Chapter 49

My Twelve Guardians

“Dad!” both men paused, surprised at the sudden unexpected interruption. Before either could recover, Zelo had smacked Mr. Yoo in the head with a board he’d found lying on the floor, causing the man to drop his gun in favor of holding his head.

The fifteen year old rushed over to his father as the older man fell to his knees.

“Junhong,” Stalker gasped, the effects of his injury affecting his ability to talk and breath.

“You’ll be fine, Dad,” Zelo tried to smile, but he knew the truth. His father was going to die. No one could survive getting stabbed in the chest like that and losing so much blood. Even if Lay was right there, the healing demon wouldn’t be able to save the older man.

“Zelo,” Yong Guk scolded, joining the pair after picking up Mr. Yoo’s gun, “don’t turn your back on the enemy like that. Especial an enemy like this.” Glancing at Stalker, Yong Guk felt terrible for the maknae. Zelo had just gotten his das back and now he was going to lose him again.

“Bang Yong Guk,” Mr. Yoo smirked, looking Yong Guk over, “so you’re the son of the Bang family. I thought I had VIXX kill off all of them. It seems that they missed you. You look just like your parents. You have the same fire in your eyes.”

“What are you talking about?” Yong Guk hissed, pointing the gun at the older. For his part, Mr. Yoo didn’t seem worried about the loaded weapon.

“Oh that’s right,” he laughed, “you wouldn’t know about it. You see Yong Guk, VIXX were supposed to be your demons. But my wife and I took them before your parents could sign their contract.”

“VIXX belonged to my family?” Yong Guk asked, his voice a whisper almost no one could hear.

“See, VIXX’s contract is very binding,” Mr. Yoo continued, “they have to do everything their master tells them to, even if they don’t want to do it. Naturally, when I ordered them to kill your parents, they had to do it. They put up quite a fight about it, too. Almost thought they wouldn’t do it, but the contract’s magic won in the end and the next thing VIXX knew they’d killed your parents. I don’t think they’ve ever forgiven themselves for that.”

Mr. Yoo laughed, a dark evil laugh that could scare children and make babies cry. Yong Guk just stood there, frozen in shock over the news. VIXX – the demons who served the enemy trying to kill Mi Sun and Daehyun – were supposed to be his. The Yoo family had made them kill his parents, leaving him an orphan. VIXX never had a choice, they’d been forced to do it by their contact. They hated themselves for what they had done.

Without another thought, Yong Guk fired the gun, putting a bullet in Mr. Yoo’s chest.

The younger watched with cold eyes as the older stumbled backwards. Those same eyes watched as Mr. Yoo hit the railing of the catwalk before tipping back, falling to the ground where he was killed instantly thanks to the fall. The coldness faded from Yong Guk eyes and he fell to his knees, shocked he’d taken a life yet happy that he’d avenged the deaths of his parents and Zelo’s mother.

“SHINee is going to be yours,” Stalker gasped, pulling SHINee’s contract from his shirt. The paper was slightly stained with blood, but otherwise it was in perfect condition.

“No,” Zelo sobbed, hugging his father, “I just got you back, I can’t lose you again.”

“I’m so proud of you.” Stalker smiled, patting Zelo’s head, “you’ve grown into a fine young man. Your mother would be so happy.”

“Please don’t go,” Zelo cried harder, “I need you.”

“You already have five hyungs and a noona who love you. And SHINee will always be there to look after you now,” Stalker said, his vision starting to fade to black, “you have to look after them in return, alright? Promise me that.” Zelo nodded and his father smiled.

And just like that, the light faded from Stalker’s eyes and his body fell limp. Zelo hugged his father’s body tighter, pleading with him not to go. SHINee heard the young boy’s cries and knew exactly what it meant; their master was dead. Later they would grieve for the loss, but right now they had to keep their enemy from getting near Zelo, the boy who would become their new master.

D.O and Kai had long since decided to use their beast forms to move. It made it easier to take down anyone foolish enough to stand in their way and helped them to move faster. At least, that was the case before they ran into VIXX. From behind the six, they could see Tao and Sehun, both in their beast forms as well, appear. The four EXO demons glanced at each other before changing back into their human forms, eyeing their former friends carefully.

“You could have told us the truth, N,” D.O finally said, “We could have helped you if you had just told us.”

“Really?” N sighed, “Do you really think it would have helped? They would have caught you, too.”

“You guys are so darn selfless,” Ravi tried to smile, “you would have gotten yourselves killed trying to help us if we’d said anything.”

“But that doesn’t matter now,” Ken frowned, “because we’re under orders to stop you.”

“Can’t go against orders, can you,” Kai’s frown matched the other’s.

The groups fell into battle then, knowing that they had no other choice in the matter. Tao shifted into his beast form before smashing himself against Hyuk’s gut. The younger hadn’t been able to move fast enough to defend himself, let alone prepare himself for the attack, so the blow managed to send him flying into a wall. One of the metal supports in the ceiling was jarred loose thanks to the impact and fell onto the young demon, pinning him where he lay.

“Hyukkie!” N called, his invisibility making it look like he’d just appeared beside the younger, “can you stand? Are you alright?” N pushed the metal beam away, struggling slightly thanks to how heavy it was. He could have sworn he’d heard the sound of something snapping, a bone breaking, when the beam hit Hyuk, but he hoped that he was wrong.

“Yes, hyung,” Hyuk smiled slightly, but the older could see the pain in his eyes. Seeing his youngest brother, his baby brother, in such a pained state angered him greatly. Although, he wasn’t sure who he was most angry at right then; the Yoo family, himself, or Tao. N changed into his beast form – a hellish looking dog complete with a flaming tail and black fur – before launching himself at Tao.

“Looks like we’re having a rematch,” Leo sighed, looking over at D.O before the pair changed into their own beast forms; a bear and a griffin. The two were soon locked in a fierce battle that left D.O with burns and Leo with welts and bruises from the hard clumps of earth that smashed into his body. When they finally pulled away, gasping for breath, both were bleeding and looked to be in a great deal of pain.

Hongbin found himself fighting against Sehun. The empath found it kind of fitting that he was fighting Sehun. Both had similar beast forms – Hongbin a dog with golden fur and Sehun a wolf with white fur – so who better for them to fight against? Power wise, they weren’t a good fit and Hongbin had to bite back a yelp of pain as Sehun used his power to send him flying into a wall. Ever the fighter, Hongbin got right back up, charging at the other demon and sinking his fangs into Sehun’s shoulder.

Kai smirked as he turned to face Ken and Ravi. Thanks to his teleportation, he could handle himself pretty well against the sound and illusion demons. No matter how strong the two were, they couldn’t hit a target who moved like Kai did. Clearly, both were getting rather irritated with that fact so Ravi made use of his powers to trick Kai into teleporting right into Ken’s attack. The use of his illusion power left Ravi feeling a bit drained of energy, a common occurrence whenever he used his gift, so Ken left him to rest while he sent Kai flying with another blow.

N was focused on tearing Tao apart when he felt himself being pushed aside. Turning, ready to attack whoever hand knocked him away, he found Hyuk. Without words, the younger pointed to Suho and Kris who had joined the battle.

N cursed.

It was bad enough going against D.O, Tao, Kai, and Sehun when all six VIXX demons were able to fight. But Hyuk was hurt, his arm clearly broken, and Ravi was out for a few more minutes while he recovered from using his power. Of those who could still fight Leo was bloody and beaten, Hongbin looked like he’d broken a few ribs along with taking a couple of bites from Sehun, and N wasn’t too much better off. Ken was the only one who wasn’t injured, but that was because Kai was playing around and not attacking him. Now that the leaders of EXO had joined the fight, they were screwed.

“Well this hasn’t gone as I would have liked,” everyone turned to see Mrs. Yoo glaring at them all. N cursed again.

“So you’re Mrs. Yoo,” Kris growled, waving his brothers over to stand with him and Suho.

“And you’re the mighty Kris of EXO,” she nodded before turning to VIXX. Her face clearly said she was disgusted with them, beyond upset that they hadn’t crushed their opponents within seconds. “Ravi,” she ordered, “create an illusion so we can leave. I require you six someplace else.”

N almost shouted at her. Ravi was already tired from using his power once, now he had to use it again before he’d recovered? How N hated his masters and this wasn’t even the worst thing they’d made him do. Oh no, he and his brothers had been ordered to do much worse things in the past. N wanted to yell all of this at her, but he kept his mouth shut and followed after Mrs. Yoo as she left the area, helping Hyuk as he went. Experience had taught him to just nod his head and say yes, master.

A/N: wonder what Mrs. Yoo wants from poor VIXX now. As for Zelo losing his father…….if it make you feel any better, I’m not happy about it either. in other news, only 2 more chapters to go and we're done.....yeah, another sad thing

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!