Chapter 28

My Twelve Guardians

Today was a good day for Suho. Actually, good didn’t begin to cover it. Nope, good was a major understatement because today was beyond just good. It was amazing! Or it was going to be once Mi Sun finished putting on her coat and gloves.

The normally calm water demon was grinning like a fool and bouncing on the balls of his feet. Finally, it was his turn to be alone with Mi Sun! Everyone – other than Luhan – had already gotten plenty of one-on-one time and now it was his turn.

It was only fair, right?

The others thought so. Meaning Luhan was the only one who’d thrown a fit. The telekinetic demon had wanted to go with Mi Sun to select the family’s Christmas tree and had fought hard to be able to do so. Upon losing to Suho, the younger promised the older that he could decorate the tree with Mi Sun. While Luhan still wasn’t happy, he could live with that.

“You seem happy,” Mi Sun laughed, taking in the excited look on Suho’s face, “I’d almost think you and Chanyeol swapped brains or something.”

“No,” Suho laughed, “I’m just happy I finally get to do this with you. I used to get the family tree with your father, so I always wanted to go with you.” Suho said that and immediately regretted it. Here he was trying to make her smile, only to bring up her dead father she had no memories of. Suho mentally scolded himself.

“Then we need to make this a tradition,” she smiled. While Suho could see the hint of pain in her eyes at the mention of her father, he could also see the joy it brought her. Getting a Christmas tree with Suho like her father had done made Mi Sun feel a little closer to her dad. It was like a song Suho heard once about a guy who drives his dead brother’s truck so he can feel closer to him.

“What kind of tree are you looking for?” Suho asked as the pair walked to the nearest Christmas tree lot.

“Nothing too tall,” she explained, “but I want it to be full and bushy with a straight trunk.”

“So pretty much the perfect tree,” he joked, ruffling her hair, “got it.”

“Not perfect,” she replied, giggling, “just very close to perfect.”

“Well you have me with you,” Suho bragged, “I’m great at finding the perfect, or almost perfect, Christmas tree.” Suho’s attempt to boast only made Mi Sun laugh more which brought a smile to the demon’s face. He loved being able to make her smile and laugh, loved knowing that he could make her happy.

“Why are we the ones watching them today?” Hongbin asked, peeking out of a nearby alley. Ravi shrugged, unable to form an answer that sounded good.

“Our masters said to follow them today,” Ravi sighed, “something about they had other plans for N hyung and Hyuk. And Leo and Ken are off on a mission of their own, so we’re the only ones available.”

“And we can’t go against orders now can we?” Hongbin grumbled, looking around to make sure only Ravi had heard him.

“No we can’t,” Ravi nodded, his own tone of voice showing he felt the same displeasure his brother felt. Neither demon wanted to be there, spying on Suho and his master, but they had been ordered to do it. They couldn’t go against their orders.

“They’re just buying a tree,” Hongbin sighed, “what’s so special about that? What makes it so surveillance worthy?”

“Maybe the tree has special battle strategies hidden inside it,” Ravi joked, “and with it they can take out our masters.” Hongbin cracked a small smile at the older demon’s joke, but it faded when he realized Suho and Mi Sun had gotten way ahead of them.

“Crap,” Ravi hissed as the pair rushed to catch up to them, “if we lose them we’re dead.” Hongbin nodded, trying to be as quite as he could only to kick over a garbage can in his haste.

“Do you hear something?” Mi Sun asked Suho, glancing over her shoulder to find nothing.

“Must be the other people looking to buy trees,” Suho shrugged. But a part of him was worried. Was something following them? Someone who could – and would – hurt Mi Sun? Suho listened for a while longer, but heard nothing else. It was probably just a cat. At least that was what he hoped it was.

“We’re here,” Mi Sun giggled when they arrived at the tree lot. Suho smiled as he watched her. She seemed so childlike and innocent, it made him feel proud that he was the only one to see her this way.

“Let’s look around,” Suho smiled, taking hold of her hand, “and you can tell me if you see anything you like.”

The pair walked around the lot, stopping to inspect any tree that caught Mi Sun’s eye. Most turned out to fall short of hitting the mark in some way. The first tree they looked at was too short. The third wasn’t full enough and had a lot of dead branches. The eighth was too crooked at the bottom and trying to fix the problem would leave the tree too short for Mi Sun’s taste. Suho just watched her inspect each tree, laughing to himself about how thorough and serious she seemed.

“This is it!” Mi Sun finally proclaimed, jumping up and down a little in her excitement over finding her perfect tree, “this is the one I want, Suho.”

“You’re sure?” he asked, looking over the tree himself.

“Yep,” she smiled, “this tree is perfect.” Suho returned her smile before grabbing hold of the tree. The pair made their way over to the lot owner and Suho paid for the tree, ignoring Mi Sun’s complaint about being able to pay for it herself.

“It’s my treat,” Suho told her, fixing his grip on the tree as they started to walk home, “to thank you for letting me come along.”

“You don’t have to thank me for that,” she told him, a small smile lighting up her face, “I had fun. And it made me feel a bit closer to my dad.” Suho nodded, retching over with his free hand to hold Mi Sun’s hand again.

The pair walked in silence, simply enjoying the presence of the other. Snow started to lightly fall and Suho couldn’t imagine the day being any more perfect.

“He’s so in love with her,” Hongbin said, frowning sadly. He didn’t even need his power to figure out how Suho felt about his master; his emotions were as clear as day thanks to the expression on his face.

“It’s a shame our masters want her dead,” Ravi nodded, his own frown matching his brother’s. So long as their masters wanted Jung Mi Sun dead, whatever feelings Suho and his brothers had for the girl were doomed the end in heart break and sadness.

It made the pair feel even more horrible to know that they would probably be the cause of that pain. It would most likely be by their hand Mi Sun met her end. With sad sighs the pair of demons left, returning home to report the events of the day to their masters, just as they had been ordered.

A/N: aww, I love going to get a Christmas tree with my parents. I love how the pain smell fills the house and everything smells so, idk, fresh? Like the woods after it rains. Best. Smell. EVER! As for the actual chapter: I’d originally planned to save Suho for last, but he just seemed to fit into this chapter better than Luhan and Luhan seemed to fit into the next chapter better than Suho. And more questions about VIXX and their motives! Are they heartless killers or not? Are they bad guys or what?

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!