Chapter 2

My Twelve Guardians

“We’re back,” Mi Sun called as Daehyun held the door open for her.

“Did you get me the stuff I asked for?” Youngjae called from the living room.

“Don’t be rude to your noona,” Yong Guk scolded, smacking the younger boy’s shoulder.

“I got everything,” Mi Sun smiled slightly as she handed one of the bags over to Youngjae, “now you have not excuse not to do your homework.” The boy nodded, not actually listening to her before rushing out of the room to his bedroom.

“You’re too lax on that kid, Mi-Mi,” Yong Guk sighed, standing to help her with the rest of the bags, “he’ll never learn how to properly treat a girl if you let him do as he pleases.”

“If he doesn’t treat girls well, they can always avoid him,” she shrugged and Himchan started to laugh about how she was going to make a horrible mother when she had kids. That or how she had no problem dooming Youngjae to a life alone without love.

From the roof, Suho could hear everything and frowned at how Mi Sun behaved. She seemed so uncaring now, so different from the little girl who called him Su-Su oppa.

“Noona shouldn’t let Youngjae talk to her like that,” Daehyun frowned, hugging Mi Sun from behind.

“You three act like I let everyone walk right over me,” she pouted, “it’s just Youngjae. And I don’t always let him get away with it.” The other three let her have that one. She didn’t always let Youngjae act like a brat, sometimes she told him off.

“Daehyun,” she turned to the brown haired boy at her side, “can you take this scroll and put it in my room.” Daehyun frowned as the parchment was put in his hands, but it was Mi Sun’s request so he did as she asked.

“What was that?” Yong Guk raised an eyebrow as she joined him in the kitchen to help put away groceries.

“Nothing too important,” she brushed off the question, “Zelo asked me to get it because it had my parent’s names on it.”

“The shop keeper said it was a demon contract,” Zelo bounded into the kitchen, “noona’s family made it with twelve demons.” Yong Guk gave her a what nonsense are you filling this kid’s head with look and she shrugged.

“You try telling that kid no,” she hissed in his ear before returning to her task, “demons aren’t even real, Zelo. They’re like Youngjae’s manners. No existent.” From the living room, Himchan could be heard laughing so hard he fell off the couch.

From the roof, Suho frowned again. His master thought demons weren’t real? Well, he wasn’t really a demon, more a spirit. But still, she thought creatures like him didn’t exist! No, that was something he had to fix right away.

With a bright smile at an idea forming in his mind, Suho jumped to the ground. Thanking whatever higher power there was that Mi Sun lived in a boarding house that she ran with the boys, he knocked on the front door.

“I got it!” he heard Zelo and Himchan yell, followed by a crashing sound as the pair smashed into each other. A few seconds later, Yong Guk opened the door. Behind him, Mi Sun and Daehyun tried to help the fallen males off the ground while they yelled at each other, blaming the other for the fall.

“Can I help you?” Yong Guk asked Suho, trying to block the sight behind him as best he could with his body and the door.

“Yes,” the immortal being smiled, “I heard that this is a boarding house. Are there any room’s available?”

“Mi Sun?” the oldest turned slightly to confirm things with the girl, “We have a room, right? That married couple moved out this morning like they said?”

“Jongup just finished cleaning the room,” she nodded and Daehyun nodded in silent confirmation as the final member of their family, Jongup, made his way down the stairs with a basket of dirty sheets in his arms, proof that he’d cleaned the room in question. Following behind him was Youngjae who had left his room upon hearing someone at the door and the crash caused by Himchan and Zelo.

“Then we have room,” Yong Guk moved to the side so Suho could come in, “Jongup, can you show this guy to his room once I sort out the details?”

“Ne, hyung,” Jongup smiled shyly at Suho who smiled back.

“Let’s start with introductions,” Yong Guk said and the rest fell into line with him, oldest to youngest.

“We are B.A.P,” the seven chanted, “yes, sir.” Suho blinked, a little surprised, but soon smiled. He and his brothers had a similar greeting.

“I’m Bang Yong Guk, the oldest at 22,” Yong Guk bowed.

“Kim. Him. Chan.” Himchan laughed, “22.” Beside him, Mi Sun rolled her eyes before introducing herself.

“Jung Mi Sun. 21,” she patted Daehyun’s shoulder and he bowed as she introduced him, “this is Jung Daehyun. He’s 17 and my brother.”

“You don’t look alike,” Suho noted, looking between the two. He felt a flash of worry rush through him. His Mi Sun had no brother, but this one did. Was he wrong? Was this actually a different Mi Sun?

“Adopted,” she explained before Youngjae step forwards.

“Yoo Youngjae,” Youngjae bowed, “I’m 16 and the brain of the group.” Mi Sun muttered something about manners to Himchan who started laughing, earning a glare from Youngjae.

“I’m Moon Jongup,” Jongup bowed and smiled cutely, “I’m 16, too, but I’m younger by a few weeks.”

“I’m Choi Junhong,” Zelo bowed, “but I prefer being called Zelo. I’m the 15 year old maknae.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Suho smiled, “I’m Kim Joonmyun, but you can call me Suho. I’m 21.” Truthfully, he was much older, but he looked 21. Plus, the truth wasn’t the best option for him.

“How long are you going to be staying?” Yong Guk led Suho into the front parlor which was set up to work as an office.

“I’m not sure yet,” Suho told him, “but for now I can pay for two weeks.” Well, he could pay for several years, but that wasn’t something he felt like mentioning.

“Are you sure about that,” Yong Guk laughed, “I haven’t even told you how much it costs for a night.”

“Will 300000 won per night be enough?” (A/N: according to the Google currency calculator, 300000 won = about $278.70 Canadian) Suho pulled several bill from his jacket pocket and the human male blinked in surprise.

“Actually, it’s only 100000 won (A/N: $92.90 Canadian)per night,” he tried to sound nonchalant about it, but internally he was wondering what kind of person carried so much cash in the jacket pocket and stayed at a boarding house.

“It’s my parent’s money,” Suho lied, apparently realizing what Yong Guk was thinking, “I kind of ran away from home and took a bunch of cash with me.” Yong Guk nodded in understanding. Over the past couple of years since he bought the boarding house, he’d seen plenty of young rich kids running away from home, pockets stuffed full of bills. Suho’s supply of cash didn’t surprise him if that was the case.

“How about this,” Yong Guk patted the immortal on the shoulder, “you pay me when you leave. And don’t think you can get away without paying, “I know a guy who’ll hunt you down and kick your if you screw me and my good faith.”

“Don’t worry,” Suho smiled, “I’ll make sure to pay for my stay here.”

“Jongup,” Yong Guk called the second youngest into the room, “can you take Suho-sshi to his room for me?”

“Ne, hyung,” Jongup smiled kindly as he entered the room and waved Suho to follow him.

“Thank you,” the older smiled.

“If you need anything, Yong Guk hyung and Himchan hyung’s room is across the hall and Mi Sun noona’s room is right beside them,” Jongup explained as the pair made their way up stairs, “Zelo and my room is beside her room and Daehyun and Youngjae have the room beside that.”

“Thank you again,” Suho smiled before entering into his new room.

The room was spacious enough for one person, but Suho figured that he could fit at least one more of his brothers in with him should the need arise. The furnishings were also rather simple; a bed, dresser, and desk. Only the barest of essentials were there since the room’s occupant would not be permanent.

“This will do,” Suho nodded to himself before starting to unpack his things.

A/N: thank you so much to my subscribers. please read and enjoy and comment if you have the time.

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 53: Yay for happy ending^3^♥
Chapter 14: Aww cute story.
Exo seems a lil bit to soft.. I mean they are demons and lived for a longg time.. They cry soo easily..

It's a great story tho!
Chapter 28: Soo.....N and the other members was EXO's friend in the past???
Chapter 23: Ooooh~So sweet,Sehun-ah!~
Chapter 20: T-they K-kiss H-her!!!!OMO!! UH-OH!! 3.....2.....goodbye people on earth ......1.....BOOM!!!*blood scattered everywhere*
My family:.....*Facepalm*.....She fangirls too much.....Anyway she love this chapter, Author-nim!!^^
Chapter 16: WHAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!Daehyun and Mi Sun are siblings!!!!?!?!?!!Author-nim....Is this true?? Y^Y
Chapter 15: uhm...Why don't Mi Sun end up with all of them????O3O Is that a good suggestion???or not....^^
Chapter 13: TT__________________TT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!HUHUHUHUHUHUHU!!!I'm crying.......literally.....TTwTT
Chapter 6: Finally!!!\(^0^)/ Let's celebrate!!!!!!
Chapter 4: OMG !!!I'm excited!!COOL chapter you got there Author-nim!!!