Chapter 11

My Twelve Guardians

The next day after Daehyun got sick, the young boy was fully recovered and back to school. Lay had snuck into the boy’s room the night before and used his powers to heal the boy. It was a good thing he had done it, too, as Daehyun’s fever kept getting higher and higher. If Lay hadn’t healed the human boy, he suspected that Daehyun would have needed to be taken to the hospital.

“I’m sure Mi Sun would thank you if she knew,” Suho patted Lay’s shoulder as they watched their master checking Daehyun’s forehead to make sure his fever was gone. Lay nodded, but he secretly wished that she did know, that she could be praising him right now for healing her brother.

“Don’t worry about Daehyun, noona,” Youngjae patted the older girl’s shoulder, “I’ll keep an eye on him all day. If he looks sick, I’ll bring him back home right away.”

“Thanks,” Mi Sun through an arm around the teen’s shoulders, giving him a quick hug before herding the four youngest out of the door, calling out to the oldest boys that she would be back soon. Kris and Luhan quickly followed after her, calling out for her to wait up and that she promised them a tour of the neighbourhood.

“Is it just me,” Himchan wondered aloud to Yong Guk in the kitchen, “or has Youngjae gotten nicer when it comes to Mi Sun?”

“Define nicer,” the oldest of the pair laughed. Yong Guk was pretty sure he knew what his oldest friend meant, but it was fun making him try to explain his thinking.

“I mean he’s not being as, well, Youngjae-ish around Mi Sun as he normally is,” Himchan struggled to find the right words, “it’s been like this ever since Suho showed up. And it got worse after the other guys showed up.”

“I could say the same thing about Daehyun,” Yong Guk pointed out. From the living room, the immortals still in the house all looked up, suddenly interested in the conversation the pair of human were having. To them, it seemed that Himchan was hinting at something and they had a bad feeling they knew what it was.

“Oh come on, Yong Guk,” Himchan sighed, “you know Youngjae’s had a school boy crush on her for years. He’s never acted on it, but don’t you think that maybe, just maybe, all this sudden interest in Mi-Mi is forcing him to do something?” Yeah, that was exactly what the immortals didn’t want to hear.

“He knows she only sees him as a little brother,” Yong Guk pointed out, “Youngjae’s just being a possessive kid, it will change the second he finds a girl his own age.”

“Says you,” Himchan shrugged, “he might know she’ll never see him as a man, but I still think that his dislike for Suho and the guys goes beyond possessive kid brother behaviour. Even Daehyun treats these guys better and he still glares at over half of them when he sees them.”

“Stupid kid,” Tao muttered, glaring at the door Youngjae had left through not long before. The immortal wolf hated the idea of someone, anyone, trying to win Mi Sun’s heart. She was his, err, theirs.


“Bye noona,” Jongup and Zelo smiled at Mi Sun before running off. Daehyun left, following them as soon as he hugged his sister. Youngjae, however, held back.

“Get going or you’ll be late, Brain,” Mi Sun smiled, patting his head. Youngjae hesitated and was about to leave when the pair – plus Kris and Luhan – heard the sound of Daehyun crying out in pain. All four looked up to see that the poor boy had been shoved to the ground by the bullies that picked on him every day. They all took off running at the same time, but Kris and Luhan were faster and got to Daehyun’s side first.

Luhan helped Daehyun stand, ever mindful of the arm the human boy was holding close to his chest. Luhan could be wrong, but it looked like it was broken. Kris stood beside the pair, glaring down at the bullies who cowered under the immortal dragon’s intense gaze.

“Daehyun,” Mi Sun gasped, terrified that her baby brother was injured. Turning him around to face her, she realized he was hurt and her eyes locked onto the group of bullies. Daehyun and Youngjae could honestly say that they were terrified by the look that was on their noona’s face. It wasn’t often that they had saw that look; in fact it had been several years since the last time she had gotten this angry. While Kris remained oblivious to the look of his master’s face – because his back was turned – Luhan got a good look at it and even he – an immortal demon – was a little scared.

“I never want to hear about you bullying Jung Daehyun again,” Kris growled, stealing Mi Sun’s words without even realizing it, “because if I do, you’ll have to deal with me. Never touch this boy again. Do you understand?” the bullies nodded. None of them could decide which scared them more; Kris or Mi Sun.

With a whimper that sounded like a yes, the bullies took off running in the other direction and Kris turned his attention to Daehyun.

“Let’s get you to the hospital,” even though his expression no longer betrayed the dragon within, the aura remained and no one dared to question him.

“Thank you,” Mi Sun smiled slightly at the tall immortal, “I don’t know what I would have done if you and Luhan hadn’t been there to help. These bullies could have done a lot more to Daehyunnie in the time it took me to get to him without you two.” Both Kris and Luhan couldn’t help but smile at such praise. For the first time since finding her, they had been useful to their dear master. Sure it wasn’t in the way that they wanted – the kind that involved using their powers – but who were they to complain?

“Go to class, Youngjae,” Luhan told the younger boy, “Someone needs to be there to keep an eye on Jongup and Zelo.” Youngjae glared at the older until Mi Sun told him to go as well. With a sigh, Youngjae patted Daehyun on the back and left. He wasn’t a foolish boy, in fact he was quiet smart. He knew that Mi Sun only saw him as a little brother and that would never change. His crush on her was pointless. But he just couldn’t help it, especially when he saw these new guys – like Kris and Luhan – coming into their home and trying to win her attention. Youngjae was known to be a little selfish at times, but mostly when it concerned Mi Sun.

“How’s your arm?” Kris asked and the four started walking to the hospital.

“It hurts a lot,” Daehyun admitted, wincing every so often when he tried to move his arm.

“You’re having a lot of bad luck lately,” Luhan tried to joke, hoping to make the young human smile, “First you get sick, now your arm’s hurt. Maybe I should keep a closer eye on you, Daehyun.” Daehyun blushed slightly in embarrassment and Mi Sun laughed.

“Our Daehyun’s always been a bit of an accident magnet,” she smiled, “it’ll be good to have another set of eyes watching out for him.”

“Noona,” Daehyun pouted.

A/N:, i just broke Daehyun's arm......and how many people hate me right now? or are at least calling me a mean, horrible person? I only partly jest. Don't worry, this will be the last time I write about Daehyun getting hurt/sick/ect. Please leave a comment if you have time!

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!