Chapter 4

My Twelve Guardians

It had been a week since Suho had come to the boarding house and he spent every moment he could getting closer to Mi Sun. It didn’t make up for missing so much of her life, but he thought he was doing a good job of bonding to the young woman he had promised to protect.

In fact, only two things were wrong with his life right then.

The first was very simple; Daehyun hated him.

As Zelo had explained it, Daehyun hated it when people came between him and his family. More importantly, him and his sister. Considering Daehyun’s background and shyness, Suho could understand why Daehyun would fear someone taking away the people he loved, hate anyone who invaded his world and took away the few people who he cared about and cared about him in turn. That was why he was doing his best to get closer to the young boy; so that he didn’t think Suho was taking his sister away from him. Thus far, his plan didn’t seem to be working, but the immortal had hope.

The second problem was much more important; His brothers had yet to show up.

Suho had thought that the idea of finding Mi Sun alone would bring them running from wherever they had gone after the night that night eighteen years ago. However, that did not seem to be the case because they had yet to show up.

It honestly scared Suho a little bit because it made him think of all the bad things that could have happened to his brothers over the years.

“You look worried,” Mi Sun noted, glancing up from the homework she was helping Daehyun with. Noticing her attention was no longer his, Daehyun shot a glare at Suho and started tapping the table until Mi Sun looked back down at his papers.

“It’s nothing to worry about,” Suho smiled kindly, “just keep helping Daehyun with his work.”

“If you’re sure,” she glanced over at him once more before her focus returned completely to Daehyun. The teen smiled slightly, proud to have his noona’s attention once more. Despite his dislike for the older male, Daehyun flashed him a grateful look for his help.

Suho watched the pair for a while before turning to look out the living room window. Didn’t his brother’s feel it? That buzz he had felt when Mi Sun had signed the contract should have been felt by all twelve immortals. It should have been enough to call them back to South Korea, back to their master’s side.

Hadn’t Kai and Sehun promised her that they would find her one day and never leave her side again? Why were they not coming to fulfill that promise now?

“Can someone get the door please?” Yong Guk called from the kitchen moments later when there was a knock at the door.

“I got it,” Mi Sun called back as she made her way over, Daehyun following behind her like a shadow. Suho watched the pair move and found himself hoping that it was one of his brothers.

“Hello,” Mi Sun bowed slightly when she was greeted by a dark haired boy with panda eyes. Behind her Daehyun moved closer to her. This new guy looked pretty scary and the younger was not about to let him hurt Mi Sun. Daehyun might be too shy to talk to people, but he’d take down anyone who messed with his noona in a heartbeat. Well, his noona and his hyung and his dongsaeng.

“I’m looking for Kim Joonmyun,” the man at the door said, his tone cold as he practically glared at her, “Is he here?” Suho blinked when he heard the voice, trying to make sure that he had really just heard Tao’s voice and it wasn’t a dream.

“Tao?” he asked, coming up beside his master and her brother, “what are you doing here?”

“Kris told me to bring you back,” Tao explained, “so I’m bringing you home with me.” Suho frowned.

Didn’t’ his brothers realize that he was with Mi Sun? Their Mi Sun!

“I’m not leaving,” he told the younger immortal.

“Suho?” Mi Sun spoke up, “who is this guy?”

“It’s nothing to worry about, Mi Sun,” he smiled at her and Tao looked down at the girl in surprise, “just go back to Daehyun’s work. He has to have it done for school tomorrow, right?” MI Sun nodded as Daehyun pulled her away, casting one last glance at Tao before exiting the front hall completely.

“Let’s step outside for a moment,” Suho said as he moved onto the front step, closing the door behind him.

“Is that our master?” Tao glared at the door, “you let her have the scroll because she has the same name as her, didn’t you?”

“No,” Suho glared at Tao, “she is our Mi Sun. If you can’t tell that just by looking at her then you’ve gone crazy. That is our Jung Mi Sun.”

“No,” Tao was trembling slightly, “it can’t be her. She’s gone. We gave her away.” Tao wanted to believe the beautiful young woman he had seen was his Mi Sun. More than anything, he wanted to see the little girl he had been a best friend to years ago. But he’d come to grips with reality shortly after Suho took her away.

He would never see Mi Sun again.

“It is her, Tao,” Suho smiled softly, “she was raised in the same orphanage I drop our Mi Sun off at. She has the same name. Her parent’s names are exactly the same. I know you felt that buzz in your veins when she signed her name onto the scroll. That’s because it’s our Mi Sun. If weren’t for her adopted brother, she’d be exactly the same but the fact she adopted him shows that she’s still as kind hearted now as she was then.”

Tao felt so torn. He wanted to rush inside and pull Mi Sun into a hug he wasn’t sure he would ever let her out of, but he also couldn’t help but remember what Kris had told him.

Our master is gone. Whoever signed the scroll is not our master. They are not our Mi Sun. Tao, go and bring Suho back. We are not going to protect this person who thinks that they can be our master.”

“Kris told me to bring you back,” Tao confessed, “he doesn’t know that it’s Mi Sun. He doesn’t want us to protect her.” Suho nodded, finally understanding why his brothers had taken so long to show up.

“You can go back and tell them that it’s her,” he explained, “but I’m not going to leave her side for a second time.”

“They aren’t going to believe you,” Tao warned, “we’ve spent so long missing Mi Sun. I don’t think they’ll want to believe we finally have her back. Even I’m not sure if I fully believe it yet. The odds of finding her were so bad.”

“She’s no longer our little girl,” Suho added, “She’s a grown woman now. I think that will make things harder for them. We missed out on so much of her life.”

Tao turned to the door once more before leaving. As he walked back to his brothers, he thought about the first word he’d spoken to Mi Sun since the night they gave her up. He’d been so cold, sounded so mean. On a whim, he turned around and sprinted back to the boarding house just as Suho was closing the door.

Suho looked confused as Tao brushed by him and entered the living room where Mi Sun was sitting with Daehyun.

“Hello,” Tao greeted Mi Sun, bowing low before giving her a big smile, “my name is Huang Zi Tao, but you can call me Tao. I’m Suho little brother. I hope we can be friends.” From the door, Suho smiled at the sign one of his brothers had accepted Mi Sun back into their lives.

“It’s, um, nice to meet you,” Mi Sun blinked, trying to understand the sudden change in the guy who had glared at her only minutes before, “I’m Jung Mi Sun. This is my brother, Daehyun.”

Daehyun glanced between his sister, Suho, and Tao. Something about the two men didn’t feel right to him. He wasn’t sure what it was, but looking into their eyes when they looked at Mi Sun, he realized that they looked at her the same way Yong Guk and the others looked at her. Probably, the same way he looked at her.

He realized that these boys were going to come between him and his sister.

He already hated them.

A/N: just so we’re clear here: No, Daehyun does not love Mi Sun as anything other than a sister. Just wanna make that care before someone starts shipping them. On another note, i'm sure many of you are happy to see another EXO boy (Tao) entering the story. the rest will --finally -- show up in the next two chapters. hope you like the chapter and please subscribe and comment!!

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!