Chapter 33

My Twelve Guardians

“He’ll be up in a few hours,” Chen assured M Sun as the pair sat in the living room, waiting for Lay to finish healing Suho.

“I know,” she smiled slightly, “I was here when Lay told you that.”

“Then stop worrying,” the lightning demon grinned, “Suho hyung is super strong. A knock to the head and a few busted ribs aren’t gonna kept him down for long.”

“I wasn’t worried about that,” she sighed, “I was thinking about N and Ken. Mostly N.”

“Oh,” Chen’s mood dropped at the mention of the two VIXX demons.

“When he was walking off, he told me that Suho would be just fine,” Mi Sun explained, “his tone was really cold, but there was a slight catch in his voice. That, combined with a couple of other things he said makes me wonder.”

“About?” he sighed.

“If maybe there’s more to VIXX working for the people who want me dead then we know,” she shrugged, “something just seems a bit off to me about the whole thing is all.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Chen told her, getting up and stretching, “all we need to know is that VIXX is working for the people who want you and Daehyun dead. That’s all that matters, their reasons for doing it don’t. Now come on, I want to do something fun.”

“Like what?” she asked, “We can’t go outside after what happened.”

“You guys put that pool table I gave Himchan for Christmas in the basement, right?” he grinned.

“Oh,” she blinked, realization dawning on her as a smile formed on her face as well, “but we’ll have to clear some room and set it up.”

“I’ll pretend I’m not slightly offended that he hadn’t touched it since he helped carry it down there,” Chen joked. He knew Himchan was busy with his new part time job – aka his way of bringing in a little more income for the family. The twelve demons had plenty of cash saved up, they could help out with the bills and whatnot. But every time the suggested it, Yong Guk, Mi Sun and the others turned them down. They could survive their own as they had been doing for years and the demons could respect that.

“Don’t let Himchan hear you say that,” she laughed, “he’ll think you mean it and feel bad.” Both laughed some more as they made their way to the basement.

Considering the basement was the part of the house they didn’t often use for anything other than storage, Chen was a little surprised how clean and organized it was. Several wardrobes were placed along one wall, each filled with spare sheets and blankets for the beds. A cupboard that sat beside the staircase was filled with cleaning supplies, organized so that the most commonly used products were the easiest the grab, and a washer and dryer were placed beside it.

At the farthest end of the room, several dozen boxes were piled. Each one was labeled with letters written by a black pen, telling the people who came down there which boxes held extra cups and which held spare light bulbs. Finally, there were a couple of work desks and tool cupboards. While everything else was nicely organized, this area was a compete mess. Tool were scattered every which way and no obvious signs of an organization system were present.

“Remind me,” Chen said, looking at the tools, “who’s the one in charge of this mess?”

“Yong Guk,” Mi Sun sighed, “he always claims that he has a system, but we don’t believe him.”

“Then why do you let this happen?” Chen asked, “Everything else is so neat and tidy. Xiumin and D.O couldn’t do a better job.”

“Somehow, he can still find everything he needs,” she shrugged, “and so long as he can do that, none of us have any reason to touch his tools.”

“Well,” Chen shrugged too, “if it works for Yong Guk, then I can’t argue with it.”

“Help me move some of these boxes then,” Mi Sun said, walking to the far side of the room, “we can pile a few of them a bit closer together to make room for the pool table.” He nodded, moving the boxes he was told to move until they had cleared a large enough space for the pool table to sit.

“Why do you guys have so much stuff?” Chen asked as they got to work setting the table up, “do you really need it?”

“You’d be surprised,” Mi Sun replied, rolling her eyes, “since moving in, we’ve had to replace a lot of stuff. The people who stay here don’t always treat things with respect. Sure, sometimes stuff gets trashed on accident, but other times it’s destroyed simply because the person breaking it doesn’t own it.”

“That ,” he frowned.

“It does,” she smiled, “but we kind of signed up for that when we bought this place. The former owner told Yong Guk and Himchan right off the bat that this was how things were going to be if they bought it. He didn’t make owning a boarding house sound like that great an idea truth be told and I was kind of worried they were throwing away their money. But things ended up working out better than we could have hoped.”

“You have your oppas,” Chen smiled softly, “you have your dongsaeng, you have a roof over your head, and you have me and my brothers. Defiantly better then you could have hoped.”

“Everything’s ready to go,” Mi Sun announced, grabbing a pool stick, “do you want to break or should I?”

The next couple of hours were spent playing pool. Chen won most of the games, experience making him the better player, but Mi Sun also won her fair share of games. The first time, she accused Chen of letting her win, but after the third time she believed him when he said it was all her.

“What are you two doing” Lay asked as he joined them in the basement.

“Playing pool,” Chen replied, almost tempted to give his brother a joke answer since it was kind of obvious what they were doing.

“Cool,” Lay nodded, “Suho’s awake if you’re interested. I think he’d like to talk to you, Mi Sun. He’s got it in his head that N did something to you once he was knocked out.”

“Alright,” Mi Sun nodded, leaving the two demons alone.

“You did that on purpose,” Chen sighed, giving Lay a ‘seriously?’ expression.

“Yes,” Lay smirked slightly, “yes I did.” And with that the unicorn left the scorpion alone.

A/N: Lay, you evil unicorn you. Just watch Chen mess up his one-on-one time as revenge (not going to promise I’m going to do that, but it’s an idea). Goodness, do I miss playing pool with my college buddies between class now or what. *sigh* it was so much fun, I really miss doing it. Any of you guys have fond memories of playing pool with your friends and/or family?

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!