to decide what they would do, it was the one who’d left Mi Sun at this place. The eleven watched as Suho’s eyes glowed red, each taking a step or two back so they weren’t caught in the destruction to follow.

Water seemed to just appear in Suho’s hands before it started swirling around him. The amount of water kept growing until Suho was completely hidden from sight. That was when he started to change into his demonic serpent form. It was only when Suho had completely turned into a giant snake that the water dissipated. The eleven watched as their brother lunged forwards and began destroying the building any way he could. (A/N: has anyone ever seen the human-swan transformation in the 1996 movie ‘Swan Princess?’ well, Google that clip ‘cuz it’s pretty much what Suho’s transformation looked like. Well, except for the fact it’s Suho and not a girl. And he’s turning into a giant serpent, not a swan)

“If we don’t hurry, he’ll destroy the whole thing without us,” Kai smirked and soon all the boys had changed into their beastly forms.

For any passerby, it would have been quite a sight. Xiumin, a large snow leopard with glowing red eyes, slashed his claws at everything in sight, breathing his icy breath to freeze anything he couldn’t reach. Luhan, an elegant white buck, merely stood in the middle of a room and used his powers to throw the items within around, tossing his head left and right to indicate what way each thing would go. Kris used his dragon form crush parts of the roof, ever mindful of his brothers inside the building, by soaring high up into the air before crashing back down into the roofing tiles.

Suho made use of his snake body to coil himself around support beams before crushing them with his body. Additionally, Suho used his tail to smash things, swinging it back and forth, and his power to blast holes in walls and blow up the water pipes.  Not being able to cause destruction with his power, Lay made do with smashing things with his hooves or running items through with his unicorn horn. The white tiger Baekhyun caused damage much like Xiumin did, but he also blasted holes through the walls and floor with his powerful beams of light which he shot off from his mouth. Chen used his tail to smash holes and his giant scorpion claws to conduct electricity which he then shot off at random targets, shattering everything to bits.

Chanyeol, the immortal phoenix, only had to stretch his wings to burn parts of the building to ash and he had soon created massive piles of smoldering ash around him. D.O raised his massive bear form up on his hind legs before smashing his front legs into the ground again and again, creating massive cracks in the ground and items resting on shelves to fall to the ground, much of it shattering upon impact or falling into the cracks he had made. Tao and Sehun, the black and white wolves, ran around the building, smashing and ripping everything they could. Sehun used his wind to rip things off the wall so he could shred them with his teeth while Tao kept slowing time down for a few seconds at a time so he could prolong his enjoyment of destroying the place that dared hurt his Mi Sun.

Finally, Kai used his panther claws to rip apart the building room by room until he came to a stop in the owner’s office. The door was locked, but that wasn’t enough to stop the teleporter. It was only after he was inside that he realized where he was. Returning to his human form, he made his way to the filing cabinet. Kai had no idea why he wanted to look at the files there, but he soon found himself looking at the files for Mi Sun and the six boys she lived with.

“Kai,” Kris called before the younger could open them, “we’re going.”

“Right,” Kai called back. He took one last look at the seven files before shoving them carefully inside of his coat. He promised himself he would look at them in the morning once he was alone.

A/N: poor Yong Guk, Himchan, and Mi Sun going through somthing like that *says the person who wrote it.* anyway, it's almost 1am, so i'm posting this really early, but i can't sleep so *shrug* might as well post it now. hope you guys enjoy! major thanks and love to all my subscribers!!! please comment if you have time 'cuz i love reading your comments~!

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!