Chapter 20

My Twelve Guardians

A/N: before we start...........guess who turned 21 today? ME!!!!!!!!!!! lolz can you tell i'm happy?

Silence surrounded D.O and Mi Sun. While she didn’t find it awkward – she was used to silence thanks to her brother – D.O did. As the pair walked down the street, he kept trying to think of something to say.



The weather.

Any thing would do.

D.O wasn’t the chattiest of the twelve demons. In fact, he made a point of avoiding conversations with people simply because social interactions made him nervous. He’d gotten used to the others taking the spot light, gotten used to pushing attention away from himself and indulging his shy nature, and now he was paying for it. If Mi Sun was bored by the lack of conversation, then she might never want to spend time alone with him again. He couldn’t have that! He just couldn’t.

“It’s a nice day,” he finally said before mentally smacking his forehead. If that was the best thing he could think of, then he was doomed.

“It is,” Mi Sun smiled back, “it beats the cold from yesterday, that’s for sure. How long do you think it will last before the snow comes?”

“A few days,” he replied, a bit surprised that his conversation attempt was working, “maybe the end of the week. Xiumin’s looking forewords to it.”

“Awesome,” she grinned brightly, “I can’t wait for it to snow, too.”

The pair fell into silence once more, but this time it was worse for D.O. All he’d wanted was to start a conversation. Now he’d gone and pointed out how similar Mi Sun and Xiumin were with their shared love of winter. He just couldn’t win when it came to Mi Sun. Even when she was a child, he’d always tell her one of the others wanted to play so she would leave him alone. Not because he didn’t want her around, he was just scared he would say the wrong thing and make her hate him.

Apparently, that hadn’t changed after all those years apart. He was still pushing her away so he wouldn’t say something that messed up their relationship. When Mi Sun was little, she been too stubborn to just walk away and leave him. But she was older now. She was all grown up and if he pushed her away then she’d go, thinking that she was respecting his wishes when he was just scared.

“What’s wrong?” Mi Sun asked. She racked her brain, trying to figure out if she’d done something wrong.

“What do you mean?” he replied, faking innocence.

“You just looked upset,” she explained, “I was worried I’d done something wrong.”

“Why would you think that?” D.O blinked in surprise. Why on earth would she think she’d done something wrong? He was the one who’d brought up Xiumin. Mi Sun opened to reply when a man dressed in a long black coat stepped out in front of them.

D.O’s eyes narrowed and he pushed Mi Sun behind him. He knew this man all too well. After all, they’d been friends until a few years ago.

“Hello, D.O,” the man said, nodding his head in greeting. The action caused some of his black bangs to fall into his eyes, helping to shadow them and add to the strange aura he already gave off.

“Leo,” D.O nodded in return. Mi Sun looked back and forth between the two men – well, man and demon – as she tried to figure out what was going on. D.O knew this Leo guy, obviously, but she couldn’t figure out how. Or maybe she could and just didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that this Leo guy was – probably – like N from the other day. A demon that killed his masters. A demon working for the people who wanted her dead.

“So this is your master?” Leo asked, looking Mi Sun over carefully, “she’s pretty. I can see why you and your brothers are so in love with her. I bet she’s great in—.“ Leo didn’t get to finish his statement as D.O had already sent several large rocks flying his way.

Leo dodged them like a pro before waving his hand, sending both D.O and Mi Sun flying back with a shock wave he admitted from his hands. The human girl landed on her left arm and heard the bone snap when it hit the cement sidewalk. D.O heard the sound too and growled, his eyes flashing red as he sent another wave of rocks at Leo. As the shock wave demon dodged the second attack, D.O stomped his foot and crated a mini earthquake that set off several car alarm and caused Leo to stumble.

As Leo tried to regain his balance, D.O found and opening and let a rock smash the other in the face. The earth demon smirked with satisfaction when he heard the sound of Leo’s nose breaking. That would teach him to cause Mi Sun harm.

“Are you alright?” D.O asked, helping a dazed Mi Sun to her feet, “is anything else broken?”

“Just my arm,” she replied, looking over at Leo, trying to avoid looking at her injured arm, to find him looking very annoyed. D.O followed her eyes and growled when he saw that the other demon was ready for another round.

“Stay here,” he instructed Mi Sun, pushing her behind him once again. D.O’s eyes went red and any loose dirt in the area started to spin like it was caught in a tornado that had formed around the demon. Soon, the dirt was so thick you couldn’t see the demon inside the cyclone. Just like Luhan’s transformation, Mi Sun watched as the dust storm started to dissipate, revealing a large bear instead of D.O.

“Getting serious I see,” Leo noted, but D.O could hear a faint hint of fear in the other demon’s voice. Leo never had been able to beat him in this form with his powers fully unleashed. The bear smirked slightly before rushing forewords so fast Leo could barely dodge it in time. In fact, Leo was too busy trying to avoid getting tackled that he failed to notice D.O’s outstretched paw.

Leo yelped loudly as D.O’s claws dug into his side, leaving gaping gashes in their wake. The blood started flowing and Leo knew it was time to retreat. If he stayed any longer, he knew D.O wouldn’t hesitate to kill him. After all, Leo and his brothers were a threat to the Jung siblings. The twelve EXO demons wouldn’t let any threat to their beloved masters live if they could help it.

“See you next time,” Leo tried to smirk through his pain before taking off as fast as his body would allow. He might not have taken out one of the Jung children like his master wanted, but he’d still walked away with something to show for his time.

Mi Sun had never seen the level of brutality her demons were capable of. Now she had. They might serve and love her, they would never dream of hurting her, but with any luck this attack would be enough to make her fear them a little. Make her scared of what they were capable of.  The blood stains on the side walk were hopefully enough to prove their darker nature to anyone who saw how it got there.

“I’m sorry you had to see that,” D.O said, looking down in shame once he saw the horrified look on Mi Sun’s face. He quickly reverted to him human form using the same method he had used to change forms in the first place. “I lost my temper when I saw how he’d hurt you.”

“I shouldn’t be so scared,” she finally said, trying to wrap her head around what she’d seen, “I know you’d never hurt me or Daehyun. Or the others. But you just looked so……..angry.” D.O nodded before pulling her into a hug, knowing she was having trouble putting her thoughts into words.

It was only natural he supposed. All his other masters had been a bit scared the first time they saw what the twelve demons could do. The damage they could create and the blood they could spill without thinking twice about it. But they’d gotten over it and so would Mi Sun. Glancing over at the fresh blood that stained the sidewalk, D.O silently promised to never let her see that side of him again.

Never would he let his master see his inner monster again.

A/N: before I get a bunch of messages saying that “Mi Sun shouldn’t be scared ‘cuz EXO would never hurt her or her family” I wanna make it clear that she isn’t scared ‘cuz of that. She knows they would never hurt her or her family. What scared her is the fact she just saw D.O (who up until now has always been super sweet and quiet) rip open Leo’s side with a level of brutality that would make most people crap their pants. She’s scared of what D.O and the others are capable of doing to others. She also knows that she has to overcome that fear (for obvious reasons). So just keep that in mind before you comment.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!