Chapter 30 - Christmas Special

My Twelve Guardians

A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays~!

Mi Sun woke up on Christmas morning to the feeling so someone jumping on her bed. When she opened her eyes, she was greeted to the smiling faces of Sehun and Tao.

“Morning,” Sehun greeted her while Tao leaded forewords so he could hug her, “D.O hyung’s in the kitchen making breakfast with Xiumin hyung’s help. The rest of us are getting everyone up.”

“You guys don’t have to do that,” Mi Sun told him, returning Tao’s hug and pulling Sehun in so he could join, “but thank you anyway.”

“No problem,” Tao smiled as the pair of demons pulled away, “don’t worry about getting dressed yet, just get down stairs and met us in the kitchen.” The two demons jumped up then, running out of the room with large grins on their faces.

Upon leaving her room, Mi Sun was greeted to the sight her brother, oppas, and dongsaeng as they left their rooms. Youngjae, never a morning person, let out a yawn as Daehyun lead him to the stairs. Yong Guk looked just as sleepy, but put a smile on his face when he saw how excited Zelo and Jongup were. Himchan, the big kid of the family, joined in with the two youngest glee.

The seven headed down stairs and paused at the bottom, staring with wide eyes at the tree. There was a ton of gifts there, way more then there had been the night before when Yong Guk, Himchan, and Mi Sun had gathered everything together and put it there. The oldest three looked at each other, trying to figure out who had left the new gifts.

“You didn’t gather our gifts,” Suho explained, smiling happily when he saw how excited the four youngest looked.

“You didn’t have to do this,” Yong Guk said, but the smile on his face told the demon that he appreciated the kind gesture.

“Breakfast before presents,” D.O called from the kitchen and the oldest four had to drag the youngest away from the tree. They might act mature for their age normally, but every Christmas morning the youngest four turned into the kids they were.

“Wow,” Himchan remarked when he saw the huge breakfast D.O and Xiumin had put together.

“My thoughts exactly,” Yong Guk laughed lightly before taking a seat at the table between Kris and Tao.

“Everything looks so good,” Mi Sun added, trying not to drool as she eyed everything on the table. D.O was a very talented cook and Xiumin wasn’t half bad either.

“Thank you,” the two cooks smiled, blushing at her praise.

“Let’s eat,” Zelo grinned before digging into the food before him. Several of the others followed his example, rushing to finish their breakfast as quickly as they could so that they could open their presents as soon as possible.

“Hurry up, noona,” Youngjae called once he’d finished, “hyungs, stop eating so slow.” Zelo echoed the older and both earned themselves playful glares from Mi Sun, Yong Guk, and Himchan.

When the oldest three had finally finished, they joined the youngest four who sat impatient around the Christmas tree. EXO laughed slightly as they watched the scene before them before joining the group themselves.

“First gift,” Yong Guk called out, pulling a random gift from under the tree before reading the tag, “Daehyun.”

“It’s from Suho,” Mi Sun read the tag for Daehyun. The younger smile at the water demon before opening the gift in his hands.

“Wow,” Youngjae whistled as Daehyun lifted the laptop Suho had gotten him up so that everyone could see.

“You didn’t have to spend so much money, hyung,” Daehyun said, a smile lighting up his face, “thank you.”

“It’s worth it if you’re happy with it,” Suho smiled, beyond pleased that he’d made Daehyun happy. As an added bonus, it seemed MI Sun was rather impressed, too.

The rest of the morning passed much the same way. Yong Guk would grab the presents and pass them to the person who it belonged to. After reading the card to see who had given the gift, it was opened. Mi Sun noticed a trend with the gifts the twelve demons had given. It almost seemed like the twelve were trying to outdo each other by giving better gifts then their brothers.

If anything, she just found it funny and cute. It was especially cute when someone got peeved by one of their brothers giving a better gift then them. Yong Guk had apparently noticed the same thing and whispered as much to Mi Sun, causing her to laugh. This caught the attention of everyone, but she told them it was nothing important.

“One last gift,” Yong Guk called out, taking a medium sized box out from under the tree before looking at the tag, “and it’s for Mi Sun and Daehyun.”

“Us?” she blinked. She could have sworn she and Daehyun already received a gift from everyone. Who could this gift be from?

“Yep,” Yong Guk nodded, reading the tag again, “but it doesn’t say who it’s from.” The seven human tensed slightly. All things considered about their situation – people who wanted both Jung children dead – seeing a package addressed to them with no known sender was a bit worry some.

“Don’t worry,” Kris called out, “we put it there.”

“So it’s from you?” Youngjae questioned, “Then why didn’t you write that on the tag?”

“Because it’s not really from us,” Chanyeol explained, “it’s from their parents. We just wrapped it and put on the tag.”

A moment of silence filled the room before Daehyun leaned over his sister and took the gift from Yong Guk’s hands. Slowly and silently, the Jung siblings removed the festive wrapping paper and opened the box to reveal what was inside.

“Noona,” Daehyun whispered, looking at pile of photographs within. But it was to one on top that brought tears to the eyes of the siblings. Carefully, Mi Sun lifted the picture up so she could get a closer look at it. Yong Guk and Youngjae were nearest the pair, so they could easily see what was in the photo.

The late Mr. and Mrs. Jung, Mi Sun and Daehyun’s father and mother.

Daehyun had never gotten to meet his parents and Mi Sun couldn’t remember their faces, so being able to see them – even if it was in the form of a picture – was just so touching for them.

“Thank you,” Daehyun managed to say before he started crying. Mi Sun nodded in agreement, her own tears preventing her from speaking.

“We figured they would want you to have them,” Baekhyun smiled as he walked over to the pair and pulled them into a hug. Baekhyun – along with his brothers – all looked just as sad as the Jung siblings. It had ben ages since they last saw a picture of their last masters and seeing such a picture now brought a tear to their eyes.

“Get dressed,” Kris finally said, “the day isn’t over yet and we have a couple more surprises for you.”

“Let’s go, kids,” Yong Guk and Youngjae helped Mi Sun and Daehyun up before herding them to their respective rooms so they could get changed.

“Let’s clean up all this wrapping paper and what not,” Himchan told Jongup and Zelo, “then we’ll get changed, too.” The three were about to start when Tao, Kai, and Sehun blocked them.

“We can take care of this,” Kai smiled, “you guys get ready.” The two youngest happily agreed but Himchan paused for a moment. Realizing that they really weren’t going to let him help, Himchan left as well.

“D.O,” Kris ordered once the seven humans were gone, “you’re in charge of getting dinner ready. Xiumin, Lay. I want you two to help him.”

“Right,” the three nodded before running off to complete their task.

“What else do we need to do, hyung?” Chen asked, trying to think of anything else himself.

“You guys just stay here,” Kris told the rest of the group, “Luhan, Tao, Kai, and I will get everything set up. Once Mi Sun and the boy are done, you just need to bring them to the park. Alright?”

“Roger!” Suho, Baekhyun, Chen, Chanyeol, and Sehun nodded. Kris nodded to himself, making sure he’d gotten everything taken care of, before leaving.

Not long after the four had left, Mi Sun and the boys made their way down stairs. Chen grinned with pride when he noticed that Daehyun and Jongup were wearing the shirts he’d gotten them. He was even more pleased to see that he was right; the shirts did look good on the two of them – and D.O had said they would never wear them. If the earth demon had of been in the room, Chen would have laughed in his face.

Of course, D.O probably would have just brought up the fact Mi Sun was wearing the skirt he’d gotten her.

“Where are the others?” Mi Sun asked, looking around for the other seven demons.

“Some are staying behind to make dinner,” Suho explained, “and Kris took some of them with him to get everything ready for when we arrive.” She nodded, wondering just what the twelve had planned.

The walk to where Kris and the others were was a silent one. Attempts at conversation had been made, but they always seemed to end on the subject of what the demons had planned. Naturally, the five demons of the group didn’t want to spoil the surprise, so they were quick to shut their mouths. This effectively ended all conversations until no one was talking.

Finally the group reached the park. Mi Sun looked around trying to find the missing demons, but came up empty handed.

“We’ve got to walk a bit more,” Sehun explained, “over a couple of hills. We can’t have any regular humans stumbling across us.”

Mi Sun wondered why regular humans coming across them mattered. That shouldn’t matter unless the guys were going to show off their powers. Could that be the surprise? Something related to their powers?

“There you are,” Kris called when he saw the group walking over the last hill, “take you seats, please.” He pointed towards seven lawn chairs that had been set up in a line, all facing an area of snow that had been piled to look like a stage area.

“What’s going on?” Zelo asked, but the nine demons just smiled. Kris, Tao, Kai, and Luhan moved to stand behind the chairs while the others stood at the back of the snow stage.

Without a word, Chanyeol stepped forward. Using his power, Luhan the stereo that was sitting behind the snow stage, hidden from sight. An upbeat song started to play and the demon on stage started to dance along. After the first couple of beats, Chanyeol created a couple of fire balls that moved to mirror his movement.

Dancing might not be Chanyeol’s specialty, but he’d been determined to put on an amazing performance for his masters and their family. For a couple of weeks now, he’d been going to the others – like Kai and Lay – to get help perfecting his dance routine. Now here he was, preforming the routine. He could only hope that he did well and they liked it.

When the song ended, Luhan paused the stereo and Chanyeol bowed. Mi Sun and the boys were already clapping for him, calling out praise for the amazing performance, before he’d started to bow. When Chanyeol straightened, he had the biggest grin any of them had ever seen on his face. Not only had he made the boys happy, but he’d gotten Mi Sun to cheer for him. Seeing her so happy was defiantly made all those long nights of practicing worth it for the fire demon.

Chanyeol moved back to stand in line with the others and Sehun came to stand at the front of the stage in his place. He nodded slightly to Luhan, signaling the older to turn the stereo back on. This time the song that played was soft and gentle, something that Sehun hoped matched his performance. Raising his hand, palm facing the sky, Sehun focused on first creating a swirling ball of wind before letting the wind go.

He kept the strength of the wind weak, letting it become no stronger than a gentle breeze. This breeze followed the flow of his hands, going where he commanded and flowing around the seven humans watching him, gently ruffling their hair and cloths. Sehun then commanded the wind to gather a bit of loose snow. From there, Sehun made the wind blow the snow into different shapes, all of which were Christmas themed.

Truth be told, it took a lot of power and concentration on Sehun’s part to control his wind to do something like that. But it was worth it when he saw the amazed look on Mi Sun’s face. The added bonus was that the boys seemed to like his act, too. Even if Sehun was a little tired after this, so long as the humans sitting before he liked what he was doing, he would do it all again in a heartbeat. When the music ended, Sehun took a bow, grinning happily at the applause her received, before joining the others at the back of the stage.

The next up was Suho. Unlike Sehun and Chanyeol, he didn’t ask for music to accompany his performance. Taking a breath, Suho stretched out his arms and created a couple of balls of water. From there, Suho moved slowly, the water echoing each movement like ribbons. While Chanyeol’s dance had been quick and upbeat, Suho’s movements were similar to T’ai chi. That was until a half way through the performance.

Suho suddenly sped up his movements. Luhan suddenly turned the stereo back on and a powerful, upbeat song starting to play that mirrored the energy Suho was displaying. Changing the pace of his performance once again, Suho fell back into the slow, relaxed movements he’d started with. Luhan switched the stereo off again and a few moments later Suho came to a stop. The water dissipated, the moisture returning to the air, and the water demon bowed before falling back into line.

By this point, it had gotten dark, creating the perfect stage for what Baekhyun and Chen had planned.

“And now for the last act of the evening,” Baekhyun smiled, making his way to the front of the stage with Chen.

“If you’ll please turn your attention to the sky above,” Chen added, “you’ll be treated to quite the show.”

Mi Sun and the boys did as asked. The second they’re eyes were no longer on Baekhyun and Chen, the light demon shot a bright green light off into the sky. The light erupted and lit up the sky just like a firework. Baekhyun shot of another burst of light that did the same as the first, but this one was blue. Then it was Chen’s turn.

The lightning demon let a bolt of lightning light up the sky. Chen kept setting off cracks of lightning, splitting the sky three more times before Baekhyun took over. Baekhyun took joy in using a multitude of colours for his lights, watching the look of joy and amazement on Mi Sun’s face. After a couple of minutes, Chen took charge once again and kept control for a few minutes before the pair started working together to light up the sky for their grand finale.

“Wow,” Himchan cheered once the last bolt of lightning had split the sky and the last light had been shot off.

“That was amazing,” Mi Sun smiled, “all of you were amazing.”

“Thank you,” Suho smiled, leading the others off the stage, “we’re happy you all liked it.”

“Let’s head home,” Kris advised, “D.O, Xiumin, and Lay are probably going to be done cooking soon and we don’t want the food to get cold.”

“Right,” Yong Guk seconded the other leader, “let’s go kids. Can’t let all that hard work go to waste.”

The walk home was filled with the humans praising Suho, Sehun, Chanyeol, Chen, and Baekhyun for their performances. Mi Sun and Yong Guk also made sure to thank Kris, Tao, Kai, and Luhan for setting everything up, a sentiment echoed by the others.

“Did you enjoy everything, Mi Sun?” Tao asked as the pair walked at the back of the group.

“Yes,” she replied, pulling the time demon in for a quick hug, “thank you. It must have taken a lot of work for you guys to set this all up. Thank you so much for doing this for us.”

“We’re just happy you’re happy,” Sehun smiled, falling into step with them, “it’s worth it so long as you’re happy.”

“Hurry up,” Kris called to them from the front of the group, “or D.O’s gonna pissed we let his food get cold.”

Later that night, the seven humans and twelve demons were gathered around the dining room table, enjoying dinner. Looking around Mi Sun couldn’t remember when she’d felt this happy. She had her family around her and she felt so loved.

Outside, N smiled sadly to himself as he looked in through the window. Everyone looked so happy and it killed him to know that his masters wanted to bring an end to this. He hoped that they would hold off on destroying the family before him for a little longer. With a sigh, N walked away, hoping to make it home in time to have dinner with his brothers.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!