Chapter 44

My Twelve Guardians

The twelve demons sat around the living room in total silence. Now that Luhan had his day out with Mi Sun, it was time to confess their feeling to her. If they were being honest, none of them were ready to confess their feelings yet.

How would they even do it? Confess one at a time until Mi Sun said ‘I love you’ to one of them? How was that fair? And they weren’t even sure if she loved any of them in the first place. For all they knew, they could all confess to her only to hear her say that she was in love with Yong Guk. Those two were pretty darn close…

“This is stupid,” Luhan growled, “we should just go to her and confess.”

“You make it sound easy, hyung,” Chen scoffed, “how do you propose we do that? All walk up at once and say “Hi, Mi Sun. guesses what? We all love you and want to spend forever with you,” Somehow I don’t think that will work out.”

“I don’t see you offering a better suggestion,” Sehun smirked.

“I could say the same thing about you,” Kai replied. Then he paused and rethought his words and tone, “sorry, Sehun. I didn’t mean to sound so mad.”

“Its fine, hyung,” the younger demon sighed, “I’m sorry, Chen hyung.” Chen nodded to show he accepted the apology before turning to Luhan and offering one of his own.

“Who would of thought confessing to the girl we love would be so hard?” Suho tried to laugh, but it came out more bitter and remorseful then he intended.

“Maybe we could write her notes,” Tao suggested, “something like ‘Mi Sun, I love you. If you feel the same, please meet me here at this time.’ That way if she rejects us, any of us, we don’t have to worry about being rejected face to face.”

“I like it,” Kris nodded, thinking the younger demon’s plan over, “but if she loves more than one of us, she’ll have to rush between locations.”

“Then we keep the meeting spots close by,” Baekhyun smiled, “and she’ll have whoever she picks first helping her move around to the different places.”

“Then we’ll do that,” Xiumin grinned and everyone else nodded.

Unknown to them all, Mi Sun sat at the top of the stairs with Daehyun and Youngjae, listening to every word the demons had said. A bit dazed that all twelve demons loved her, the boys lead her back to her room. The three sat on her bed, silently thinking over what they had heard.

“They all have my support,” Youngjae finally said, “I didn’t like them at first, but they’ve worked really hard protect us and become part of our family. I trust them.”

“Same,” Daehyun nodded, “but do you love them, noona? Any of them?”

“I love all of them,” Mi Sun frowned slightly, “but is that right? Loving all twelve of them? Is that fair to them?”

“I don’t think they mind,” Youngjae smiled slightly.

“Think of it this way,” Daehyun explained, “they’re immortal. You aren’t. They really love you, like the kind of love you only find once in your whole life. I don’t think they have any problems sharing you if it means they all get to experience that kind of love.”

Mi Sun nodded, showing her understanding, but she still didn’t know. Was it really fair to the twelve demons to make them share her? How could they be alright with that? She knew she wouldn’t be fi she was in their shoes. Daehyun did have a point.

“Just think about it,” Youngjae smiled slightly, “wait until they’ve confessed before you decide what to do. Maybe when you hear their confession, you’ll realize you love one more than the others or something.” with that, the two boys left her alone, wishing her goodnight before shutting the door.

She sat there silently, listening to the sounds cars passing the house and the demons going to bed. She’d only recently realized her feelings for the twelve and now she knew that they all loved her in return. Could she really love all of them, or would her feelings change over time and she’d love one more than the others? Would EXO be alright with that, her loving all of them, or would they want her to pick just one?

“Gah!” she yelled into her pillow. Why couldn’t this be easy? Why did love have to be so hard? With that thought, Mi Sun fell asleep.

The next morning she woke up to find a stack of letters resting on top of her bedside table. Without even reading them, she knew what they were. She was tempted to call out for Suho to ask his advice, but seeing as how one of the letters belonged to him asking the water demon for help wasn’t exactly possible.

“They confess?” Himchan asked, walking into her room. He’d been passing by when he noticed Mi Sun was just sitting there looking troubled.

“How did you know?” she asked.

“Daehyun might have mentioned your problem to me,” he shrugged, sitting down beside her, “if you want my advice, I can give it.”

“Please.” Before the demons came into her life, she’d always gone to Himchan for help with her problems. Now was as good a time as any to renew that habit.

“I think you should do what your heart tells you,” he ruffled her hair, “don’t worry about anything else. If your heart says you love all of them, then go with that feeling as far as it will take you. You know you have my support not matter what, same with everyone else.”

“But,” she tried to find the right words, “my head keeps telling me it’s wrong.”

“Tell your head to shut up,” Himchan shrugged. With that, he left her alone to think, wishing her luck before exiting her room. Sitting alone, Mi Sun wondered if maybe her heart was right. If her heart said she loved all twelve demons, then maybe she should go with that feeling. Enjoy that ‘one in a life time’ type of love while it lasted.


“She didn’t show up,” Tao frowned as he walked home with Suho and Baekhyun. The other two nodded, looking just as sad as Tao felt.

“But we’ll support her no matter what,” Suho reminded the pair, trying to sound cheerful even though they all knew he was dying on the inside.

“She didn’t pick any of you either, huh?” Kai called out, making his way over to the three with Xiumin and Chen following after him.

“At least we have each other,” Baekhyun forced a smile, “that’s something right.” The others nodded half-heartedly.

When they arrived home, they found the rest of their brothers standing around the front steps, reluctant to go inside in case Mi Sun was there with whomever she’d chosen.

“What?” Kris blinked in surprise when he say Suho’s group making their way over, “she didn’t pick any of you?”

“Then she didn’t pick anyone,” Luhan frowned, “she doesn’t love any of us.”

“We’ve probably made things weird between us with those confessions,” Sehun sighed sadly, “what if she doesn’t want to be around us now?”

“Mi Sun isn’t like that,” D.O comforted the younger, “she’s probably waiting inside so she can give us a really nice rejection and then we’ll all pretend this never happened.” A few of the others nodded in agreement, but now none of them wanted to go in. they wanted to avoid hearing her say that she didn’t love them, avoid knowing the person they loved most didn’t return their feelings.

“Hyungs,” Zelo smiled, throwing open the door with a huge grin, “how long have you been out here? Mi Sun noona’s been waiting for you.”

“Hurry up,” Jongup added with his own sweet smile, waving for the twelve demons to come inside. They all exchanged confused looks – why did Jongup and Zelo look so happy about them being rejected? – before doing as asked.

In the living room, they found Mi Sun sitting on the couch. She looked incredibly nervous, chewing on her bottom lip. Slowly, each demon took a seat, watching her silently as they waited for her to talk.

“I don’t know how to begin,” she frowned slightly, struggling to form the right words to describe her feelings.

“Just begin with whatever you feel is the most important thing to say,” Suho suggested, not liking how troubled she was. Even if she was about to reject him, he still didn’t want to see her so confused and worried.

“I love all of you,” she smiled after a pause. It felt kind of nice to say it out loud, to say it to them.

The demons paused, waiting for her to add a ‘but I’m not in love with you’ to her statement. No such attachment ever came and smiles began to slowly form on their faces.

“You love all of us?” Chanyeol asked, “As in you’re in love with all of us?”

“Yes,” she nodded, I spent the whole day trying to figure out if I love one of you more than the others, but I love you all the same. I know that’s not really fair to you, and I’m sorry if—.” She was cut off by Tao rushing forewords to hug her tightly to his chest.

“I love you, Mi Sun,” he smiled, “I don’t mind if you love my brothers, too. Just so long as you love me back, I’m happy.” The others echoed his words, all moving closer to Mi Sun so that they could hug her as well.

From the staircase, Yong Guk and the boys watched the scene. Each smiled as they noticed how happy Mi Sun and EXO looked.

“She followed her heart,” Himchan smiled.

“Good thing she did,” Yong Guk nodded before turning to the four youngest, “now get to bed. Let’s leave these love birds alone, alright?”

A/N: hope you all liked this chapter. I had a lot of ideas about how EXO would confess, but then I got writing this chapter and this *points to chapter* is how it ended up. i know a lot of you have been looking forewords to this chapter, so i hope it turned out good

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!