Chapter 6

My Twelve Guardians

“You don’t have to stay here,” Mi Sun told Sehun as the pair stood on the side walk, waiting for Suho to return. After Suho had left, Kai had simply walked away. This left Sehun alone with Mi Sun, unwilling to leave the injured girl alone on the off chance she really was his Mi Sun. Even if she wasn’t, he couldn’t just leave an injured girl alone. It wasn’t right.

“It’s alright,” he shrugged, “Suho hyung asked me to.”

“He asked the other guy, too,” she shrugged, “and he left.” Sehun bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

“How’s your wrist?” Sehun asked before mentally hitting himself. This girl couldn’t be his Mi Sun, so he shouldn’t be worrying about her as if she was.

“I’ll be fine,” Mi Sun shrugged again, “things happen and it’s not like it’s broken.”

“That’s an interesting way to look at things,” honestly, he’d have thought this girl would cry over getting hurt. Yet she didn’t seem bothered by it at all.

“It’s true,” she replied, “growing up in an orphanage taught me not to worry about the small stuff and this is small stuff. Himchan figures that’s good, that then I’ll have less stress in my life and can handle the big problems better.”

“Who’s Himchan?” Sehun asked her, feeling oddly irritated at the idea of some guy he didn’t know being in Mi Sun’s life.

“He’s one of the boy’s I grew up with in the orphanage,” she told him.

“Really? Can you tell me more?” Sehun raised an eye brow, his curiosity sparked. His Mi Sun had spent time in an orphanage, maybe this was his chance to learn how things had been for her. He’d always wondered if life would be better for her after they gave her up, talking to Mi Sun could provide him with proof to decide that.

“Sure. Himchan came to the orphanage around the same time I did,” she explained, “Same with Yong Guk oppa. Even though they were four and I was only three, we became best friends right away. Daehyun was left at the orphanage the next year when he was only a few weeks old and we ended up acting as his appas and umma more than his hyungs and noona. I was eight when Jongup ended up at the orphanage. He just looked so lost and alone that it felt wrong to leave him on his own. Jonguppie was three at the time. Later that year, Zelo joined us. He was two. When I was ten, Youngjae came. He was the brattiest five year old we’d ever seen, but we still took him into our group.”

“Wait,” Sehun blinked, “Are you still in contact with these guys?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, “we all live together. When Yong Guk and Himchan turned 18, they were kicked out into the real world. They bought a boarding house with the cash the government gave them and the next year I joined them. It took a little while to get all the paper work in order, but by the end of the year we’d legally adopted the others and we’ve been living there ever since.”

“None of you were ever adopted?” he asked.

“No,” she sighed, a hint of sadness in her voice, “not getting adopted ended up being our thing. No one ever wanted to adopt me, Himchan or Yong Guk, but a few people tried to adopt the others. It never worked out, though. Eventually, people stopped trying. Guess they saw how many times Daehyun and the others were sent back and thought it was “the kids fault”.”

 “No one ever wanted to adopt you?” Sehun asked and Mi Sun simply shrugged.

“Nope,” she told him, “people took one look at me and passed right on by. Like I gave off a bad aura or something. Himchan and Yong Guk got the same response. Like we were toxic or something.” The male looked over at the girl and felt a bit of respect for her. Most people would probably cry over something like that, but Mi Sun just brushed it off. At the same time, he got the feeling that it bothered her more then she let on.

“Mi Sun!” Suho called, running up to the pair, “I found your purse.” Handing over the bag, the older immortal failed to mention that he had been within hearing distance to hear her story. On the inside, it killed him to know the painful childhood that had befallen not just Mi Sun, but the boys she called her family as well. In the time he’d spent at the boarding house, he’d gotten to know all six boys and he knew that they hadn’t deserved such rejection.

From the roof of a nearby building, Kai felt the same pain in his heart. If Suho and Tao were right, then this girl was his Mi Sun. If she was his Mi Sun, then she’s had a painful childhood without him and his brothers to protect her and it was their fault. When they had given her up, Kai had convinced himself that she would have a better life without her twelve guardians by her side, that a nice family would take her in and she’d have a prefect childhood. It had never crossed his mind that life in the orphanage could be so cruel to her.

“Can I ask,” Kai heard Sehun asked the girl, “When were you left at the orphanage?”

“I was three,” she told him, “I thought I said as much when I told you that Himchan and Yong Guk were four when they were left at the orphanage. I was three, it was fall, and I remember it was someone called Su-Su oppa who left me there.”

The three immortals stared at the girl who had just confirmed that she really was their Mi Sun.

From the roof top, Kai tripped over his own feet getting up. Torn between rushing home to his brothers with the news and rushing to Mi Sun’s side, he decided telling his brothers was more important. On the ground, Sehun suddenly lunged forwards and hugged the girl tightly to his chest.

Suho watched with a proud smile as his youngest brother silently cried in joy. After eighteen long years, the boy had finally found the little girl who he had adored so much. Before Mi Sun’s birth, Sehun had never gotten close to any of their master’s children, or the master for that matter. It wasn’t until the child was grown that he even paid attention to them. But something had changed with the birth of Mi Sun and the youngest immortal had taken a shine to the girl. That was why it had killed him to let her go that night.

“Um, Suho-sshi?” Mi Sun asked, awkwardly trying to pat Sehun’s back, “why is your brother crying? And hugging me? What’s going on here?”


“It’s really her?” Kris breathed, not quiet believing his ears. He wanted so much for it to be true, but he couldn’t help but be afraid that it wasn’t her. Only a trick.

“Yes,” Kai gasped, trying not to grin like an idiot, “she was given to the same orphanage at the same time and the same age by someone called Su-Su oppa. That was our Mi Sun’s name for Suho hyung! Kris hyung, if you take just one look at her, then you’ll know. It really is her. Our Mi Sun found the scroll! We found our Mi Sun!” From around the room, the rest of their brothers shared hopeful glances. If Kai and Sehun – two of the biggest believers that Mi Sun was gone for good – thought that it was her, then it had to be true. It just had to be.

Xiumin found himself trembling slightly, fighting the urge to rush off and find the girl. The urge to prove for himself that it was really Mi Sun. All he wanted to do right then was run to her side and hug her for dear life. He was terrified that in the time it took them to get to where she was, she’d vanish into thin air and they would lose her all over again. No. This time he promised he would never leave her side, that he would never let her go like he had eighteen years ago.

Luhan was trying not to smile and scream in joy. Memories of playing dress up and tea party with Mi Sun filled his mind and he started to day dream about everything he could do with her now. Taking her out for bubble tea, helping her study for her university exams, and doing anything else she needed him to do for her.

Lay found himself smiling as he remembered every sweet memory he had of the little girl. He’d been the only person that she would ever sit still for and he wondered if Mi Sun was the same hyper active girl she had been all those years ago.

Baekhyun almost broke down sobbing at the idea of getting Mi Sun back. The night he’d let Suho take her away was his biggest regret and he’d almost given up hope of ever getting her back. Now, she was with Sehun and Suho, only a short – to him – distance away.

Chen bit his lips to hold in his cheers. The night that Suho had taken her away, he’d entertained ideas of following after the older and stealing Mi Sun away. He’d even gone as far as to plan out where he would take her, where he would hide from everyone who would try taking her away. But he had just stood by and left her leave his life instead, trusting that fate would lead her back into his life. Now, she was back and he couldn’t have been happier.

Chanyeol didn’t bother to hold in his cheers of joy once the news sunk in completely and his shock faded away. For eighteen years he’d felt nothing but fear and regret for what had happened to Mi Sun. But now, he knew she was alive and well. He sat back down, grinning ear to ear as he started to day dream about all the fun things he could do now that Mi Sun was back and all grown up.

D.O sat shell shocked, not knowing exactly what to do. Laugh? Cry? Cheer loud enough for the whole world to hear? He was thrilled to have Mi Sun back, but he felt terrified that she would hate them when they told her everything. Once she knew how they had left her, would she tell them to leave her alone? That she hated them?

Grinning like the cat that ate the canary, Tao simply looked at his brothers as four words came to mind.

“I told you so.”

A/N: so now all of EXO is going to be entering Mi Sun's life. i feel kind of bad making B.A.P and Mi Sun the unwanted kids, but there's a reason for that which will be explained later

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!