Chapter 19

My Twelve Guardians

“VIXX?” Kris growled after Baekhyun told him about the events at the grocery store, “they’re getting involved?”

“Yes,” Baekhyun frowned, “N was standing right in front of Daehyun. I shouldn’t have turned my back. N could have killed him.”

“It’s not your fault,” Suho patted the younger’s shoulder, “if N wanted to get near Daehyun, he would have regardless of where you were, Baekhyun.”

Somehow, this didn’t make Baekhyun feel any better.

“I’m going to bed,” Baekhyun sighed before leaving his brothers in the kitchen. The seven humans had long since gone to bed, so it was only the demons who were still awake.

“Baekhyun?” he looked up surprised to find Mi Sun standing in the doorway of her bedroom, dressed in a pair of lose fitting pajama pants and a tank top. She looked like she’d been waiting for him and he instantly felt bad for making her wait.

“Yes?” he asked, walking over to her, “what’s wrong?”

“I couldn’t sleep,” she admitted, “and I was wondering if you could sleep with me? Like when I was little and I had a nightmare.” Suho had mentioned she still remembered that, but hearing it for himself caused a light blush to form on Baekhyun’s face and a warm feeling to fill his heart.

“Sure,” he smiled before the pair entered her room.

Mi Sun sat down on her bed and watched as Baekhyun held out his hand. A ball of light quickly formed above his outstretched palm before it floated away, coming to a stop in the farthest corner of the room. Baekhyun kept his hand out and another ball of light formed. This time, the ball of light floated to another area of the room. Soon, Baekhyun had created at least a dozen balls of light that floated around the room like paper lanterns.

On their own, each light did little to illuminate to room. But combined they filled the room with a nice, comforting glow. Baekhyun looked around the room, debating on if the lights were bright enough or if he needed to dim them a little. They seemed to be fine and Mi Sun looked happy, so he left them as they were before crawling into her bed with her.

“Come here,” he smiled at her, holding his arms open so that he could hold her while they slept.

“Thank you,” Mi Sun whispered after making herself comfortable in the light demon’s arms, “for protecting Daehyun from that N guy.”

“No problem,” Baekhyun shrugged as best he could, “I’m not going to let that basterd anywhere near you and Daehyun.” She smiled slightly before falling asleep.

Despite feeling quite sleepy himself, Baekhyun took the opportunity to look around Mi Sun’s room. It was the first time any of the demons had set foot inside her bedroom and naturally Baekhyun was curious about what it looked like. The bed was shoved into a corner and was covered with blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals.

One in particular caught Baekhyun’s eye as it was a stuffed dog he remembered Sehun giving her for her first birthday. The poor plushy wasn’t in the greatest condition anymore, time and washing machines hadn’t been good to it. But Baekhyun could see that Mi Sun had done her best to take care of it. No doubt Sehun would be more then pleased to hear she still had it.

On the other side of the room was a wooden wardrobe, painted with an intricate design of black and crimson paint. The desk beside it had a similar design, same as the twin bookshelves resting beside the bed. The shelves and drawers on all were stuffed full of books, clothing, and papers. Glancing down at her bed, Baekhyun figured that this was a trend with his master, probably caused by her days of having nothing to call her own at the orphanage.

Taking one last look around the room, Baekhyun found himself glaring at the posters on Mi Sun’s walls. The faces of male idol groups like U-KISS and BIGBANG greeted his eyes and he found himself hating boys he’d never even met before. Why would his Mi Sun like guys like that? He and his brothers were better looking than any of those idols.

With that less than happy though Baekhyun fell asleep, pulling his master closer to him.

Morning came much too soon for the light demon’s taste. He groaned loudly behind trying to hide his head beneath his pillows. His eyes opened when he heard a giggle beside him.

“Mi Sun?” he asked, his brain trying to recall why she would be in his bed. Then his brain woke up enough for him to remember that he’d slept in her room the night before.

“Good morning, Baekhyun oppa,” she smiled, pulling herself from his arms, much to Baekhyun’s dismay, “it’s time to get up.”

“No,” he frowned, reaching out to pull her back, “I’m too sleepy.” Mi Sun had to fight to keep herself from laughing at him. Baekhyun was also so cool in her eyes, so it was kind of funny to see him whining like this.

“Then go back to bed,” she finally said, “I’ll come get you when it’s time for breakfast.” Baekhyun still pouted as he watched her leave the room, but once it was clear she was gone he let his head fall back into the pillows and went right back to sleep.

“Good morning, Mi Sun,” D.O greeted her once she entered the kitchen.

“Morning,” she replied, “why are you up so early? No one else is.” It suddenly occurred to Mi Sun that she hadn’t gotten to spend any quality time with D.O since she met him. She watched him for a moment, silently working on breakfast for everyone, before an idea hit her.

“D.O?” she asked, “do you want to go somewhere today?”

“Umm,” he blinked, unsure of how to respond. Of course he wanted to spend time with Mi Sun, but she probably intended to bring someone else along. Like her brother or one of his brothers. D.O wanted to spend time alone with her, not as part of a group.

“Just the two of us?” she offered and D.O quickly nodded, not trusting his voice to hide just how excited he was to be spending time alone with Mi Sun.

A/N: I hope you all like Baekhyun’s one-on-one time with Mi Sun (I know someone asked for Baekhyun-Mi Sun time, so I hope they enjoyed it). Now D.O’s going to get some love in the next chapter. And now I have a question for you all: not counting Baekhyun, Lay, and D.O (since they already got some one-on-one time), which of the guys do you want to see get some alone time with Mi Sun next? Thank you to all my subscribers! Please leave a comment if you have the time!! since next week is Halloween, I’ve got a special treat for you guys, so keep an eye out for it

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!