Chapter 13

My Twelve Guardians

“I don’t like her,” Jongup frowned after leaving the police station. All seven had talked to the police about their time in their old orphanage, spilling their guts about everything that had happened, but all of them had gotten the feeling that the cop questioning them was digging for something else.

“I know,” Youngjae frowned, “did she keep asking anyone else about how they ended up there?”

“Yeah,” Mi Sun nodded, “and did you notice that she never took notes when we were talking about the crap the owner pulled on us? She took plenty of notes about everything related to how we got there, but nothing important to why she wanted to talk to us.”

“It is strange,” Yong Guk nodded, “but it’s done so let’s move on. She doesn’t need us to testify and no social workers are going to come out to check out Daehyun’s busted arm. It’s done, we’re still good, so let’s move on. D.O offered to cook dinner tonight and it’s getting late. Don’t want to miss out, right?”

Most of the others were easily able to brush the interviews off, but Mi Sun and Daehyun just couldn’t shake the creepy feeling. The feeling got even worse as they walked to the bus. It felt like someone was watching them and the feeling grew stronger with every step.

“Noona,” Daehyun said as the pair fell into step at the back of the group, “when we get home, can we ask Kris hyung and Luhan hyung about this? I get the feeling that they might know something.”

“What makes you say that?” Mi Sun wondered. She got the feeling, too, that the twelve knew something she didn’t, but she wasn’t sure that what they knew related to what caused the creepy feeling. “And when did you get so close to those two?”

“When they helped me after the bullies,” Daehyun replied.

“Right,” she nodded. Those two had helped Daehyun out in a big way that day. The younger boy might not take too kindly to strangers, but he also couldn’t keep being mean to people who’d clearly helped him a great deal.

“And I don’t know why I think they know something about this,” he added, “It’s just a feeling. Can we?” Mi Sun nodded and from the sky Kris wondered if maybe now was a good time to tell Mi Sun the truth. Thanks to his hearing, he had been able to hear Mi Sun’s whole interview – and the others for that matter – and he’d noticed how the cop kept referring back to when Mi Sun was given up. At one point, she’d even asked about what Mi Sun could remember about her life before the orphanage.

To make it weirder, she’d taken an interest in the oppas that Mi Sun kind of remembered from her pre=orphanage childhood; Min oppa, Lulu oppa, Kris oppa, Su-Su oppa, Lay oppa, Bacon oppa, Chen oppa, Chan oppa, Do oppa, Tao oppa, Kai oppa, and Se-Se oppa. Mi Sun had been fuzzy on a few of the names – she had been three the last time she used them after all – but she’d been clear enough to make the cop’s interest worrisome.

At home, Mi Sun and Daehyun wasted no time in getting Luhan and Kris alone so they could talk. After they explained everything, admitting that they knew how crazy they sounded, the four sat in silence. Kris still didn’t know what to do, so Luhan decided to make the choice for him. Something was wrong, they all knew it, and keeping Mi Sun in the dark wasn’t going to work anymore.

“Remember that demon contract?” Luhan asked and both human nodded before they froze. Luhan hadn’t been around when they brought the contract home and they hadn’t spoken of it since that day.

“How do you know about that?” Mi Sun asked, her voice suddenly tense.

“We’re the demons you summoned,” Kris explained. His eyes flashed red and he levitated off the ground. The demon could feel Tao stopping time from another area of the house, save for inside their current room, and silently thanked the younger. If Mi Sun and Daehyun freaked out, it wouldn’t do to have them scream or run for help. This way, both were easily prevented from working.

“Impossible,” Daehyun mumbled while Mi Sun looked to be too shocked to say anything.

“We weren’t going to tell you,” Kris explained, “We had planned to protect you from the shadows. But I don’t think that’s an option any more. I don’t think that cop you talked to was a real cop. And if she was, then she’s working for someone who wants to kill you, who killed your father and wanted to kill your mother.”

Daehyun looked between the two men before him before looking at Mi Sun. She just sat there, trying to figure out if what she was being told was real or not. Truthfully, she kind of wanted it to be real because it meant getting answers about why she was abandoned. But if it was true, then her life with Daehyun and the rest of the guys would never be the same.

“Prove it,” she finally said, “prove to me that you’re really demons.” Kris nodded to Luhan who stood. Mi sun and Daehyun watched as the blond demon’s eyes turned red and the air around him started to swirl and obscure their view of him. Seconds after they lost sight of him completely through the wind, the swirling air started to dissipate to reveal a while buck with Luhan’s eyes.

“Kris would have changed, too,” the buck explained in Luhan’s voice, “but his dragon form can’t fit too well indoors.”

“I believe you,” Mi Sun finally said, unable to deny what was right before her eyes, “so tell me everything you know.”

“We’ve been taking care of your family for years,” Kris explained, “your ancestors protected us from being killed by a group of demon hating villagers, so we returned the favor by serving as the protectors of their family. We’ve spent thousands of years keeping your family safe and it was pretty easy for a long time. Then a few generations ago, things changed.”

“People started hunting your family, trying to kill them,” Luhan continued, “we tried hundreds of times to figure out why, but we’ve never been able to get an answer. Even with this new threat, we’d still been able to protect your family. Finally, your father and mother had you and things got worse.”

“What do you mean worse?” Mi Sun asked.

“The threat to your family kept getting stronger with each new generation, the people attacking were getting better at fighting against us with every attack,” Kris said, “by the time of your birth, it was really just a matter of time before they were successful in hurting you or your parents. When you were three, your father was killed and my brothers and I were wounded trying to protect him.”

“Killed?” Mi Sun breathed, trying to believe what she was hearing. Knowing her father was likely dead was one thing, but to know he had been killed by another on purpose was another.

“We knew we had to give you up, hide you so they would never come near you,” Kris kept going, “if you stayed with us or your mother, you’d be killed, too. So we all agreed to give you up and cut all ties so they could never find you. Your mother ran, we still don’t know what happened to her, and Suho was left to keep watch over the contract. The rest of us traveled the world in hopes of finding the people after your family or at least leading them away from you.”

“We couldn’t believe it when you found the contract and signed it,” Luhan made a hesitant step towards Mi Sun who was still trying to process this new information, “we’d given up hope of you ever finding it, of becoming our master like you were meant to be.”

“You gave me up,” Mi Sun said, her body shaking as she started sobbing, “I know you did it to protect me, but YOU GAVE ME AWAY!” Her words cut deep for all twelve demons who were listening into the conversation. Her sobs and tears cut even deeper.

Daehyun just sat there silently, not sure what to do to comfort his sister. Mi Sun really did understand why they had given her away. Whoever was after her family had killed her dad – a full grown man – and hurt all twelve demons pretty badly, so what chance did they have of protecting a little three year old kid? But it still hurt.

They might have done it for good reasons, but they still gave her away and left her alone for eighteen years of her life.

A/N: and so Mi Sun finally knows. Hope you’re all looking forewords to the next chapter to see how she handels all this new information. Thanks to my subscribers and please leave a comment!!

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!