Chapter 18

My Twelve Guardians

Lay silently walked behind Mi Sun, watching her every move. Now that she knew everything, he could be open with her about everything. His power, his past, and his job to protect her. Although, Lay knew he couldn’t protect her like his brothers could. He was a healer, not a fighter. He was only useful if someone was hurt.

When it came to Mi Sun and Daehyun, he hoped that his power was never needed.

Still, he felt useless when compared to the others. Even in his other form, he was still useless. Kris turned into a dragon, Chanyeol into a phoenix, and Kai into a panther. What did Lay turn into? A horse. With a horn so tiny that it couldn’t even be used to impale the enemy. The damn thing didn’t even have a purpose, it was just there. He might as well just change into a regular horse!

Normally, he’d try to make himself stronger. He’d try to overcome his weakness so that he could be better, stronger, for his brothers and master. But this wasn’t something he could overcome with training. It wasn’t like his healing powers that he had strengthened over the years.

“Are you ok?” Mi Sun asked. Lay jumped, started to find his master standing right in front of him and looking him dead in the eye. Not for the first time, he was reminded of just how pretty she had gotten over the years and he couldn’t help blushing slightly.

“I’m fine,” he lied and gave her a confused look when she scoffed.

“Yeah right,” she gave him a disbelieving look, “you look troubled. Heck, you look like you’re about a million miles away, too caught up in your own head to notice anything else. You know you almost walked right into that display, right?” Lay followed the direction she was pointing and blushed again, this time in embarrassment. Sure he was forgetful, but clumsy enough to walk into things that were right in front of him? He must really be out of it for that to happen.

“I’m just worried,” Lay finally admitted with a deep sigh, “I can’t protect you like my brothers can and it makes me feel, well, useless.”

“You aren’t useless,” she argued, “you power is healing. That’s plenty useful.”

“Only if you’re hurt,” he replied, frowning, “and even then there are limits on what I can do.”

“Suho said something about you guys being really strong and fast,” Mi Sun said, trying her hardest to cheer him up, “that can be useful. Right?”

“It can,” he admitted.

“Then there you go,” she grinned, “and you change into a unicorn. If Daehyun and I ever needed to get away fast, we could just ride you. Wait, that came out wrong. I didn’t mean it like that.” Both went red at the double meaning of her words.

“I guess you have a point,” Lay finally said with a small smile.

“I never thanked you for healing Daehyun,” Mi Sun grinned, quickly hugging Lay, “so thank you. Suho said that Daehyun’s fever was so high he would have needed to go to the hospital if you hadn’t of healed him. You have no idea how grateful I am for what you did.” Lay had wanted to hear Mi Sun praise for healing Daehyun’s flu ever since he cured the boy. Hearing it now made him smile proudly and created a warm, bubbly feeling in his gut. It was all he could do to stop himself from cheering out loud for everyone to hear.

“Noona,” Jongup called rushing over to the pair with D.O close behind, “we got everything you asked us to get.”

“Good, she smiled at the pair, patting the younger’s head. D.O twitched slightly in envy. He’d been there too. He’d helped Jongup get everything as well as make sure they were getting the best quality for the best price. Where was his pat on the head? Lay patted his shoulder lightly, sympathizing with his brother completely.

“Where are Daehyun hyung and Baekhyun?” Jongup asked, looking around for the pair.

“Probably looking at the deserts,” Mi Sun grinned, recalling her brother’s sweet tooth, “don’t worry, I’m sure Baekhyun can look after him.”

“Is it just me, or has this place suddenly become deserted?” Lay asked, looking around to find that no one else was left in the store.

No sooner had those words left his mouth then the four heard the sound of a large explosion. Only seconds later, Daehyun and Baekhyun appeared, running as fast as they could. The older yelled at D.O to throw up a wall before urging Daehyun to keep running. D.O hesitated for a second, unclear about what was going on, before smashing his hands into the ground before him. As if by magic, a thick wall of dirt rose up out of the ground behind Baekhyun and Daehyun, shielding them from any coming attacks.

“We need to leave,” Baekhyun gasped, trying to catch his breath, “now.”

“Are you hurt?” Lay asked, moving to look over Daehyun before turning to Baekhyun.

“What happened?” D.O asked, voicing everyone’s question.

“We saw N,” Baekhyun hissed, his eye narrowed in anger. Lay and D.O’s eyes widened before narrowing. The aura around the three demons turned dark, a clear sign of just how bad the situation was.

“Who’s N?” Mi Sun asked, looking between the demons. Whoever this N person was, they must be bad to make the three demons so angry.

“He’s a demon,” Baekhyun hissed, “but he works for the people who are after your family. Him and his brothers were good friends of ours until they betrayed the family they had a contract with. Basterds killed their own masters.” Daehyun shuttered hearing that. He’d looked N in the eyes and actually talked a little bit to him. The red haired demon had seemed so nice that Daehyun had no idea something was wrong until Baekhyun rounded the corner and rushed to pull him away.

He’d had a killer right in front of him and hadn’t even realized it.

He could have died that day because he couldn’t tell the difference between a good guy and a killer.

“He’s a good liar,” Baekhyun comforted the young boy as the group started leaving, “Chanyeol and Xiumin were good friends of his and even they didn’t know what he had done until he told them.” Daehyun nodded silently before moving to Mi Sun’s side, hugging her arm tightly and hiding his face in her shoulder. On her other side, Jongup was doing the same to her other arm and shoulder.

“I didn’t think they would be coming out so soon,” Lay whispered in Baekhyun’s ear as the group quickly made their way home, using the shadows created by the evening sun to hide their movements.

“Neither did I,” Baekhyun frowned.

That Stalker guy had been right after all. Their enemy was through messing around. Now they were sending in their strongest. Baekhyun – like his brothers – had hoped that the strange man had been wrong or that they would at least have a bit more time to prepare.

Now, the white tiger could only hope that they were strong enough to protect their dear Mi Sun, Daehyun, and their family.

A/N: I’m feeling kind of bad about making VIXX evil, but…… I’ve kind of done it, so I can’t take it back. Funny thing is, N actually does know a couple of the EXO members (he mentioned it in a radio interview he did. There’s a clip of it somewhere on youtube). Please subscriber if you aren’t already. And please comment!!!!! Almost didn’t think I’d finish this chapter ‘cuz I got caught up playing Pokemon X and Y (awesome games btw).

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!